8 research outputs found
This research was aimed to identify the influence of socio-environmental factors on track and field athletes of age 13–17 participation in sport. Questionnaire method was used to examine 52 athletes (age 13–17). Interview method was applied to question 11 coaches of track and field athletics. Analysis of survey data revealed that the most important socio-environmental factor that determined cadets and juniors choice to engage in sport was a possibility to communicate with other athletes and coach (cadets – 60.2%; juniors – 66.7%). Young athletes attended trainings because of intentions to achieve high sport results (100% cadets; 92.6% juniors) and to participate in sport competitions (80.3% cadets; 88.9% juniors). Coaches’ interview revealed that choice of track and field athletics and frequency of participating in trainings were influenced by the complexity of socio-environmental factors: authority of the coach (regularity, ability to interest), parents’ and friends’ recommendations, conditions of trainings. Conclusion. Social factors were of major importance for cadets and juniors in choosing track and field athletics, though self-realization goals were of higher importance for young athletes when participating in sport. KEYWORDS: socio-environmental factors, young track and field athletes, sport activity
Health-related physical fitness of Klaipeda city sixth grades pupils
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Klaipėdos miesto šeštų klasių mokinių fizinis pajėgumas, susijęs su sveikata, bei jo kaita. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dviem etapais: 2009 m. gegužės mėn. ir 2013 m. gegužės mėn. Kriterinės atrankos būdu buvo parinktos keturios Klaipėdos miesto bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos. Pirmame ir antrame tyrimo etapuose iš viso dalyvavo tų pačių mokyklų 651 šeštos klasės mokinys. 2009 metais tyrime dalyvavo 295 tiriamieji, iš jų 51,2 % mergaičių, o 2013 metais – 356 tiriamieji, iš jų 48,0 % mergaičių. Didžioji dalis tiriamųjų buvo 13 metų amžiaus ir buvo paskirti į pagrindinę medicininę fizinio pajėgumo grupę. Šeštų klasių mokiniai atliko penkis fizinio pajėgumo, susijusio su sveikata, testus: 1 mylios (1610 m) bėgimas / ėjimas (kraujotakos ir kvėpavimo sistemų ištvermė), kybojimas sulenktomis rankomis (rankų ir pečių raumenų jėga ir ištvermė), sėstis ir gultis (n/30 s) (pilvo raumenų jėga ir ištvermė), šuolis į tolį iš vietos (kojų raumenų staigioji jėga), sėstis ir siekti (lankstumas), taip pat buvo apskaičiuotas kūno masės indeksas (KMI). [...]The aim of this study was to examine Klaipeda city sixth grades pupils‘ health-related physical fitness and to ascertain its alternation.
The research was pursued by two stages: May 2009 and May 2013. The four Klaipeda city comprehensive schools were chosen by the manner of criterion selection. The pupils of same schools participated in both research stages: overall 651 pupils of sixth grades. 295 six-graders participated in the research of 2009 (51.2% girls), 356 – in 2013 (48.0% girls). The most part of the researched were 13 years old. The pupils of sixth grades fulfilled five tests of health-related physical fitness: 1 mile run/walk (cardiorespiratory endurance), Flexed-arm hang (upper body muscular strength and endurance), Sit-ups (N/30 s) (abdominal muscular strength and endurance), Standing long jump (explosive leg power), Sit and reach (flexibility) and the Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Descriptive statistics were calculated (including means, standard deviations) for each fitness component. Comparing the received results with the country average values, the One-Sample T test was invoked. Independent t test was used to compare the results of year 2009 and 2013. [...
Aspects of students' self-evaluation of their physical condition and motivation for physical activity
The main objective of the study is to establish how the students evaluate their physical condition and get involved into physical activity; make a research of physical status and physical capacity of the students; establish how adequate is a subjective self evaluation of physical condition and in what way it influences motivation for physical training and physical activity. The survey has showed that the results of majority of the students' physical condition are low, though 86,2% of the students consider their physical condition to be good. The students are unable to evaluate their physical condition properly and have low motivation for physical training, what hinders creation of a positive attitude towards physical activity. This is also influenced by lack of knowledge about own physical condition. Only 5.1% of the students have been able to indicate frequency of their pulse in passive condition. Majority of the students have mixed up such definitions as grace, body shape, muscle and physical properties. The students lack firm position towards physical activity. 24.1% of the students do not attend physical training classes due to laziness and lack of appropriate environment: attractive forms of training, satisfactory sports base, and personality of the teacher
Socialinės aplinkos veiksnių įtaka jaunųjų lengvaatlečių dalyvavimui sportinėje veikloje
Lietuvos lengvaatlečių varžybų statistika rodo, kad šiuolaikinė problema yra mažėjantis mokinių, norinčių dalyvauti lengvosios atletikos pratybose ir varžybose, skaičius. Lietuvos (Miškinis, 2002, Žilinskienė ir kt., 2007) ir užsienio šalių mokslininkai (Weiss et ai., 2003; 2010; Scanlan et. al, 2003; 2009) pažymi, kad šiai situacijai įtakos gali turėti ne tik individualūs gebėjimai, saviraiškos poreikiai, amžius, bet socialinė aplinka – tėvų pritarimas ir paskatinimas, draugų požiūris, trenerio ir sportininko bei sportininkų tarpasmeniniai santykiai ir pan. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti socialinės aplinkos veiksnių įtaką 13-17 metų lengvaatlečių dalyvavimui sportinėje veikloje. Tyrime buvo taikyti mokslinės-metodinės literatūros analizės, anketinės apklausos, struktūrizuoto interviu, statistinės analizės tyrimo metodai. Anketinės apklausos metodu 2011 m. gegužės-birželio mėnesį buvo apklausti 52 lengvaatlečiai (13-17 metų), sportuojantys Klaipėdos apskrityje. 2011 m. lapkričio mėnesį buvo atliktas interviu su 11 Klaipėdos apskrityje dirbančių lengvosios atletikos trenerių. Anketinės apklausos duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad svarbiausias socialinės aplinkos veiksnys, lėmęs jaunučių ir jaunių lengvosios atletikos pasirinkimą, yra galimybė bendrauti su kitais sportuojančiais ir treneriu (jaunučiai – 60,2 proc.; jauniai – 66,7 proc.). Beveik pusė respondentų nurodė, kad pasirinko lengvąją atletiką, nes pakvietė treneris (jaunučiai – 44,5 proc.) ar rekomendavo kūno kultūros mokytojas (jauniai – 40,7 proc). Jaunųjų lengvaatlečių dalyvavimui sportinėje veikloje socialinės aplinkos veiksniai nėra itin svarbūs. Aktualūs yra savirealizacijos tikslai: jaunieji lengvaatlečiai treniruojasi, nes nori pasiekti gerų sportinių rezultatų (100 proc. jaunučių; 92,6 proc. jaunių), dalyvauti sporto varžybose (80,3 proc. jaunučių; 88,9 proc. jaunių), būti stiprūs ir sveiki (80,1 proc. jaunučių). Interviu su treneriais atskleidė, kad lengvosios atletikos pasirinkimui bei šios sporto šakos pratybų lankymui įtakos turi visas kompleksas socialinės aplinkos veiksnių: trenerio įtaka (profesionalumas, mokėjimas sudominti), tėvų ir draugų rekomendacijos, treniruočių sąlygos. Lengvosios atletikos lankymo trukmė priklauso nuo pasiektų sportinių rezultatų, trenerio, tėvų, komandos narių (draugų) palaikymo, materialinės bazės, treniruočių įdomumo ir pan. Šie veiksniai yra pagrindiniai ir palaikant mokinius varžybose. Tačiau nesėkmės sporte, pažangumo problemos mokykloje, patirtos traumos, problemos su komandos nariais ir treneriu, tėvų nepalaikymas ir nauji sportavimo poreikiai yra pagrindinės priežastys, lemiančios pasitraukimais pasirinktos sporto šakos.This research was aimed to identify the influence of socio-environmental factors on track and field athletes of age 13-17 participation in sport. Questionnaire method was used to examine 52 athletes (age 13-17). Interview method was applied to question 11 coaches of track and field athletics. Analysis of survey data revealed that the most important socio-environmental factor that determined cadets and juniors choice to engage in sport was a possibility to communicate with other athletes and coach (cadets – 60.2%; juniors – 66.7%). Young athletes attended trainings because of intentions to achieve high sport results (100% cadets; 92.6% juniors) and to participate in sport competitions (80.3% cadets; 88.9% juniors). Coaches' interview revealed that choice of track and field athletics and frequency of participating in trainings were influenced by the complexity of socio-environmental factors: authority of the coach (regularity, ability to interest), parents' and friends' recommendations, conditions of trainings. Social factors were of major importance for cadets and juniors in choosing track and field athletics, though self-realization goals were of higher importance for young athletes when participating in sport
Assessment of competences of the governments of the Republic of Lithuania
The Government of the Republic of Lithuania is a state governance body that changes every four years. Good state governance is also essential for politicians to gain the trust of the citizens living in the country. The importance of state governance is critical because it depends on the wellfunctioning functions of government. Since the beginning of the restoration of independence, seventeen governments have completed their terms, and the eighteenth government is currently in power. The paper analyses the composition of the last ten governments in Lithuania (1999-2022) and the appointment of individuals to ministerial positions, categorising them as either politicians or specialists in their respective fields. Out of the ten governments analysed, it was discovered that eight consisted of politicians serving as ministers, while the other two had specialised ministers. The 17th government of Saulius Skvernelis had the highest number of specialist ministers. The majority of ministers in the 9th to 15th governments had backgrounds in law or economics. Political ministers are the dominant type in Lithuania and can be considered more stable and successful. These ministers are capable of withstanding political pressure, engaging with the public, and handling a variety of diplomatic situations. Specialist ministers, on the other hand, excel in their specific fields but are better suited for lower levels of government to support political ministers. These ministers tend to be less stable, experiencing more frequent changes during their tenure. Professional specialists face challenges in political work, as effectively identifying societal and workplace issues becomes more difficult due to factors such as communication, public interaction, reform drafting, and decision-making. The 15th government led by Andrius Kubilius was the most successful in terms of stability and duration in office. Keywords: Government of the Republic of Lithuania, specialist ministers, politicians ministers, state governance
Specific of the methods of physical development and physical training of the law university students
Vienas iš esminių studentų fizinio ugdymo trūkumų yra jo atotrūkis nuo bendros būsimų profesionalų rengimo sistemos. Konstruojant fizinių pratybų turinį būtina atsižvelgti į būsimos profesijos reikalavimus ir parinkti kūno kultūros priemones bei būdus, kurie padėtų formuoti būsimo profesionalo psichofizinius gabumus, galias, asmenybės charakterio bruožus. Tyrimo tikslas - eksperimentinio tyrimo būdu parengti moksliškai pagrįstą Lietuvos teisės universiteto bakalaurų studijų studentų fizinio ugdymo metodiką. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti Lietuvos teisės universiteto studentų fizinį pasirengimą ir funkcinį pajėgumą. 2. Nustatyti studentų fizinio pasirengimo ir funkcinio pajėgumo dinamiką. 3. Sudaryti studentų fizinio rengimo programą, atsižvelgiant į būsimos profesinės veiklos ypatumus. 1999-2001 mokslo metais buvo atlikti I-IV kursų studentų fizinio pasirengimo ir funkcinio pajėgumo tyrimai. Tyrimuose dalyvavo 200 studentų, buvo sudarytos keturios eksperimentinės grupės, kurios dirbo pagal specialią bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio rengimo programą, ir viena kontrolinė grupė. Visose grupėse kūno kultūros pratybų krūvis per mokslo metus sudarė 200 vai. Mokomoji medžiaga buvo suskirstyta į tris dalis pagal etapus: rudens, žiemos ir pavasario. Kiekvienai fizinei savybei ugdyti buvo sudaryta programa, numatytos priemonės ir atlikimo metodai.On the basis of two-year observation and investigation of students physical training program for the first-year students of the Law University and its' methodical structure the present methodic has been prepared, approved and put into practice. The program for a general physical training covers 58 hours (development of tenacity - 32,2%, development of force - 22,4%, development of quickness' - 20,7%, and development of dexterity and flexibility - 20,7% of total). 94 hours are allotted for a special physical training (punching and blocking acts covers 14,9%, defense against punches -42,6%, releasing, thriving, and helping acts - 23,3%, keeping off and checking - 19,2% of the total time). Based on the results of the research the normative basis of the physical training has been analyzed, the specific features of the development of the indexes of quickness, power, tenacity, and flexibility of each student and the group as a whole has been assessed, as well as the criteria for the evaluation of these indexes has been set. The dynamics of the development of the above indexes suggests that the physical training classes and individual training are essential in increasing the powers of the basic functions of a body. The first and the most important task of the teacher of physical training in the Law University is upbringing the conscious need of the students to have a high-level physical readiness, evaluating of the changes of a physical state and determining the ways of its correction. The second task is to teach the students to train themselves systematically, to improve their professional and conditional preparation, to develop certain skills and determined movements as well as to improve psycho-physiological power taking into account particularities of the profession. Taking into consideration the specific features applied to this profession, it is proposed to develop the following skills of a student to train the physical powers: to increase a maximal and dynamic power of leg muscles that are very important in the acts of defense; to develop an explosive and cyclic (frequency) powers that are important in producing the act of a punch or series of such acts; to improve the tenacity of dynamic power that is important in making movements or changing position; to develop a static tenacity of muscles (especially the muscles of back) that is important in wrestling and restraining a competitor. To develop the quickness it is necessary: to evaluate a situation adequately; to define a type of an action and fulfill the action in an optimal way; to alternate the exercises for quickness making conditions more difficult; to develop a motor reaction employing group actions with some elements of contest; to train a student to differentiate the micro intervals of time to respond to punches adequately. To improve the quickness of psychological processes the following skills of a student shall be trained: ability to catch a sight (after a turn or a twirl) of a single object or several objects that appear in turn or simultaneously in different places; to notice the movements that hint at a certain action quickly and precisely; to improve the abilities of a student to process the information received in a precise manner and take decision promptly in response to the intended actions of a competitor. Physical training of the students of Law University is versatile and complicated process consisting of interdependent components: learning of physical exercises, development of physical features, formation of professional skills and creative application of all the above in professional activities of policeman
Peculiarities of students physical health control and management
The aim of paper was to establish links between physical health evaluation and improvement, heart rate and blood pressure control, the choice of the most popular means of health improvement during in leisure time. The data of questionnaires filled in by 1st-year students of Kaunas university - type schools are presented in the paper. The data reflect the students knowledge their subjective attitude to their health condition, as well as means of controlling and managing it. First -year students (n=992) of six Kaunas university - type schools, i.e. Kaunas Technological University (KTU), Kaunas University of Medicine (KUM), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Lithuanian Veterinary Academy (LVA), Lithuanian University of Agriculture (LUA) and Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), filled in anonymous questionnaires. Pilot study was carried out and the validity of questionnaire was established.The majority of students questioned take care of their health (85%). The greater part of the respondents (52%) estimated their health condition subjectively as “satisfactory” and the small part - as good (p<0.01) accordingly. Of all respondents the smallest part of students who estimated their health as “good” (p<0.05) were of KTU and LUA. 1st -year students of KTU visited doctors most frequently, whereas the rarest patients of KUM, LUA and MRU (p<0.05). Over two thirds of the respondents (70%) did not count their pulse and over half of them did not know their pulse readings in the state of rest. 27% of 1st-year students had no idea of importance of knowing their blood pressure. Of those who did not know their blood pressure indices the greatest part was made up of LUA students and the smallest - of KMU students (p<0.01). The majority of the respondents were of the opinion that adequate physical load was one of the more important means of decreasing overweight and strengthening health (p<0.05). The students distinguished three important means generating liveliness throughout the day, i.e. morning coffee, cold shower and doing morning exercises (p<0.05). Students of Kaunas university - types schools have formed positive understanding of the basic means of improving physical health. Still a comparatively small portion of the respondents possesses information about the most elementary means of controlling human health condition and managing the process of physical activity