3,172 research outputs found

    D- shallow donor near a semiconductor-metal and a semiconductor-dielectric interface

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    The ground state energy and the extend of the wavefunction of a negatively charged donor (D-) located near a semiconductor-metal or a semiconductor-dielectric interface is obtained. We apply the effective mass approximation and use a variational two-electron wavefunction that takes into account the influence of all image charges that arise due to the presence of the interface, as well as the correlation between the two electrons bound to the donor. For a semiconductor-metal interface, the D- binding energy is enhanced for donor positions d>1.5a_B (a_B is the effective Bohr radius) due to the additional attraction of the electrons with their images. When the donor approaches the interface (i.e. d<1.5a_B) the D- binding energy drops and eventually it becomes unbound. For a semiconductor-dielectric (or a semiconductor-vacuum) interface the D- binding energy is reduced for any donor position as compared to the bulk case and the system becomes rapidly unbound when the donor approaches the interface.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B on 19 November 200

    Ultrashort PW laser pulse interaction with target and ion acceleration

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    We present the experimental results on ion acceleration by petawatt femtosecond laser solid interaction and explore strategies to enhance ion energy. The irradiation of micrometer thick (0.2 - 6.0 micron) Al foils with a virtually unexplored intensity regime (8x10^19 W/cm^2 - 1x10^21 W/cm^2) resulting in ion acceleration along the rear and the front surface target normal direction is investigated. The maximum energy of protons and carbon ions, obtained at optimised laser intensity condition (by varying laser energy or focal spot size), exhibit a rapid intensity scaling as I^0.8 along the rear surface target normal direction and I^0.6 along the front surface target normal direction. It was found that proton energy scales much faster with laser energy rather than the laser focal spot size. Additionally, the ratio of maximum ion energy along the both directions is found to be constant for the broad range of target thickness and laser intensities. A proton flux is strongly dominated in the forward direction at relatively low laser intensities. Increasing the laser intensity results in the gradual increase in the backward proton flux and leads to almost equalisation of ion flux in both directions in the entire energy range. These experimental findings may open new perspectives for applications.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3rd EAAC worksho

    Mixture randomized item-response modeling:a smoking behavior validation study

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    Misleading response behavior is expected in medical settings where incriminating behavior is negatively related to the recovery from a disease. In the present study, lung patients feel social and professional pressure concerning smoking and experience questions about smoking behavior as sensitive and tend to conceal embarrassing or threatening information. The randomized item-response survey method is expected to improve the accuracy of self-reports as individual item responses are masked and only randomized item responses are observed. We explored the validation of the randomized item-response technique in a unique experimental study. Therefore, we administered a new multi-item measure assessing smoking behavior by using a treatment–control design (randomized response (RR) or direct questioning). After the questionnaire, we administered a breath test by using a carbon monoxide (CO) monitor to determine the smoking status of the patient. We used the response data to measure the individual smoking behavior by using a mixture item-response model. It is shown that the detected smokers scored significantly higher in the RR condition compared with the directly questioned condition. We proposed a Bayesian latent variable framework to evaluate the diagnostic test accuracy of the questionnaire using the randomized-response technique, which is based on the posterior densities of the subject's smoking behavior scores together with the breath test measurements. For different diagnostic test thresholds, we obtained moderate posterior mean estimates of sensitivity and specificity by observing a limited number of discrete randomized item response

    Modeling of laser-induced plasmon effects in GNS-DLC-based material for application in X-ray source array sensors

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    An important direction in the development of X-ray computed tomography sensors in systems with increased scanning speed and spatial resolution is the creation of an array of miniature current sources. In this paper, we describe a new material based on gold nanostars (GNS) embedded in nanoscale diamond-like carbon (DLC) films (thickness of 20 nm) for constructing a pixel current source with photoinduced electron emission. The effect of localized surface plasmon resonance in GNS on optical properties in the wavelength range from UV to near IR, peculiarities of localization of field and thermal sources, generation of high-energy hot electrons, and mechanisms of their transportation in vacuum are investigated. The advantages of the proposed material and the prospects for using X-ray computed tomography in the matrix source are evaluated

    Ultrashort PW laser pulse interaction with target and ion acceleration

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    We present the experimental results on ion acceleration by petawatt femtosecond laser solid interaction and explore strategies to enhance ion energy. The irradiation of micrometer thick (0.2-6.0 mu m) Al foils with a virtually unexplored intensity regime (8 x 10(19) W/cm(2) - 1 x 10(21) W/cm(2)) resulting in ion acceleration along the rear and the front surface target normal direction is investigated. The maximum energy of protons and carbon ions, obtained at optimized laser intensity condition (by varying laser energy or focal spot size), exhibit a rapid intensity scaling as I-0.8 along the rear surface target normal direction and I-0.6 along the front surface target normal direction. It was found that proton energy scales much faster with laser energy rather than the laser focal spot size. Additionally, the ratio of maximum ion energy along the both directions is found to be constant for the broad range of target thickness and laser intensities. A proton flux is strongly dominated in the forward direction at relatively low laser intensities. Increasing the laser intensity results in the gradual increase in the backward proton flux and leads to almost equalization of ion flux in both directions in the entire energy range. These experimental findings may open new perspectives for applications

    Sequential superradiant scattering from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically discuss several aspects of sequential superradiant scattering from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Our treatment is based on the semiclassical description of the process in terms of the Maxwell-Schroedinger equations for the coupled matter-wave and optical fields. First, we investigate sequential scattering in the weak-pulse regime and work out the essential mechanisms responsible for bringing about the characteristic fan-shaped side-mode distribution patterns. Second, we discuss the transition between the Kapitza-Dirac and Bragg regimes of sequential scattering in the strong-pulse regime. Finally, we consider the situation where superradiance is initiated by coherently populating an atomic side mode through Bragg diffraction, as in studies of matter-wave amplification, and describe the effect on the sequential scattering process.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Proceedings of LPHYS'06 worksho

    Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQR1 selectively protects MDR (Pgp 170)-negative cells against oxidative stress

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    AbstractA conjugate of plastoquinone with decylrhodamine 19 (SkQR1) selectively accumulates in mitochondria of normal and tumor cells. SkQR1 protected the cellular pool of reduced glutathione under oxidative stress. Overexpression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp 170) multidrug resistance pump strongly suppresses accumulation of SkQR1. The inhibitors of Pgp 170 stimulate accumulation of SkQR1 in various cell lines indicating that SkQR1 is a substrate of Pgp 170. The protective effect of SkQR1 against oxidative stress is diminished in the cells overexpressing Pgp 170. It is suggested that mitochondria-targeted antioxidants could selectively protect normal (Pgp 170-negative) cells against the toxic effect of anti-cancer treatments related to oxidative stress

    Energetic beams of negative and neutral hydrogen from intense laser plasma interaction

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    One of the most striking demonstrations of intermolecular forces is the tension at the surface of liquid n-alkanes. The prediction of surface tension is important in the design of distillation towers, extraction units and tower internals such as bubble caps and trays, since it has a considerable influence on the transfer of mass and energy across interfaces. Surface tension data are needed wherever foaming emulsification, droplet formation or wetting are involved. They are also required in a number of equations for two-phase flow calculations and for determining the flow regime. Petroleum engineers are especially interested in the surface tension in the extraction of crude oil to add surfactants to modify the interfacial properties between crude oil and the geological reservoir to improve production and increase oil yields. In this work, a simple computer program using Arrhenius-type asymptotic exponential function, Vandermoned matrix and Matlab technical computing language, is developed for the estimation of surface tension of paraffin hydrocarbons as a function of molecular weight and temperature. The surface tension is calculated for temperatures in the range of 250 to 440 K and paraffin hydrocarbons molecular weights between 30 and 250. The proposed numerical technique is superior owing to its accuracy and clear numerical background, wherein the relevant coefficients can be retuned quickly if more data become available in the future. Estimations are found to be in excellent agreement with the reliable data in the literature with average absolute deviation being less than 2%