137 research outputs found

    Activity approach in design of specialized visualization systems

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    The article discusses the application of activity approach in designing specialized interfaces and visualization systems. Activity approach is a psychological theory developed by the Russian academics of the XX century which suggests analyzing professional work as a type of activity. Activity presupposes consciousness, purposefulness and setting tasks, the accomplishment of which is aimed at achieving a goal. Activity can be broken down into actions serving to accomplish the tasks, and actions, in turn, are broken down into operations. The same activity can be carried out through different operations, and the same operations can be combined into different types of activity. Activity approach in interface design is applied to mass and professional instrumental interfaces. The article provides examples of activity analysis in terms of the used instrumental interfaces; it describes approaches to designing real interfaces for medical purposes, considers the design tasks for specialized visualization systems. For this purpose, the phenomenon of insight can be used as one of the criteria of visualization quality. The article also points out the issues of using virtual reality in scientific visualization. It provides the results of the experiment analyzing the influence of the presence phenomenon in virtual reality on the solution of intellectual tasks, and the basics of visualization system user activity. The article discusses the analysis of specialized (both professional and mass) interfaces serving as instruments in purposeful and productive activity. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of the activity theory and several topics in the fields of psychology and physiology. It is generally believed that the history of interface design clarifies some subtle aspects of modern interactive systems. Further, examples of prototype implementations of service interfaces are provided. Future possibilities for introducing the activity approach into the practical design of specialized interactive systems are also under review. © 2017 Lavoisier. All rights reserved


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    Introduction. An important aspect of any bullying is the position of the bystander. Timely intervention by a bystander can prevent bullying or mitigate its consequences for the victim. On the other hand, the bystander may join the bullying on the aggressor’s side or maintain a neutral position, which will cause the aggressor to feel impunity and increase the victimisation of the bullying object. This study compares the actions of bystanders of traditional school bullying, school cyberbullying and non-school cyberbullying. Aim. The current study aims to define the strategy of school bullying and cyberbullying bystanders and clarify the most frequently observed forms of bullying by bystanders. Methodology and research methods. To study the problem, a questionnaire was developed designed to study the forms of bullying and witness behaviour strategies. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,762 middle-level students of educational organisations of general secondary education and secondary vocational training in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region. Results. Among the bystanders of traditional bullying, 39% prefer non-interference, 36% prefer to support the victim, 23% report bullying to parents and teachers, 0.7% join the aggressor and 1% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, 44.5% prefer non-interference, 24.5% support the victim, 28% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 0.5% join the harassment and 1.5% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying, 42.5% prefer non-interference, 25.5% support the victim, 29.5% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 1% join the harassment and 1% gave the answer “other”. As can be seen, the percentage of those who prefer non-interference is highest among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, while the percentage of bystanders who support the victim is highest among the bystanders of traditional bullying. The percentage of those joining the bullying on the side of the persecutor is highest among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying. Scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, the categories of bystanders of school and non-school cyberbullying are divided as categories of bystanders of various processes. Among the possible strategies of behaviour of a bystander in a situation of bullying, for the first time, it is proposed to seek help from adults or from the administration of the Internet resource on the basis of which the bullying takes place. Practical significance. Based on the study of the behaviour of the bystander of bullying (traditional bullying and cyberbullying), the results of this work could be applied to develop recommendations for encouraging the bystander to intervene in bullying on the victim’s side, to stop it independently or to inform teachers. © 2023 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 19-29-14176The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of the scientific project No. 19-29-14176.Acknowledgements. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Founda

    Interatomic coulombic decay rate in endohedral complexes

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    Interatomic coulombic decay (ICD) in van der Waals endohedral complexes was predicted to be anomalously fast. However, the available theoretical calculations of the ICD rates in endohedral complexes only consider the equilibrium geometry, in which the encapsulated atom is located at the centre of the fullerene cage. Here we show analytically that the dominant contribution of the dipole plasmon resonance to ICD does not deviate from its equilibrium geometry value, while contributions of higher multipole plasmons to the ICD can be neglected for most atomic displacements possible for an endohedral complex at room temperature. This is in contrast to the behaviour predicted for ionic endohedral compounds. Our results show that the conclusion of the earlier works on the ultrafast character of the ICD in endohedral complexes holds generally for a wide range of geometries possible under a thermal distribution, rather than only for the equilibrium geometry

    Шоковая цифровизация образования: восприятие участников образовательного процесса

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined both by the importance of the problem of digital transformation of education in general, and by the specific conditions, which arose during the crisis caused by COVID-19. The long-term consequences of the emergency transition of Russian education to the distance format, taking into account the ongoing pandemic, have yet to be assessed, but the reaction of the participants in the educational process to the first period of the total distance learning should be analysed immediately as a basis for future management decisions. Aim. The aim of the present research is a comprehensive analysis of the perception of the experience of an emergency transition to a distant education format by the main participants in the educational process. Methodology and research methods. Online survey based on Google forms was employed as the main method. The respondents to the survey included participants in the educational process, mostly permanently residing in the Sverdlovsk region (99% of the respondents). The survey was conducted in September - October 2020. The survey participation was voluntary and completely anonymous. As a result of the survey conducted, more than 24,500 original responses were received and processed. The data obtained were compared with the results of secondary studies (primarily, with the monitoring studies of the Higher School of Economics). Results. The research findings demonstrate a number of significant shortcomings in the strategy of digital transformation of education, such as the insufficient development of the digital communication infrastructure in the regions, the technological and competence-based digital inequality, the lack of well-developed methods of using digital educational tools, the lack of high-quality content, the lack of full-fledged integrated educational resources on the market. The shortcomings mentioned above apparently led to a decrease in the quality of education during the period of self-isolation and provoked a reaction of rejection of digital educational forms and an increase in technological pessimism among a significant part of the respondents. The results are presented in correlation with secondary studies, which confirms the reliability of the general conclusions. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the attraction, systematisation and analytical generalisation of original material on the urgent problem of digital transformation of education, collected in one of the largest and technologically advanced regions of the Russian Federation. Practical significance. The current article makes it possible to more accurately assess the situation in regional education and provides reference points both for conducting longitudinal research and for making current and strategic management decisions in Russian education at the regional and federal level. © 2021 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) in the framework of the research project No. 19-29-14176. The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Institute for the Development of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region for assistance in organising and conducting the survey

    Буллинг и кибербуллинг в современной школе

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    Introduction. One of the aspects of digitalisation of education is the transfer of interpersonal relations and group processes into a virtual environment. Bullying, one of the biggest problems in school communities, is also relevant when communicating on the Internet. The danger of both bullying and cyberbullying is that the bullying processes can be hidden from the eyes of adults, which makes it difficult to counteract, because from the outside the situation may seem favourable. For the same reason, the scope of the phenomenon needs to be assessed and clarified. Aim. The current research aimed to investigate students’ subjective perceptions of the manifestations and experiences of bullying and cyberbullying in educational and online environment. Methodology and research methods. To study the problem, a questionnaire was developed to identify the type and form of participation in school bullying and cyberbullying. The questionnaire survey was carried out among 1762 middle-level students of educational organisations of general secondary education and secondary vocational training in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. Results. The presence of both school bullying and cyberbullying in the educational organisations of the Sverdlovsk region was revealed. The most common forms of both types of persecution and distribution by type of participation were identified. Distribution in school bullying: victims – 35.5%, instigators – 15.7%, ordinary participants – 11.5%, witnesses – 42.0%. In school cyberbullying: victims – 20.4%, aggressors – 7.7%, instigators – 4.7%, ordinary participants – 6.4%, witnesses – 20.4%. The transformation of school bullying in the digital space preserves the structure, types of participation, but adapts the forms of bullying and the degree of involvement of the participants. It can be argued that the involvement in cyberbullying (in all roles) is lower than the involvement in school bullying. The research results make it possible to start a study of the dependence of the forms and motivation of the persecutors on the space, in which these relations are realised. Scientific novelty. The present research demonstrates a cross-cutting comparison of various forms of bullying and cyberbullying in school communities, recorded in representatives by different forms of bullying (victim, stalker, witness). Practical significance. The questionnaire proposed in this paper can be used for the further analytical research on bullying and cyberbullying in school communities. © 2022 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of the scientific project No. 19-29-14176. The authors of the article express their gratitude to the Institute for the Development of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region for assistance in organising and conducting monitoring studies

    Laser Induced Selective Alignment of Water Spin Isomers

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    We consider laser alignment of ortho and para spin isomers of water molecules by using strong and short off-resonance laser pulses. A single pulse is found to create a distinct transient alignment and antialignment of the isomeric species. We suggest selective alignment of one isomeric species (leaving the other species randomly aligned) by a pair of two laser pulses.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Traditional bullying and cyberbullying: Bystander strategies

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    Introduction. An important aspect of any bullying is the position of the bystander. Timely intervention by a bystander can prevent bullying or mitigate its consequences for the victim. On the other hand, the bystander may join the bullying on the aggressor’s side or maintain a neutral position, which will cause the aggressor to feel impunity and increase the victimisation of the bullying object. This study compares the actions of bystanders of traditional school bullying, school cyberbullying and nonschool cyberbullying. Aim. The current study aims to define the strategy of school bullying and cyberbullying bystanders and clarify the most frequently observed forms of bullying by bystanders. Methodology and research methods. To study the problem, a questionnaire was developed designed to study the forms of bullying and witness behaviour strategies. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,762 middle-level students of educational organisations of general secondary education and secondary vocational training in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region. Results. Among the bystanders of traditional bullying, 39% prefer non-interference, 36% prefer to support the victim, 23% report bullying to parents and teachers, 0.7% join the aggressor and 1% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, 44.5% prefer non-interference, 24.5% support the victim, 28% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 0.5% join the harassment and 1.5% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying, 42.5% prefer non-interference, 25.5% support the victim, 29.5% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 1% join the harassment and 1% gave the answer “other”. As can be seen, the percentage of those who prefer non-interference is highest among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, while the percentage of bystanders who support the victim is highest among the bystanders of traditional bullying. The percentage of those joining the bullying on the side of the persecutor is highest among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying. Scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, the categories of bystanders of school and nonschool cyberbullying are divided as categories of bystanders of various processes. Among the possible strategies of behaviour of a bystander in a situation of bullying, for the first time, it is proposed to seek help from adults or from the administration of the Internet resource on the basis of which the bullying takes place. Practical significance. Based on the study of the behaviour of the bystander of bullying (traditional bullying and cyberbullying), the results of this work could be applied to develop recommendations for encouraging the bystander to intervene in bullying on the victim’s side, to stop it independently or to inform teachers.Введение. Важной стороной любой травли является позиция свидетеля. Своевременное вмешательство свидетеля может предотвратить травлю или смягчить ее последствия для жертвы. С другой стороны, свидетель может присоединиться к травле на стороне агрессора или сохранить нейтральную позицию, которая вызовет у агрессора чувство безнаказанности и усилит виктимизацию объекта буллинга. В данном исследовании сравнивались действия свидетелей традиционного школьного буллинга, школьного кибербуллинга и внешкольного кибербуллинга. Цель исследования – определение стратегии свидетелей школьной травли и кибербуллинга и уточнение наиболее часто замечаемых свидетелями форм травли. Методология, методы и методики. Для исследования проблемы была разработана анкета, предназначенная для изучения форм буллинга и стратегий поведения свидетелей. Анкетирование проводилось среди 1762 обучающихся среднего звена организаций основного общего и среднего профессионального образования (ООО и СПО) Екатеринбурга и Свердловской области. Результаты. Среди свидетелей традиционного буллинга 39 % предпочитают невмешательство, 36 % предпочитают поддерживать жертву, 23 % сообщают о травле родителям и педагогам, 0,7 % присоединяются к агрессору, 1 % дал ответ «другое». Среди свидетелей внутришкольного кибербуллинга 44,5 % предпочитают невмешательство, 24,5 % поддерживает жертву, 28 % ставят в известность родителей, педагогов или администрацию интернет-ресурса, 0,5 % присоединяются к травле, 1,5 % дали ответ «другое». Среди свидетелей внешкольного кибербуллинга 42,5 % предпочитают невмешательство, 25,5 % поддерживают жертву, 29,5 % ставят в известность родителей, педагогов или администрацию интернет-ресурса, 1 % присоединяются к травле, 1 % дали ответ «другое». Как видно, процент предпочитающих невмешательство выше всего среди свидетелей внутришкольного кибербуллинга, тогда как процент поддерживающих жертву выше всего среди свидетелей традиционного буллинга. Процент присоединяющихся к травле на стороне преследователя выше всего среди свидетелей внешкольного кибербуллинга. Научная новизна. В данном исследовании впервые разделяются категории свидетелей внутришкольного и внешкольного кибербуллинга как категории свидетелей различных процессов. Среди возможных стратегий поведения свидетеля в ситуации травли впервые предлагается обращение за помощью к взрослым или к администрации интернет-ресурса, на базе которого происходит травля. Практическая значимость. Результаты данной работы позволят на основании изучения поведения свидетеля травли (буллинга и кибербуллинга) сформировать рекомендации по поощрению свидетеля вмешиваться в травлю на стороне жертвы, прекращать ее самостоятельно или с помощью информирования педагогов.The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of the scientific project No. 19-29-14176.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (РФФИ) в рамках научного проекта № 19-29-14176

    Problems of Cyberbullying in Modern School

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    Кибербуллинг — травля через Интернет, с помощью мобильных телефонов и мессенджеров — становится все более актуальной проблемой в наши дни. Особенно уязвимой частью населения являются школьники, которые уже хотят выражать себя в том числе на базе Интернета, но еще не овладели методами психологической защиты от агрессии. Преследователь в кибербуллинге имеет преимущество анонимности: его сложнее найти и наказать, т. к. он может пользоваться фейковыми аккаунтами, скрывающими его настоящее имя от других людей. Цель — изучить соотношение между открытой травлей в Интернете и травлей с использованием дающих эффект анонимности и безнаказанности фейковых аккаунтов. Методика: была разработана анкета, посвященная проявлениям кибербуллинга внутри школьного коллектива. В исследовании приняли участие 1762 обучающихся Свердловской области. Результаты: анонимный кибербуллинг, опровергая сложившееся в литературе мнение, не имеет явных преимуществ в частоте встречаемости перед открытой травлей в Интернете.Cyberbullying is bullying by the Internet or using mobile phones and instant messengers. It is becoming an increasingly urgent problem these days. A particularly vulnerable part of the population are schoolchildren who already want to express themselves, including on the Internet, but have not yet mastered the methods of psychological protection against aggression. A cyberbullying aggressor has the advantage of anonymity. It is more difficult to find and punish aggressor, since he or she can use “fake” accounts that hide his real name from other people. The goal of our paper is to study the relationship between open cyberbullying and cyberbullying using fake accounts that give the effect of anonymity and impunity. Methodology. A questionnaire was developed on school cyberbullying. 1762 students of the Sverdlovsk region took part in the study. Results: anonymous cyberbullying has no obvious advantages in the frequency of occurrence over open cyberbullying

    Bullying and cyberbullying in a modern school

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    Introduction. One of the aspects of digitalisation of education is the transfer of interpersonal relations and group processes into a virtual environment. Bullying, one of the biggest problems in school communities, is also relevant when communicating on the Internet. The danger of both bullying and cyberbullying is that the bullying processes can be hidden from the eyes of adults, which makes it difficult to counteract, because from the outside the situation may seem favourable. For the same reason, the scope of the phenomenon needs to be assessed and clarified. Aim. The current research aimed to investigate students’ subjective perceptions of the manifestations and experiences of bullying and cyberbullying in educational and online environment. Methodology and research methods. To study the problem, a questionnaire was developed to identify the type and form of participation in school bullying and cyberbullying. The questionnaire survey was carried out among 1762 middle-level students of educational organisations of general secondary education and secondary vocational training in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. Results. The presence of both school bullying and cyberbullying in the educational organisations of the Sverdlovsk region was revealed. The most common forms of both types of persecution and distribution by type of participation were identified. Distribution in school bullying: victims – 35.5%, instigators – 15.7%, ordinary participants – 11.5%, witnesses – 42.0%. In school cyberbullying: victims – 20.4%, aggressors – 7.7%, instigators – 4.7%, ordinary participants – 6.4%, witnesses – 20.4%. The transformation of school bullying in the digital space preserves the structure, types of participation, but adapts the forms of bullying and the degree of involvement of the participants. It can be argued that the involvement in cyberbullying (in all roles) is lower than the involvement in school bullying. The research results make it possible to start a study of the dependence of the forms and motivation of the persecutors on the space, in which these relations are realised. Scientific novelty. The present research demonstrates a cross-cutting comparison of various forms of bullying and cyberbullying in school communities, recorded in representatives by different forms of bullying (victim, stalker, witness). Practical significance. The questionnaire proposed in this paper can be used for the further analytical research on bullying and cyberbullying in school communities.Введение. Одним из аспектов цифровизации образования является перенос межличностных отношений и групповых процессов в виртуальную среду. Буллинг, одна из серьезнейших проблем школьных сообществ, так же актуальна и при общении в интернете. Опасность как буллинга, так и кибербуллинга в том, что данные процессы могут протекать в среде обучающихся скрыто от взрослых. Возможность неявного протекания травли затрудняет противодействие, так как со стороны ситуация может представляться благополучной. По этой же причине реальный масштаб явления не очевиден и нуждается в оценке и регулярном уточнении. Цель. Исследование субъективных представлений обучающихся о проявлениях и опыте буллинга и кибербуллинга в образовательной и интернет-среде. Методология, методы и методики. Для исследования проблемы была разработана анкета, позволяющая выявить тип и форму участия в буллинге и кибербуллинге. Анкетирование проводилось среди 1762 обучающихся среднего звена организаций общего и среднего профессионального образования (ООО и СПО) Екатеринбурга и Свердловской области. Результаты. Было выявлено наличие как буллинга, так и кибербуллинга в образовательных организациях Свердловской области. Были установлены наиболее распространенные формы обоих типов преследования и распределение по типам участия. Распределение в школьном буллинге: жертвы – 35,5 %, зачинщики – 15,7 %, рядовые участники – 11,5 %, свидетели – 42,0 %. В школьном кибербуллинге: жертвы – 20,4 %, агрессоры – 7,7 %, подстрекатели – 4,7 %, рядовые участники – 6,4 %, свидетели – 20,4 %. Трансформация буллинга в цифровом пространстве сохраняет структуру и типы участия, но адаптирует формы преследования и степень вовлеченности участников. Можно утверждать, что вовлеченность в кибербуллинг (во всех ролях) ниже вовлеченности в школьный буллинг. Результаты позволяют начать исследование зависимости форм и мотивации участников травли от пространства, в котором реализуются эти отношения. Научная новизна. В работе предлагается сквозное сравнение различных форм буллинга и кибербуллинга в школьных коллективах, фиксируемое у представителей разных форм травли (жертва, преследователь, свидетель). Практическая значимость. Предлагаемый в работе опросник может быть использован в дальнейшем для аналитического исследования буллинга и кибербуллинга в школьных коллективах.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (РФФИ) в рамках научного проекта № 19-29-14176.The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of the scientific project No. 19-29-14176