172 research outputs found

    Follicular proliferation TIR3B. The role of total thyroidectomy vs lobectomy

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    Background: TIR3B thyroid nodules are considered to be at risk of malignancy (15-30%) but guidelines recommend conservative surgery with lobectomy with primary diagnostic porpoise. Risk stratification mainly based on ultrasound, elastography and genetic mutations usually may influences the surgical approach. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 52 cases of TIR3B underwent between 2015 and 2017 total thyroidectomy (TT) and lobectomy (L), focusing mainly on the observed rate of malignancy. Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact probability test were used for analysis, considering a P values less than 0.05 as significant. Results: Out of 52 patients 49 underwent TT and 3 L. In TT group a multinodular goiter was associated in 67.3% of patients. Malignancy rate was 81.6 and 33.3% respectively after TT and L (P 0.003). Multicentric and contralateral tumors were detected respectively in 36.7% and in 32.6% of patients underwent TT. No main post-operative complications were registered. Conclusions: Ultrasound and elastography are useful to define within the TIR3B group those lesions at higher risk and therefore requiring a more radical approach. TT seems an appropriate approach to TIR3B lesions, especially in multinodular goiter, considering the incidence of malignancy with probably higher rate than previously reported

    Male breast cancer, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment: Twenty years of experience in our Breast Unit

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    BACKGROUND: The male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare and represents less than 1% of all malignancies in men and only 1% of all breast cancers incident. We illustrate the experience of our team about the clinico-pathological characteristics, treatment and prognostic factors of patients treated over a period of twenty years . RESULTS: Forty-seven patients were collected 1995-2014 at the Breast Unit of the Hospital of Terni, Italy. The average age was 67 years and the median time to diagnosis from the onset of symptoms was 16 months. The main clinical complaint was sub areolar swelling in 36, 76% of cases. Most patients have come to our attention with advanced disease. The histology of about ninety percent of the tumors were invasive ductal carcinoma. Management consisted mainly of radical mastectomy; followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and hormonal therapy with or without chemotherapy. The median follow-up was 38 months. The evolution has been characterized by local recurrences; in eight cases (17% of all patients). Metastasis occurred in 15 cases (32% of all patients). The site of bone metastases was in eight cases; lung in four cases; liver in three cases; liver and skin in one case and pleura and skin in one case. CONCLUSION: The male breast cancer has many similarities to breast cancer in women, but there are distinct functions that need to be appreciated. Future research for a better understanding of the disease should provide a better account of genetic and epigenetic characteristics of these forms; but, above all, epidemiological and biological cohorts numerically more consistent

    Stage-related outcome for thymic epithelial tumours

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    Background: Thymic epithelial tumours (TETs) are characterized by a wide variety of biological behaviors. Radical resection and stage are strong prognostic factors. Aim of this study is to review our Single Center Experience. Methods: One hundred and seventy-seven patients observed in the period from January 2000 to December 2016 were included in the study. Data regarding clinicopathologic features, treatment, and survival were collected. Stage-related clinical standpoints and therapeutic options were also evaluated. Results: Non-surgical treatment was primarily performed in 15 (8.47%), unresectable disease was intraoperatively found in 12 cases (7.4%). The analysis of 150 patients undergoing curative surgery revealed 70 stage I TET (46.66%), 49 stage II (32.66%), 19 stage III (12.66%), 6 stage IVa (4%) and 6 stage IVb (4%) at the first hospital admission. Histology identified 12 A thymoma (8%), 38 AB (25.33%), 24 B1 (16%), 50 B2 (33.33%), 19 B3 (12.66%) and 7 carcinomas (4.66%). The mean follow up time was 84.14 months (sd = 61.68 months). Disease relapse occurred in 13 patients (8.78%) at a mean period of 78.85 months (sd = 60.87 months) after surgery. Exitus due to thymoma happened in 6 cases (4.05%) after a mean survival of 56.02 months (sd = 25.17 months). The 5-year overall survival rate was 0.94 (95%CI 0.88-0.97) and the 5-year disease-free survival rate was 0.90 (95%CI 0.83-0.94). The 5-year overall survival rates were 96.1% (95% CI, 89.9-98.5%) for the early stages and 87.4% (95% CI, 65.6-95.8%) for the advanced stages (p = 0.670). The 5-year disease-free survival rates resulted being 98.8% (95% CI, 92.3-99.8%) for the early stages and 59.8% (95% CI, 37.8-76.2%) for the advanced stages (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Advanced stage TETs are characterized by higher mortality and recurrence rates. Although technically demanding, surgery, as part of multimodality therapy, could prolong survival. Iterative surgical treatment of recurrences is a viable option for selected patients. Trial registration: The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Perugia and Terni University Hospitals [Code T1003] and was retrospectively registered

    Ret/PTC activation does not influence clinical and pathological features of adult papillary thyroid carcinomas

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    OBJECTIVE: RET proto-oncogene rearrangements (ret/PTCs) represent the most common genetic alterations found in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs). Correlation of ret/PTC expression with clinical outcome is controversial. The aim of the present study was to analyze the frequency of RET rearrangements in adult PTCs, and to investigate if ret/PTCs influence biological behavior and clinical features of the cancers. DESIGN: Ret/PTC rearrangements were looked for in tIssue samples of 48 PTCs collected at our institution. Data about clinical and pathological features of the tumors were also reviewed. Three separate association analyses were carried out on the cohort evaluating the effects of, respectively, ret/PTC positivity, preferential RET tyrosine kinase domain (RET-TK) expression, and ret/PTC plus RET-TK positivity, on age, sex, tumor size, staging, number of neoplastic foci, and histological subtype. METHODS: The genetic study was conducted with the RT-PCR-Southern blot technique. Standard Student's t-test and Fisher exact test were applied for the association analyses. RESULTS: The molecular genetic study demonstrated the positivity of ret/PTC1 and ret/PTC3 in 13 of 48 tumors (27.1%), and an exclusive or preferential RET-TK expression in 17 cases (35.4%). None of the three genetico-clinical analyses showed any significant association between ret/PTC expression and the clinical and pathological features of the cancers. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that RET rearrangements may not play any distinctive role in driving histotype development and cancer progression in these neoplasms. Moreover, they weaken the possibility of using ret/PTC as a prognostic marker for papillary thyroid carcinomas

    Diagnostic, therapeutic and health-care management protocol in thyroid surgery: a position statement of the Italian Association of Endocrine Surgery Units (U.E.C. CLUB)

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    PURPOSE: The diagnostic, therapeutic and health-care management protocol (Protocollo Gestionale Diagnostico-Terapeutico-Assistenziale, PDTA) by the Association of the Italian Endocrine Surgery Units (U.E.C. CLUB) aims to help treat the patient in a topical, rational way that can be shared by health-care professionals. METHODS: This fourth consensus conference involved: a selected group of experts in the preliminary phase; all members, via e-mail, in the elaboration phase; all the participants of the XI National Congress of the U.E.C. CLUB held in Naples in the final phase. The following were examined: diagnostic pathway and clinical evaluation; mode of admission and waiting time; therapeutic pathway (patient preparation for surgery, surgical treatment, postoperative management, management of major complications); hospital discharge and patient information; outpatient care and follow-up. RESULTS: A clear and concise style was adopted to illustrate the reasons and scientific rationales behind behaviors and to provide health-care professionals with a guide as complete as possible on who, when, how and why to act. The protocol is meant to help the surgeon to treat the patient in a topical, rational way that can be shared by health-care professionals, but without influencing in any way the physician-patient relationship, which is based on trust and clinical judgment in each individual case. CONCLUSIONS: The PDTA in thyroid surgery approved by the fourth consensus conference (June 2015) is the official PDTA of U.E.C. CLUB

    Analysis of human MDM4 variants in papillary thyroid carcinomas reveals new potential markers of cancer properties

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    A wild-type (wt) p53 gene characterizes thyroid tumors, except for the rare anaplastic histotype. Because p53 inactivation is a prerequisite for tumor development, alterations of p53 regulators represent an alternative way to impair p53 function. Indeed, murine double minute 2 (MDM2), the main p53 negative regulator, is overexpressed in many tumor histotypes including those of the thyroid. A new p53 regulator, MDM4 (a.k.a. MDMX or HDMX) an analog of MDM2, represents a new oncogene although its impact on tumor properties remains largely unexplored. We estimated levels of MDM2, MDM4, and its variants, MDM4-S (originally HDMX-S) and MDM4-211 (originally HDMX211), in a group of 57 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), characterized by wt tumor protein 53, in comparison to matched contra-lateral lobe normal tissue. Further, we evaluated the association between expression levels of these genes and the histopathological features of tumors. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed a highly significant downregulation of MDM4 mRNA in tumor tissue compared to control tissue (P < 0.0001), a finding confirmed by western blot on a subset of 20 tissue pairs. Moreover, the tumor-to-normal ratio of MDM4 levels for each individual was significantly lower in late tumor stages, suggesting a specific downregulation of MDM4 expression with tumor progression. In comparison, MDM2 messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels were frequently upregulated with no correlation with MDM4 levels. Lastly, we frequently detected overexpression of MDM4-S mRNA and presence of the aberrant form, MDM4-211 in this tumor group. These findings indicate that MDM4 alterations are a frequent event in PTC. It is worthy to note that the significant downregulation of full-length MDM4 in PTC reveals a novel status of this factor in human cancer that counsels careful evaluation of its role in human tumorigenesis and of its potential as therapeutic target

    Surgical treatment of primitive gastro-intestinal lymphomas: a systematic review

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    Primitive Gastrointestinal Lymphomas (PGIL) are uncommon tumours, although time-trend analyses have demonstrated an increase. The role of surgery in the management of lymphoproliferative diseases has changed over the past 40 years. Nowadays their management is centred on systemic treatments as chemo-/radio- therapy. Surgery is restricted to very selected indications, always discussed in a multidisciplinary setting. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the actual role of surgery in the treatment of PGIL

    High tie versus low tie of the inferior mesenteric artery: a protocol for a systematic review

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    In anterior resection of rectum, the section level of inferior mesenteric artery is still subject of controversy between the advocates of high and low tie. The low tie is the division and ligation to the branching of the left colic artery and the high tie is the division and ligation at its origin at the aorta. We intend to assess current scientific evidence in literature and to establish the differences comparing technique, anatomy and physiology. The aim of this protocol is to achieve a meta-analysis that tests safety and feasibility of the two procedures with several types of outcome measures

    Multidisciplinary management of elderly patients with rectal cancer: recommendations from the SICG (Italian Society of Geriatric Surgery), SIFIPAC (Italian Society of Surgical Pathophysiology), SICE (Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery and new technologies), and the WSES (World Society of Emergency Surgery) International Consensus Project

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    Background and aims: Although rectal cancer is predominantly a disease of older patients, current guidelines do not incorporate optimal treatment recommendations for the elderly and address only partially the associated specific challenges encountered in this population. This results in a wide variation and disparity in delivering a standard of care to this subset of patients. As the burden of rectal cancer in the elderly population continues to increase, it is crucial to assess whether current recommendations on treatment strategies for the general population can be adopted for the older adults, with the same beneficial oncological and functional outcomes. This multidisciplinary experts’ consensus aims to refine current rectal cancer-specific guidelines for the elderly population in order to help to maximize rectal cancer therapeutic strategies while minimizing adverse impacts on functional outcomes and quality of life for these patients. Methods: The discussion among the steering group of clinical experts and methodologists from the societies’ expert panel involved clinicians practicing in general surgery, colorectal surgery, surgical oncology, geriatric oncology, geriatrics, gastroenterologists, radiologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, and endoscopists. Research topics and questions were formulated, revised, and unanimously approved by all experts in two subsequent modified Delphi rounds in December 2020–January 2021. The steering committee was divided into nine teams following the main research field of members. Each conducted their literature search and drafted statements and recommendations on their research question. Literature search has been updated up to 2020 and statements and recommendations have been developed according to the GRADE methodology. A modified Delphi methodology was implemented to reach agreement among the experts on all statements and recommendations. Conclusions: The 2021 SICG-SIFIPAC-SICE-WSES consensus for the multidisciplinary management of elderly patients with rectal cancer aims to provide updated evidence-based statements and recommendations on each of the following topics: epidemiology, pre-intervention strategies, diagnosis and staging, neoadjuvant chemoradiation, surgery, watch and wait strategy, adjuvant chemotherapy, synchronous liver metastases, and emergency presentation of rectal cancer
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