157 research outputs found

    Composites of biopolymers and ZnO NPs for controlled release of zinc in agricultural soils and timed delivery for maize

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    Zinc deficiency is a widespread micronutrient deficiency problem affecting crops worldwide. Unlike conventional ionic fertilizers (Zn as salt or chelated forms), Zn-based engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) have the potential to release Zn in a controlled manner, reducing Zn losses through leaching upon application to soil. In this work, composites made of biopolymers (microcrystalline cellulose, chitosan and alginate) and ZnO nanoparticles (4-65% Zn w/w) were prepared. Their potential for Zn controlled release was tested in four agricultural soils of distinct pH and organic matter content over 30 days. While conventionally used Zn salts leached from the soil resulting in very low CaCl2-extractable Zn concentration, Zn in ZnO NPs was less labile, and ZnO-biopolymers maintained a better constant supply of CaCl2-extractable Zn than all other treatments. ZnO NPs/alginate beads prepared by crosslinking with CaCl2 presented the slowest Zn release kinetics. As assessed with maize plants grown in poor Zn acidic soil (LUFA 2.1, pH=5.2), this constant Zn release from ZnO NPs/alginate beads resulted in a steadier Zn concentration in the soil pore water over time. These results further indicate that ZnO NPs/alginate beads could meet the maize Zn needs while avoiding the early stage Zn toxicity induced by conventional Zn supplies, demonstrating that these ENMs are a sustainable way to supply Zn in a controlled manner in acidic soils. The impact of plant exudates on Zn bioavailability in the soil under maize-root influence (rhizosphere) is also discussed, underlying the need to study the fate of micronutrients in the rhizosphere to better predict its long-term bioavailability in bulk soils.publishe

    Modeling and Numerical Simulation of a Complete Hydrolelectric Production Site

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    For many years the EPFL Laboratory for Electrical Machines develops SIMSEN, a numerical software package for the simulation in transient and steady-state conditions of electrical power systems and adjustable speed drives, having an arbitrary topology. SIMSEN is based on a collection of modules, each corresponding to one system component (machines, converters, transformers, control devices, etc.). This contribution presents the extension of SIMSEN to the hydraulic components of a hydroelectric power plant including pump-turbine, valve, penstock, surge tank, gallery, reservoir, etc. The basic idea is to define for each hydraulic component an equivalent electric component which can be introduced in the existing electric version of SIMSEN. Doing this, it becomes possible to use the modularity of the electric version to define the complete topology of the hydroelectric power plant and the connected electrical network. This extension enables numerical simulations taking precisely into account the interactions between the hydraulic and the electric parts of the system during transients. It is therefore useful for transient and stability analyses as well as for the design optimization

    On the upper part load vortex rope in Francis turbine: Experimental investigation

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    The swirling flow developing in Francis turbine draft tube under part load operation leads to pressure fluctuations usually in the range of 0.2 to 0.4 times the runner rotational frequency resulting from the so-called vortex breakdown. For low cavitation number, the flow features a cavitation vortex rope animated with precession motion. Under given conditions, these pressure fluctuations may lead to undesirable pressure fluctuations in the entire hydraulic system and also produce active power oscillations. For the upper part load range, between 0.7 and 0.85 times the best efficiency discharge, pressure fluctuations may appear in a higher frequency range of 2 to 4 times the runner rotational speed and feature modulations with vortex rope precession. It has been pointed out that for this particular operating point, the vortex rope features elliptical cross section and is animated of a self-rotation. This paper presents an experimental investigation focusing on this peculiar phenomenon, defined as the upper part load vortex rope. The experimental investigation is carried out on a high specific speed Francis turbine scale model installed on a test rig of the EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines. The selected operating point corresponds to a discharge of 0.83 times the best efficiency discharge. Observations of the cavitation vortex carried out with high speed camera have been recorded and synchronized with pressure fluctuations measurements at the draft tube cone. First, the vortex rope self rotation frequency is evidenced and the related frequency is deduced. Then, the influence of the sigma cavitation number on vortex rope shape and pressure fluctuations is presented. The waterfall diagram of the pressure fluctuations evidences resonance effects with the hydraulic circuit. The time evolution of the vortex rope volume is compared with pressure fluctuations time evolution using image processing. Finally, the influence of the Froude number on the vortex rope shape and the associated pressure fluctuations is analyzed by varying the rotational speed

    Experimental investigation of the local wave speed in a draft tube with cavitation vortex rope

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    Hydraulic machines operating in a wider range are subjected to cavitation developments inducing undesirable pressure pulsations which could lead to potential instability of the power plant. The occurrence of pulsating cavitation volumes in the runner and the draft tube is considered as a mass source of the system and is depending on the cavitation compliance. This dynamic parameter represents the cavitation volume variation with the respect to a variation of pressure and defines implicitly the local wave speed in the draft tube. This parameter is also decisive for an accurate prediction of system eigen frequencies. Therefore, the local wave speed in the draft tube is intrinsically linked to the eigen frequencies of the hydraulic system. Thus, if the natural frequency of a hydraulic system can be determined experimentally, it also becomes possible to estimate a local wave speed in the draft tube with a numerical model. In the present study, the reduced scale model of a Francis turbine was investigated at off-design conditions. In order to measure the first eigenmode of the hydraulic test rig, an additional discharge was injected at the inlet of the hydraulic turbine at a variable frequency and amplitude to excite the system. Thus, with different pressure sensors installed on the test rig, the first eigenmode was determined. Then, a hydro-acoustic test rig model was developed with the In-house EPFL SIMSEN software and the local wave speed in the draft tube was adjusted to obtain the same first eigen frequency as that measured experimentally. Finally, this method was applied for different Thoma and Froude numbers at part load conditions

    Pressure pulsation in Kaplan turbines: Prototype-CFD comparison

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    Pressure pulsation phenomena in a large Kaplan turbine are investigated by means of numerical simulations (CFD) and prototype measurements in order to study the dynamic behavior of flow due to the blade passage and its interaction with other components of the turbine. Numerical simulations are performed with the commercial software Ansys CFX code, solving the incompressible Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged-Navier Stokes equations under a finite volume scheme. The computational domain involves the entire machine at prototype scale. Special care is taken in the discretization of the wicket gate overhang and runner blade gap. Prototype measurements are performed using pressure transducers at different locations among the wicket gate outlet and the draft tube inlet. Then, CFD results are compared with temporary signals of prototype measurements at identical locations to validate the numerical model. A detailed analysis was focused on the tip gap flow and the pressure field at the discharge ring. From a rotating reference frame perspective, it is found that the mean pressure fluctuates accordingly the wicket gate passage. Moreover, in prototype measurements the pressure frequency that reveals the presence of modulated cavitation at the discharge ring is distinguished, as also verified from the shape of erosion patches in concordance with the number of wicket gates

    Pressure pulsation in Kaplan turbines: Prototype-CFD comparison

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    Abstract. Pressure pulsation phenomena in a large Kaplan turbine are investigated by means of numerical simulations (CFD) and prototype measurements in order to study the dynamic behavior of flow due to the blade passage and its interaction with other components of the turbine. Numerical simulations are performed with the commercial software Ansys CFX code, solving the incompressible Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged-Navier Stokes equations under a finite volume scheme. The computational domain involves the entire machine at prototype scale. Special care is taken in the discretization of the wicket gate overhang and runner blade gap. Prototype measurements are performed using pressure transducers at different locations among the wicket gate outlet and the draft tube inlet. Then, CFD results are compared with temporary signals of prototype measurements at identical locations to validate the numerical model. A detailed analysis was focused on the tip gap flow and the pressure field at the discharge ring. From a rotating reference frame perspective, it is found that the mean pressure fluctuates accordingly the wicket gate passage. Moreover, in prototype measurements the pressure frequency that reveals the presence of modulated cavitation at the discharge ring is distinguished, as also verified from the shape of erosion patches in concordance with the number of wicket gates

    Hydro-acoustic resonance behavior in presence of a precessing vortex rope: observation of a lock-in phenomenon at part load Francis turbine operation

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    Francis turbines operating at part load condition experience the development of a cavitating helical vortex rope in the draft tube cone at the runner outlet. The precession movement of this vortex rope induces local convective pressure fluctuations and a synchronous pressure pulsation acting as a forced excitation for the hydraulic system, propagating in the entire system. In the draft tube, synchronous pressure fluctuations with a frequency different to the precession frequency may also be observed in presence of cavitation. In the case of a matching between the precession frequency and the synchronous surge frequency, hydro-acoustic resonance occurs in the draft tube inducing high pressure fluctuations throughout the entire hydraulic system, causing torque and power pulsations. The risk of such resonances limits the possible extension of the Francis turbine operating range. A more precise knowledge of the phenomenon occurring at such resonance conditions and prediction capabilities of the induced pressure pulsations needs therefore to be developed. This paper proposes a detailed study of the occurrence of hydro-acoustic resonance for one particular part load operating point featuring a well-developed precessing vortex rope and corresponding to 64% of the BEP. It focuses particularly on the evolution of the local interaction between the pressure fluctuations at the precession frequency and the synchronous surge mode passing through the resonance condition. For this purpose, an experimental investigation is performed on a reduced scale model of a Francis turbine, including pressure fluctuation measurements in the draft tube and in the upstream piping system. Changing the pressure level in the draft tube, resonance occurrences are highlighted for different Froude numbers. The evolution of the hydro-acoustic response of the system suggests that a lock-in effect between the excitation frequency and the natural frequency may occur at low Froude number, inducing a hydro-acoustic resonance in a random range of cavitation numbers

    Hydroelectric System Response to Part Load Vortex Rope Excitation

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    The prediction of pressure and output power fluctuations amplitudes on Francis turbine prototype is a challenge for hydro-equipment industry since it is subjected to guarantees to ensure smooth and reliable operation of the hydro units. The European FP7 research project Hyperbole aims to setup a methodology to transpose the pressure fluctuations induced by the cavitation vortex rope on the reduced scale model to the prototype generating units. A Francis turbine unit of 444MW with a specific speed value of ν = 0.29, is considered as case study. A SIMSEN model of the power station including electrical system, controllers, rotating train and hydraulic system with transposed draft tube excitation sources is setup. Based on this model, a frequency analysis of the hydroelectric system is performed to analyse potential interactions between hydraulic excitation sources and electrical components

    Modal behavior of a reduced scale pump turbine impeller. Part II: Numerical simulation

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    A numerical simulation has been carried out to analyze the modal behavior of a reduced scale pump-turbine impeller. The simulation has been done using FEM method, in air and in water. The same boundary conditions than in the experiment were considered: free body in air and free body submerged in a reservoir of water. A sensitivity analysis to determine the influence of the number of elements was done. The influence of the input parameters was also taken into account. Finally, a mesh with 165000 elements for the impeller in air and of 508676 for the impeller in water was used. The results obtained with the simulation have been compared with the experimental ones (paper 1). Both the natural frequency values and the mode-shapes were compared. The numerical results showed small deviation from experiment in the first modes in modes with low modal density. In some coupled modes been found. With the updated model the mode-shapes have been analyzed. Some modes with high modal density have been found. As indicated in the experiment, the effect of the added mass reduces the natural frequencies and also changes the characteristics of the coupled modes

    Space and time reconstruction of the precessing vortex core in Francis turbine draft tube by 2D-PIV

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    Francis turbines operating at part load conditions experience the development of a high swirling flow at the runner outlet, giving rise to the development of a cavitation precessing vortex rope in the draft tube. The latter acts as an excitation source for the hydro-mechanical system and may jeopardize the system stability if resonance conditions are met. Although many aspects of the part load issue have been widely studied in the past, the accurate stability analysis of hydropower plants remains challenging. A better understanding of the vortex rope dynamics in a wide range of operating conditions is an important step towards the prediction and the transposition of the pressure fluctuations from reduced to prototype scale. For this purpose, an investigation of the flow velocity fields at the outlet of a Francis turbine reduced scale physical model operating at part load conditions is performed by means of 2D-PIV in three different horizontal cross-sections of the draft tube cone. The measurements are performed in cavitation-free conditions for three values of discharge factor, comprised between 60% and 81% of the value at the Best Efficiency Point. The present article describes a detailed methodology to properly recover the evolution of the velocity fields during one precession cycle by means of phase averaging. The vortex circulation is computed and the vortex trajectory over one typical precession period is finally recovered for each operating point. It is notably shown that below a given value of the discharge factor, the vortex dynamics abruptly change and loose its periodicity and coherence
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