195 research outputs found

    Spinor Dynamics-Driven Formation of a Dual-Beam Atom Laser

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    We demonstrate a novel dual-beam atom laser formed by outcoupling oppositely polarized components of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate whose Zeeman sublevel populations have been coherently evolved through spin dynamics. The condensate is formed through all-optical means using a single-beam running-wave dipole trap. We create a condensate in the field-insensitive mF=0m_F=0 state, and drive coherent spin-mixing evolution through adiabatic compression of the initially weak trap. Such dual beams, number-correlated through the angular momentum-conserving reaction 2m0⇋m+1+m−12m_0\leftrightharpoons m_{+1}+m_{-1}, have been proposed as tools to explore entanglement and squeezing in Bose-Einstein condensates, and have potential use in precision phase measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A compact high-flux cold atom beam source

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    We report on an efficient and compact high-flux Cs atom beam source based on a retro-reflected two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (2D MOT). We realize an effective pushing field component by tilting the 2D MOT collimators towards a separate three-dimensional magneto-optical trap (3D MOT) in ultra-high vacuum. This technique significantly improved 3D MOT loading rates to greater than 8×1098 \times 10^9 atoms/s using only 20 mW of total laser power for the source. When operating below saturation, we achieve a maximum efficiency of 6.2×10116.2 \times 10^{11} atoms/s/W

    Optical Phase Recovery and Locking in a PPM Laser Communication Link

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    Free-space optical communication holds great promise for future space missions requiring high data rates. For data communication in deep space, the current architecture employs pulse position modulation (PPM). In this scheme, the light is transmitted and detected as pulses within an array of time slots. While the PPM method is efficient for data transmission, the phase of the laser light is not utilized. The phase coherence of a PPM optical signal has been investigated with the goal of developing a new laser communication and ranging scheme that utilizes optical coherence within the established PPM architecture and photon-counting detection (PCD). Experimental measurements of a PPM modulated optical signal were conducted, and modeling code was developed to generate random PPM signals and simulate spectra via FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis. The experimental results show very good agreement with the simulations and confirm that coherence is preserved despite modulation with high extinction ratios and very low duty cycles. A real-time technique has been developed to recover the phase information through the mixing of a PPM signal with a frequency-shifted local oscillator (LO). This mixed signal is amplified, filtered, and integrated to generate a voltage proportional to the phase of the modulated signal. By choosing an appropriate time constant for integration, one can maintain a phase lock despite long dark times between consecutive pulses with low duty cycle. A proof-of-principle demonstration was first achieved with an RF-based PPM signal and test setup. With the same principle method, an optical carrier within a PPM modulated laser beam could also be tracked and recovered. A reference laser was phase-locked to an independent pulsed laser signal with low-duty-cycle pseudo-random PPM codes. In this way, the drifting carrier frequency in the primary laser source is tracked via its phase change in the mixed beat note, while the corresponding voltage feedback maintains the phase lock between the two laser sources. The novelty and key significance of this work is that the carrier phase information can be harnessed within an optical communication link based on PPM-PCD architecture. This technology development could lead to quantum-limited efficient performance within the communication link itself, as well as enable high-resolution optical tracking capabilities for planetary science and spacecraft navigation

    Supercritical CO2 Cleaning System for Planetary Protection and Contamination Control Applications

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    Current spacecraft-compatible cleaning protocols involve a vapor degreaser, liquid sonication, and alcohol wiping. These methods are not very effective in removing live and dead microbes from spacecraft piece parts of slightly complicated geometry, such as tubing and loosely fitted nuts and bolts. Contamination control practices are traditionally focused on cleaning and monitoring of particulate and oily residual. Vapor degreaser and outgassing bakeout have not been proven to be effective in removing some less volatile, hydrophilic biomolecules of significant relevance to life detection. A precision cleaning technology was developed using supercritical CO2 (SCC). SCC is used as both solvent and carrier for removing organic and particulate contaminants. Supercritical fluid, like SCC, is characterized by physical and thermal properties that are between those of the pure liquid and gas phases. The fluid density is a function of the temperature and pressure. Its solvating power can be adjusted by changing the pressure or temperature, or adding a secondary solvent such as alcohol or water. Unlike a regular organic solvent, SCC has higher diffusivities, lower viscosity, and lower surface tension. It readily penetrates porous and fibrous solids and can reach hard-to-reach surfaces of the parts with complex geometry. Importantly, the CO2 solvent does not leave any residue. The results using this new cleaning device demonstrated that both supercritical CO2 with 5% water as a co-solvent can achieve cleanliness levels of 0.01 mg/cm2 or less for contaminants of a wide range of hydrophobicities. Experiments under the same conditions using compressed Martian air mix, which consists of 95% CO2, produced similar cleaning effectiveness on the hydrophobic compounds. The main components of the SCC cleaning system are a high-pressure cleaning vessel, a boil-off vessel located downstream from the cleaning vessel, a syringe-type high-pressure pump, a heat exchanger, and a back pressure regulator (BPR). After soaking the parts to be cleaned in the clean vessel for a period, the CO2 with contaminants is flushed out of the cleaning vessel using fresh CO2 in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) method. The contaminants are either precipitating out in the boil-off container or being trapped in a filter subsystem. The parts to be cleaned are secured in a basket inside and can be rotated up to 1,400 rpm by a magnetic drive. The fluid flows within the vessel generate tangential forces on the parts surfaces, enhancing the cleaning effectiveness and shortening the soaking time. During the FIFO flushing, the pump subsystem pushes fresh CO2 into the cleaning vessel at a constant flow rate between 0.01 and 200 mL/min, while the BPR regulates the pressure in the cleaning vessel to within 0.1 bar by controlling the needle position in an outlet valve. The fresh CO2 gas flows through the heat exchanger at a given temperature before entering the cleaning vessel. A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) reads the cleaning vessel interior temperature that can be controlled to within 0.1 K. As a result, cleaning vessel temperature remains constant during the FIFO flushing. There is no change in solvent power during FIFO flushing since both temperature and pressure inside the cleaning vessel remain unchanged, thus minimizing contaminants left behind. During decompression, both temperature and pressure are strictly controlled to prevent bubbles from generating in the cleaning vessel that could stir up the contaminants that sank to the bottom by gravity

    Thermodynamics in expanding shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Inspired by investigations of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) produced in the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) aboard the International Space Station, we present a study of thermodynamic properties of shell-shaped BECs. Within the context of a spherically symmetric bubble trap potential, we study the evolution of the system from small filled spheres to hollow, large, thin shells via the tuning of trap parameters. We analyze the bubble trap spectrum and states and track the distinct changes in spectra between radial and angular modes across the evolution. This separation of the excitation spectrum provides a basis for quantifying dimensional crossover to quasi-2D physics at a given temperature. Using the spectral data, for a range of trap parameters, we compute the critical temperature for a fixed number of particles to form a BEC. For a set of initial temperatures, we also evaluate the change in temperature that would occur in adiabatic expansion from small filled sphere to large thin shell were the trap to be dynamically tuned. We show that the system cools during this expansion but that the decrease in critical temperature occurs more rapidly, thus resulting in depletion of any initial condensate. We contrast our spectral methods with standard semiclassical treatments, which we find must be used with caution in the thin-shell limit. With regard to interactions, using energetic considerations and corroborated through Bogoliubov treatments, we demonstrate that they would be less important for thin shells due to reduced density but vortex physics would become more predominant. Finally, we apply our treatments to traps that realistically model CAL experiments and borrow from the thermodynamic insights found in the idealized bubble case during adiabatic expansion

    Miniature Trace Gas Detector Based on Microfabricated Optical Resonators

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    While a variety of techniques exist to monitor trace gases, methods relying on absorption of laser light are the most commonly used in terrestrial applications. Cavity-enhanced absorption techniques typically use high-reflectivity mirrors to form a resonant cavity, inside of which a sample gas can be analyzed. The effective absorption length is augmented by the cavity's high quality factor, or Q, because the light reflects many times between the mirrors. The sensitivity of such mirror-based sensors scales with size, generally making them somewhat bulky in volume. Also, specialized coatings for the high-reflectivity mirrors have limited bandwidth (typically just a few nanometers), and the delicate mirror surfaces can easily be degraded by dust or chemical films. As a highly sensitive and compact alternative, JPL is developing a novel trace gas sensor based on a monolithic optical resonator structure that has been modified such that a gas sample can be directly injected into the cavity. This device concept combines ultra-high Q optical whispering gallery mode resonators (WGMR) with microfabrication technology used in the semiconductor industry. For direct access to the optical mode inside a resonator, material can be precisely milled from its perimeter, creating an open gap within the WGMR. Within this open notch, the full optical mode of the resonator can be accessed. While this modification may limit the obtainable Q, calculations show that the reduction is not significant enough to outweigh its utility for trace gas detection. The notch can be milled from the high- Q crystalline WGMR with a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument with resolution much finer than an optical wavelength, thereby minimizing scattering losses and preserving the optical quality. Initial experimental demonstrations have shown that these opened cavities still support high-Q whispering gallery modes. This technology could provide ultrasensitive detection of a variety of molecular species in an extremely compact and robust package. With this type of modified WGMR, one can inject a gas sample into the open gap, allowing highly sensitive trace molecule detection within a roughly 1-cm volume. Other critical components of the instrument, such as the detector and a semiconductor laser, could be directly packaged with the resonator so as to not significantly increase the size of the device. Besides its low mass, volume, and power consumption, the monolithic design makes these resonators intrinsically robust devices, capable of handling significant temperature excursions, without moving parts to wear out or delicate coatings that can be easily damaged. A sensor could integrate with microfluidics technology for a chip-scale device. It could be mounted to the end of a deployable arm, or inserted into a borehole. Also, a network of individual sensors could be dispersed to monitor conditions over a wide regio

    Whispering Gallery Mode Optomechanical Resonator

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    Great progress has been made in both micromechanical resonators and micro-optical resonators over the past decade, and a new field has recently emerged combining these mechanical and optical systems. In such optomechanical systems, the two resonators are strongly coupled with one influencing the other, and their interaction can yield detectable optical signals that are highly sensitive to the mechanical motion. A particularly high-Q optical system is the whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator, which has many applications ranging from stable oscillators to inertial sensor devices. There is, however, limited coupling between the optical mode and the resonator s external environment. In order to overcome this limitation, a novel type of optomechanical sensor has been developed, offering great potential for measurements of displacement, acceleration, and mass sensitivity. The proposed hybrid device combines the advantages of all-solid optical WGM resonators with high-quality micro-machined cantilevers. For direct access to the WGM inside the resonator, the idea is to radially cut precise gaps into the perimeter, fabricating a mechanical resonator within the WGM. Also, a strategy to reduce losses has been developed with optimized design of the cantilever geometry and positions of gap surfaces

    Pulsed Laser System to Simulate Effects of Cosmic Rays in Semiconductor Devices

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    Spaceflight system electronic devices must survive a wide range of radiation environments with various particle types including energetic protons, electrons, gamma rays, x-rays, and heavy ions. High-energy charged particles such as heavy ions can pass straight through a semiconductor material and interact with a charge-sensitive region, generating a significant amount of charge (electron-hole pairs) along their tracks. These excess charges can damage the device, and the response can range from temporary perturbations to permanent changes in the state or performance. These phenomena are called single event effects (SEE). Before application in flight systems, electronic parts need to be qualified and tested for performance and radiation sensitivity. Typically, their susceptibility to SEE is tested by exposure to an ion beam from a particle accelerator. At such facilities, the device under test (DUT) is irradiated with large beams so there is no fine resolution to investigate particular regions of sensitivity on the parts. While it is the most reliable approach for radiation qualification, these evaluations are time consuming and costly. There is always a need for new cost-efficient strategies to complement accelerator testing: pulsed lasers provide such a solution. Pulsed laser light can be utilized to simulate heavy ion effects with the advantage of being able to localize the sensitive region of an integrated circuit. Generally, a focused laser beam of approximately picosecond pulse duration is used to generate carrier density in the semiconductor device. During irradiation, the laser pulse is absorbed by the electronic medium with a wavelength selected accordingly by the user, and the laser energy can ionize and simulate SEE as would occur in space. With a tightly focused near infrared (NIR) laser beam, the beam waist of about a micrometer can be achieved, and additional scanning techniques are able to yield submicron resolution. This feature allows mapping of all of the sensitive regions of the studied device with fine resolution, unlike heavy ion experiments. The problematic regions can be precisely identified, and it provides a considerable amount of information about the circuit. In addition, the system allows flexibility for testing the device in different configurations in situ
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