3,212 research outputs found

    Philological allusions and citations in the «My soul Paul» Novel by A. Varlamov

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    The article analyzes the role of philological allusions and citations in A. Varlamov's "My soul Paul" novel. It is noted that some citations and allusions of a philological nature play the role of a kind of "cipher" for "initiates" (philologists). Literary citations and allusions that refer the reader to works of not only Russian but also foreign literature perform an important function in the novel. So, in the novel "My soul Paul", a reference to the work of E. Hemingway "The old man and the sea" is important: the story of the Varlamov’s character correlates with the precedential situation described in the Hemingway’s story. The Pushkin’s text, or, more precisely, the image of Pushkin as a character symbolizing a certain harmony in art and life, as well as the idea of universal love, is of the most importance in the novel.В статье анализируется роль филологических аллюзий и цитат в романе А. Варламова «Душа моя Павел». Отмечается, что часть цитат и аллюзий филологического характера играет роль своеобразного «шифра» для «посвященных» (филологов). Важную функцию в романе выполняют литературные цитаты и аллюзии, отсылающие читателя к произведениям не только русской, но и зарубежной литературы. Так, важна в романе «Душа моя Павел» отсылка к произведению Э. Хемингуэя «Старик и море»: история героя Варламова соотносится с прецедентной ситуацией, описанной в повести Хемингуэя. Наиболее значимым в романе является пушкинский текст, а точнее, сам образ Пушкина как фигуры, символизирующей некую гармонию в искусстве и жизни, а также идею всеобщей любви

    Specificity of youth political actcionizm in Russia (on the base of review sociolological researches)

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    The article is based on the secondary analysis of all-russian and interregional sociological surveys of youth social political actionism. It is mentioned that youth is characterized by ambivalent behavior, mixing passivity in conventional political sphere with political ambitions, big potential of civic activity and political mobilization. Authors underline the growing role of ICTs in self-organization of youth. Peculiarities of social situation and social demographic characteristics, factors of development of youth actionism are analyzed, methodological principles are deduced for further investigation.В статье приводится результаты вторичного анализа всероссийских и межрегиональных социологических исследований молодежного общественно-политического акционизма. Отмечается противоречивый характер поведения молодежи, сочетания пассивности в сфере конвенциональной политики с политическими карьерными амбициями, потенциалом гражданской активности и политической мобилизации, подчеркивается возрастающая роль информационных компьютерных технологий в процессе самоорганизации молодежи, анализируются особенности социального положения и социально-демографические характеристики молодежных активистов, факторы развития молодежного акционизма, обобщаются методологические принципы исследования

    Clinical mimics and diagnostic challenges in tick-borne borreliosis: a systematic review

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    Background. Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis (TBB) is a clinically multifaceted disease posing a serious threat in most territories of the Russian Federation. New TBB outbreaks emerge and spread to the country’s south.Objectives. The review highlights the TBB clinical diversity to physicians in order to improve the diagnosis quality and opportune aid. It focuses on the early and late clinical presentation of localised and disseminated polysystemic TBB.Methods. Sources were mined in the MEDLINE, PubMed and national electronic databases (Сyberleninka, eLibrary, etc.) with keywords “tick-borne borreliosis” [клещевой боррелиоз], “Lyme disease” [болезнь Лайма], “Lyme arthritis” [Лайм-артриты], neuroborreliosis [нейроборрелиоз] for the period of 2014–2020. Selected impactive publications within 2007–2013 were also included. Research was considered eligible if borreliosis was diagnosed using specific techniques like immune-enzyme assays, immunoblotting or PCR.Results. TBB is a common and cross-disciplinary situation. The disease may progress occult or manifest in a variety of forms, from annular erythema to cardiac, peripheral and central nervous system involvement or arthritis. The polysystemic nature of lesions, often long-term of the tick bite, forces multiple specialist visits ending with misdiagnoses, late aetiotropic therapy and transition into a chronic phase through ignorance of the patient’s epidemiological record. Some patients may have the acute phase followed by irreversible neurological damage associated with memory loss, cognitive decline, arthrosis and sclerotic skin change reducing the quality of life.Conclusion. TBB can be mimicked by therapeutic, neurological, skin and ophthalmic illnesses, which warrants the physician’s attention to the epidemiological record and knowledge of specific diagnostic techniques. Further research is necessary into the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of chronic TBB and its residual manifestations

    Экспрессия интерферон-стимулированных генов у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом на фоне анти-В-клеточной терапии (предварительные результаты)

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    Objective: to evaluate the expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISG) – interferon (IFN) signature – in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its dynamics during anti-B-cell therapy.Patients and methods.We examined 20 patients with RA who received two infusions of the biosimilar rituximab (RTM) Acellbia® in a total dose of 1200 mg. Five genes were selected to evaluate IFN signature: IFI44L, MX1, IFIT1, RSAD2, EPSTI1. The expression of IFI44L and IFIT1 could not be determined for technical reasons, and further analysis included three genes – MX1, EPSTI1, RSAD2. IFN signature was calculated as the average value of the expression of three selected genes (IFN-score).Results and discussion. The initial expression level of MX1 was 11.48 (5.45–19.38), EPSTI1 – 12.83 (5.62–19.64), RSAD2 – 5.16 (2.73–10.4) and IFN-score –10.3 (5.18–17.12), in patients with RA it was statistically significantly higher than in healthy donors: 1.26 (0.73–1.6); 1.06 (0.81–1.48); 0.93 (0.72–1.19) and 1.09 (0.92–1.42), respectively (p<0.05). The IFN-score was high in 15 (75%) patients, low in 5 (15%). The use of RTM was accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in disease activity and the level of acute phase parameters (ESR, CRP) after 12 and 24 weeks of therapy (p<0.05). In the group as a whole, as well as in patients with a moderate effect of therapy or its absence, by the 24th week of treatment, an increase in the expression of RSAD2 (p<0.05) and a tendency to an increase in the IFN-score level (p=0.06) were observed.Conclusion. In patients with RA, an increased expression of ISH was found compared to healthy donors. An increase in the expression of RSAD2 and IFN-score is observed both in patients with a satisfactory effect of RTM and with no effect. The obtained results can be important for predicting the course of the disease and personalizing therapy.Цель исследования – оценить экспрессию интерферон-стимулированных генов (ИСГ) – интерфероновый (ИФН) «автограф» – у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом (РА) и ее динамику на фоне анти-В-клеточной терапии.Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 20 больных РА, получивших две инфузии биоаналога ритуксимаба (РТМ) Ацеллбия® в суммарной дозе 1200 мг. Для оценки ИФН-«автографа» были отобраны пять генов: IFI44L, MX1, IFIT1, RSAD2, EPSTI1. Экспрессию IFI44L и IFIT1 определить не удалось по техническим причинам и в дальнейшем анализе учитывали три гена – MX1, EPSTI1, RSAD2. ИФН-«автограф» был рассчитан как среднее значение экспрессии трех выбранных генов (ИФН-score).Результаты и обсуждение. Исходный уровень экспрессии MX1 – 11,48 (5,45–19,38), EPSTI1 – 12,83 (5,62–19,64), RSAD2 – 5,16 (2,73–10,4) и ИФН- score – 10,3 (5,18–17,12) у пациентов с РА были статистически значимо выше, чем у здоровых доноров: 1,26 (0,73–1,6); 1,06 (0,81–1,48); 0,93 (0,72–1,19) и 1,09 (0,92–1,42) соответственно (р<0,05). Показатель ИФН-score был высоким у 15 (75%) больных, низким – у 5 (15%). Применение РТМ сопровождалось статистически значимым снижением активности заболевания и уровня острофазовых показателей (СОЭ, СРБ) через 12 и 24 нед терапии (p<0,05). В группе в целом, а также у пациентов с умеренным эффектом терапии или его отсутствием к 24-й неделе лечения отмечались повышение экспрессии RSAD2 (p<0,05) и тенденция к повышению уровня ИФН-score (р=0,06).Заключение. У пациентов с РА выявлена повышенная экспрессия ИСГ по сравнению со здоровыми донорами. При удовлетворительном эффекте РТМ или его отсутствии наблюдается повышение экспрессии RSAD2 и ИФН-score. Полученные результаты могут иметь значение для прогнозирования течения заболевания и персонификации терапии

    Взаимосвязь лабораторных биомаркеров и ультразвуковых признаков воспаления у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом на фоне терапии биоаналогом ритуксимаба

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    Objective: to assess the relationship between laboratory biomarkers and ultrasonographic signs of inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during therapy with a rituximab (RTM) biosimilar.Patients and methods. 20 patients with definite diagnosis of RA were examined. All patients received 2 infusions of RTM (Acellbia®), at a dose of 600 mg intravenously 2 weeks apart during therapy with methotrexate, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed immediately before the start of therapy, and then 12 and 24 weeks after the first infusion of the drug.Results and discussion. By the 24th week of RTM therapy, a good/moderate effect according to the EULAR criteria was registered in 17 (85%) patients; remission according to DAS28 (<2.6) was achieved in 4 (20%) patients, SDAI (≤3.3) – in 2 (10%), CDAI (≤2.8) – in 1 (5%). Prior to the start of treatment, active synovitis was detected in 13 (65%) patients by power Doppler imaging (PD), and in 20 (100%) patients by gray scale scanning. During therapy with the RTM biosimilar, a significant decrease in inflammatory changes in the joints was observed, and by the 24th week after the start of treatment, the median PD was 0.5; active inflammation persisted in 7 (35%) patients. As shown by ROC analysis, the initial level of interleukin (IL) 6 >100.0 pg/ml is associated with the persistence of inflammatory activity according to PD by the 24th week of therapy with the RTM biosimilar, while the sensitivity was 85% and the specificity was 62% (AUC 0.78, 95% CI 0.57–0.99)Conclusion. An association was found between an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, mainly IL6, and the activity of synovial inflammation according to ultrasound data. IL6 is the most promising marker for predicting persistent inflammatory activity based on the results of PD; other analyzed parameters have worse sensitivity and specificity parameters.Цель исследования – оценить взаимосвязь лабораторных биомаркеров и ультразвуковых признаков воспаления у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом на фоне терапии биоаналогом ритуксимаба (РТМ).Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 20 больных с достоверным диагнозом РА. Всем пациентам проведено по 2 инфузии РТМ (Ацеллбия®) в дозе 600 мг внутривенно с интервалом в 2 нед на фоне терапии метотрексатом, нестероидными противовоспалительными препаратами и глюкокортикоидами. Клинические и лабораторные показатели анализировались непосредственно перед началом терапии, а затем через 12 и 24 нед после первой инфузии препарата.Результаты и обсуждение. К 24-й неделе терапии РТМ хороший/умеренный эффект по критериям EULAR зарегистрирован у 17 (85%) пациентов; ремиссия по DAS28 (<2,6) достигнута у 4 (20%) больных, SDAI ( ≤3,3) – у 2 (10%), CDAI ( ≤2,8) – у 1 (5%). До начала лечения активный синовит по данным энергетического допплеровского картирования (ЭД) выявлен у 13 (65%) пациентов, а при сканировании в режиме серой шкалы – у 20 (100%). На фоне терапии биоаналогом РТМ наблюдалось значимое уменьшение воспалительных изменений в суставах, и к 24-й неделе после начала лечения медиана ЭД составила 0,5; активное воспаление сохранялось у 7 (35%) больных. Как показал ROC-анализ, исходный уровень интерлейкина (ИЛ) 6 >100,0 пг/мл ассоциируется с сохранением воспалительной активности по данным ЭД к 24-й неделе терапии биоаналогом РТМ, при этом чувствительность составила 85% и специфичность – 62% (AUC 0,78, 95% доверительный интервал 0,57–0,99)Заключение. Выявлена ассоциация между повышенным уровнем провоспалительных цитокинов, в основном ИЛ6, и активностью синовиального воспаления по данным УЗИ. Для прогнозирования сохраняющейся воспалительной активности по результатам ЭД наиболее перспективным маркером является ИЛ6, другие анализируемые показатели имеют худшие параметры чувствительности и специфичности


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    F. tularensis ssp. novicida, considered earlier as a representative of a separate species, has been recently classed among F. tularensis variety, based on the results of comparative analysis of 16S-ribosomal RNA. Subspecies novicida can cause disease only in immunocompromised humans and is low virulent for rabbits. Despite this, high rate of homology of the nucleotide sequence of F. tularensis intraspecific taxon is established. Objective of the study is to obtain protective surface antigen complex from F. tularensis ssp. novicida Utah 112 (ATTC 15 482) cells and investigate its properties. Materials and methods. Protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content of the antigen preparation was measured using conventional colorimetric methods, SDS-PAGE was conducted according to U.Laemmli, and immunoblotting – to H.Towbin. For purification and molecular mass determination column chromatography was applied. Immune-chromatographic activity was analyzed by immune-enzyme assay. Immunogenicity of the produced preparation was tested on scrub white mice, with LD50 and ED50 calculated according to Karber’s method. Results and conclusions. Carried out has been comparative analysis of physical-chemical, antigenic and bio-chemical peculiarities of the protective antigen complex obtained from F. tularensis Utah 112 cells and equivalent antigen complex obtained from the vaccine strain – F. tularensis 15 NIIEG. Protectivity of the preparation has been tested through inoculation of the immunized white mice with virulent F. tularensis 503/840 strain. Demonstrated have been distinctive features of the new preparation, by structure and composition, as compared to similar antigen from the vaccine producer strain, as well as the slowdown of its immunochemical and protective activities

    Critical Exponents of the N-vector model

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    Recently the series for two RG functions (corresponding to the anomalous dimensions of the fields phi and phi^2) of the 3D phi^4 field theory have been extended to next order (seven loops) by Murray and Nickel. We examine here the influence of these additional terms on the estimates of critical exponents of the N-vector model, using some new ideas in the context of the Borel summation techniques. The estimates have slightly changed, but remain within errors of the previous evaluation. Exponents like eta (related to the field anomalous dimension), which were poorly determined in the previous evaluation of Le Guillou--Zinn-Justin, have seen their apparent errors significantly decrease. More importantly, perhaps, summation errors are better determined. The change in exponents affects the recently determined ratios of amplitudes and we report the corresponding new values. Finally, because an error has been discovered in the last order of the published epsilon=4-d expansions (order epsilon^5), we have also reanalyzed the determination of exponents from the epsilon-expansion. The conclusion is that the general agreement between epsilon-expansion and 3D series has improved with respect to Le Guillou--Zinn-Justin.Comment: TeX Files, 27 pages +2 figures; Some values are changed; references update

    Zero modes, beta functions and IR/UV interplay in higher-loop QED

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    We analyze the relation between the short-distance behavior of quantum field theory and the strong-field limit of the background field formalism, for QED effective Lagrangians in self-dual backgrounds, at both one and two loop. The self-duality of the background leads to zero modes in the case of spinor QED, and these zero modes must be taken into account before comparing the perturbative beta function coefficients and the coefficients of the strong-field limit of the effective Lagrangian. At one-loop this is familiar from instanton physics, but we find that at two-loop the role of the zero modes, and the interplay between IR and UV effects in the renormalization, is quite different. Our analysis is motivated in part by the remarkable simplicity of the two-loop QED effective Lagrangians for a self-dual constant background, and we also present here a new independent derivation of these two-loop results.Comment: 15 pages, revtex

    Thermodynamic characteristics of the classical n-vector magnetic model in three dimensions

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    The method of calculating the free energy and thermodynamic characteristics of the classical n-vector three-dimensional (3D) magnetic model at the microscopic level without any adjustable parameters is proposed. Mathematical description is perfomed using the collective variables (CV) method in the framework of the ρ4\rho^4 model approximation. The exponentially decreasing function of the distance between the particles situated at the N sites of a simple cubic lattice is used as the interaction potential. Explicit and rigorous analytical expressions for entropy,internal energy, specific heat near the phase transition point as functions of the temperature are obtained. The dependence of the amplitudes of the thermodynamic characteristics of the system for T>TcT>T_c and T<TcT<T_c on the microscopic parameters of the interaction potential are studied for the cases n=1,2,3n=1,2,3 and nn\to\infty. The obtained results provide the basis for accurate analysis of the critical behaviour in three dimensions including the nonuniversal characteristics of the system.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Three-loop critical exponents, amplitude functions, and amplitude ratios from variational perturbation theory

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    We use variational perturbation theory to calculate various universal amplitude ratios above and below T_c in minimally subtracted phi^4-theory with N components in three dimensions. In order to best exhibit the method as a powerful alternative to Borel resummation techniques, we consider only to two- and three-loops expressions where our results are analytic expressions. For the critical exponents, we also extend existing analytic expressions for two loops to three loops.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re318/preprint.htm