707 research outputs found

    Actual and Illusory Perception in Parkinson's Disease and Dystonia: A Narrative Review

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    Sensory information is continuously processed so as to allow behavior to be adjusted according to environmental changes. Before sensory information reaches the cortex, a number of subcortical neural structures select the relevant information to send to be consciously processed. In recent decades, several studies have shown that the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and dystonia involve sensory processing abnormalities related to proprioceptive and tactile information. These abnormalities emerge from psychophysical testing, mainly temporal discrimination, as well as from experimental paradigms based on bodily illusions. Although the link between proprioception and movement may be unequivocal, how temporal tactile information abnormalities and bodily illusions relate to motor disturbances in PD and dystonia is still a matter of debate. This review considers the role of altered sensory processing in the pathophysiology of movement disorders, focusing on how sensory alteration patterns differ between PD and dystonia. We also discuss the evidence available and the potential for developing new therapeutic strategies based on the manipulation of multi-sensory information and bodily illusions in patients with these movement disorders

    Sensory-motor integration in focal dystonia.

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    Traditional definitions of focal dystonia point to its motor component, mainly affecting planning and execution of voluntary movements. However, focal dystonia is tightly linked also to sensory dysfunction. Accurate motor control requires an optimal processing of afferent inputs from different sensory systems, in particular visual and somatosensory (e.g., touch and proprioception). Several experimental studies indicate that sensory-motor integration - the process through which sensory information is used to plan, execute, and monitor movements - is impaired in focal dystonia. The neural degenerations associated with these alterations affect not only the basal ganglia-thalamic-frontal cortex loop, but also the parietal cortex and cerebellum. The present review outlines the experimental studies describing impaired sensory-motor integration in focal dystonia, establishes their relationship with changes in specific neural mechanisms, and provides new insight towards the implementation of novel intervention protocols. Based on the reviewed state-of-the-art evidence, the theoretical framework summarized in the present article will not only result in a better understanding of the pathophysiology of dystonia, but it will also lead to the development of new rehabilitation strategies

    Spontaneous movement tempo can be influenced by combining action observation and somatosensory stimulation

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    Spontaneous movement tempo (SMT) was a popular field of study of the Gestalt psychologists It can be determined from subjects freely tapping out a rhythm with their finger, and it has been found to average about 2 Hz. A previous study showed that SMT changed after the observation of rhythmical movements performed at frequency different from the SMT. This effect was long-lasting only when movement execution immediately followed action observation (AO). We recently demonstrated that only when AO was combined with peripheral nerve stimulation (AO-PNS) was it possible to induce plastic changes in the excitability of the motor cortex, whereas AO and PNS alone did not evoke any changes. Here we investigated whether the observation of rhythmical actions at a frequency higher than the SMT combined with PNS induced lasting changes in SMT even in absence of immediate movement execution. Forty-eight participants were assigned to four groups. In AO-PNS group they observed a video showing a right hand performing a finger opposition movement sequence at 3 Hz and contemporarily received an electrical stimulation at the median nerve; in AO group and PNS group participants either observed the same video or received the same electrical stimulation of the AO-PNS group, respectively; in LANDSCAPE group subjects observed a neutral video. Participants performed a finger opposition movement sequence at spontaneous movement rate before and 30 min after the conditioning protocols. Results showed that SMT significantly changed only after AO-PNS. This result suggested that the AO-PNS protocol was able to induce lasting changes in SMT due to neuroplasticity mechanisms, indicating possible application of AO-PNS in rehabilitative treatments

    Sensorimotor inhibition during emotional processing

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    Visual processing of emotional stimuli has been shown to engage complex cortical and subcortical networks, but it is still unclear how it affects sensorimotor integration processes. To fill this gap, here, we used a TMS protocol named short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI), capturing sensorimotor interactions, while healthy participants were observing emotional body language (EBL) and International Affective Picture System (IAPS) stimuli. Participants were presented with emotional (fear- and happiness-related) or non-emotional (neutral) EBL and IAPS stimuli while SAI was tested at 120 ms and 300 ms after pictures presentation. At the earlier time point (120 ms), we found that fear-related EBL and IAPS stimuli selectively enhanced SAI as indexed by the greater inhibitory effect of somatosensory afferents on motor excitability. Larger early SAI enhancement was associated with lower scores at the Behavioural Inhibition Scale (BIS). At the later time point (300 ms), we found a generalized SAI decrease for all kind of stimuli (fear, happiness or neutral). Because the SAI index reflects integrative activity of cholinergic sensorimotor circuits, our findings suggest greater sensitivity of such circuits during early (120 ms) processing of threat-related information. Moreover, the correlation with BIS score may suggest increased attention and sensory vigilance in participants with greater anxiety-related dispositions. In conclusion, the results of this study show that sensorimotor inhibition is rapidly enhanced while processing threatening stimuli and that SAI protocol might be a valuable option in evaluating emotional-motor interactions in physiological and pathological conditions

    Sensorimotor skills impact on temporal expectation: Evidence from swimmers

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    Aim of this study was to assess whether the ability to predict the temporal outcome of a sport action was influenced by the sensorimotor skills previously acquired during a specific sport training. Four groups, each of 30 subjects, were enrolled in this study; subjects of three groups practiced different sports disciplines (i.e., swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, and water polo) at competitive level whilst the fourth group consisted of control subjects. Subjects were asked to observe a video showing a swimmer doing two laps in crawl style. This video was shown 36 times, and was occluded after variable intervals, randomized across trials, by a dark window that started 3, 6, and 12 s before the swimmer touched the poolside. During the occluded interval, subjects were asked to indicate when the swimmer touched the edge of the pool by clicking on any button of the laptop keyboard. We found that swimmers were more accurate than subjects performing other sports in temporally predicting the final outcome of the swimming task. Particularly, we observed a significant difference in absolute timing error that was lower in swimmers compared to other groups when they were asked to make a temporal prediction with the occluded interval of short duration (i.e., 3 s). Our findings demonstrate that the ability to extract temporal patterns of a motor action depends largely on the subjective expertise, suggesting that sport-acquired sensorimotor skills impact on the temporal representation of the previously observed action, allowing subjects to predict the time course of the action in absence of visual information

    Motor Timing in Tourette Syndrome: The Effect of Movement Lateralization and Bimanual Coordination

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    The study of motor timing informs on how temporal information integrates with motor acts. Cortico-basal ganglia and cortico-cerebellar circuits control this integration, whereas transcallosal interhemispheric connectivity modulates finely timed lateralized or bimanual actions. Motor timing abilities are under-explored in Tourette syndrome (TS). We adopted a synchronization-continuation task to investigate motor timing in sequential movements in TS patients. We studied 14 adult TS patients and 19 age-matched healthy volunteers. They were asked to tap in synchrony with a metronome cue (SYNC) and then, when the tone stopped, to keep tapping, maintaining the same rhythm (CONT). We tested both a sub-second and a supra-second inter-stimulus interval between the cues. Subjects randomly performed a single-hand task with the right hand and a bimanual task using both hands simultaneously wearing sensor-engineered gloves. We measured the temporal error and the interval reproduction accuracy index. We also performed MRI-based diffusion tensor imaging and probabilistic tractography of inter-hemispheric corpus callosum (CC) connections between supplementary motor areas (SMA) and the left SMA-putamen fiber tract. TS patients were less accurate than healthy individuals only on the single-hand version of the CONT task when asked to reproduce supra-second time interval. Supra-second time processing improved in TS patients in the bimanual task, with the performance of the right hand on the bimanual version of the CONT task being more accurate than that of the right hand on the single-hand version of the task. We detected a significantly higher fractional anisotropy (FA) in both SMA-SMA callosal and left-sided SMA-putamen fiber tracts in TS patients. In TS patients only, the structural organization of transcallosal connections between the SMAs and of the left SMA-putamen tract was higher when the motor timing accuracy of the right hand on the bimanual version of the task was lower. Abnormal timing performance for supra-second time processing is suggestive of a defective network inter-connecting the striatum, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the SMA. An increase in accuracy on the bimanual version of the CONT task may be the result of compensatory processes linked to self-regulation of motor control, as witnessed by plastic rearrangement of inter-hemispheric and cortical-subcortical fiber tracts

    The effect of music-induced emotion on visual-spatial learning in people with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study

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    Introduction: Emotional states have been shown to influence cognitive processes including visual-spatial learning. Parkinson's Disease (PD), besides manifesting with the cardinal motor symptoms, presents cognitive and affective disturbances. Here we aimed at investigating whether manipulation of the emotional state by means of music was able to influence the performance of a visual-spatial learning task in a group of PD participants. Methods: Ten PD patients and 11 healthy elderly (ELD) were asked to perform a visual-spatial learning task while listening two musical pieces evoking a neutral emotion or fear. Targets were presented on a screen in a preset order over four blocks and subjects were asked to learn the sequence order by attending to the display. At the end of each block, participants were asked to verbally recall the sequence and a score was assigned (Verbal Score, VS). Results: Analysis of variance-type statistic test on the VS disclosed a significant effect of Music and sequence Blocks (p = 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively) and a significant interaction between Group and sequence Blocks. Sequence learning occurred across the training period in both groups, but PD patients were slower than ELD and at the end of the training period learning performance was worse in PD with respect to ELD. In PD patients, like in ELD, fear-inducing music has a detrimental effect on visual-spatial learning performances, which are slower and decreased. Conclusion: These findings confirm an impairment in visual-spatial learning in PD and indicates that the emotional state influences this learning ability similarly to healthy controls
