603 research outputs found

    A daily diary investigation on the job-related affective experiences fueled by work addiction

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    Background and aims: We studied the quality of the job-related emotional experiences associated with work addiction. We hypothesized that work addiction would fuel both a higher level of daily job-related negative affect and a lower level of daily job-related positive affect and that such affective experiences would mediate the relationship between work addiction and emotional exhaustion reported at the end of the working day. Additionally, in light of typical behaviors and cognitions associated with work addiction, we also hypothesized that work addiction would modify the relationships between day workload and same day emotional strain reactions (i.e., job-related negative affect and job-related positive affect). Methods: Participants were 213 workers (42.5% female), most of whom holding a high-profile job position, who were followed for 10 consecutive working days in the context of a daily diary study. Results: Multilevel analyses controlling for neuroticism revealed that work addiction was uniquely and positively related to daily job-related negative affect and that the latter mediated the relationship between work addiction and daily emotional exhaustion. On the other hand, work addiction was not negatively related to daily job-related positive affect; this relationship emerged only when removing neuroticism from the model. Additionally, work addiction strengthened the relationship between day workload and day job-related negative affect. Discussion: Results indicate that work addicted are characterized by the experience of a negatively connotated affect during work, and that this kind of affect may be a mechanism explaining the work addiction-burnout relationship

    Qualidade do solo em áreas de plantio convencional sob latossolos do cerrado.

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    O cultivo convencional envolve o revolvimento e pulverização do solo, aplicação de corretivos e fertilizantes e exposição das partículas de solo. Este cultivo pode alterar a estrutura do solo, o que reflete no índice de qualidade do solo. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer índices que expressam a qualidade do solo em áreas de manejo com cultivo convencional em Latossolos sob Cerrado, através da avaliação de atributos físicos e químicos dos solos

    Unravelling work drive: A comparison between workaholism and overcommitment

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    Workaholism and overcommitment are often used as interchangeable constructs describing an individual’s over-involvement toward their own job. Employees with high levels in both constructs are characterized by an excessive effort and attachment to their job, with the incapability to detach from it and negative consequences in terms of poor health and job burnout. However, few studies have simultaneously measured both constructs, and their relationships are still not clear. In this study, we try to disentangle workaholism and overcommitment by comparing them with theoretically related contextual and personal antecedents, as well as their health consequences. We conducted a nonprobability mixed mode research design on 133 employees from different organizations in Italy using both self-and other-reported measures. To test our hypothesis that workaholism and overcommitment are related yet different constructs, we used partial correlations and regression analyses. The results confirm that these two constructs are related to each other, but also outline that overcommitment (and not workaholism) is uniquely related to job burnout, so that overcommitment rather than workaholism could represent the true negative aspect of work drive. Additionally, workaholism is more related to conscientiousness than overcommitment, while overcommitment shows a stronger relationship with neuroticism than workaholism. The theoretical implications are discussed

    Erodibilidade do solo nos tabuleiros costeiros.

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    Para determinar perdas de solo por erosão hídrica, em diferentes situações, são utilizados modelos de predição de erosão, como a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS). A aplicação destes modelos, no planejamento agrícola e ambiental, depende da determinação dos fatores da EUPS, dentre estes a erodibilidade (fator K). Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a erodibilidade, para as principais classes de solos da região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros, em Aracruz (ES). O experimento foi instalado nos seguintes solos: Argissolo Amarelo textura média/argilosa (PA1), Plintossolo Háplico (FX) e Argissolo Amarelo moderadamente rochoso (PA2). Para o cálculo da erodibilidade, foram utilizados dados de erosividade e de perdas de solo de novembro de 1997 a maio de 2004. As coletas de perdas de solo foram realizadas para cada evento de chuva considerada erosiva. Os valores de erodibilidade foram 0,007 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1; 0,017 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1; e 0,0004 Mg h MJ-1 mm-1, para PA1, FX e PA2, respectivamente

    Avaliação do padrão tecnológico e tendências da Agricultura de Precisão - Safra 2011/12.

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    Resumo: Embora os conceitos e tecnologias da Agricultura de Precisão (AP) são bastante difundidos no Brasil, a AP ainda é pouco utilizada em algumas regiões produtoras de grãos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um levantamento sobre a utilização da AP, por meio da aplicação de um questionário via web e impresso. Foram encaminhados 250 e-mails convidando produtores e técnicos a responderem o questionário, além da realização de uma reunião técnica sobre AP em Guaraí/TO. Após análise das respostas obtidas, 67% dos produtores que responderam ao questionário informaram que iniciaram as atividades de AP entre dois e cinco anos. O tamanho do grid mais utilizado é de 5 hectares, sendo o serviço predominantemente realizado por empresas prestadoras de serviço, contudo os equipamentos e a interpretação dos resultados é realizada pela equipe técnica da propriedade. Embora não consigam observar a redução no custo de produção com a utilização da AP, os produtores discordam que os custos da AP sejam maiores que os benefícios observados. Além disso, os equipamentos e softwares hoje empregados na AP são um obstáculo ao crescimento e ao investimento na tecnologia. Como o questionário foi respondido por produtores e técnicos de diversas regiões do Brasil, constatou-se que o trabalho com AP ainda é bastante recente. Mesmo com conhecimento sobre a técnica e os benefícios que a tecnologia proporciona a utilização ainda é bastante restrita e necessita de mais acesso à informação e capacitação técnica, a fim de ter um uso mais eficaz e eficiente

    Distinct Contributions of Median Raphe Nucleus to Contextual Fear Conditioning and Fear-Potentiated Startle

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    Ascending 5-HT projections from the median raphe nucleus (MRN), probably to the hippocampus, are implicated in the acquisition of contextual fear (background stimuli), as assessed by freezing behavior. Foreground cues like light, used as a conditioned stimulus (CS) in classical fear conditioning, also cause freezing through thalamic transmission to the amygdala. As the MRN projects to the hippocampus and amygdala, the role of this raphe nucleus in fear conditioning to explicit cues remains to be explained. Here we analyzed the behavior of rats with MRN electrolytic lesions in a contextual conditioning situation and in a fear-potentiated startle procedure. The animals received MRN electrolytic lesions either before or on the day after two consecutive training sessions in which they were submitted to 10 conditioning trials, each in an experimental chamber (same context) where they. received foot-shocks (0.6 mA, 1 sec) paired to a 4-sec light CS. Seven to ten days later, the animals were submitted to testing sessions for assessing conditioned fear when they were placed for five shocks, and the duration of contextual freezing was recorded. The animals were then submitted to a fear-potentiated startle in response to a 4-sec light-CS, followed by white noise (100 dB, 50 ms). Control rats (sham) tested in the same context showed more freezing than did rats with pre- or post-training MRN lesions. Startle was clearly potentiated in the presence of light CS in the sham-lesioned animals. Whereas pretraining lesions reduced both freezing and fear-potentiated startle, the post-training lesions reduced only freezing to context, without changing the fear-potentiated startle. In a second experiment, neurotoxic lesions of the MRN with local injections of N-methyl-D-aspartate or the activation of 5-HT1A somatodendritic auto-receptors of the MRN by microinjections of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-hydroxy- 2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) before the training sessions also reduced the amount of freezing and the fear-potentiated startle. Freezing is a prominent response of contextual fear conditioning, but does not seem to be crucial for the enhancement of the startle reflex by explicit aversive cues. As fear-potentiated startle may be produced in posttraining lesioned rats that are unable to freeze to fear contextual stimuli, dissociable systems seem to be recruited in each condition. Thus, contextual fear and fear-potentiated startle are conveyed by distinct 5-HT-mediated circuits of the MRN

    Growth of a sinkhole in a seismic zone of the northern Apennines (Italy)

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    Sinkhole collapse is a major hazard causing substantial social and economic losses. However, the surface deformations and sinkhole evolution are rarely recorded, as these sites are known mainly after a collapse, making the assessment of sinkhole-related hazard challenging. Furthermore, more than 40% of the sinkholes of Italy are in seismically hazardous zones; it remains unclear whether seismicity may trigger sinkhole collapse. Here we use a multidisciplinary data set of InSAR, surface mapping and historical records of sinkhole activity to show that the Prà di Lama lake is a long-lived sinkhole that was formed in an active fault zone and grew through several events of unrest characterized by episodic subsidence and lake-level changes. Moreover, InSAR shows that continuous aseismic subsidence at rates of up to 7.1mmyr-1occurred during 2003-2008, between events of unrest. Earthquakes on the major faults near the sinkhole do not trigger sinkhole activity but low-magnitude earthquakes at 4-12 km depth occurred during sinkhole unrest in 1996 and 2016. We interpret our observations as evidence of seismic creep at depth causing fracturing and ultimately leading to the formation and growth of the Prà di Lama sinkhole