45 research outputs found

    Efeito da atividade bactericida de três desinfetantes sobre Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a meticilina (MRSA)

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    Background and Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can cause hospital-acquired infections (HA-MRSA), community- acquired ones (CA-MRSA), and infections transmitted by pets and animals raised for food production (livestock-acquired or LA-MRSA). The conduct to control the transmission of these diseases requires a careful action against the causative agents on surfaces in the environment and the choice of disinfectants and antiseptics is crucial. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the bactericidal activity of sodium hypochlorite (SH), iodophor (I) and a quaternary ammonium compound (QAC), cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride, commonly used in hospital and animal production settings, on 21 MRSA isolates and a control bacterium, and test the hypothesis of cross resistance of antibiotics and disinfectants. Methods: The bactericidal activity of four successive dilutions of the disinfectants was evaluated through the suspension test, using an initial inoculum population density of 107 CFU/mL, after contact times of 5, 15 and 30 minutes. Results: Five minutes of contact of SH 25 ppm, I 12.5 ppm and QAC 125 ppm sufficed to inactivate the reference bacterium S. aureus ATCC 6538 and all MRSA. Conclusions: Once the factors that influence the efficiency of disinfectants are controlled, sodium hypochlorite, iodophor and the quaternary ammonium compound are suitable for controlling MRSA in the sources of infection. No resistance relationship was observed in the methicillin-resistant isolates with these substances.Antecedentes y objetivos: Los Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a meticilina (MRSA) están involucrados en infecciones nosocomiales (HA–MRSA), infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad (CA–MRSA), en mascotas y animales destinados a producción de alimentos (LA–MRSA). En la conducta para el control de su transmisión, la acción sobre los agentes causantes presentes en las superficies de los ambientes exige atención, resultando decisiva la elección de desinfectantes y antisépticos. Se objetivó en este estudio evaluar la actividad bactericida, sobre 21 aislados MRSA y bacteria control, de los compuestos químicos hipoclorito de sodio (HS), yodóforo (I) y amonio cuaternario (QAC – cloruro de cetil trimetil amonio), usados rutinariamente en ámbitos hospitalarios y en los de producción y salud animal, así como comprobar la hipótesis de la posibilidad de resistencia cruzada entre antibióticos y desinfectantes. Métodos: Por test de suspensión, usando densidad poblacional inicial de inoculaciones de 107 UFC/mL, se evaluó la actividad de cuatro diluciones sucesivas de desinfectantes, en tiempos de contacto de 5, 15 y 30 minutos. Resultados: Se observó que los desinfectantes en concentraciones HS 25 ppm, I 12.5 ppm y QAC 125 ppm, a los cinco minutos de contacto, fueron suficientes para inactivar la bacteria de referencia S. aureus ATCC 6538 y todos los MRSA. Conclusión: Controlados los factores que interfieren en la eficacia de los desinfectantes, los tres compuestos químicos son adecuados para controlar los MRSA en las fuentes de infección, y que en los aislados resistentes al antibiótico meticilina no fue observada relación de resistencia con ellos.Justificativa e Objetivos: Os Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a meticilina (MRSA) estão envolvidos em infecções nosocomiais (HA-MRSA), em infecções adquiridas na comunidade (CA-MRSA), nos animais de companhia e em animais para produção de alimentos (LA-MRSA). Na conduta para o controle da sua transmissão, a ação sobre os agentes causais presentes nas superfícies dos ambientes exige atenção, sendo decisiva a escolha de desinfetantes e anti-sépticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade bactericida, sobre 21 isolados MRSA e bactéria controle, dos compostos químicos hipoclorito de sódio (HS), iodóforo (I) e quaternário de amônio (QAC - cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio), usados rotineiramente em ambientes hospitalares e de produção e saúde animal, bem como testar hipótese da possibilidade de resistência cruzada entre antibióticos e desinfetantes. Métodos: Pelo teste de suspensão, usando densidade populacional inicial dos inóculos em 107 UFC/mL, avaliou-se a atividade bactericida de quatro diluições sucessivas dos desinfetantes, nos tempos de contato de 5, 15 e 30 minutos. Resultados: Observou-se que os desinfetantes nas concentrações HS 25 ppm, I 12,5 ppm e QAC 125 ppm, aos cinco minutos de contato, foram suficientes para inativar a bactéria de referência S. aureus ATCC 6538 e todos os MRSA. Conclusão: Controlados os fatores que interferem na eficácia dos desinfetantes, o hipoclorito de sódio, o iodóforo e o quaternário de amônio são adequados para controlar os MRSA nas fontes de infecção. Nos isolados resistentes ao antibiótico meticilina não foi observada relação de resistência com estes compostos químicos

    Anti-Escherichia coli effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. in a meat model

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    Hibiscus sabdariffa L. is used in traditional medicine because of its bioactive properties, such as antioxidant and antibacterial. Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacteria and as an indicator of contamination in food. The aim of this work was to evaluate the anti-Escherichia coli effect and the change in pH on the control of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, using hydroethanolic extract of H. sabdariffa L. in different concentrations in a meat model, verifying its potential as food additive for microbiological stability on ground beef during cooling storage. For the preparation of the treatments, the meat experimental units were elaborated with different concentrations of the vegetal extract (5, 10, 15 and 20%), ground beef and contaminated with E. coli. For pH evaluation, the meat experimental units were added different percentages of hydroethanolic extract. The H. sabdariffa L. antibacterial action reduced two logarithmic levels in practically all treatments. The best pH result was obtained in the meat containing 30% of the extract. The hydroethanolic extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. showed anti-Escherichia coli activity in the presence of refrigerated ground beef. Analyzing the pH results and the count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, it is possible this extract to be used as a natural food additive

    The “prior communication” with exhibitors of cheese and meat sausages at the Family Farming Fair/RS : a health education tool for the use of Sanitary Surveillance in mass events

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    Introdução: No evento de massa Feira da Agricultura Familiar são ofertados queijos e embutidos cárneos processados em agroindústrias familiares do Rio Grande do Sul. Em muitas edições da Feira, os fiscais sanitários encontravam recorrentes inadequações na comercialização desses produtos. Objetivo: Visando inovar a conduta da Vigilância Sanitária em alimentos na redução de riscos, foi criado o instrumento, denominado “comunicação prévia”, para ser aplicado aos expositores e avaliado como recurso de educação em saúde. Método: A “comunicação prévia” foi redigida reafirmando a corresponsabilidade entre a Vigilância Sanitária e expositores para com a saúde dos consumidores, bem como foram listadas as inadequações observadas em edições anteriores. Nas edições 2016 e 2017, três meses antes do evento, esse instrumento foi enviado para as agroindústrias expositoras. Para aferir a influência do instrumento na redução de inadequações foi usada parte do Anexo II da RDC da Anvisa nº 43, de 1º de setembro de 2015. Resultados: Comparamos as inadequações dos anos 2014 e 2015 com as de 2016 e 2017, como exemplos: os itens matérias-primas transportadas, armazenadas e conservadas, incluindo temperatura, de 62,50% dos estandes passou para 5,71% em 2016 e 14,21% em 2017; a temperatura dos alimentos mantidos nos equipamentos para exposição e distribuição de 75,00% dos estandes passou para 60,00% em 2016 e para 3,57% em 2017; o item rotulagem de 62,50% dos estandes passou para 0% em 2016 e 2017. Conclusão: O instrumento exerceu influência na redução de riscos na comercialização dos alimentos.Introduction: The Family Farming Fair mass event offers cheeses and meat sausages processed in family agribusiness in Rio Grande do Sul. In many editions of the Fair, health inspectors found recurring inadequacies in the marketing of these products. Objective: In order to innovate the conduct of Sanitary Surveillance in food in reducing risks, to create an instrument called “prior communication” with exhibitors, to be applied and evaluated as a health education resource. Method: The “prior communication” was written reaffirming the co-responsibility between the Surveillance and exhibitors for consumers’ health, as well as the inadequacies observed in previous editions. In the 2016 and 2017 editions, three months before the event, it was sent to the exhibiting agribusiness. To measure the influence of the instrument in reducing inadequacies, part of Annex II of RDC / Anvisa 43/2015 was used. Results: By comparing the inadequacies of the years 2014/15 with those of 2016/17, we find the following examples: the raw materials transported, stored and preserved, including temperature, from 62.50% of the stands decreased to 5.71% in 2016 and 14.21% in 2017; the temperature of the food kept in the exhibition and distribution equipment of 75.00% of the stands decreased to 60.00% in 2016 and 3.57% in 2017; the labeling item of 62.50% of the stands increased to 0% in 2016 and 2017. Conclusion: The instrument influenced the reduction of risks in the food commercialization

    A “comunicação prévia” com expositores de queijos e embutidos cárneos na Feira da Agricultura Familiar, RS: um instrumento de educação em saúde para uso da Vigilância Sanitária em eventos de massa

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    Introduction: The Family Farming Fair mass event offers cheeses and meat sausages processed in family agribusiness in Rio Grande do Sul. In many editions of the Fair, health inspectors found recurring inadequacies in the marketing of these products. Objective: In order to innovate the conduct of Sanitary Surveillance in food in reducing risks, to create an instrument called “prior communication” with exhibitors, to be applied and evaluated as a health education resource. Method: The “prior communication” was written reaffirming the co-responsibility between the Surveillance and exhibitors for consumers’ health, as well as the inadequacies observed in previous editions. In the 2016 and 2017 editions, three months before the event, it was sent to the exhibiting agribusiness. To measure the influence of the instrument in reducing inadequacies, part of Annex II of RDC / Anvisa 43/2015 was used. Results: By comparing the inadequacies of the years 2014/15 with those of 2016/17, we find the following examples: the raw materials transported, stored and preserved, including temperature, from 62.50% of the stands decreased to 5.71% in 2016 and 14.21% in 2017; the temperature of the food kept in the exhibition and distribution equipment of 75.00% of the stands decreased to 60.00% in 2016 and 3.57% in 2017; the labeling item of 62.50% of the stands increased to 0% in 2016 and 2017. Conclusion: The instrument influenced the reduction of risks in the food commercialization.Introdução: No evento de massa Feira da Agricultura Familiar são ofertados queijos e embutidos cárneos processados em agroindústrias familiares do Rio Grande do Sul. Em muitas edições da Feira, os fiscais sanitários encontravam recorrentes inadequações na comercialização desses produtos. Objetivo: Visando inovar a conduta da Vigilância Sanitária em alimentos na redução de riscos, foi criado o instrumento, denominado “comunicação prévia”, para ser aplicado aos expositores e avaliado como recurso de educação em saúde. Método: A “comunicação prévia” foi redigida reafirmando a corresponsabilidade entre a Vigilância Sanitária e expositores para com a saúde dos consumidores, bem como foram listadas as inadequações observadas em edições anteriores. Nas edições 2016 e 2017, três meses antes do evento, esse instrumento foi enviado para as agroindústrias expositoras. Para aferir a influência do instrumento na redução de inadequações foi usada parte do Anexo II da RDC da Anvisa nº 43, de 1º de setembro de 2015. Resultados: Comparamos as inadequações dos anos 2014 e 2015 com as de 2016 e 2017, como exemplos: os itens matérias-primas transportadas, armazenadas e conservadas, incluindo temperatura, de 62,50% dos estandes passou para 5,71% em 2016 e 14,21% em 2017; a temperatura dos alimentos mantidos nos equipamentos para exposição e distribuição de 75,00% dos estandes passou para 60,00% em 2016 e para 3,57% em 2017; o item rotulagem de 62,50% dos estandes passou para 0% em 2016 e 2017. Conclusão: O instrumento exerceu influência na redução de riscos na comercialização dos alimentos

    In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activities of Eugenia caryophyllata and origanum vulgare against avian Escherichia coli isolates

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    Background: The use of conventional antibiotics to prevent this infection is a usual in the poultry industry, specially to reduce the mortality associated with colibacillosis. Essential oils have demonstrated broad spectrums in terms of antimicrobial activities against various pathogens, Escherichia coli among them. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro susceptibility of avian E. coli strains to Eugenia caryophyllata (clove) and Origanum vulgare (oregano) essential oils, at three different concentrations (2, 5, and 8%), and to the conventional antimicrobials, gentamicin and nalidixic acid. Materials, Methods & Results: Seventeen strains of Escherichia coli isolated from broiler bedding were tested and a standard E. coli strain (ATCC 25922) was used as a susceptibility test control. The antimicrobial activity of plant extracts from Eugenia caryophyllata and Origanum vulgare, obtained commercially from Laszlo Aromatologia Ltda., was tested in three concentrations (2, 5 and 8%) using the method of disk diffusion on agar according to the M2 - A8 protocol (CLSI, 2003) adapted to plant extracts and to the conventional antimicrobials gentamicin (10 μg) and nalidixic acid (30 μg), commercially obtained from Oxoid. The results showed that the extract from Origanum vulgare had an inhibitory activity on E. coli regardless of its concentration whereas the extract from Eugenia caryophyllata showed antimicrobial activity in 29.4% (5/17) of the isolated strains only at the concentration of 8%. All avian isolates were sensitive to gentamicin (100% of the strains tested); however, only 23.5% (4/17) of the samples were sensitive to nalidixic acid Discussion: The impressive antimicrobial activity of the Origanum vulgare against E. coli avian origin was confirmed in previous studies against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The essential oil of Origanum vulgare was more antimicrobial activity that Eugenia caryophyllata. Thymol and carvacrol is main antimicrobial component of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare, being responsible for the distortion to the physical structure of cells, leading to destabilization of the cell membrane, changing its permeability and denaturing essential enzymes. As for, the major constituent of the essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata is eugenol, and their pharmacological effects depend on the concentration of free eugenol in living tissue, which may account for the better antimicrobial activity in the treatment with 8% of this extract. All the strains tested in this study were sensitive to gentamicin, while most of them (80%) were resistant to nalidixic acid. The gentamicin has the highest spectrum of action among aminoglycoside, however, bacteria rapidly acquire plasmidmediated resistance to this ingredient in the presence of selective pressure. The beginning of antimicrobial resistance by zoonotic bacteria has important implications for public health. Data from several researchers suggest that improper selection and disorderly use of conventional antimicrobials can lead to the resistance of various pathogens and, consequently, their access to consumers through foodstuffs. Therefore, the use of Origanum vulgare oil extract was found to be effective on avian E. coli strains and may be an alternative for reducing the losses caused by these bacteria in poultry production whenever a limitation in the use of traditional antibiotics exist

    Effect of bactericidal activity of three disinfectants on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

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    Background and Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can cause hospital-acquired infections (HA-MRSA), community- acquired ones (CA-MRSA), and infections transmitted by pets and animals raised for food production (livestock-acquired or LA-MRSA). The conduct to control the transmission of these diseases requires a careful action against the causative agents on surfaces in the environment and the choice of disinfectants and antiseptics is crucial. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the bactericidal activity of sodium hypochlorite (SH), iodophor (I) and a quaternary ammonium compound (QAC), cetyl-trimethyl-ammonium chloride, commonly used in hospital and animal production settings, on 21 MRSA isolates and a control bacterium, and test the hypothesis of cross resistance of antibiotics and disinfectants. Methods: The bactericidal activity of four successive dilutions of the disinfectants was evaluated through the suspension test, using an initial inoculum population density of 107 CFU/mL, after contact times of 5, 15 and 30 minutes. Results: Five minutes of contact of SH 25 ppm, I 12.5 ppm and QAC 125 ppm sufficed to inactivate the reference bacterium S. aureus ATCC 6538 and all MRSA. Conclusions: Once the factors that influence the efficiency of disinfectants are controlled, sodium hypochlorite, iodophor and the quaternary ammonium compound are suitable for controlling MRSA in the sources of infection. No resistance relationship was observed in the methicillin-resistant isolates with these substances

    Investigação da resistência a antibióticos e a desinfetantes de Salmonella spp. isoladas em produtos e matéria-prima de origem animal (suínos e aves)

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    The genus Salmonella spp. Has worldwide geographical distribution, and represents a potential risk both to animal and human health. Inadequate use as well as continuous exposure to antibiotics and disinfectants might lead to the appearance of resistance of these microorganisms to antimicrobial compounds. The aims of this study were to investigate the occurrence of resistance in Salmonella spp., isolated from products and raw material of animal origin (swine and poultry), to antibiotics and disinfectants, and check whether the phenomenon of simultaneous resistance to disinfectants occurs among the antibiotic-resistant isolates. The test of susceptibility to antimicrobials (TSA) applied in 134 isolates indicated that 51 (38%) were resistant to at least one of the eight antibiotics used, and 28 (55%) of resistant isolates were multi-resistant. Resistant isolates were submitted to the test of quantitative suspension against four concentrations of disinfectants in three contact times, and the result was compared with that of the reference strain (Salmonella Choleraesuis ATCC 10.708). While the reference strain was sensitive considering the highest concentration (200 ppm) and the lowest contact time (5 min) as indicators, 12 (24%) isolates were resistant to cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (ammonia quaternary); the reference strain was resistant to chlorhexidine, which also occurred with 22 (43%) of the isolates; similar to the reference strain, all isolates were sensitive/inactivated by sodium hypochlorite and iodophore. There were no significant relations of simultaneous resistance between the antibiotics and the disinfectants tested.O gênero Salmonella spp. Possui distribuição geográfica mundial constituindo-se como potencial risco para a saúde animal e saúde humana. O uso inadequado bem como a exposição continuada aos antibióticos e aos desinfetantes pode resultar no surgimento de resistência desses microrganismos frente aos compostos antimicrobianos. Os objetivos do trabalho foram investigar a ocorrência de resistência a antibióticos e aos desinfetantes de Salmonellaspp. isoladas em produtos e matéria-prima de origem animal (suínos e aves), e verificar se entre os isolados resistentes a antibióticos ocorre o fenômeno de resistência concomitante com desinfetantes. O teste de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos (TSA) aplicado em 134 isolados indicou que 51 (38%) foram resistentes a pelo menos um dos oito antibióticos usados, sendo que 28 (55% dos resistentes) mostraram-se multirresistentes. Os isolados resistentes foram submetidos ao teste de suspensão quantitativo frente a quatro concentrações de desinfetantes em três tempos de contato, e o resultado comparado com o da cepa referência (SalmonellaCholeraesuis ATCC 10.708). Considerando como indicador a maior concentração (200 ppm) e o menor tempo de contato (5 min), frente ao cloreto de cetil trimetilamônio (quaternário de amônia), enquanto a cepa referência foi sensível, 12 (24%) dos isolados foram resistentes; a cepa referência foi resistente a clorexidina, o que ocorreu com 22 (43%) dos isolados; assim como ocorreu com a cepa referência, todos os isolados foram sensíveis/inativados pelo hipoclorito de sódio e iodóforo. Não houve relações estatisticamente significativas de resistência concomitante entre os antibióticos e os desinfetantes testados