850 research outputs found

    NAD+ Metabolism and the Control of Energy Homeostasis: A Balancing Act between Mitochondria and the Nucleus

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    NAD+ has emerged as a vital cofactor that can rewire metabolism, activate sirtuins, and maintain mitochondrial fitness through mechanisms such as the mitochondrial unfolded protein response. This improved understanding of NAD+ metabolism revived interest in NAD+-boosting strategies to manage a wide spectrum of diseases, ranging from diabetes to cancer. In this review, we summarize how NAD+ metabolism links energy status with adaptive cellular and organismal responses and how this knowledge can be therapeutically exploited

    Transcriptional Coregulators: Fine-Tuning Metabolism

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    Metabolic homeostasis requires that cellular energy levels are adapted to environmental cues. This adaptation is largely regulated at the transcriptional level, through the interaction between transcription factors, coregulators, and the basal transcriptional machinery. Coregulators, which function as both metabolic sensors and transcriptional effectors, are ideally positioned to synchronize metabolic pathways to environmental stimuli. The balance between inhibitory actions of corepressors and stimulatory effects of coactivators enables the fine-tuning of metabolic processes. This tight regulation opens therapeutic opportunities to manage metabolic dysfunction by directing the activity of cofactors toward specific transcription factors, pathways, or cells/tissues, thereby restoring whole-body metabolic homeostasis

    Emerging actions of the nuclear receptor LRH-1 in the gut

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    AbstractLiver receptor homolog-1 (NR5A2) is a nuclear receptor originally identified in the liver and mostly known for its regulatory role in cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis. More recently, liver receptor homolog-1 has emerged as a key regulator of intestinal function, coordinating unanticipated actions, such as cell renewal and local immune function with important implications to common intestinal diseases, including colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Unlike most of the other nuclear receptors, liver receptor homolog-1 acts as a constitutively active transcription factor to drive the transcription of its target genes. Liver receptor homolog-1 activity however is to a major extent regulated by different corepressors and posttranslational modifications, which may account for its tissue-specific functions. This review will provide an update on the molecular aspects of liver receptor homolog-1 action and focus on some emerging aspects of its function in normal and diseased gut. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translating nuclear receptors from health to disease

    The Corepressor NCoR1 Antagonizes PGC-1α and Estrogen-Related Receptor α in the Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Function and Oxidative Metabolism

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    Skeletal muscle exhibits a high plasticity and accordingly can quickly adapt to different physiological and pathological stimuli by changing its phenotype largely through diverse epigenetic mechanisms. The nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) has the ability to mediate gene repression; however, its role in regulating biological programs in skeletal muscle is still poorly understood. We therefore studied the mechanistic and functional aspects of NCoR1 function in this tissue. NCoR1 muscle-specific knockout mice exhibited a 7.2% higher peak oxygen consumption (VO(2peak)), a 11% reduction in maximal isometric force, and increased ex vivo fatigue resistance during maximal stimulation. Interestingly, global gene expression analysis revealed a high overlap between the effects of NCoR1 deletion and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) overexpression on oxidative metabolism in muscle. Importantly, PPARβ/δ and estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) were identified as common targets of NCoR1 and PGC-1α with opposing effects on the transcriptional activity of these nuclear receptors. In fact, the repressive effect of NCoR1 on oxidative phosphorylation gene expression specifically antagonizes PGC-1α-mediated coactivation of ERRα. We therefore delineated the molecular mechanism by which a transcriptional network controlled by corepressor and coactivator proteins determines the metabolic properties of skeletal muscle, thus representing a potential therapeutic target for metabolic diseases

    Sirtuin 3 deficiency does not alter host defenses against bacterial and fungal infections.

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    Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) is the main mitochondrial deacetylase. SIRT3 regulates cell metabolism and redox homeostasis, and protects from aging and age-associated pathologies. SIRT3 may drive both oncogenic and tumor-suppressive effects. SIRT3 deficiency has been reported to promote chronic inflammation-related disorders, but whether SIRT3 impacts on innate immune responses and host defenses against infections remains essentially unknown. This aspect is of primary importance considering the great interest in developing SIRT3-targeted therapies. Using SIRT3 knockout mice, we show that SIRT3 deficiency does not affect immune cell development and microbial ligand-induced proliferation and cytokine production by splenocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. Going well along with these observations, SIRT3 deficiency has no major impact on cytokine production, bacterial burden and survival of mice subjected to endotoxemia, Escherichia coli peritonitis, Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia, listeriosis and candidiasis of diverse severity. These data suggest that SIRT3 is not critical to fight infections and support the safety of SIRT3-directed therapies based on SIRT3 activators or inhibitors for treating metabolic, oncologic and neurodegenerative diseases without putting patients at risk of infection

    PPAR-γ: a thrifty transcription factor

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    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) is a prototypical metabolic nuclear receptor that acts as a lipid sensor, integrating the homeostatic control of energy, lipid, and glucose metabolism. This perspective will highlight three lines of evidence which place PPAR-γ as a key player in a feed-forward pathway favoring differentiation and energy storage by adipocytes

    The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARalpha-dependent mechanisms.

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    Background: The modulation of energetic homeostasis by pollutants has recently emerged as a potential contributor to the onset of metabolic disorders. Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is a widely used industrial plasticizer to which humans are widely exposed. Phthalates can activate the three peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor (PPAR) isotypes on cellular models and induce peroxisome proliferation in rodents.Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the systemic and metabolic consequences of DEHP exposure that have remained so far unexplored and to characterize the underlying molecular mechanisms of action.Methods: As a proof of concept and mechanism, genetically engineered mouse models of PPARs were exposed to high doses of DEHP, followed by metabolic and molecular analyses.Results: DEHP-treated mice were protected from diet-induced obesity via PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism, whereas the activity of neither PPARbeta nor PPARgamma was affected. However, the lean phenotype observed in response to DEHP in wild-type mice was surprisingly abolished in PPARalpha-humanized mice. These species differences are associated with a different pattern of coregulator recruitment.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that DEHP exerts species-specific metabolic actions that rely to a large extent on PPARalpha signaling and highlight the metabolic importance of the species-specific activation of PPARalpha by xenobiotic compounds. Editor's SummaryDiethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is an industrial plasticizer used in cosmetics, medical devices, food packaging, and other applications. Evidence that DEHP metabolites can activate peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPARs) involved in fatty acid oxidation (PPARalpha and PPARbeta) and adiposite function and insulin resistance (PPARgamma) has raised concerns about potential effects of DEHP on metabolic homeostasis. In rodents, PPARalpha activation also induces hepatic peroxisome proliferation, but this response to PPARalpha activation is not observed in humans. Feige et al. (p. 234) evaluated systemic and metabolic consequences of high-dose oral DEHP in combination with a high-fat diet in wild-type mice and genetically engineered mouse PPAR models. The authors report that mice exposed to DEHP gained less weight than controls, without modifying their feeding behavior; they also exhibited lower triglyceride levels, smaller adipocytes, and improved glucose tolerance compared with controls. These effects, which were observed in mice fed both high-fat and standard diets, appeared to be mediated by PPARalpha-dependent activation of hepatic fatty acid catabolism without apparent involvement of PPARbeta or PPARgamma. However, mouse models that expressed human (versus mouse) PPARalpha tended to gain more weight on a high-fat diet than their DHEP-unexposed counterparts. The authors conclude that findings support species-specific metabolic effects of DEHP mediated by PPARalpha activation

    Deletion of Sirt3 does not affect atherosclerosis but accelerates weight gain and impairs rapid metabolic adaptation in LDL receptor knockout mice: implications for cardiovascular risk factor development.

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    Sirt3 is a mitochondrial NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase that governs mitochondrial metabolism and reactive oxygen species homeostasis. Sirt3 deficiency has been reported to accelerate the development of the metabolic syndrome. However, the role of Sirt3 in atherosclerosis remains enigmatic. We aimed to investigate whether Sirt3 deficiency affects atherosclerosis, plaque vulnerability, and metabolic homeostasis. Low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLR(-/-)) and LDLR/Sirt3 double-knockout (Sirt3(-/-)LDLR(-/-)) mice were fed a high-cholesterol diet (1.25 % w/w) for 12 weeks. Atherosclerosis was assessed en face in thoraco-abdominal aortae and in cross sections of aortic roots. Sirt3 deletion led to hepatic mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation. Unexpectedly, though plasma malondialdehyde levels were elevated in Sirt3-deficient mice, Sirt3 deletion affected neither plaque burden nor features of plaque vulnerability (i.e., fibrous cap thickness and necrotic core diameter). Likewise, plaque macrophage and T cell infiltration as well as endothelial activation remained unaltered. Electron microscopy of aortic walls revealed no difference in mitochondrial microarchitecture between both groups. Interestingly, loss of Sirt3 was associated with accelerated weight gain and an impaired capacity to cope with rapid changes in nutrient supply as assessed by indirect calorimetry. Serum lipid levels and glucose tolerance were unaffected by Sirt3 deletion in LDLR(-/-) mice. Sirt3 deficiency does not affect atherosclerosis in LDLR(-/-) mice. However, Sirt3 controls systemic levels of oxidative stress, limits expedited weight gain, and allows rapid metabolic adaptation. Thus, Sirt3 may contribute to postponing cardiovascular risk factor development

    Enhanced Respiratory Chain Supercomplex Formation in Response to Exercise in Human Skeletal Muscle.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of multiple metabolic complications. Physical activity is known to increase mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle, counteracting age-related decline in muscle function and protecting against metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Here, we investigated the effect of 4 months of exercise training on skeletal muscle mitochondria electron transport chain complexes and supercomplexes in 26 healthy, sedentary older adults. Exercise differentially modulated respiratory complexes. Complex I was the most upregulated complex and not stoichiometrically associated to the other complexes. In contrast to the other complexes, complex I was almost exclusively found assembled in supercomplexes in muscle mitochondria. Overall, supercomplex content was increased after exercise. In particular, complexes I, III, and IV were redistributed to supercomplexes in the form of I+III2+IV. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence that exercise affects the stoichiometry of supercomplex formation in humans and thus reveal a novel adaptive mechanism for increased energy demand

    Multilayered genetic and omics dissection of mitochondrial activity in a mouse reference population

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    The manner by which genotype and environment affect complex phenotypes is one of the fundamental questions in biology. In this study, we quantified the transcriptome--a subset of the metabolome--and, using targeted proteomics, quantified a subset of the liver proteome from 40 strains of the BXD mouse genetic reference population on two diverse diets. We discovered dozens of transcript, protein, and metabolite QTLs, several of which linked to metabolic phenotypes. Most prominently, Dhtkd1 was identified as a primary regulator of 2-aminoadipate, explaining variance in fasted glucose and diabetes status in both mice and humans. These integrated molecular profiles also allowed further characterization of complex pathways, particularly the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR(mt)). UPR(mt) shows strikingly variant responses at the transcript and protein level that are remarkably conserved among C. elegans, mice, and humans. Overall, these examples demonstrate the value of an integrated multilayered omics approach to characterize complex metabolic phenotypes