17 research outputs found

    Bringing ecosystem thinking to sustainability-driven wooden construction business

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    Lowering environmental impacts by material choices is proposed as a way to promote urban sustain ability transition, and one solution is building more wooden multi-storey constructions (WMCs). In the construction industry, however, there is a strong path dependency towards applying well-established construction materials and methods, as well as partnerships. To gain understanding of network-based collaboration, learning and end-user involvement in novel wooden construction business, the study uses qualitative methods and employs business ecosystem approach in the analysis. The studied WMC business case revealed that barriers of collaborative business ecosystem development include both the lack of clarity in the shared goals between actors and weak end-user involvement. Moreover, neither companies nor end-users fully recognize sustainability aspects around WMC. Enabling factors such as smooth communication and building trust among business actors during planning and building were recognised. The study suggests that a broader business ecosystem approach, including the living and use of the building, offers a mindset shift for developing sustainability-driven logic alongside profitable construction business and creating value for consumers. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    (Neuro) Peptides, Physical Activity, and Cognition

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    Regular physical activity (PA) improves cognitive functions, prevents brain atrophy, and delays the onset of cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Presently, there are no specific recommendations for PA producing positive effects on brain health and little is known on its mediators. PA affects production and release of several peptides secreted from peripheral and central tissues, targeting receptors located in the central nervous system (CNS). This review will provide a summary of the current knowledge on the association between PA and cognition with a focus on the role of (neuro)peptides. For the review we define peptides as molecules with less than 100 amino acids and exclude myokines. Tachykinins, somatostatin, and opioid peptides were excluded from this review since they were not affected by PA. There is evidence suggesting that PA increases peripheral insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels and elevated serum IGF-1 levels are associated with improved cognitive performance. It is therefore likely that IGF-1 plays a role in PA induced improvement of cognition. Other neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY), ghrelin, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) could mediate the beneficial effects of PA on cognition, but the current literature regarding these (neuro)peptides is limited.Peer reviewe

    (Neuro) Peptides, Physical Activity, and Cognition

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    Regular physical activity (PA) improves cognitive functions, prevents brain atrophy, and delays the onset of cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Presently, there are no specific recommendations for PA producing positive effects on brain health and little is known on its mediators. PA affects production and release of several peptides secreted from peripheral and central tissues, targeting receptors located in the central nervous system (CNS). This review will provide a summary of the current knowledge on the association between PA and cognition with a focus on the role of (neuro)peptides. For the review we define peptides as molecules with less than 100 amino acids and exclude myokines. Tachykinins, somatostatin, and opioid peptides were excluded from this review since they were not affected by PA. There is evidence suggesting that PA increases peripheral insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels and elevated serum IGF-1 levels are associated with improved cognitive performance. It is therefore likely that IGF-1 plays a role in PA induced improvement of cognition. Other neuropeptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY), ghrelin, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) could mediate the beneficial effects of PA on cognition, but the current literature regarding these (neuro)peptides is limited.Peer reviewe

    (E)-1-(4-Amino­phen­yl)ethanone oxime

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C8H10N2O, the oxime group is oriented at a dihedral angle of 5.58 (3)° with respect to the benzene ring. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules, forming a three-dimensional network

    "Sinne on pakko pÀÀstÀ... purkaa niitÀ tunteita... ja elÀÀ sen matsin mukana" : jalkapallon miesten Veikkausliigaseura VPS:n kannattajaksi valikoituminen ja kannattajuuden rooli osana identiteettiÀ.

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    Suomalainen jalkapallo ja sen kannattajat kĂ€rsivĂ€t arvostuksen puutteesta, sillĂ€ maassa pelin taso ja otteluiden tunnelma ovat monessa mielessĂ€ kaukana eurooppalaisesta huipusta. Kaikesta huolimatta Suomeen on vuosien varrella syntynyt monipuolista ja mielenkiintoista jalkapallokulttuuria. LĂ€hes jokaisella miesten Veikkausliiga-joukkueella ja usealla miesten Ykkösen seuralla on tĂ€nĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ omat kannattajaryhmĂ€nsĂ€, jotka kannattavat seuraansa ÀÀnekkÀÀsti ja vĂ€rikkÀÀsti ottelun ajankohdasta, pelipaikasta ja merkityksestĂ€ riippumatta. 1990-luvulla herĂ€nneeseen kotimaiseen kannattajakulttuuriin on kuitenkin perehdytty akateemisen tutkimuksen parissa vĂ€hĂ€n, fanitutkimuksen suurimman huomion keskittyessĂ€ Suomen jalkapallomaajoukkuetta ja ulkomaisia seurajoukkueita fanittavien kokemusten tarkasteluun. Tutkielmani tarkoituksena on lisĂ€tĂ€ tietoa suomalaisen jalkapalloseuran faniudesta. Aihetta tarkastelen perehtymĂ€llĂ€ Vaasan Palloseuran (VPS) kannattajaryhmÀÀn kuuluvilta henkilöiltĂ€ (4) haastatteluin kerÀÀmÀÀni aineistoon. Tutkielmassa tarkastelen ensinnĂ€kin sitĂ€, miksi ja miten jalkapallon seuraajaksi ja VPS-kannattajaksi on valikoiduttu. Toiseksi avaan niitĂ€ mahdollisuuksia, joita VPS-kannattajuus voi tarjota identiteetin rakentamiseen. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa taustoitan aihetta kĂ€sittelemĂ€llĂ€ urheilun seuraamiseen ja faniuteen perehtynyttĂ€ aiempaa tutkimusta. Identiteetin rakentumista lĂ€hestyn kulttuurintutkija Stuart Hallin identiteettikĂ€sityksen nĂ€kökulmasta. Tutkielma kiinnittyy nĂ€kemykseen identiteetistĂ€ jonain, mikĂ€ ei ole synnynnĂ€inen ja yksilön sisĂ€ltĂ€ kumpuava asia, vaan alati muutoksessa oleva ja vuorovaikutuksessa toisten kanssa rakentuva sosiaalinen tapahtuma. Tutkielmani tulosten mukaan kannattajien lapsuudella oli suuri rooli niin lajikiinnostuksen kuin VPS-faniuden muodostumisessa. PerheessĂ€ jalkapalloa kohtaan osoitettu kiinnostus, kavereiden kanssa lajin parissa vietetty aika sekĂ€ jalkapallon seuraaminen erilaisten medioiden vĂ€lityksellĂ€ vaikuttivat laji-innostuksen syntyyn. Toisaalta perheen ja ystĂ€vien merkitys olivat lĂ€snĂ€ myös VPS-faniuden synnyssĂ€. KannattajaryhmĂ€ssĂ€ otteluita seuratessaan kannattajat kokivat saavansa VPS:n seuraamisesta jotain enemmĂ€n: ryhmĂ€hengen ja hauskan yhdessĂ€olon lisĂ€ksi se tarjosi mahdollisuuden elÀÀ mukana pelin tapahtumissa tavalla, jota ei muissa katsomonosissa vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ katsottaisi hyvĂ€llĂ€. VPSkannattajuus saattoi toimia paikallisidentiteetin vahvistajana, minkĂ€ lisĂ€ksi kannattajaryhmĂ€n jĂ€sen voi kokea yhteenkuuluvuutta suomalaisen kannattajayhteisön kanssa. Autenttista kannattajaidentiteettiĂ€ luotiin rakentamalla pesĂ€eroa paikallisvastustajaan. Kun VPSkannattajuuteen liitettiin arvoja kuten perinteikkyys, yhteisöllisyys ja lojaalisuus, paikallisvastustajan koettiin puolestaan edustavan perinteiden puutetta, kaupallisuutta ja ”modernia jalkapalloa”. Kannattajat tulee nĂ€hdĂ€ ennen kaikkea aktiivisina merkitysten rakentajina. VPS-kannattajat omaksuvat kannattamistapojen, pukeutumisen ja fanidiskurssin osia kansainvĂ€lisestĂ€ kannattajakulttuurista ja rakentavat niistĂ€ omaan kulttuuriseen ja sosiaaliseen kontekstiin soveltuvan kannattajakulttuurin.Finnish football and its’ supporters lack respect among public and the media as the level of play and atmosphere in stadiums do not compare with their European counterparts. Despite this we have seen interesting and diverse football supporter culture being born around Finnish football through the years. Nowadays almost every Finnish premier division team and many 1st division teams have their own organized supporter groups which present rowdy and colorful support in the stands regardless of time, place and importance of the fixture. Although the first organized supporter groups were born already in the 1990’s the academic literature has shown little interest towards the phenomenon as more attention has been directed on the supporters of the national team and the fans of foreign football clubs. The object of this thesis is to increase knowledge about supporters of Finnish football clubs. The subject will be introduced by taking a look into interviews given by four members of VPS (Vaasan Palloseura) fanclub. Firstly the thesis looks into how and why these supporters became football enthusiasts and supporters of VPS. Secondly we discuss the role of VPSfandom as a part of a supporters’ identity construction. The theme of the study will be explored by covering the previous research on sports spectatorship and fandom. Identity construction is examined through the thinking of cultural theorist Stuart Hall. Hence identity in this study is not seen as something that is given at birth but something that is constantly in change and reconstructed in interaction with other individuals and groups. The results of the study indicate that the fans’ childhood has been playing a great role in becoming a fan of VPS. The interest towards football in the family and the time spent among playing with friends together with following the sport through different media have had an impact in growing interest towards football. According to the supporters experiences being a part of a supporter group increases the experience of watching football. Along with social cohesion and having fun with friends being part of a supporter group gives the supporters a chance to experience the game in a manner that would not be accepted in other sections of the stadium. As a part of the supporter group a fan can strengthen his sense of local identity and also identify himself as a part of the Finnish supporter community. An authentic supporter identity is enforced by distancing VPS and its supporters from its rival and the values which they are seen to represent. Where tradition, communality and loyalty are seen as the characteristics of VPS and its supporters, its rival is believed to stand for the opposite: lack of tradition, commercialism and ‘modern football’. Being a supporter should be seen as active creation of meanings above all. The supporter culture of VPS-fans is born when supporters adopt parts from the international supporter culture in a specific cultural and social environment. By embracing parts of the supporter tradition in their means of support, dressing and discourse they create a unique supporter culture that is not seen anywhere else

    Tapahtumiin liittyvÀn tiedon hallinta hajautetussa ekosysteemissÀ

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    The Web is filled with information about real-life events, but it is impossible to get a comprehensive view of them. Different event information services are not interoperable, because they do not conform to standard representation formats or interfaces. This thesis aims at finding a suitable way of combining and sharing event data in a distributed ecosystem. Semantic Web technologies were chosen as a foundational platform, because they are designed for aggregating data from different representation formats, not to forget their support for implementing Linked Data principles. This thesis includes a study of general event characteristics and a report on existing event data sources and formats, such as iCalendar, hCalendar and EventsML. Existing event ontologies are covered as well. To gain practical experience on the research subject, a proof-of-concept event service was developed and deployed as a part of a distributed ecosystem. Requirements, design and evaluation of the service prototype and the underlying ontology were based on real-life use cases. As the outcome of this research, the ontology-driven approach was shown to suit well for sharing, linking, combining and querying events and any related data in a distributed ecosystem.Tapahtumiin liittyvÀÀ tietoa on verkossa saatavilla useista eri lÀhteistÀ, mutta kokonaiskuva jÀÀ puuttumaan, koska palvelut eivÀt ole yhteydessÀ toisiinsa. Ongelmana ovat yhtÀ lailla tietorakenteiden ja rajapintojen eroavaisuudet. Jotta eri lÀhteistÀ perÀisin olevia tapahtumia voitaisiin ensinnÀkin hallita kokonaisuutena, tapahtumatieto pitÀÀ pystyÀ kÀÀntÀmÀÀn kaikkien lÀhteiden ilmaisuvoiman kattavaan muotoon. Semanttisen Webin menetelmÀt on suunniteltu juuri tÀhÀn tarkoitukseen ja siksi niitÀ sovellettiin tÀssÀ diplomityössÀ kehitetyn tapahtumapalvelun lÀhtökohtana. TÀssÀ työssÀ esitellÀÀn merkittÀvimmÀt olemassa olevat tapahtumatiedon merkitsemiseen tarkoitetut formaatit, kuten iCalendar, hCalendar ja EventsML, sekÀ tarkastellaan tapahtumatiedon yleisiÀ piirteitÀ ja ominaisuuksia. KÀytÀnnön kokemusta kerÀttiin kehittÀmÀllÀ tapahtumatietokannan prototyyppi, jonka kautta ekosysteemin muut toimijat pÀÀsivÀt hyödyntÀmÀÀn tapahtumatietoa. Mallin suunnittelu ja evaluointi perustui kÀytÀnnön kÀyttötapauksiin. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena havaittiin, ettÀ ontologioihin pohjautuva malli soveltuu hyvin tapahtumien hallintaan hajautetussa ekosysteemissÀ