409 research outputs found

    Efectos y terapias con surfactante pulmonar en el tratamiento de patologías respiratorias

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, leída el 19-04-2021Respiratory diseases are one of the primary causes of death, disability and health costs worldwide. In this framework, the lack and dysfunction of lung surfactant may result in airless collapsed alveoli and difficulty for breathing, being the primary trigger or a contributing factor of severe respiratory disorders, such as neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). RDS is a common cause of morbidity in preterm neonates, associated to immature lungs and an impaired secretion of pulmonary surfactant. The latter is, instead, present but inactivated during ARDS, a quickly progressive severe respiratory failure characterised by widespread acute lung inflammation. In both diseases, the leading role of pulmonary surfactant is due to its specific properties, which permit to maintain reduced surface tension values at the alveolar spaces, particularly upon exhalation. To accomplish this function, its lipid-protein complexes are secreted by pneumocyte type II cells and distribute, as a dense network of membranes, at the air liquid-interface that is generated between the aqueous layer covering the pulmonary epithelium and the alveolar air space. The resulting efficient adsorption, spreading and reorganisation of lung surfactant prevent alveolar collapse and depend on its particular composition: ~90% lipids, mainly disaturated phospholipids (~50%), and 10% of hydrophilic (SP-A and SP-D) and highly hydrophobic proteins (SP-B and SP-C)...Las enfermedades respiratorias son una de las principales causas de muerte, discapacidad y gasto sanitario en todo el mundo. En este contexto, la falta o disfunción del surfactante pulmonar puede ser el desencadenante principal o un factor contribuyente de trastornos respiratorios graves, como el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria neonatal (RDS) y el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (ARDS). Gracias a su composición, estructura y actividad interfacial, el surfactante pulmonar cumple una función vital durante el proceso de la respiración, reduciendo la tensión superficial del fluido alveolar y minimizando la energía necesaria especialmente durante la exhalación. Aproximadamente el 90% del surfactante pulmonar son lípidos, principalmente fosfolípidos disaturados (~ 50%). El 10% restante lo componen fundamentalmente proteínas, dos hidrofílicas (SP-A y SP-D) y otras dos altamente hidrofóbicas (SP-B y SP-C). Para lograr esta función vital, los complejos lipoproteícos del surfactante se distribuyen como una densa red de membranas en la interfase aire-líquido generada entre la capa acuosa que recubre el epitelio pulmonar y el espacio aéreo alveolar. El resultado es una eficiente adsorción, propagación y reorganización del material tensoactivo que previene el colapso alveolar...Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEunpu

    Gang Behavior at Carcasses in Wintering Striated Caracaras (\u3cem\u3ePhalcoboenus australis\u3c/em\u3e) in the Falkland Islands

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    Avian scavengers perform vital ecosystem services by removing waste and by slowing disease. Yet few details are known about the purpose or purposes of social interactions near carcasses and their role in the physical depletion of carcasses (Gangoso et al. 2013). The globally Near-Threatened Striated Caracara is a social scavenging falconid that relies on seabird colonies for food during the breeding season in the Falkland Islands, a principal stronghold in its range. The birds have been persecuted as livestock pests since the late 1800s. Although the population is now protected and remains stable, it does not appear to be growing. The caracaras’ reliance on human settlements as winter foraging grounds makes them an ideal species to examine age-stratified consumption over the entire period of a carcass’s availability. By providing and closely monitoring experimental carcasses, I estimated the mass of food consumed per bird over five minute intervals (mean 22.9 g/bird/5 min, ±1.2, SE), and found that this was negatively influenced by the time of arrival to the carcass, positively by the total numbers of birds feeding on the carcass, and positively by the proportion of the group that was adult birds. I also found that, as previously shown in Common Ravens, aggregation of a group to a carcass can be accelerated by vocalizations of the birds (Heinrich and Marzluff 1995). My data indicate that the so-called gang behavior in juvenile caracaras is very similar to that in ravens, and is an adaptive strategy to overwhelm adults at ephemeral resources and obtain food


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    The immigration phenomenon is involving the whole national territory with particular effect on small inland areas of the Italian regions and it happens for various reasons. The case-study will concern the observation of the town of Palazzo San Gervasio (Potenza) that, as a reality endowed with an identification and expulsion center (CIE), is evolving into a reality that not only intends to tighten solid and strong alliance for mutual growth, with immigrants, but aims to achieve a level of resilience that can avoid depopula-tion and the consequent disappearance of the same city. The community of Palazzo San Gervasio has found in the migrants a lifeblood able to trigger processes of “improve-ment” of the Community heritage of welcome and tolerance. This allowed the development of an European project designed to identify the causes of the problems before putting reception to discuss with each other, outside of institutional as well as administrative settings, doctors, prefecture, re-gional representatives and state organs with simple citizens, associations and, especially migrants. The first working tables have already shown some problematic processes, for example, in the allocation of recognition documents, beyond, the possibility to move in Europe, would give migrants the possibility to integrate, without legal problems, in the communities cozy and, on the other hand, they have shown that, especially the younger boys have received a non-charitable but absolutely time integration from peers. Therefore, contrary to what one might imagine, it is the youngest and the residents in the inland community to show greater sensitivity to the phenomenon. Of course much remains: to know the needs (housing, the social spaces, prayer space, market areas, etc.) of migrants but the case of small indoor areas, not only, shows a real aptitude of the same to a inherent resiliency, but also, such a sensitivity that you feel “ready to sail” each of the elements of conscious welcoming community that today we could all be forced to become migrants


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    This study explores the growing importance of the intersection between Personal Branding and Leadership, especially in a context where the boundaries between professional and personal life become more fluid. It highlights that an effective personal brand goes beyond mere public visibility, also reflecting an individual's values, skills, and unique identity. In turn, effective leadership is no longer limited to authority and technical skills, but also involves influence, inspiration, and emotional connection with followers. Through an analysis of successful leaders' profiles, including Taylor Swift, the study seeks to identify how Personal Branding strategies strengthen leadership and promote meaningful goals.Este estudio aborda la creciente importancia de la intersección entre Marca Personal y Liderazgo, especialmente en un contexto donde las fronteras entre vida profesional y personal se vuelven más fluidas. Se destaca que una marca personal efectiva va más allá de la mera visibilidad pública, reflejando también los valores, habilidades e identidad única de un individuo. A su vez, el liderazgo efectivo ya no se limita solo a la autoridad y habilidades técnicas, sino que también implica influencia, inspiración y conexión emocional con los seguidores. A través de un análisis de perfiles de líderes exitosos, incluyendo a Taylor Swift, el estudio busca identificar cómo las estrategias de construcción de Marca Personal fortalecen el liderazgo y promueven objetivos significativos.Este estudo aborda a crescente importância da interseção entre Marca Pessoal e Liderança, especialmente em um contexto onde as fronteiras entre vida profissional e pessoal se tornam mais fluidas. Destaca-se que uma marca pessoal eficaz vai além da mera visibilidade pública, refletindo também os valores, habilidades e identidade única de um indivíduo. Por sua vez, a liderança eficaz não se limita mais apenas à autoridade e habilidades técnicas, mas também envolve influência, inspiração e conexão emocional com os seguidores. Por meio de uma análise de perfis de líderes de sucesso, incluindo Taylor Swift, o estudo busca identificar como as estratégias de construção de Marca Pessoal fortalecem a liderança e promovem objetivos significativos. Este estudo aborda a crescente importância da interseção entre Marca Pessoal e Liderança, especialmente em um contexto onde as fronteiras entre vida profissional e pessoal se tornam mais fluidas. Destaca-se que uma marca pessoal eficaz vai além da mera visibilidade pública, refletindo também os valores, habilidades e identidade única de um indivíduo. Por sua vez, a liderança eficaz não se limita mais apenas à autoridade e habilidades técnicas, mas também envolve influência, inspiração e conexão emocional com os seguidores. Por meio de uma análise de perfis de líderes de sucesso, incluindo Taylor Swift, o estudo busca identificar como as estratégias de construção de Marca Pessoal fortalecem a liderança e promovem objetivos significativos.

    Techniques to evaluate surfactant activity for a personalized therapy of RDS neonates

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    According to both European and American Guidelines, preterm neonates have to be treated by nasal continuous air pressure (CPAP) early in the delivery room. The administration of surfactant should be reserved only for babies with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) with increased oxygen requirement, according to different thresholds of FiO2. However, these oxygenation thresholds do not fully take into consideration the lung physiopathology and mechanics or the lung surfactant biology of RDS neonates. Since surfactant replacement therapy (SRT) seems to be more effective if it is initiated within the first 3 hours after birth, the use of a reliable bench-to-bedside biological test able to predict as soon as possible the necessity of SRT will help optimise individualised therapies and personalise the actual collective strategy used to treat RDS neonates. With this in mind, in the present review several quantitative and qualitative biological tests to assess the surfactant status in RDS neonates are introduced as potential candidates for the early prediction of SRT requirement, summarising the state-of-the-art in the evaluation of surfactant activity

    Strategies to protect surfactant and enhance its activity

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    The knowledge about surfactant biology is now deeper and recent research has allowed to clarify its role in several human lung disorders. The balance between surfactant production and consumption is better known and the same applies to their regulatory mechanisms. This has allowed to hypothesize and investigate several new and original strategies to protect surfactant and enhance its activity. These interventions are potentially useful for several disorders and particularly for acute respiratory distress syndrome. We here highlight the mechanisms regulating surfactant consumption, encompassing surfactant catabolism but also surfactant injury due to other mechanisms, in a physiopathologydriven fashion. We then analyze each corresponding strategy to protect surfactant and enhance its activity. Some of these strategies are more advanced in terms of research & development pathway, some others are still investigational, but all are promising and deserve a joint effort from clinical-academic researchers and the industry