
The immigration phenomenon is involving the whole national territory with particular effect on small inland areas of the Italian regions and it happens for various reasons. The case-study will concern the observation of the town of Palazzo San Gervasio (Potenza) that, as a reality endowed with an identification and expulsion center (CIE), is evolving into a reality that not only intends to tighten solid and strong alliance for mutual growth, with immigrants, but aims to achieve a level of resilience that can avoid depopula-tion and the consequent disappearance of the same city. The community of Palazzo San Gervasio has found in the migrants a lifeblood able to trigger processes of “improve-ment” of the Community heritage of welcome and tolerance. This allowed the development of an European project designed to identify the causes of the problems before putting reception to discuss with each other, outside of institutional as well as administrative settings, doctors, prefecture, re-gional representatives and state organs with simple citizens, associations and, especially migrants. The first working tables have already shown some problematic processes, for example, in the allocation of recognition documents, beyond, the possibility to move in Europe, would give migrants the possibility to integrate, without legal problems, in the communities cozy and, on the other hand, they have shown that, especially the younger boys have received a non-charitable but absolutely time integration from peers. Therefore, contrary to what one might imagine, it is the youngest and the residents in the inland community to show greater sensitivity to the phenomenon. Of course much remains: to know the needs (housing, the social spaces, prayer space, market areas, etc.) of migrants but the case of small indoor areas, not only, shows a real aptitude of the same to a inherent resiliency, but also, such a sensitivity that you feel “ready to sail” each of the elements of conscious welcoming community that today we could all be forced to become migrants

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