7 research outputs found

    Analyse Transactionnelle Suisse romande – Recueil d'articles 2020

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    Articles diffusĂ©s par l'Association Suisse d’Analyse Transactionnelle – Suisse romande durant l'annĂ©e 2020. Articles - Qu’est ce que l’AT apporte au monde ? - Enseignement spĂ©cialisĂ© et AT – Entrevue - Conseil pĂ©dagogique et AT – Entrevue - L’accouchement-marathon - Les enjeux relationnels de la coopĂ©ration - Les Ă©tapes de la coopĂ©ration - La fosse de rösti – une mine d’or pour des expĂ©riences sur la diversitĂ© -La complexitĂ© par la diversitĂ© – Quelle signification pour la gestion des organisations ? - L’économie de l’autonomie – Les martiens ont-ils disparu ? - La coopĂ©ration dans les institutions et hĂŽpitaux – Entrevue RĂ©sumĂ©s - Le sens des valeurs que l’on porte - Interventions dans l’accompagnement professionnel de couples - Brunch entre amis - Lors des moments difficiles, l’AT nous porte - Counselling de couple avec AT et sexualitĂ© : un couple inĂ©gal ? - On devait toujours parler de tout... discussion pĂšre fille Divers - Éditorial - Prendre soin de nous durant la pandĂ©mie - CĂ©lĂ©brons Fanita English, joyeux 104e anniversaire - Pleine conscience – regards croisĂ©s : retour sur la journĂ©e de l’ASAT-SR - Hommages Ă  Jenni Hine - Entrevue avec Sally CuĂ©nin - Anciens numĂ©ro

    Vécu et niveau de littératie en santé chez les femmes infertiles ayant un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques

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    ThĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e sous la forme d'une "ThĂšse Article"Objectives: To highlight the experience and health literacy level of infertile Internet users women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Methods: Qualitative study by inductive method conducted on infertile women with PCOS that share their self-experience on internet forums. Results: 785 comments were analyzed, from 211 women on 7 discussion forums. A delayed diagnosis and a lack of information regarding PCOS have been identified. PCOS and infertility were associated with an anxio-depressive syndrome, compounded by low health literacy levels. This one seemed to be improved by the knowledge exchanges and experiential learning enabled by the Internet forums.Conclusion: Infertile women with PCOS consulting internet forums suffered from anxio-depressive syndrome and low health literacy level. These elements seem to be improved by informations collected in internet forums, suggesting the fundamental role of the active involvement of these women in their care.Objectifs : faire ressortir le vĂ©cu et le niveau de littĂ©ratie en santĂ© des femmes infertiles atteintes de syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) consultant les forums internet.MĂ©thodes : Ă©tude qualitative par mĂ©thode inductive Ă  partir de forums internet auxquels participent les femmes atteintes de syndrome des ovaires polykystiques et infertiles. RĂ©sultats : 785 commentaires ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s, provenant de 211 femmes sur 7 forums de discussion. Un retard diagnostique et une carence d’informations concernant la pathologie du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s. Le SOPK et l’infertilitĂ© Ă©taient associĂ©s Ă  un syndrome anxio-dĂ©pressif, majorĂ© par un faible niveau de littĂ©ratie en santĂ©. Ce dernier semblait ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© par les Ă©changes de connaissances et le partage de savoir expĂ©rientiel permis par les forums internet.Conclusion : les femmes infertiles atteintes de SOPK souffrent de syndrome anxio-dĂ©pressif et d’un faible niveau de littĂ©ratie en santĂ©. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments semblent ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©s par l’information collectĂ©e sur les forums internet suggĂ©rant le rĂŽle fondamental de l’implication active de ces femmes dans leur prise en charge

    VĂ©cu des femmes infertiles atteintes d’un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques : Ă©tude qualitative sur les forums de discussion en ligne

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    International audienceObjectives: To highlight the self-reported experiences and disease perceptions of infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).Methods: A qualitative study using an inductive method was conducted on infertile women with PCOS who shared their self-reported experiences on French-speaking on-line forums.Results: 785 comments by 211 women on 7 forums were analyzed. Women complained of late diagnosis and lack of information regarding PCOS. PCOS and infertility showed negative psychological impact on daily life. This impact appeared to be alleviated by the sharing of knowledge and experience enabled by these forums.Conclusion: The self-reported experience of infertile women with PCOS is interesting for health practitioners. The psychological impact of PCOS and perceptions of illness appear to be improved by sharing experiences between women with PCOS, suggesting a beneficial support role of online discussion forums.Objectifs: explorer l'expĂ©rience personnelle et les perceptions de leur maladie par des femmes infertiles ayant un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK).MĂ©thodes: Ă©tude qualitative conduite chez des femmes infertiles, ayant un syndrome des ovaires polykystiques, partageant leur expĂ©rience personnelle sur des forums Internet francophones.RĂ©sultats: A travers 7 forums en ligne, 785 commentaires provenant de 211 femmes ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Les femmes se plaignaient d'un retard diagnostique et d'un manque d'informations concernant le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques. Nous avons observĂ© un impact psychologique nĂ©gatif du SOPK et de l'infertilitĂ© sur la vie quotidienne de ces femmes. Cet impact semblait ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© par les Ă©changes de connaissances et le partage d'expĂ©riences permis par les forums Internet.Conclusion: l'expĂ©rience personnelle des femmes infertiles atteintes de SOPK est intĂ©ressante pour les professionnels de santĂ©. L'impact psychologique du SOPK et les perceptions de la maladie semblent ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©s par le partage d'expĂ©rience entre les femmes atteintes de SOPK, suggĂ©rant un rĂŽle de soutien bĂ©nĂ©fique des forums de discussion en ligne

    Women's perceptions of femininity after craniopharyngioma: a qualitative study

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    International audienceBackground: Previous quantitative studies have shown a reduced quality of life in patients treated for craniopharyngioma (CP). However, few have assessed their sexual quality of life and other issues related to patient intimacy have not yet been addressed. Standardized questionnaires limit the approach to sexuality and the exploration of patient experiences. A qualitative study, which allows in-depth analysis, may represent an interesting approach to explore intimacy in women with a history of CP.Objective: To assess the impact of a CP history on femininity and relationships in women.Design and patients: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted with 15 adult women treated for CP during childhood, adolescence or at childbearing age up to 40 years of age. Interviews were audio recorded, anonymized and transcribed literally. Data analysis was carried out with an inductive approach according to the grounded theory method.Results: Three main themes were identified: (a) apparent changes leading to altered self-perception that may impact on femininity and generate lower self-esteem; (b) managing the hidden disabilities of the disease inducing a need for permanent control; and (c) building parenthood and couple relationships: coping with sexual dysfunction and infertility.Conclusions: Our study highlighted alterations in self-perception and femininity due to body change and disability resulting from CP treatment, impacting both couple and social relationships. Interviewing women who underwent CP surgery at different ages highlighted specific needs and different expectations of medical professionals which emphasize the importance of offering both global and personalized care

    Endothelial-Specific Deletion of CD146 Protects Against Experimental Glomerulonephritis in Mice

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    International audienceCD146 is an endothelial junctional adhesion molecule, which expression is increased in human glomerular diseases. However, the pathological significance of this overexpression remains unknown. Induction of glomerulonephritis in mice, by using nephrotoxic serum, showed that CD146 expression was highly induced within damaged glomeruli and was associated with renal inflammation and fibrosis. Interestingly, 2 weeks after glomerulonephritis induction, CD146 knockout mice showed preserved renal function as proteinuria and blood urea nitrogen levels were significantly lower compared with wild-type littermates. Furthermore, renal structure was considerably conserved, since crescents formation, tubular dilation, monocyte and lymphocyte infiltration, and interstitial renal fibrosis were highly reduced. Colocalization with markers for different types of glomerular cells showed that CD146 expression was mainly increased within the injured endothelium of the glomerular tuft. Consequently, we generated a new transgenic strain in which CD146 was specifically deleted in the vascular endothelium. Similarly to CD146 knockout, these mice showed preservation of renal structure and function after the induction of glomerulonephritis compared with wild-type animals. These data show that endothelial CD146 plays a major role in glomerulonephritis and may represent a novel therapeutic target to reduce glomerular damage and the progression of renal disease