174 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms of autophagy-based drug resistance in cancer cells

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    Ein Modell zur systematischen Erfassung genuenischer Phraseme in Wörterbüchern, illustriert am Beispiel der Forschungsprojekte GEPHRAS und GEPHRAS2

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    This paper aims at describing the innovations brought in the digital phraseography of Genoese thanks to the recent FWF projects GEPHRAS and GEPHRAS2. First, an overview on dialectal phraseography will be given, then the focus will be postponed on the Genoese one. The projects will be described, explaining the main choices that had to be made and that contribute to the innovative character of the Genoese-Italian phraseological dictionary

    Genoese-Italian “vulgar” phraseology in GEPHRAS and GEPHRAS2

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    Vulgar terms have often been avoided in language and dialect dictionaries, although one can already find many of them in historical dictionaries and they have a century-long lexicographic tradition. There is a desideratum for further studies from a contrastive perspective as only certain languages or varieties have been analysed in more detail. This paper will focus on Genoese-Italian phraseology and in particular on GEPHRAS and GEPHRAS2, which represent two new phraseographical projects that will result in one unique phraseological dictionary, which will also collect such vulgar expressions. In particular, the phrasemes based on the headwords BELLIN, BAGASCIA, CÛ, MOSSA (usually ‘cock’, ‘whore’, ‘ass’ and ‘pussy’ or ‘bollocks’) will be compared.Vulgar terms have often been avoided in language and dialect dictionaries, although one can already find many of them in historical dictionaries and they have a century-long lexicographic tradition. There is a desideratum for further studies from a contrastive perspective as only certain languages or varieties have been analysed in more detail. This paper will focus on Genoese-Italian phraseology and in particular on GEPHRAS and GEPHRAS2, which represent two new phraseographical projects that will result in one unique phraseological dictionary, which will also collect such vulgar expressions. In particular, the phrasemes based on the headwords BELLIN, BAGASCIA, CÛ, MOSSA (usually ‘cock’, ‘whore’, ‘ass’ and ‘pussy’ or ‘bollocks’) will be compared


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    La fraseodidattica ha acquisito sempre più importanza negli ultimi anni, anche nell’italianistica. Nel presente contributo verranno in primis riassunti gli sviluppi della fraseodidattica come disciplina. Successivamente verranno illustrate delle “fraseologie” storiche ( = opere dal titolo o sottotitolo contenente il termine “fraseologia”) monolingui e bilingui del XVII-XX sec., che furono create essenzialmente a scopo didattico. Si mostrerà che esse potevano avere diversi formati, corrispondendo ad es. a dei dizionari fraseologici, a delle raccolte letterarie fraseologiche, a dei manuali per viaggiatori o a degli eserciziari per le traduzioni, per stilare ad es. lettere commerciali o per fare esercizi di conversazione. Si noterà che esse potevano contenere diversi tipi di fraseologismi, che miravano a perfezionare lo stile e la comunicazione e che, oltre che a contribuire alla ricerca terminologica e fraseografica, proprio per il loro carattere pratico, potranno contribuire a dare delle nuove idee per l'insegnamento.   Hints for the phraseology of Italian L2/FL based on the discovery of historical Italian “phraseologies” Phraseodidactics has become more and more important in recent years, also in Italian studies. In this paper we will start by summarizing the development of phraseodidactics as a discipline. Subsequently, we will illustrate historical monolingual and bilingual “phraseologies” (works with a title or subtitle containing the term “phraseology”) from the 17th-20th centuries, which were created essentially for didactic purposes. They had different formats, corresponding for example to phraseological dictionaries, literary phraseological collections, manuals for travelers or exercises for translations, for drawing up business letters or conversational exercises. It should be noted that they contained different types of phraseology, which were intended to improve style and communication and, in addition to contributing to terminological and phraseographical research, precisely because of their practical nature, they help to give new ideas for teaching

    Les débuts de la phraséologie et les premières « phraséologies historiques » italo-françaises

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    Phraseological studies are prospering, as there have been many important publications over the last years. However, while most researchers date phraseology studies back to Charles Bally (1909), they have a long tradition that has been ignored for years. Indeed, the term phraseology has been found in lots of works dating back centuries, even in the title of works going back to the 16th century (cf. also Autelli 2021a, 2021b). The main goals of this paper are to illustrate the concept of phraseology throughout the years and to investigate some of the works found, as they do not all look alike and still play an important role for terminology, phraseography and phraseodidactics. In particular, some of the most significant bilingual works (from the 19th and 20th century) based on French and Italian so-called “phraseologiae” (that contain terms such as “phraséologie” or “fraseologia” in the title of the works) will be analysed, as there are significantly more of them than in other languages.  Phraseological studies are prospering, as there have been many important publications over the last years. However, while most researchers date phraseology studies back to Charles Bally (1909), they have a long tradition that has been ignored for years. Indeed, the term phraseology has been found in lots of works dating back centuries, even in the title of works going back to the 16th century (cf. also Autelli 2021a, 2021b). The main goals of this paper are to illustrate the concept of phraseology throughout the years and to investigate some of the works found, as they do not all look alike and still play an important role for terminology, phraseography and phraseodidactics. In particular, some of the most significant bilingual works (from the 19th and 20th century) based on French and Italian so-called “phraseologiae” (that contain terms such as “phraséologie” or “fraseologia” in the title of the works) will be analysed, as there are significantly more of them than in other languages. &nbsp

    Nuevos retos y oportunidades para la lexicografía dialectal en línea: GEPHRAS – el primer diccionario fraseológico genovés-italiano online

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    Although there has been an increasing interest in phraseography lately, not much work concerning the dialects or varieties of Italy has been done yet (cfr. Cini, 2005). This contribution will focus on Genoese. Even though this variety has a longstanding and continuous literary tradition, its oldest dictionaries only date back to the second half of the 19th century. These are mainly non-scientific publications in printed format and do not systematically include phrasemes (understood in a broad sense, cfr. Burger, 2015). Therefore, the GEPHRAS project (Autelli et al., 2018-21) aims to fill this gap, while emphasizing collocations and idiomatic expressions connected to 100 substantive lemmas beginning with <a>/<æ>, <b> and <c>/<ç>. The main objective of the project is to preserve and promote Genoese (a part of so-called “Ligurian”, classed as «definitely endangered» by UNESCO), by recording entries in an online dictionary. This article will present the challenges encountered while compiling the GEPHRAS dictionary and show its main innovative aspects as well as the new opportunities it offers for online dialectal lexicography.A pesar de que últimamente ha habido un creciente interés por la fraseografía, todavía no se ha hecho mucho acerca de los dialectos o variedades de Italia (cfr. Cini, 2005). La presente contribución se centrará en el genovés: aunque cuenta con una producción literaria antigua y continua, los diccionarios de esta variedad datan de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Están principalmente en formato papel y de impronta no científica, y no incluyen sistemáticamente los frasemas (entendidos en un sentido amplio, cfr. Burger, 2015). Por tanto el proyecto GEPHRAS (Autelli et al., 2018-21) se propone cubrir esta laguna, con especial énfasis en las colocaciones y expresiones idiomáticas de 100 lemas sustantivos que comienzan con <a>/<æ>, <b> y <c>/<ç>. El objetivo principal del proyecto es preservar y promover el genovés (una parte del llamado “ligur”, considerado por la UNESCO como «definitely endangered »), mediante el registro de las entradas en forma de un diccionario en línea. El artículo presentará los desafíos encontrados en la compilación del diccionario GEPHRAS y mostrará cuáles son sus principales aspectos innovadores y las nuevas oportunidades que ofrece para la lexicografía dialectal en línea.A pesar de que últimamente ha habido un creciente interés por la fraseografía, todavía no se ha hecho mucho acerca de los dialectos o variedades de Italia (cfr. Cini, 2005). La presente contribución se centrará en el genovés: aunque cuenta con una producción literaria antigua y continua, los diccionarios de esta variedad datan de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Están principalmente en formato papel y de impronta no científica, y no incluyen sistemáticamente los frasemas (entendidos en un sentido amplio, cfr. Burger, 2015). Por tanto el proyecto GEPHRAS (Autelli et al., 2018-21) se propone cubrir esta laguna, con especial énfasis en las colocaciones y expresiones idiomáticas de 100 lemas sustantivos que comienzan con <a>/<æ>, <b> y <c>/<ç>. El objetivo principal del proyecto es preservar y promover el genovés (una parte del llamado “ligur”, considerado por la UNESCO como «definitely endangered »), mediante el registro de las entradas en forma de un diccionario en línea. El artículo presentará los desafíos encontrados en la compilación del diccionario GEPHRAS y mostrará cuáles son sus principales aspectos innovadores y las nuevas oportunidades que ofrece para la lexicografía dialectal en línea

    Fraseologia dell’algherese: risorse e nuovi impulsi per la fraseografia e la fraseodidattica di una varietà linguistica minoritaria italiana

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    The Catalan of Alghero is poorly documented at a lexicographic level, and the number of phrasemes to be found in the dictionaries is small. So, where can such word combinations be found and how can they be included in dictionaries? The present article aims to answer these two questions, giving a first overview of the phraseography of diatopic varieties in Italy, followed by information on Algherese and the description of possible resources from which the relevant information could be drawn. This is followed by a sociolinguistic investigation showing the complexity of the topic and a few divergencies from Italian, of which one should take account in the phraseodidactics of Algherese