465 research outputs found

    Fracture and crack growth in orthotropic laminates

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    A mathematical model based on the classical shear-lag assumptions is used to study the residual strength and fracture behavior of composite laminates with symmetrically placed buffer strips. The laminate is loaded by a uniform remote longitudinal tensile strain and has initial damage in the form of a transverse crack in the parent laminate between buffer strips. The crack growth behavior as a function of material properties, number of buffer-strip plies, spacing, width of buffer strips, longitudinal matrix splitting, and debonding at the interface is studied. Buffer-strip laminates are shown to arrest fracture and increase the residual strengths significantly over those of one material laminates, with S-glass being a more effective buffer strip material than Kevlar in increasing the damage tolerance of graphite/epoxy panels. For a typical graphite/epoxy laminate with S-glass buffer-strips, the residual strength is about 2.4 times the residual strength of an all graphite/epoxy panel with the same crack length. Approximately 50% of this increase is due to the S-glass/epoxy buffer-strips, 40% due to longitudinal splitting of the buffer strip interface and 10% due to bonding

    An electrocardiagram/ electromyogram with an opto-coupler circuit as a protection

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    An Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is an important feature in the medical environment, for instance in a hospital. Since this equipment is critical to the physician looking after the patient, the price of an ECG machine is high. When dealing with healthcare, one important aspect is the safety for both, the physician and the patient. The goal of this project is to produce a substitute, which is a cheaper version of the ECG circuit. Also treating the ECG as an Electromyography (EMG), experiment would be done to verify if the former could serve as a dual purpose circuit. Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are very useful in electronics and is the reason why they are present in almost all the major industries such as automotive and medical. This project will explore some of the qualities that op-amps can offer to meet the demand of this project. In addition, a safety circuit will be executed to ensure that the safety of the device as well as the operator is respected in all aspects. Murdoch University has an EKG sensor from Vernier, which can be used to demonstrate whether the results achieved through the amplifiers circuit’s, matches the readings from Vernier’s sensor. Finally modelling is magic as it opens the creativity mind of people, allowing them to think freely. Using this boon some modelling of muscle types have been done as it is really hard to take the EMG of two muscle types

    Women’s Marginalisation in A Fine Balance

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    It is the irony of fact or situation, that a woman, who occupies half of the entire humanity, is considered an inferior to man in society. We have innumerable historical references and examples in which woman has been shown as submissive, emotional, and prevented from enjoying the same privilege and rights as those of her counterpart. In our society we prioritise one group naturally putting the other at margin by the help of language and action. Pushing a particular community or group to the margin or to the periphery, or away from the centre creates a hegemonic binary opposition.  This is created through a long process of cultural other. Woman is the pillar of family and society, but she has become the victim of multiple atrocities practised upon her through ages. This paper will analyse and discuss the place of women in our so-called civilised society as revealed in Mistry’s A Fine Balance. It will discuss how woman characters lead a life of discrimination and oppression in male dominated society. Depiction of woman characters in A Fine Balance would be re-examined and discussed with new parameters and methods

    National Politics in the Fiction of Rohinton Mistry

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    Representation of contemporary politics and human problems is a major theme for contemporary litterateurs and social thinkers. A number of prolific and eminent novelists such as Rohinton Mistry, Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Khushwant Singh, Nayantara Sahgal, Shashi Tharoor, Amitav Ghosh, Arundhti Roy, Kiran Desai and many more have tried to explore the hidden truth and treacherous activities carried out over Indian citizens by their elected political representative on the name of different government schemes. Rohinton Mistry, an Indian of Parsi in origin presently living in Canada, represented contemporary Indian politics in his novels by subverting the conscious or unconscious cultural categorisations associated with the forms of novels focussing on the human condition located in time and space. He tried to show us how politics is used by politicians of all parties to remain in power for fulfilling their vested interest. Present paper is an effort to describe and discuss how political upheavals have an impact on the psyche of common man. It would discuss the theme of politics in the fiction of Rohinton Mistry


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    This article intends to reveal that the common good in the Javanese Arekculture was born from various mixtures (hybridities) of cultural encounters over avery long period of time and made Javanese Arek culture one of the most import-antculturesincreatingdiversity.TheearlydaysoftheformationofJavaneseArekcultureinthe4-9centuryADwerebuildingsofHindu-Javanese nobility,followedbyameetingoftradersandtheentryofIslam,Mataram,Colonialism,Christianity,andModernization. 111The human character and the Javanese Arek cultural community are alsoformed from harsh natural pressures, such as the eruption of Mount Kelud duringthe year 1037-1468 or for 431 years with 22 eruptions, thus covering up the aris-tocracysurroundingthesmallislandsintheJavaneseArekculturalarea


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    Teater merupakan suatu pertunjukan yang menggabungkan unsur seni yang kompleks, yaitu seni drama, seni tari, seni musik dan seni rupa sedangkan Penyutradaraan menjadi sesuatu bagian penting dalam sebuah pementasan teater. Maka dari itu sutradara berfungsi sebagai pemimpin tunggal yang merencanakan, memutuskan, mengerahkan, mewujudkan dan bertanggung jawab penuh. Salah satu lakon yang komplit dengan kemungkinan kompleksitas cabang seni ialah Orang Kaya Baru saduran Nano Riantiarno dari naskah Moliereyang berjudul “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme”. Lakon Orang kaya baru merupakan potret kehidupan Manusia yang focus mencari nama dan gelar dengan segala cara, peristiwa yang terjadi memfokuskan pada dampak negative kapitalisasi pada kehidupan bermasyarakat saat ini dan tecermin pada seorang tokoh utama bernama Jordana.Penyutradaraan pada lakon Orang Kaya Baru menggunakan teknik penyutradaraan dari Bertolt Brecht dengan di dukung teknik penyutradaraan lainya. Adapun teknik yang digunakan adalah 1) Pra Produksi, meliputi persiapan-persiapan fisik dan mental, pemilihan naskah, pemilihan tim, pemilihan aktor, pemilihan pemusik dan penari, latihan (tubuh, vokal, pencarian karakter tokoh, teknik memberi isi, movement, gladi kotor, gladi bersih), 2) Produksi, meliputi latihan-latihan ( pengenalan konsep teater brech, mencari, memberi isi, pengembangan dan pemantapan) serta eksplorasi (peran, hand-property, setting panggung, koreografi, lagu, movement dan blocking). Berdasarkan teknik penyutradaraan diatas, pementasan karya Orang Kaya Baru berjalan lancar, maksimal dan antusias dari penonton luar biasa dengan durasi pementasan 210 menit. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada keseimbangan vokal serta permasalahan teknis panggung, Pementasan Orang kaya Baru saduran Nano Riantiarno memberikan sajian pertunjukan yang menarik dan memberikan kesan tersendiri dibenak penonton.Kata kunci : Penyutradaraan, Orang Kaya Bar

    Advancing clinical practice in the management of Deep Vein Thrombosis: development, application and evaluation of the Autar DVT scale

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    Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a disease of hospitalised patients and is a precursor of Pulmonary Embolism (PE), a potentially fatal complication. DVT and PE are preventable and venous thromboprophylaxis consensus groups recommend that patients be risk assessed and accordingly receive appropriate prophylaxis. The Scope of Professional Practice (UKCC, 1992) enables nurses with appropriate knowledge and clinical competence to explore· new territories, previously the exclusive province of doctors. In the spirit of the position statement of professional practice framework, the Autar DVT scale (1994) was developed to identify patients at risk, so that appropriate venous thromboprophylaxis can be initiated. The scale is composed of seven categories of risk factors derived from Virchow's triad in the genesis of DVT. In this study, the DVT scale was re-validated on 150 patients across three distinct clinical specialities in order to allow for generalisation of the findings. DVT is a continuing problem and for this significant reason, the patients were followed up for a minimum of three months after discharge from hospital. Interestingly, 39 per cent of the patients with DVT (11/28) developed this insidious condition at home. Five reproducibility studies on the orthopaedic, medical and surgical directorates achieved kappa values ranging between 0.88 to 0.95, confirming the consistency of the instrument. A Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed to determine the optimal predictive accuracy of the DVT scale and a cutoff score of 11 yielded approximately 70 per cent sensitivity. Data from two patients, who could not be followed up, on account of discharge to no fixed abodes, were excluded for the sensitivity analysis of the DVT scale. Overall, 115 patients out of the 148 (78%) were correctly classified. However, the administration of venous thromboprophylaxis masked the predictive efficiency of the DVT scale in relation to its sensitivity and specificity. A high predictive value of 84 per cent of negative outcome was achieved at the cost of a predictive value of 37 per cent of positive outcome. The DVT scale exhibited good clinical and practical application. Data extrapolation also suggests that although the clinical areas use some venous thromboprophylaxis strategies, in practice they are not consistently applied


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    Aktor merupakan bagian terpenting penyampai gagasan sutradara dalam pertunjukan teater. Penulisan ini lebih menitik beratkan pada kajian teknik penokohan karakter Jordana pada naskah “Orang Kaya Baru” karya Moliere saduran Nano Riantiarno dengan sutradara Dodot. Teknik keaktoran yang di gunakan sebagai proses penciptaan tokoh Jordana pada naskah “Orang Kaya Baru” adalah metode pelatihan V-Effect yang dikaji dari buku WS Rendra dan Teater Mini Kata. Metode V-Effect yang ditemukan penulis memiliki 4 Teknik yakni : 1) Narasi Tindakan, 2) Disorientasi Tokoh, 3) Penghancuran Dinding Keempat 4) Improvisasi/Timing.Pementasan Orang Kaya Baru karya Moliere saduran Nano Riantiarno dengan sutradara Dodot melalui metode keaktoran V-Effect sebagai pendekatan pelatihan actor mampu menciptakan interaksi antara aktor dan penonton. Penonton merasa dekat dengan aktor begitu juga aktor yang memberikan dialognya untuk penonton sehingga timbullah kedekatan. Kedekatan yang terjadi bertujuan agar penonton berfikir kritis tanpa terjadi katarsis namun tetap terhibur. Permasalahan yang ada didalam naskah diolah secara otonom oleh aktor disesuaikan dengan isu atau berita yang sedang terjadi saat ini sehingga penonton merasa terhibur dan tetap berfikir kritis.Kata Kunci : Teknik Keaktoran, Aktor, V-Effect, Penonto

    Sistem Kreativitas Sandur Bojonegoro dalam Pertunjukan “Selendang Kuning”

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    Pertunjukan sandur Bojonegoro dipentaskan di tanah lapang dengan panggung arena dan dibatasi dengan belabar janur kuning. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, seniman Sandur menciptakan pertunjukan “Selendang Kuning” dengan konsep sandur rumah yaitu sandur yang dipentaskan dalam rumah atau yang dapat disaksikan di rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui aspek-aspek kreatifitas yang mendukung penciptaan karya Sandur Bojonegoro dengan konsep rumah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskiptif kualitatif, dengan pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara semi terstruktur dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalasis menggunakan sistem kreatifitas Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dianalisis, ditemukan bahwa karya sandur “Selendang Kuning” yang berkonsep sandur rumah dapat tercipta karena beberapa aspek, yaitu (1)domain yang ditempuh telah mengalami titik fokus pada pengembangan Sandur Bojonegoro ke bentuk dan media yang baru dengan penuh kesadaran memilih untuk mempertimbangkan unsur kepakeman yang harus dipakai ataupun yang tidak digunakan dalam proses penciptaan karya tersebut; (2)ranah dalam pertunjukan mendapatkan dukungan, kolaborasi antar aspek yang memadai; dan (3)individu kreatif dalam karya berupa para pelaku sandur Bojonegoro yang terbuka dengan segala kemungkinan penciptaan.
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