2,360 research outputs found

    DNA binding and intercalation by novel porphyrins: role of charge and substituents probed by DNase I footprinting and topoisomerase I unwinding

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    AbstractPorphyrins carrying four charged sidechains, e.g., meso-tetrakis[4-N-methylpyridiniumyl]- and meso-tetrakis[4-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyridiniumyl]-porphyrin, bound and intercalated similarly into DNA as measured by helix stabilization and DNA unwinding studies in the presence of DNA topoisomerase I. Despite their different bulky sidechains, these complexes gave essentially identical DNase I footprinting patterns. In contrast, tetrasubstituted porphyrins carrying three phenyl rings and a single positively charged pyridiniumyl sidechain did not intercalate and exhibited little affinity for DNA. Thus, the presence of charged sidechains on the porphyrin rather than their identity appears to be critical for efficient DNA intercalation. The results are discussed in regard to current models for the porphyrin-DNA intercalation complex

    mAMSA resistant human topoisomerase IIβ mutation G465D has reduced ATP hydrolysis activity

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    Type II Human DNA Topoisomerases (topos II) play an essential role in DNA replication and transcription and are important targets for cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. Topoisomerase II causes transient double-strand breaks in DNA, forming a gate through which another double helix is passed, and acts as a DNA dependent ATPase. Mutations in topoII have been linked to atypical multi-drug resistance. Both human Topoisomerase II isoforms, α and β, are targeted by amsacrine. We have used a forced molecular evolution approach to identify mutations conferring resistance to acridines. Here we report mutation βG465D, which was selected with mAMSA and DACA and is cross-resistant to etoposide, ellipticine and doxorubicin. Resistance to mAMSA appears to decrease over time indicating a previously unreported resistance mechanism. G465D lies within the B′ domain in the region that contacts the cleaved gate helix. There is a 3-fold decrease in ATP affinity and ATP hydrolysis and an altered requirement for magnesium in decatenation assays. The decatenation rate is decreased for the mutated G465D protein. And we report for the first time the use of fluorescence anisotropy with intact human topoisomerase II

    Role of Topoisomerase IIβ in DNA Damage Response following IR and Etoposide

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    The role of topoisomerase IIβ was investigated in cell lines exposed to two DNA damaging agents, ionising radiation (IR) or etoposide, a drug which acts on topoisomerase II. The appearance and resolution of γH2AX foci in murine embryonic fibroblast cell lines, wild type and null for DNA topoisomerase IIβ, was measured after exposure to ionising radiation (IR) or etoposide. Topoisomerase II-DNA adduct levels were also measured. IR rapidly triggered phosphorylation of histone H2AX, less phosphorylation was seen in TOP2β−/− cells, but the difference was not statistically significant. IR did not produce topoisomerase II-DNA adducts above control levels. Etoposide triggered the formation of topoisomerase II-DNA adducts and the phosphorylation of histone H2AX, the γH2AX foci appeared more slowly with etoposide than with IR. Topoisomerase II-DNA complexes in WT cells but not TOP2β−/− cells increased significantly at 24 hours with the proteasome inhibitor MG132, suggesting topoisomerase IIβ adducts are removed by the proteasome

    Human Tra2 proteins jointly control a CHEK1 splicing switch among alternative and constitutive target exons

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    Alternative splicing—the production of multiple messenger RNA isoforms from a single gene—is regulated in part by RNA binding proteins. While the RBPs transformer2 alpha (Tra2α) and Tra2β have both been implicated in the regulation of alternative splicing, their relative contributions to this process are not well understood. Here we find simultaneous—but not individual—depletion of Tra2α and Tra2β induces substantial shifts in splicing of endogenous Tra2β target exons, and that both constitutive and alternative target exons are under dual Tra2α–Tra2β control. Target exons are enriched in genes associated with chromosome biology including CHEK1, which encodes a key DNA damage response protein. Dual Tra2 protein depletion reduces expression of full-length CHK1 protein, results in the accumulation of the DNA damage marker γH2AX and decreased cell viability. We conclude Tra2 proteins jointly control constitutive and alternative splicing patterns via paralog compensation to control pathways essential to the maintenance of cell viability

    γH2AX Foci Form Preferentially in Euchromatin after Ionising-Radiation

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    BACKGROUND: The histone variant histone H2A.X comprises up to 25% of the H2A complement in mammalian cells. It is rapidly phosphorylated following exposure of cells to double-strand break (DSB) inducing agents such as ionising radiation. Within minutes of DSB generation, H2AX molecules are phosphorylated in large chromatin domains flanking DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs); these domains can be observed by immunofluorescence microscopy and are termed gammaH2AX foci. H2AX phosphorylation is believed to have a role mounting an efficient cellular response to DNA damage. Theoretical considerations suggest an essentially random chromosomal distribution of X-ray induced DSBs, and experimental evidence does not consistently indicate otherwise. However, we observed an apparently uneven distribution of gammaH2AX foci following X-irradiation with regions of the nucleus devoid of foci. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Using immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that focal phosphorylation of histone H2AX occurs preferentially in euchromatic regions of the genome following X-irradiation. H2AX phosphorylation has also been demonstrated previously to occur at stalled replication forks induced by UV radiation or exposure to agents such as hydroxyurea. In this study, treatment of S-phase cells with hydroxyurea lead to efficient H2AX phosphorylation in both euchromatin and heterochromatin at times when these chromatin compartments were undergoing replication. This suggests a block to H2AX phosphorylation in heterochromatin that is at least partially relieved by ongoing DNA replication. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We discuss a number of possible mechanisms that could account for the observed pattern of H2AX phosphorylation. Since gammaH2AX is regarded as forming a platform for the recruitment or retention of other DNA repair and signaling molecules, these findings imply that the processing of DSBs in heterochromatin differs from that in euchromatic regions. The differential responses of heterochromatic and euchromatic compartments of the genome to DSBs will have implications for understanding the processes of DNA repair in relation to nuclear and chromatin organization


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    The Impact of the C-Terminal Domain on the Interaction of Human DNA Topoisomerase II α and β with DNA

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    <b>Background</b> Type II DNA topoisomerases are essential, ubiquitous enzymes that act to relieve topological problems arising in DNA from normal cellular activity. Their mechanism of action involves the ATP-dependent transport of one DNA duplex through a transient break in a second DNA duplex; metal ions are essential for strand passage. Humans have two isoforms, topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ, that have distinct roles in the cell. The C-terminal domain has been linked to isoform specific differences in activity and DNA interaction. <b>Methodology/Principal Findings</b> We have investigated the role of the C-terminal domain in the binding of human topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ to DNA in fluorescence anisotropy assays using full length and C-terminally truncated enzymes. We find that the C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ but not topoisomerase IIα affects the binding of the enzyme to the DNA. The presence of metal ions has no effect on DNA binding. Additionally, we have examined strand passage of the full length and truncated enzymes in the presence of a number of supporting metal ions and find that there is no difference in relative decatenation between isoforms. We find that calcium and manganese, in addition to magnesium, can support strand passage by the human topoisomerase II enzymes. <b>Conclusions/Significance</b> The C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ, but not that of topoisomerase IIα, alters the enzyme's KD for DNA binding. This is consistent with previous data and may be related to the differential modes of action of the two isoforms in vivo. We also show strand passage with different supporting metal ions for human topoisomerase IIα or topoisomerase IIβ, either full length or C-terminally truncated. They all show the same preferences, whereby Mg > Ca > Mn