1,615 research outputs found

    More than one way to see it: Individual heuristics in avian visual computation

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    Comparative pattern learning experiments investigate how different species find regularities in sensory input, providing insights into cognitive processing in humans and other animals. Past research has focused either on one species’ ability to process pattern classes or different species’ performance in recognizing the same pattern, with little attention to individual and species-specific heuristics and decision strategies. We trained and tested two bird species, pigeons (Columba livia) and kea (Nestor notabilis, a parrot species), on visual patterns using touch-screen technology. Patterns were composed of several abstract elements and had varying degrees of structural complexity. We developed a model selection paradigm, based on regular expressions, that allowed us to reconstruct the specific decision strategies and cognitive heuristics adopted by a given individual in our task. Individual birds showed considerable differences in the number, type and heterogeneity of heuristic strategies adopted. Birds’ choices also exhibited consistent species-level differences. Kea adopted effective heuristic strategies, based on matching learned bigrams to stimulus edges. Individual pigeons, in contrast, adopted an idiosyncratic mix of strategies that included local transition probabilities and global string similarity. Although performance was above chance and quite high for kea, no individual of either species provided clear evidence of learning exactly the rule used to generate the training stimuli. Our results show that similar behavioral outcomes can be achieved using dramatically different strategies and highlight the dangers of combining multiple individuals in a group analysis. These findings, and our general approach, have implications for the design of future pattern learning experiments, and the interpretation of comparative cognition research more generally

    Tenzing and the importance of tool development for research efficiency

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    The way science is done is changing. While some tools are facilitating this change, others lag behind. The resulting mismatch between tools and researchers' workflows can be inefficient and delay the progress of research. As an example, information about the people associated with a published journal article was traditionally handled manually and unsystematically. However, as large-scale collaboration, sometimes referred to as “team science,” is now common, a more structured and easy-to-automate approach to managing meta-data is required. In this paper we describe how the latest version of tenzing (A.O. Holcombe et al., Documenting contributions to scholarly articles using CRediT and tenzing, PLOS One 15(12) (2020)) helps researchers collect and structure contributor information efficiently and without frustration. Using tenzing as an example, we discuss the importance of efficient tools in reforming science and our experience with tool development as researchers.</p

    Instructors, Students, Managers, and the Basic Organizational Communication Course: Are We All Working Together or Working Apart?

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    Three studies were conducted to determine the extent of overlap between basic organizational communication textbook content (1990-2002), student perceptions of basic organizational communication knowledge and skills important for the workplace, and managerial expectations of communication knowledge and skills for graduates. Overall, findings indicate overlap on assigning importance to group/team communication, leadership, verbal communication, and conflict management; however, there were differences on a range of topics addressed in the basic organizational communication course deemed essential for job success. Implications of the studies’ findings indicate that organizational communication textbooks could emphasize more “soft skills” such as interpersonal relationships, listening, dealing with conflict, and so on, because of the premium today’s employers place on employees possessing those skills. Additionally, basic organizational communication instructors play a vital role in organizational communication education because they functions as a “translation specialist” for the students and employers

    Das Schreiben unter digitalen Bedingungen

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    Anfang 2018 bei Suhrkamp veröffentlicht, versammelt Hannes Bajohrs Lyrikband Halbzeug eine Vielzahl von Gedichten unterschiedlichster, digitaler Genese: ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsrauschen aneinandergereihter Karriereratgeberfloskeln stehen neben von Spracherkennungsprogrammen missverstandenen Texten; Kafka und die Gebrüder Grimm stehen neben Versatzstücken aus Klimaschutzberichten. Alle Gedichte in Halbzeug basieren auf bestehenden, oft auch kanonischen Texten, die größtenteils autonom mithilfe..

    GrenzĂĽberschreitungen: Jakob Arjounis Kayankaya-Romane zwischen hardboiled detective und Migrationsthematik

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    Dans cet article, les différents aspects des transgressions poétologiques et thématiques dans les cinq romans policiers de Jakob Arjounis – Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet et Bruder Kemal – sont replacés dans le contexte de la vision du monde véhiculée par ces romans, qui articulent une critique envers de la société. Les manifestations centrales de ce principe esthétique sont la transformation de l’architexte, le genre américain de la hardboiled detective story, dans le milieu urbain de Francfort, mais aussi les préoccupations quant à la situation des émigrés et réfugiés en Allemagne. Dans ce cadre, le protagoniste turco-allemand Kemal Kayankaya, un personnage quasi paradoxal, est autant emblématique que la constellation des autres personnages et la division des espaces littéraires, correspondant à la rigidité des structures sociales, qui ne permettent aucune forme d’individualisation.In diesem Aufsatz werden die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der poetologischen wie thematischen Grenzüberschreitungen in Jakob Arjounis fünf Kriminalromanen Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet und Bruder Kemal in Kontext zum in den Romanen transportierten Weltbild und der damit einhergehenden Sozialkritik gesetzt. Die zentralen Manifestationen dieses ästhetischen Prinzips sind die Transformation des Architextes der amerikanischen hardboiled detective story ins Großstadtmilieu Frankfurts, aber auch die Auseinandersetzung mit der Situation von Migranten und Flüchtlingen in Deutschland. Die fast schon paradoxe literarische Figur des Deutschtürken Kemal Kayankaya ist dabei ebenso von Bedeutung wie die Konstellation der weiteren Figuren und die Unterteilung der literarischen Räume, die den rigiden gesellschaftlichen Strukturen entsprechen, die keine Individuationsmöglichkeiten bereithalten.This article puts the different aspects of poetological and thematic transgression of borders found in Jakob Arjounis five crime novels Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet and Bruder Kemal in context of the world view that is conveyed in the novels as well at the concomitant social criticism. The central manifestations of this aethetic principle are the transformation of the hardboiled detective architext into the hessian metropolitan milieu of Frankfurt, as well as the engagement with the situation of migrants and refugees in Germany. The nearly paradox literary figure of german-turkish P.I. Kemal Kayankaya is as central as is the arrangement of the other figures and the division of literary spaces, which correspond with the conveyed rigid social structures, which don’t faciliate any oppurtunities of individuation

    GrenzĂĽberschreitungen: Jakob Arjounis Kayankaya-Romane zwischen hardboiled detective und Migrationsthematik

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    Dans cet article, les différents aspects des transgressions poétologiques et thématiques dans les cinq romans policiers de Jakob Arjounis – Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet et Bruder Kemal – sont replacés dans le contexte de la vision du monde véhiculée par ces romans, qui articulent une critique envers de la société. Les manifestations centrales de ce principe esthétique sont la transformation de l’architexte, le genre américain de la hardboiled detective story, dans le milieu urbain de Francfort, mais aussi les préoccupations quant à la situation des émigrés et réfugiés en Allemagne. Dans ce cadre, le protagoniste turco-allemand Kemal Kayankaya, un personnage quasi paradoxal, est autant emblématique que la constellation des autres personnages et la division des espaces littéraires, correspondant à la rigidité des structures sociales, qui ne permettent aucune forme d’individualisation.In diesem Aufsatz werden die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der poetologischen wie thematischen Grenzüberschreitungen in Jakob Arjounis fünf Kriminalromanen Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet und Bruder Kemal in Kontext zum in den Romanen transportierten Weltbild und der damit einhergehenden Sozialkritik gesetzt. Die zentralen Manifestationen dieses ästhetischen Prinzips sind die Transformation des Architextes der amerikanischen hardboiled detective story ins Großstadtmilieu Frankfurts, aber auch die Auseinandersetzung mit der Situation von Migranten und Flüchtlingen in Deutschland. Die fast schon paradoxe literarische Figur des Deutschtürken Kemal Kayankaya ist dabei ebenso von Bedeutung wie die Konstellation der weiteren Figuren und die Unterteilung der literarischen Räume, die den rigiden gesellschaftlichen Strukturen entsprechen, die keine Individuationsmöglichkeiten bereithalten.This article puts the different aspects of poetological and thematic transgression of borders found in Jakob Arjounis five crime novels Happy Birthday, Türke!, Mehr Bier, Ein Mann, ein Mord, Kismet and Bruder Kemal in context of the world view that is conveyed in the novels as well at the concomitant social criticism. The central manifestations of this aethetic principle are the transformation of the hardboiled detective architext into the hessian metropolitan milieu of Frankfurt, as well as the engagement with the situation of migrants and refugees in Germany. The nearly paradox literary figure of german-turkish P.I. Kemal Kayankaya is as central as is the arrangement of the other figures and the division of literary spaces, which correspond with the conveyed rigid social structures, which don’t faciliate any oppurtunities of individuation

    Percutaneous collagen induction (microneedling) for the management of non-atrophic scars: literature review.

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    Introduction: Percutaneous collagen induction (PCI) or needling techniques are increasingly popular in the reconstructive and aesthetic arena. The underlying mechanisms of action rest on producing a pattern of non-ablative and non-confluent puncture wound pattern to the dermis with a resulting regenerative effect to the skin. Methods: A detailed English literature review was conducted using PubMed Medline, Embase and Web of Science; the manuscripts were appraised and classified according to level of evidence as well risk of bias. Results are presented in descending order of evidence for non-atrophic scars. Discussion: On the basis of level 1 evidence currently available, the combination of needling and silicone gel can improve the short-term pliability, height and vascularity of hypertrophic and keloid scars. According to level 2 evidence, needling alongside spray keratinocytes can produce a statistically significant improvement to patient/observer scar ratings and improve pigmentation in hypopigmented burn scars at 12-month follow-up. Results from mixed cohort studies also point towards needling having a beneficial effect on fat graft retention. Level 3 data suggest that needling can render significant resurfacing effects to both mature and actively hypertrophic burn scars at 12-month follow-up based on objective scar scales; furthermore, favourable histological changes are seen, including better collagen alignment in the dermis and increased epidermal thickness. Conclusion: Needling techniques are promising adjuncts to non-atrophic scar management. Further research with long-term follow-up and comparative design protocols incorporating other resurfacing modalities is warranted before the exact value of needling is delineated in scar management protocols

    The magnetic interactions in spin-glasslike Ge/1-x-y/Sn/x/Mn/y/Te diluted magnetic semiconductor

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    We investigated the nature of the magnetic phase transition in the Ge/1-x-y/Sn/x/Mn/y/Te mixed crystals with chemical composition changing in the range of 0.083 < x < 0.142 and 0.012 < y < 0.119. The DC magnetization measurements performed in the magnetic field up to 90 kOe and temperature range 2-200 K showed that the magnetic ordering at temperatures below T = 50 K exhibits features characteristic for both spin-glass and ferromagnetic phases. The modified Sherrington - Southern model was applied to explain the observed transition temperatures. The calculations showed that the spin-glass state is preferred in the range of the experimental carrier concentrations and Mn content. The value of the Mn hole exchange integral was estimated to be J/pd/ = 0.45+/-0.05 eV. The experimental magnetization vs temperature curves were reproduced satisfactory using the non-interacting spin-wave theory with the exchange constant J/pd/ values consistent with those calculated using modified Sherrington - Southern model. The magnetization vs magnetic field curves showed nonsaturating behavior at magnetic fields B < 90 kOe indicating the presence of strong magnetic frustration in the system. The experimental results were reproduced theoretically with good accuracy using the molecular field approximation-based model of a disordered ferromagnet with long-range RKKY interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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