65 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kepuasan Pelayanan Dan Kepuasan Pasien Hemodialisa Di Rumah Sakit X

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    Service to satisfy customers does not have to be at the expense of self-esteem or self-image because providing services is not based on the submission of one party to another, the service should be carried out to realize the best benefits for all parties. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of services provided by the hemodialysis unit to outpatients and the satisfaction of hemodialysis patients during dialysis at hospital X. The research method used was quantitative, by distributing questionnaires to the patient's guardians. The results of the study, the results showed, 100% of respondents in the HD unit of Hospital X said it was true about the quality of services contained in the HD unit of Hospital X. The results showed, 100% said they were satisfied with the services provided by the HD unit of Hospital X. Maintained service well in the eyes of hemodialysis patients at X Hospital

    An analysis of money demand stability in Rwanda.

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    Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.A stable money demand function and exogeneity of prices is at the core of planning and implementing a monetary policy of monetary targets. This thesis examines both the stability of M2 money demand and price exogeneity in Rwanda for the years 1980 to 2000. We estimate and test the elasticities of the determinants of Rwandan money demand function. We include in this demand function those variables which economic theory indicates must be part of any empirical investigation of money demand. All coefficients had the signs as required by economic theory. We estimate the money demand function for Rwanda using cointegration analysis and an error correction mechanism. The results show real income, prices and M2 to be cointegrated. We employ three tests to show that the estimated demand function for Rwanda is stable. We then test the second requirement for coherence in monetary aggregate targeting that money determines prices. The results show that prices are exogenous to money. But before we can definitely conclude that an inflation targeting regime is feasible from monetary policy perspective, we point out that future research on this important topic must account for exchange rate movements, measure permanent income and specify interest rate changes correctly

    Financial Literacy and Financial Behaviour:Experimental Evidence from Rural Rwanda

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    We organise a field experiment with smallholder farmers in Rwanda to measure the impact of financial literacy training on financial knowledge and behaviour. The training increased financial literacy of participants, changed their savings and borrowing behaviour and had a positive effect on the new business start-up. However, it failed to have a significant (short-term) impact on income. Using a two-stage regression framework, we identify enhanced financial literacy as one of the important factors explaining behavioural changes. We also test whether financial knowledge spillovers from trained farmers to their peers in local village banks but find no evidence for that.</p

    Features of Some Hormonal Parameters in Patients with Perinatal Losses

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    The presence of mixed urogenital infections during pregnancy leads to violations in mother’s body: changes of homeostasis, depression of the immune response, induction of the autoimmune processes resulting in reduced resistance to infectious agents and enhancement of pathological effects on the fetus, which greatly increases the risk of adjustment disorders in a newborn. The objective of this study was to investigate some indicators of homeostasis in patients with a history of perinatal losses.184 pregnant women with perinatal losses at the age of 19–34 years were under observation. Study group consisted of 110 pregnant women examined and treated according to the developed scheme, comparison group — of 74 pregnant women examined and treated according to a standard scheme. Control group made up 30 apparently healthy pregnant women. The study of hormonal status was carried out by determining estriol, progesterone, cortisol, placental lactogen using radioimmunoassay method by means of commercial kits ESA-IRE-Soring (France) as per proposed instructions. The results of the study allowed us to make the conclusion that at the initial forms of fetoplacental insufficiency, values of the enzymes activity may be prognostic markers of its violation. Adverse background due to infection affects the adequate production of hormones and enzymes

    Features of Opportunistic Pathogenic Microflora in Patients with Perinatal Losses

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    At present, there is no doubt in the urgency of the problem in the diagnosis of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms of urogenital tract. The purpose of the research is the study of opportunistic pathogenic microflora in patients with perinatal loss in the I trimester. The study involved 184 pregnant women with perinatal loss at the age of 19–34 years: 110 pregnant women who were examined and treated by the developed scheme (study group); 74 — according to the standard (comparison group) one. The control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy pregnant women. Dynamism is typical for vaginal biocenosis; naturally or forced changes in the amount and availability of individual microorganisms arise in microbial associations with time. But in some cases, these fluctuations are pathological and end not in spontaneous recovery, but, on the contrary, in the development of clinically apparent disease, which can predict the presence of L.plantarum at about 6 • 107 CFU/ml

    Effectiveness of Pathogenetically Grounded Approach to Treatment of Pregnant Women with Impaired Genital Tract Microbiocoenosis

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    The study of microbial picture in the pregnant women after their treatment in the second term showed that in all groups of patients the level of both anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms was prone to reduction but did not achieve the level in the control group. The same results were achieved as to G.vaginalis and Candida. Lactobacilli in the first group were mainly represented by L.crispatus (23.94 %, the absolute index 104–105) and that testified to the normalization of biocoenosis in the absence of L.iners and L.plantarum. In the patients of the second group there was also change for the better on the background of absence of L.iners and L.plantarum. In the third group L.plantarum made up 4.31 % and L.iners 1.54 % which also testified to the normalization of biocoenosis at the absolute index 104–105. The lasting effect of infection impacted the organism of the patients; however, after the women of the main group were undergone pathogenetically grounded treatment, there was the change for the normalization in the studied indices of immunoglobulins

    State of the System «Placenta — Fetus — Newborn» in Pregnant Women with Disorders of Birth Canal Microbiota

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    Antenatal examination of the fetus and fetoplacental complex using computed tomography, ultrasonography and determination of fetal biophysical profile showed that chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia with a reduction in adaptation possibilities of fetoplacental complex occurred in 2 (6.67 %) healthy women, in 3 (8.57 %) and 2 (4.44 %) patients from subgroups I and II, respectively, which was significantly less than in subgroup III — 8 (26.67 %, p < 0.05) cases and in the comparison group — 12 (16.22 %) (p < 0.05)
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