301 research outputs found

    Внутриартериальная химиотерапия в комбинированном лечении резектабельного рака желудка с метастазами в печень

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    В Донецком областном противоопухолевом центре разработан и внедрен способ катетеризации печеночной артерии при паллиативных операциях у больных раком желудка с метастазами в печень. По данному способу пролечено 56 больных резектабельным раком желудка с метастатическим поражением печени, что позволило увеличить продолжительность и улучшить качество жизни больных.У Донецькому обласному протипухлинному центрі розроблено та впроваджено спосіб катетеризації печінкової артерії при паліативних операціях у хворих на рак шлунку з метастазами в печінку. За цим способом проліковано 56 хворих на резектабельний рак шлунку з метастатичним ураженням печінки, що дало змогу збільшити тривалість і поліпшити якість життя хворих.A method of catheterization of hepatic artery at palliative surgery in patients with gastric cancer and metastases to the liver was worked out and introduced at Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center. This method was used in 56 patients with operable cancer of the stomach with metastases to the liver, which allowed increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of the patients

    'We don't know for sure':discussion of uncertainty concerning multigene panel testing during initial cancer genetic consultations

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    Pre-test counseling about multigene panel testing involves many uncertainties. Ideally, counselees are informed about uncertainties in a way that enables them to make an informed decision about panel testing. It is presently unknown whether and how uncertainty is discussed during initial cancer genetic counseling. We therefore investigated whether and how counselors discuss and address uncertainty, and the extent of shared decision-making (SDM), and explored associations between counselors' communication and their characteristics in consultations on panel testing for cancer. For this purpose, consultations of counselors discussing a multigene panel with a simulated patient were videotaped. Simulated patients represented a counselee who had had multiple cancer types, according to a script. Before and afterwards, counselors completed a survey. Counselors' uncertainty expressions, initiating and the framing of expressions, and their verbal responses to scripted uncertainties of the simulated patient were coded by two researchers independently. Coding was done according to a pre-developed coding scheme using The Observer XT software for observational analysis. Additionally, the degree of SDM was assessed by two observers. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to assess associations of communicated uncertainties, responses and the extent of SDM, with counselors' background characteristics. In total, twenty-nine counselors, including clinical geneticists, genetic counselors, physician assistants-in-training, residents and interns, participated of whom working experience varied between 0 and 25 years. Counselors expressed uncertainties mainly regarding scientific topics (94%) and on their own initiative (95%). Most expressions were framed directly (77%), e.g. We don't know, and were emotionally neutral (59%; without a positive/negative value). Counselors mainly responded to uncertainties of the simulated patient by explicitly referring to the uncertainty (69%), without providing space for further disclosure (66%). More experienced counselors provided less space to further disclose uncertainty (p <0.02), and clinical geneticists scored lower on SDM compared with other types of counselors (p <0.03). Our findings that counselors mainly communicate scientific uncertainties and use space-reducing responses imply that the way counselors address counselees' personal uncertainties and concerns during initial cancer genetic counseling is suboptimal

    Positive experiences of healthcare professionals with a mainstreaming approach of germline genetic testing for women with ovarian cancer

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    According to current guidelines, all women with epithelial ovarian cancer are eligible for genetic testing for BRCA germline pathogenic variants. Unfortunately, not all affected women are tested. We evaluated the acceptability and feasibility for non-genetic healthcare professionals to incorporate germline genetic testing into their daily practice. We developed and implemented a mainstreaming pathway, including a training module, in collaboration with various healthcare professionals and patient organizations. Healthcare professionals from 4 different hospitals were invited to participate. After completing the training module, gynecologic oncologists, gynecologists with a subspecialty training in oncology, and nurse specialists discussed and ordered genetic testing themselves. They received a questionnaire before completing the training module and 6 months after working according to the new pathway. We assessed healthcare professionals' attitudes, perceived knowledge, and self-efficacy, along with the feasibility of this new mainstream workflow in clinical practice, and evaluated the use and content of the training module. The participation rate for completing the training module was 90% (N = 19/21). At baseline and after 6 months, healthcare professionals had a positive attitude, high perceived knowledge and high self-efficacy toward discussing and ordering genetic testing. Knowledge had increased significantly after 6 months. The training module was rated with an average of 8.1 out of 10 and was considered useful. The majority of healthcare professionals (9/15) was able to discuss a genetic test in five to 10 min. After completion of a training module, non-genetic healthcare professionals feel motivated and competent to discuss and order genetic testing themselves

    Mainstream germline genetic testing for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer leads to higher testing rates and a reduction in genetics-related healthcare costs from a healthcare payer perspective

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    OBJECTIVE: Germline genetic testing is increasingly offered to patients with epithelial ovarian cancer by non-genetic healthcare professionals, so called mainstream genetic testing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of implementing a mainstream genetic testing pathway on the percentage of newly diagnosed patients with epithelial ovarian cancer to whom genetic testing was offered and the genetics-related healthcare costs. METHODS: The possible care pathways for genetic counseling and testing and their associated costs were mapped. Patient files from all newly diagnosed patients with epithelial ovarian cancer before (March 2016 - September 2017) and after (April 2018 - December 2019) implementing our mainstream genetic testing pathway were analyzed. Based on this analysis, the percentage of newly diagnosed patients to whom genetic testing was offered was assessed and genetics-related healthcare costs were calculated using a healthcare payer perspective based on a Diagnosis-Related Group financing approach. RESULTS: Within six months after diagnosis, genetic testing was offered to 56% of patients before and to 70% of patients after implementation of our mainstream genetic testing pathway (p = 0.005). Genetics-related healthcare costs decreased from €3.511,29 per patient before implementation to €2.418,41 per patient after implementation of our mainstream genetic testing pathway (31% reduction, p = 0.000). CONCLUSION: This study shows that mainstream genetic testing leads to a significantly higher proportion of newly diagnosed patients with epithelial ovarian cancer being offered germline genetic testing. In addition, it significantly reduces genetics-related healthcare costs per patient

    Модификации арефлюксного холедохоеюноанастомоза с восстановлением пассажа желчи в двенадцатиперстную кишку

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    Разработаны модификации формирования холедохоеюноанастомоза, способствующие восстановлению желчетока с пассажем желчи в двенадцатиперстную кишку, что предупреждает развитие в ней пептической язвы. Предложена специальная методика мобилизации отключенного по Ру сегмента тощей кишки, обеспечивающая его полноценную моторику.Modifications of forming choledochoanastomosis promoting restoration of bile passage to the duodenum, which prevented development of peptic ulcer, were worked out. A special technique for mobilization of the switched off segment of the jejunum according to Roux promoting an adequate motility was suggested

    The most efficient and effective BRCA1/2 testing strategy in epithelial ovarian cancer: Tumor-First or Germline-First?

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    OBJECTIVE: Genetic testing in epithelial ovarian cancer (OC) is essential to identify a hereditary cause like a germline BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant (PV). An efficient strategy for genetic testing in OC is highly desired. We evaluated costs and effects of two strategies; (i) Tumor-First strategy, using a tumor DNA test as prescreen to germline testing, and (ii) Germline-First strategy, referring all patients to the clinical geneticist for germline testing. METHODS: Tumor-First and Germline-First were compared in two scenarios; using real-world uptake of testing and setting implementation to 100%. Decision analytic models were built to analyze genetic testing costs (including counseling) per OC patient and per family as well as BRCA1/2 detection probabilities. With a Markov model, the life years gained among female relatives with a germline BRCA1/2 PV was investigated. RESULTS: Focusing on real-world uptake, with the Tumor-First strategy more OC patients and relatives with a germline BRCA1/2 PV are detected (70% versus 49%), at lower genetic testing costs (€1898 versus €2502 per patient, and €2511 versus €2930 per family). Thereby, female relatives with a germline BRCA1/2 PV can live on average 0.54 life years longer with Tumor-First compared to Germline-First. Focusing on 100% uptake, the genetic testing costs per OC patient are substantially lower in the Tumor-First strategy (€2257 versus €4986). CONCLUSIONS: The Tumor-First strategy in OC patients is more effective in identifying germline BRCA1/2 PV at lower genetic testing costs per patient and per family. Optimal implementation of Tumor-First can further improve detection of heredity in OC patients

    Should we teach linear algebra through geometry?

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    AbstractCan geometry help students learn linear algebra? I study this question and demonstrate that there is no obvious clear answer: geometry can be an obstacle to learning linear algebra; or it can be helpful. Geometry is helpful only under certain conditions and with a specific use of drawings. These special requirements for using geometry are apparently not much recognized in our teaching of linear algebra courses, at least in France, where my educational studies have taken place

    Successful oxytocin-assisted nipple aspiration in women at increased risk for breast cancer

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    The high rate of interval malignancies urges for new screening methods for women at high risk for breast cancer. Nipple aspiration provides direct access to the breast tissue and its DNA, and therefore is a likely candidate, but clinical applications have been limited by the failure to obtain nipple aspiration fluid from most women. We performed oxytocin-assisted nipple aspiration in 90 women at increased risk for breast cancer based on family history or genetic test results (n = 63) and/or previous breast cancer (n = 34). Nipple fluid was obtained from 81/90 women (90%) and bilaterally in 77%. Mean discomfort rating was 0.6 (on a 0–10 scale), which was significantly lower than for mammography or MRI. These findings suggest that a new tool for biomarker detection in oxytocin-assisted nipple fluid of women at high risk for breast cancer is at hand