8 research outputs found

    OPC UA servers and its applications for data transfer of control systems

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    V této práci jsou popisovány základní principy technologie OPC UA, výhody této technologie oproti klasickému OPC a její využití v průmyslové automatizaci. Práce obsahuje srovnání nástrojů vhodných k vytváření OPC UA aplikací v jazyce C++. V poslední části práce je zdokumentován OPC UA server, který kopíruje strukturu bloků spuštěné exekutivy řídícího systému REX do svého adresního prostoru a umožňuje OPC UA klientům monitorování, čtení a zápis parametrů bloků exekutivy.Katedra kybernetikyObhájenoThis thesis describes basic principles of the OPC UA technology, advantages of the OPC UA against the OPC Classic and its utilization in industrial automation. The thesis contains a comparison of tools for building OPC UA aplications in C++. The OPC UA server, which copies the structure of block from a REX executive into its address space and allows OPC UA clients to monitor, read and write values of the executive blocks parameters, is documented in the last part of the thesis

    Model checking technique for development of safety critical applications

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    V této práci je nastíněna problematika bezpečnostně kritických systémů. Dále jsou zde popsány principy metody Model checking a možnosti jejího využití při návrhu modelu bezpečnostně kritických systémů. V poslední části této práce je tato metoda použita na dvou zadaných modelech a je vyhodnocen přínos jejího využití.ObhájenoThis thesis outlines the issue of safety-critical systems. Here are also described the principles of the Model Checking method and the possibilities of its use in the design of a model of safety critical systems. In the last part of this work, this method is used on two models and the contribution of its use is evaluated

    General methodology for building of OPC UA gateways

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    This article describes an original generalized methodology for building OPC UA bridges for different industrial communications and internal command protocols. This methodology is aimed for fast development of OPC UA gateways for less popular data transferring communications which are not available on the market. A final gateway can be added to existing solutions without modification of data source control devices. This gateway needs only a minimal configuration and obtains information about data source automatically. This design has been already implemented in three different solutions with various communication (REXYGEN, PerNet, a Keysight middleware protocol). The solutions has been deployed in various projects and proved to be efficient and reliable

    Test case generation for Function Block Diagram based on blocks’ predefined behaviour

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    Automatic test case generation based on knowledge of a model is currently a challenge for many researchers and developers. This article describes the first of two complementary methods for test case generation for Function Block Diagram (FBD) models and grey-box testing. The first method utilises predefined tested behaviour (unit tests) of each used Function Block and combines them together. This method adds a structural limitation to the model. Therefore, the model needs to be split into multiple parts and processed per partes. The second method is then used for a combination of these partial results. Together these two methods can generate test cases even for models that include feedbacks, internal states, and traffic delays

    Model Checking application on Function Block Diagram model

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    Model Checking represents a mathematical method of formal verification which can prove that model satisfies its specified requirements. This article describes an approach that utilizes Function Block Diagram (FBD) models. The key benefit of this approach is the automatic transformation of the original model into a formal model which can be checked by Model Checking. In this way Model Checking can be easier integrated in the standard development process. The presented approach was developed together with the new verification process. This process can be used for the verification of safety-critical systems

    Analytic method for automatic test case generation for Function Block Diagram

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    Any Instrumentation and Control (I&C) system has to be properly tested to minimize the risk of faults in the system. This is even more crucial if the I&C system implements a safety function. The function of the I&C is often designed in a form of Function Block Diagram (FBD). The presented approach describes a new analytic method for automatic generation of test cases for FBD models. The test cases are generated in order to verify that the implementation behaves as intended. The test cases are designed to be used for gray-box testing of the implemented model. The automatic generation of test cases is generally faster and less prone to miss out an unsafe scenario than manual design

    Verification of a safety-related I&C system for nuclear power plant by model checking, test case generation and automatic testing

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    This article describes a process for modern verification of safety-related I&C (Instrumentation and Control) systems based on algorithm model checking, model-based test case generation and automatic testing. The verification process is compatible with IEC 60880 standard, and utilises methods presented in previously published articles including automatic formalisation and model checking of FBD algorithms and model-based test case generation. This verification process was applied on a real safety-related I&C system for a nuclear power plant. Due to confidentiality of the real application, the process is presented mostly on an simplified example. Nevertheless, the presented results contain information about both the example model and the real safety-related I&C system. These results are utilised for discussion about suitability and efficiency of the presented verification process

    Verification of a safety-related I&C system for nuclear power plant by model checking, test case generation and automatic testing

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    This article describes a process for modern verification of safety-related I&C (Instrumentation and Control) systems based on algorithm model checking, model-based test case generation and automatic testing. The verification process is compatible with IEC 60880 standard, and utilises methods presented in previously published articles including automatic formalisation and model checking of FBD algorithms and model-based test case generation. This verification process was applied on a real safety-related I&C system for a nuclear power plant. Due to confidentiality of the real application, the process is presented mostly on an simplified example. Nevertheless, the presented results contain information about both the example model and the real safety-related I&C system. These results are utilised for discussion about suitability and efficiency of the presented verification process