341 research outputs found

    Serology of Lupus Erythematosus: Correlation between Immunopathological Features and Clinical Aspects

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the aberrant production of a broad and heterogenous group of autoantibodies. Even though the presence of autoantibodies in SLE has been known, for more than 60 years, still nowadays a great effort is being made to understand the pathogenetic, diagnostic, and prognostic meaning of such autoantibodies. Antibodies to ds-DNA are useful for the diagnosis of SLE, to monitor the disease activity, and correlate with renal and central nervous involvements. Anti-Sm antibodies are highly specific for SLE. Anti-nucleosome antibodies are an excellent marker for SLE and good predictors of flares in quiescent lupus. Anti-histone antibodies characterize drug-induced lupus, while anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La antibodies are associated with neonatal lupus erythematosus and photosensitivity. Anti-ribosomal P antibodies play a role in neuropsychiatric lupus, but their association with clinical manifestations is still unclear. Anti-phospholipid antibodies are associated with the anti-phospholipid syndrome, cerebral vascular disease, and neuropsychiatric lupus. Anti-C1q antibodies amplify glomerular injury, and the elevation of their titers may predict renal flares. Anti-RNP antibodies are a marker of Sharp’s syndrome but can be found in SLE as well. Anti-PCNA antibodies are present in 5–10% of SLE patients especially those with arthritis and hypocomplementemia

    Results of COVID-19 screening in a dermatologic clinic in northern Italy

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    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has been a social, economic and sanitary challenge, which caused a great slowdown in most clinical activities. At the beginning of 2021, the gradual reopening of outpatient services was threatened by the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks in healthcare facilities. Methods Between January and March 2021, our dermatologic clinic promoted a screening campaign based on rapid antigen-testing: adhering patients were tested for COVID-19 and were visited only after getting a negative result. Results Among 635 recruited subjects, 514 agreed to be enrolled in the study, while 121 refused and were not tested. Only 1 of the 514 tests was positive for COVID-19, thus the incidence of COVID-19 infections was very low (0,002%). A significant percentage of patients (19,1%) refused to be tested. Among those who did not give consent for COVID-19 testing, 52,9% were male, although the total recruited population was prevalently female (56,1%). Discussion and conclusions Screening for COVID-19 in outpatient clinics is a promising tool to prevent virus outbreaks, despite the limitations posed by testing hesitancy. Moreover, the very low incidence of COVID-19 infection we detected could be seen as a sign of hope for the resumption of non-essential clinical activities

    anorectal involvement is frequent in limited systemic sclerosis

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    The gastrointestinal tract, particularly the oesophagus, is affected in about half of all patients with systemic sclerosis. Only a few studies so far have dealt with the anorectal tract. We studied the anal function using anorectal manometry in 12 patients with limited systemic sclerosis. We also studied the oesophageal function. For the oesophagus, we measured the difference between intragastric and oesophageal pressure, while for the anorectal tract we investigated the maximum resting pressure, the maximum voluntary squeeze effort and the rectoanal inhibitory reflex. Maximum resting pressure and maximum voluntary squeeze effort were found to be decreased in all patients. The rectoanal inhibitory reflex was abnormal in four patients. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between maximum resting pressure and maximum voluntary squeeze effort. No correlation was found between oesophageal and anorectal involvement. Anorectal dysfunction is common in patients with limited systemic sclerosis. We suggest that these patients should have an evaluation of their anorectal function including anorectal manometry

    ¡Pará un Cacho!: letras misóginas de un cantante popular

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    Traemos para compartir un trabajo realizado en la Cátedra de Estética / Fundamentos Estéticos, comisión siete. Este trabajo es de participación grupal, realizado bajo una consigna común a todas las comisiones de la cátedra, siendo su aceptación requisito para la aprobación de la asignatura. La modalidad de trabajo consistió en elaborar, desde el marco teórico (bibliografía de las unidades del programa), un escrito abordando producciones artísticas de alguno/os integrantes del grupo, produciendo un artículo de arte en formato de publicación para revista cultural. De este modo la producción “Los machos dicen. No al discurso machista”, obra de arte de acción participativa que fuera realizada en el patio de la sede Fonseca de nuestra Facultad, es abordada por los integrantes del grupo, con una otra mirada, problematizadora y enriquecida desde lo conceptual. La obra seleccionada para su análisis plantea desde el arte una reflexión acerca de la violencia implícita y explícita contra la mujer en canciones populares, en este caso aquella de Cacho Castaña: “Si te agarro con otro te mato”; en relación que estas producciones reproducen, naturalizan y fomentan las prácticas violentas hacia la mujer.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    ¡Pará un Cacho!: letras misóginas de un cantante popular

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    Traemos para compartir un trabajo realizado en la Cátedra de Estética / Fundamentos Estéticos, comisión siete. Este trabajo es de participación grupal, realizado bajo una consigna común a todas las comisiones de la cátedra, siendo su aceptación requisito para la aprobación de la asignatura. La modalidad de trabajo consistió en elaborar, desde el marco teórico (bibliografía de las unidades del programa), un escrito abordando producciones artísticas de alguno/os integrantes del grupo, produciendo un artículo de arte en formato de publicación para revista cultural. De este modo la producción “Los machos dicen. No al discurso machista”, obra de arte de acción participativa que fuera realizada en el patio de la sede Fonseca de nuestra Facultad, es abordada por los integrantes del grupo, con una otra mirada, problematizadora y enriquecida desde lo conceptual. La obra seleccionada para su análisis plantea desde el arte una reflexión acerca de la violencia implícita y explícita contra la mujer en canciones populares, en este caso aquella de Cacho Castaña: “Si te agarro con otro te mato”; en relación que estas producciones reproducen, naturalizan y fomentan las prácticas violentas hacia la mujer.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    ¡Pará un Cacho!: letras misóginas de un cantante popular

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    Traemos para compartir un trabajo realizado en la Cátedra de Estética / Fundamentos Estéticos, comisión siete. Este trabajo es de participación grupal, realizado bajo una consigna común a todas las comisiones de la cátedra, siendo su aceptación requisito para la aprobación de la asignatura. La modalidad de trabajo consistió en elaborar, desde el marco teórico (bibliografía de las unidades del programa), un escrito abordando producciones artísticas de alguno/os integrantes del grupo, produciendo un artículo de arte en formato de publicación para revista cultural. De este modo la producción “Los machos dicen. No al discurso machista”, obra de arte de acción participativa que fuera realizada en el patio de la sede Fonseca de nuestra Facultad, es abordada por los integrantes del grupo, con una otra mirada, problematizadora y enriquecida desde lo conceptual. La obra seleccionada para su análisis plantea desde el arte una reflexión acerca de la violencia implícita y explícita contra la mujer en canciones populares, en este caso aquella de Cacho Castaña: “Si te agarro con otro te mato”; en relación que estas producciones reproducen, naturalizan y fomentan las prácticas violentas hacia la mujer.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Identifying missing pieces in color vision defects: a genome-wide association study in Silk Road populations

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    Introduction: Color vision defects (CVDs) are conditions characterized by the alteration of normal trichromatic vision. CVDs can arise as the result of alterations in three genes (OPN1LW, OPN1MW, OPN1SW) or as a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. To date, apart from Mendelian CVDs forms, nothing is known about multifactorial CVDs forms. Materials and Methods: Five hundred and twenty individuals from Silk Road isolated communities were genotyped and phenotypically characterized for CVDs using the Farnsworth D-15 color test. The CVDs traits Deutan-Protan (DP) and Tritan (TR) were analysed. Genome Wide Association Study for both traits was performed, and results were corrected with a False Discovery Rate linkage-based approach (FDR-p). Gene expression of final candidates was investigated using a published human eye dataset, and pathway analysis was performed. Results: Concerning DP, three genes: PIWIL4 (FDR-p: 9.01*10-9), MBD2 (FDR-p: 4.97*10-8) and NTN1 (FDR-p: 4.98*10-8), stood out as promising candidates. PIWIL4 is involved in the preservation of Retinal Pigmented Epithelium (RPE) homeostasis while MBD2 and NTN1 are both involved in visual signal transmission. With regards to TR, four genes: VPS54 (FDR-p: 4.09*10-9), IQGAP (FDR-p: 6,52*10-10), NMB (FDR-p: 8.34*10-11), and MC5R (FDR-p: 2.10*10-8), were considered promising candidates. VPS54 is reported to be associated with Retinitis pigmentosa; IQGAP1 is reported to regulate choroidal vascularization in Age-Related Macular Degeneration; NMB is involved in RPE homeostasis regulation; MC5R is reported to regulate lacrimal gland function. Discussion: Overall, these results provide novel insights regarding a complex phenotype (i.e., CVDs) in an underrepresented population such as Silk Road isolated communities