34 research outputs found

    Essential of Hair Care Cosmetics

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    Nowadays, hair care and style play a very important role in people's physical aspect and self-perception. Hair cosmetics can be distinguished into two main categories: cosmetics with temporary effect on the hair, for example shampoos, conditioners, sprays, and temporary colors; and cosmetics with permanent effect on the hair, such as permanent waves, relaxers, bleaches and permanent colors. These cosmetic procedures may induce hair abnormalities. We provide an overview on the most important characteristics of these procedures, analyzing components and effects on the hair. Finally, we evaluated new camouflage techniques and tattoo scalp

    Application and comparison between non-invasive and invasive methods in the study of skin annexes diseases

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    Introduzione Lo scopo dello studio è valutare l’accuratezza diagnostica delle metodiche strumentali non invasive, in particolare dermoscopia, tomografia a coerenza ottica (OCT ) e microscopia confocale (RCM), nelle patologie degli annessi cutanei, confrontate con le metodiche invasive (biopsia ed exeresi chirurgica). Materiali e metodi È stato effettuato uno studio prospettico osservazionale in pazienti afferenti all’ambulatorio di Malattie degli Annessi Cutanei, dell’U.O. di Dermatologia dell’Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria di Bologna IRCCS Policlinico di Sant’Orsola, Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica Diagnostica e Sperimentale (DIMES) dell’Università di Bologna, della durata di tre anni. Le metodiche di OCT e RCM sono state effettuate c/o il Policlinico di Modena, U.O. Dermatologia. Le patologie incluse comprendono malattie dei capelli e malattie ungueali. La prima parte dello studio si è focalizzata sullo studio delle metodiche non invasive, la seconda parte si è basata sulla conferma istologica del sospetto diagnostico inziale. Nella terza parte dello studio si è effettuato un confronto tra le diverse metodiche e una valutazione dell’accuratezza diagnostica delle stesse nelle malattie dei capelli e delle unghie. Risultati Sono stati valutati 231 pazienti (135 con diagnosi di malattie dei capelli e del cuoio capelluto; 96 con malattie delle unghie). In specifico, siamo riusciti a stabilire una corrispondenza tra i parametri tricoscopici, istologici e RCM per l’alopecia fibrosante frontale, l’alopecia areata incognita, la tinea capitis e il lichen simplex cronico. Nell’ambito delle malattie delle unghie, abbiamo valutato le correlazioni tra onicoscopia ed OCT per il lichen planus ungueale, la psoriasi ungueale, l’onicomicosi e il tumore glomico. Conclusioni Riteniamo lo studio molto utile, in quanto reputiamo che una conoscenza ancora più approfondita degli strumenti non invasivi per la diagnosi precoce di malattie degli annessi cutanei sia importante a diversi livelli, come ad esempio sui tempi di diagnosi e sulla riduzione dei costi di gestione.Introduction The purpose of the study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive instrumental methods, in particular dermoscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal microscopy (RCM), in the skin appendages disorders, compared with invasive methods (biopsy and surgical excision). Materials and methods A prospective observational study was performed in patients belonging to the Outpatient Department of Skin Annexes Diseases, of the Dermatology Unit of the Hospital - University of Bologna IRCCS Policlinico di Sant’Orsola, Department of Specialized Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine (DIMES) of the University of Bologna, lasting three years. The OCT and RCM methods were carried out at the Policlinico di Modena, Dermatology Unit. Evaluated diseases included hair diseases and nail diseases. The first part of the study focused on the study of non-invasive methods, the second part was based on the histological confirmation of the initial diagnostic suspicion. In the third part of the study, a comparison was made between the different methods and an evaluation of their diagnostic accuracy in hair and nail diseases. Results 231 patients were evaluated (135 diagnosed with hair and scalp diseases; 96 with nail diseases). Specifically, we were able to establish a correspondence between the trichoscopic, histological and RCM parameters for frontal fibrosing alopecia, alopecia areata incognita, tinea capitis and chronic lichen simplex. In nail diseases, we evaluated the correlations between onychoscopy and OCT for nail lichen planus, nail psoriasis, onychomycosis and glomus tumor. Conclusions We believe that the study is very useful, as we believe that an even deeper knowledge of non-invasive tools for the early diagnosis of skin annexes diseases is important at various levels, such as for example on diagnosis times and reduction of management costs

    Diffuse Hair Loss in a Young Female

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    We present the case of a 21 year-old woman who came to our attention complaining an acute and diffuse hair loss, lasting from about 5 months. She also observed an important hair thinning. The patient was healthy and denied events like psychological stress, significant fever or fast weight loss in the previous months. She had no nutritional deficiency or thyroid disorders. The personal history revealed polycystic ovary syndrome, with normal hormones levels. Her familiar history was positive for male androgenetic alopecia. Clinical examination of the scalp revealed moderate hair density (Figure 1). Eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair were normal, as well as nails

    Efficacious and safe management of thick scales, redness and flaky scalp condition using a specific shampoo containing urea, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, icthyol pale and laureth 9

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    Dandruff is a common condition, generally due to seborrheic dermatitis (SD) and occasionally to scalp psoriasis (SP), which is characterized by accumulation of scales, oily, red and flaky scalp, often accompanied by itch. The aim of our study was to evaluate the cleansing efficacy and tolerability of a new shampoo (Psorisdin Shampoo®) containing urea, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, ichthyol pale and laureth 9 compared to a nonspecific shampoo. A total of 10 subjects (4 males and 6 females, 18–60 years) with mild–moderate scalp inflammation with redness, itching and flaking, due to SP and/or SD, were included in this open clinical study. The treatment efficacy was assessed by comparison of global photography and trichoscopy pictures, evaluating the presence of scales and erythema on the scalp, the number and morphology of capillaries and verifying disease evolution, severity of symptoms and presence of scalp irritation/itch. The use of this medicated shampoo resulted in an important improvement of patient's scalp and hair clinical appearance and was well tolerated, with disappearance of scalp irritation and itching in almost all patients, showing higher cleansing and soothing property than a nonspecific shampoo. The effect of the tested shampoo was maintained over time, even after 5 days since the last wash

    Clinical and Instrumental Objective Evidence of the Efficacy of a New Water-Based Nail-Strengthening Solution Containing Pistacia lentiscus and Hyaluronic Acid Applied for Up to 6 Months to Improve the Appearance of Weak, Brittle Nails

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    Introduction: Brittle nails are fragile or split nails; they affect 20% of the population and may be primary or secondary to different conditions. The aim of our studies was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a new water-based nail-strengthening treatment containing hyaluronic acid and Pistacia lentiscus with daily application for a period of 1-3 months for one study (n = 30) and up to 6 months for a second study (n = 30). Methods: In total, we enrolled 60 patients of both sexes with brittle and weak nails due to primary or secondary causes and evaluated the efficacy of this new product using subjective and objective methods: clinical evaluation, assessment of photographs, onychoscopy evaluation, investigator and patient global assessment, dynamic optical coherence tomography (D-OCT) and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM). Results: Studies subjects presented a statistically significant improvement in global assessment scale (GAS) scores at 14 days (GAS = 1.7 ± 0.6), 1 month (GAS = 1.4 ± 0.7) and at 3 months (GAS = 1±0.7) versus the GAS score obtained before treatment (1.9 ± 0.5) (p < 0.0001). From the Italian study at 6 months (n = 30) 76% of the patients had an improvement in their nail appearance. Reduction in nail plate roughness with improved nail resistance and decreased distal breakage were the most evident benefits, demonstrated on clinical and instrumental evaluations. No side effects were reported. All patients reported an improvement in nail appearance after using the product for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months, and had a positive opinion on the product. Conclusions: This new product is an effective, safe, and easy-to-use option for topical treatment of brittle nails and primary nail fragility and an adjuvant therapy in secondary nail fragility. Moreover, its ease of application and cosmetic qualities allow good compliance

    An open clinical investigation on clinical dermatoscopy, OCT and RCM visible effects of application of a new topical product for 6 months on brittle nails and weak nails with rough surface and/or tendency to break

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    Introduction & Objectives Nail brittleness is a common complaint characterized by weak nails with rough surface and/or tendency to split, flake and crumble. This nail alteration can be a consequence of factors that alter the nail plate production or factors that damage the nail plate, such as cosmetics (permanent and non-permanent nail lacquers), psoriasis, lichen planus, ageing, chemotherapy, other drugs and anaemia. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness, tolerability and patient’s compliance of a new water-soluble nail lacquer with silicon and keratin synthesis booster product for brittle and weak nails. Material & Methods 30 patients of both sexes, aged >18 years, affected by nail brittleness were prescribed a new topical therapy to be applied on the affected nails once a day for 6 months. The new product is dispensed by a pencil unit with a brush and has to be applied on the entire edge of the nail, cuticle included. Periodic evaluation of treatment efficacy was performed by standardized photography and dry video-dermoscopy of the target nail at baseline (V1), after 15 days (V2), 1 month (V3), 3 months (V4) and 6 months (V5). The treatment efficacy was evaluated by the experimentator through Global and Trichoscopy Assessment Scale and by patients through a patient global assessment and a specify questionnaire. 10 patients also underwent to Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in order to have a further objective parameter of efficacy evaluation. Results All patients concluded the study, with marked improvement of nail weakness and appearance. No side effects were recorded. All patients judged the treatment easy to apply and effective. Conclusions This new water-soluble nail lacquer with silicon and keratin synthesis booster is an effective and safe option for the treatment of nail brittleness and damages

    The Histopathologic Evaluation of Diagnostic Procedures in Nail Melanoma

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    Introduction: The diagnostic delay in nail melanoma (NM) has been repeatedly emphasized. It may be related to both clinical misinterpretations and to errors in the bioptic procedure. Objectives: To assess the efficacy of histopathologic examination in different diagnostic biopsies in NM. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the diagnostic procedures and histopathologic specimens referred to the Laboratory of Dermatopathology for the clinical suspicion of NM from 2006 to January 2016. Results: Eighty-six nail histopathologic specimens were analysed consisting in 60 longitudinal, 23 punch and 3 tangential biopsies. A diagnosis of NM was performed in 20 cases, benign melanocytic activation in 51 cases and melanocytic nevi in 15 patients. Longitudinal and tangential biopsy were diagnostic in all cases, regardless of the clinical suspicion. Nail matrix punch biopsy instead was not diagnostic in most of the cases (13/23 specimens). Conclusions:  In the presence of an NM clinical suspicion, longitudinal biopsy is recommended (lateral or median) because it provides exhaustive information on the characteristics of melanocytes’ morphology and distribution in all the components of the nail unit. Tangential biopsy, recently encouraged by expert authors due to the optimal surgical outcome, in our experience gives incomplete information on tumor extension. Punch matrix biopsy gives limited evidence in the diagnosis of NM

    Clinical evidences of urea at high concentration on skin and annexes

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    he antiproliferative, keratolytic, moisturizing and emollient properties of urea are already known. Clinical evidences of urea at high concentration indicate its important role in the presence of hyperkeratosis that, if severe or localized in specific body areas, may cause discomfort to the patient and may interfere with absorption of topical drugs, delaying response to treatment. Other important uses of urea at high concentration are on the scalp and on nail plate. The keratolytic effect of urea is well-tolerated and virtually free from side effects. Compliance with topical therapy is directly related to the aesthetic and sensory acceptability of a topical agent that may considerably vary in odour, spreadability and post-application residue

    Tinea Incognita following the Use of an Antipsoriatic Gel

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    Tinea incognita is a dermatophyte infection of the skin whose clinical presentation has been modified by the misuse of steroids or, as has been described recently, calcineurin inhibitors. We report a case of pustular psoriasis treated with an antipsoriatic cream, composed of topical steroids and a vitamin D3 derivative, which gave rise to a tinea incognita. Our case underlines that clinical features of fungal infection can be modified by the increasing use of self-prescribed topical therapies, usually applied to treat incorrectly 'self-diagnosed' diseases. Moreover, we suggest that a mycological examination should be performed in every atypical presentation of skin lesion, and to rule out tinea pedis, in any disease of the feet that requires topical application of steroids