55 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Trade Enterprises

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    AbstractThe research paper is devoted to the development of trade enterprises. It is aiming to propose framework helpful to compare trade enterprises by geographic location. Such findings of this research paper could be useful for policy makers. The analysis of scientific literature published by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Harvard University Press, Springer, E. Sharpe, Routledge, etc. show that only 0.44% of authors analyze the performance of trade enterprises and trade sector's development. First, in the paper the results of investigations towards methods used for enterprises’ performance analysis are overviewed. Second, the framework used to compare trade enterprises by geographic location is presented. Different performance factors are suggested for the benchmarking. At the end of the study, the application of proposed framework is given. The results of the paper can be useful for private enterprises and policy makers

    The Role of ICT in transport and logistics processes management

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    The complexity of managing transport and logistics processes is a massive challenge in finding optimal management solutions that meet the requirements of green development. There are questions about management support for transport and logistics processes. In addition, the subtleties of developing solutions for maintaining existing transport and logistics activities highlight the complex nature of transport and logistics management processes. The article focuses on applying advanced solutions for the practical management of transport and logistics processes. In the transport and logistics sector, an increase in new suppliers of telemetry systems is observed every day, which has been going on for 4-5 years, and this is statistically visible in the IAA Transportation 2022 records of one of the largest biennial transport and logistics exhibitions. There is an evident growth in the number of participants of manufacturers and service providers of telemetry systems, which since the exhibition held in 2016 has more than doubled, while around the world, the number of new companies supplying telemetry systems has increased to more than 300 per year. The growth of competitiveness also impacts the development of functions that provide new opportunities for customers to make their business more efficient or to receive services that ensure a comfortable life. Digital information generated by vehicles, which, when systematized, is presented to the end driver, is gradually becoming the future of this area of business and leads to responsible resource utilization, monitoring, control, and utilization of user-friendly technologies, leading toward a more sustainable future. An analysis of scientific papers has proven that the theoretical link exists between telemetry systems and their application in the transport sector; however, the judge research gap is in applying different quantitative methods for solving transport problems with the help of telemetry solutions

    Informacinės technologijos: prekybos tendencijos

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    Informacinių technologijų taikymo sąlygomis verslo subjektams atsiveria iš esmės naujos galimybės. Šios technologijos sudaro palankesnes sąlygas plėtoti veiklą tarptautinėse rinkose, diegti naujus verslo modelius, didinti verslo perspektyvas. Šiuolaikinės globalizacijos sąlygomis informacinės technologijos tapo esminiu raidos ir plėtros veiksniu tiek įmonių veikloje, tiek apskritai prekyboje. Ši tematika nuolat gvildenama mokslinėse publikacijose. Tačiau atlikta žinomų pasaulio leidyklų mokslinės literatūros analizė parodė, kad stokojama mokslinių apibendrinimų, skirtų informacinių technologijų prekybos tematikai. Kaip rodo empiriniai tyrimai, ši tematika turi būti nagrinėjama per informacinių technologijų kūrimo ir tobulinimo prizmę. Straipsnyje pateikiama praktinė prekybos sąsajumo su informacinių technologijų kūrimu ir tobulinimu analizė, nagrinėjami pokyčiai, siejami su investicijomis į informacines technologijas.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: informacinės technologijos, informacinių technologijų kūrimas ir tobulinimas, prekybaInformation technologies: trade tendenciesAurelija Burinskienė SummaryDuring empirical research, the author identified that the money spent for the development of information technologies highly affect the foreign expansion of trade in United Kingdom and Germany.It is also noted that investments in information technologies result gradually blurring the boundaries between trading and manufacturing businesses and other changes. Both production and trading enterprises, in addition to their main business, are engaged in selling or producing activities. Such leads to the new forms of business practices.Investments in information technology also affect changes in the distribution channel. Under the conditions of technology usage, the flows of information, products, and money becoming more frequent between distribution channel partners.The article discloses theoretical and practical aspects of trade in information technologies. In the paper attention is given to export of IT services and licenses; also to investments into IT development and research activity; as well as the effect of these investments to the development of foreign trade.The research is splitted into two parts. The results of the study, which was dedicated to export and import ratio study, showed that the export of IT licence is higher than import in EU, US, and Japan.The second part of the study was given to the dependence between research and development activity and the development of international trade analysis. Results showed that the investments into information technologies, research and experimental work positively affect the exporting ability of enterprises

    Multi-objective optimisation model of shuttle-based storage and retrieval system

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    This paper presents a multi-objective optimisation solution procedure for the design of the Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval System (SBS/RS). An efficient SBS/RS design should take into account multi-objectives for optimization. In this study, we considered three objective functions in the design concept which are the minimization of average cycle time of transactions (average throughput time), amount of energy (electricity) consumption and total investment cost. By also considering the amount of energy consumption as an objective function for minimization, we aimed to contribute to an environmentally friendly design concept. During the optimization procedure, we considered seven design variables as number of aisles, number of tiers, number of columns, velocities of shuttle carriers, acceleration/deceleration of shuttle carriers, velocity of the elevators lifting tables and acceleration/deceleration of the elevators lifting tables. Due to the non-linear property of the objective function, we utilized the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II) genetic algorithm for facilitating the solution. Lastly, we searched Pareto optimal solutions to find out the optimum results. We believe that this study provides a useful and a flexible tool for warehouse planners and designers, while choosing a particular type of SBS/RS at the early stage of the warehouse design. First published online: 12 May 201

    Impact of foreign direct investment on host country’s development: a case study

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    Purpose is to assess the impact of the inward Nordic foreign direct investment on Lithuania’s exports. Research methodology – this research applied correlation and regression analysis, as well as the Augmented Dickey–Fuller test and the Granger causality test were used. Findings proved that interlinkages between Lithuanian exports and foreign direct investment from the different Nordic countries might vary from weak (Iceland and Denmark) to strong (Norway, Sweden, Finland). Research limitations – greater availability of a statistical dataset covering the classification of foreign direct investment according to the investing country and the distribution of these investments and gross domestic product by economic activity would allow a more accurate assessment of the relationship between Scandinavian foreign direct investment inflows in individual economic sectors and the economic indicators of these sectors. Practical implications – based on the research results, Lithuania has the potential to stimulate exports from inward Nordic foreign direct investment, especially Norwegian foreign direct investment in manufacturing. Originality/Value – this study contributes to the internationalization theory by extending it from the sectorial angle, especially emphasizing the need to analyze the impact of foreign direct investment from a single country on the host economy and its economic structure

    The application of e-commerce technologies in the development of international trade

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    The article discloses the application of e-commerce technologies for the development of international trade. In this paper, the problems associated with the application of e-commerce technologies in international trade are analysed. It is identified that enterprises involved in international trade are using e-commerce technologies for selling products in different markets which, based on their openness, are closed and open. The analysis of the benefits and investments is provided herein. By using the study results, the cash-flow model, which can be applied to evaluate efficiency when e-commerce technologies are used for the development of international trade, is formulated. The assessment of practical application of proposed cash-flow model is presented in the paper herein

    E. Komercijos technologijų taikymas prekyboje plėtojant tarptautinę rinką

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    The article discloses the application of e-commerce technologies for the development of international trade. In this paper, the problems associated with the application of e-commerce technologies in international trade are analysed. It is identified that enterprises involved in international trade are using e-commerce technologies for selling products in different markets which, based on their openness, are closed and open. The analysis of the benefits and investments is provided herein. By using the study results, the cash-flow model, which can be applied to evaluate efficiency when e-commerce technologies are used for the development of international trade, is formulated. The assessment of practical application of proposed cash-flow model is presented in the paper herein.Atskleidžiamas e. komercijos technologijų taikymas prekyboje plėtojant tarptautinę rinką ir pateikiama problemų, susijusių su e. komercijos technologijų panaudojimu tarptautinėje prekyboje analizė. Nustatyta, kad įmonės naudoja e. komercijos technologijas parduodamos produktus įvairiose atvirose ir uždarose rinkose. Analizuojama ekonominė nauda ir investicijos. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais siūlomas naujas e. komercijos technologijų panaudojimo tarptautinėje prekyboje efektyvumo vertinimo modelis. Rengiant modelį taikytas diskontuotų pinigų srautų metodas. Pristatomas ir atliktas pasiūlyto modelio praktinio tinkamumo vertinimas

    E-commerce in activity of trade enterprises

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    The article discloses the usage of e-commerce technologies in trade enterprises on country, regional and continental levels. It is identified that trade enterprises are implementing e-commerce technologies according different standards. It is defined that between trade enterprises located in countries, which are top dominant in ICT-related patenting, enterprises in Japan are the most active in adaptation of e-commerce technologies. In the article subspace, functioning according to the similar standards of implementation of e-commerce technologies, is determinated. By using the study results, trade enterprises, which are the most suitable for fast adaptation of e-commerce technologies, are identified. By assessing the application of e-commerce as an innovation, trade enterprises are classified into different types

    The analysis of uneven productivity growth in European Union countries

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjami darbo jėgos (DJ) produktyvumo pokyčių Europos Sąjungos (ES) šalyse ypatumai, aptariami veiksniai, įtakojantys DJ produktyvumą; taip pat atskleidžiama, kad produktyvumas skiriasi visose ES šalyse. Vykdant tyrimą dvidešimčiai ES šalių yra pritaikytas ekonometrinis modelis. Remiantis regresinės analizės rezultatais skirtingose ES šalyse buvo nustatytas laiko periodas, per kurį investicijų didinimo į materialų kapitalą poveikis DJ produktyvumui yra stipriausias. The paper analyzes the changes of labour productivity in the European Union countries, discusses the factors that affect labour productivity; also shows that labour productivity varies greatly across European Union countries. During study econometric model is used for twenty European Union countries. Based on regression analysis results time period were defined during which the increase of investments into physical capital has the strongest effect on labour productivity in different European countries.