228 research outputs found

    Selective wear of cuttings elements of working organs of tillage machines with realization of self-sharpening effect

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    The clause of strengthening of cuttings elements is conditioning and realization of such selforganization process as a self-sharpening. Sharpening of horizontal and vertical cuttings elements of working organs of tillage machines (CE WOTM) is considered in many works, but not found out the terms of realization and nature of these processes in a sufficient measure. The processes of sharpening and blunting of CE WOTM are related mainly to the processes of wear. The change of type of CE in the process of wear is conditioned mainly a size and character of tearing down each of its bevel and by volume of destruction of cutting edge in the process of exploitation in the medium of soil and depends on character of co-operation in tribosystem " WOTM -soil"

    Patterns of change concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil of vehicles operating in non-stationary conditions when adding additives

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    Досліджено вплив присадок на концентрацію хімічних елементів у моторній оливі М10Г2к при роботі кар’єрних автосамоскидів. Виявлено закономірності зміни концентрації Fe, Cr, Al, Pb з напрацюванням та побудовано диференціальні функції їх розподілу. Показано, що при додаванні присадок середня концентрація хімічних елементів, у порівнянні з базовою моторною оливою, зменшується, що свідчить про зменшення зносу деталей двигунів і подовження ресурсу та терміну заміни моторної оливи.The influence of additives on the concentration of chemical elements in the engine oil at defined М10Г2к dump trucky is vestisated. The regularities of changes in the concentration of Fe, Cr, Al, Pb are operation of with opperation and there were built differential functions of there districultion. It is shown that the addition of additives average concentration of chemical elements in comparison with the base engine oil decreases, indicating a decrease of engine parts wear and service life extension as well as the motor oil change intervals

    Improvements of harrows wear resistance

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    Wear is the main reason for the loss of performance of the parts for agricultural machinery. It leads to the degradation of the soil working quality. This work aims to highlight the wear resistance of the harrows discs manufactured, consolidated and sharpened differently. The tests were conducted in the laboratory and the field of the Faculty of Exploitation and Repair of Agricultural Machinery of the State Technical University of Kirovograd (Ukraine) in 2015. The technical equipment consists of devices for consolidation by electric discharge and for measurement the linear wear of discs, a harrow, a sand test bed, a tractor and discs made of different materials and technologies. Some parameterized were collected during the laboratory test each 5 ha and up to 20 ha of operation and in the fields each 30 ha until the time limit of exploitation. The Laboratory tests have shown that after twenty (20) ha of operation, the wear resistance of the experimental discs made of steel 65G and consolidated by electric discharge with simultaneous grinding (sharpening angle of 30°) is 2.95 times higher than the discs in series made of steel 28MnB5. The field experiment gave the following results: According to agro technical requirements, the plowing depth limit of serial discs made of steel 28MnB5 was reached after an operating duration of 120 ha while for experimental discs made of steel 65G and consolidated by electric discharge with simultaneous grinding (sharpening angle of 30 degrees) this duration is of 156 ha. The diameter wear limit of experimental discs was reached after an operating duration of 179 ha against 154 ha for the serial ones. Therefore, the new technology can be applied during the manufacture and / or the repair of the discs

    Research on the tense state of soil, the workings bodies of ploughing machines and their influence on hauling resistance

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    Objectif : La présente étude a été menée dans le but de mettre en évidence l'identification de l'état de contrainte du sol lors du processus d'interaction avec différents organes de travail des machines aratoires (OTMA) à des profondeurs différentes, et leurs impacts sur la résistance à la traction. Méthodologie et résultats : Lors du passage des OTMA, le complexe MIC 400D fixe la valeur de la contrainte dans les endroits du sol où sont disposées les jauges de contrainte. Le dispositif de détermination de la résistance permet d’enregistrer la résistance à la traction des OTMA lors de leur déplacement. Ainsi, les plus grandes contraintes sont observées au voisinage de la pointe du soc (17,5 kPa) et au milieu de la partie coupante (11,5 kPa) pour le soc unilatéral et, dans les zones proches du soc (23,5 kPa) et de la partie inférieure du coutre (15,1 kPa) pour la sous-soleuse. Conclusion et application des résultats : Les zones de concentration de la contrainte maximale du sol sont observées dans les régions voisines de la pointe du soc et au milieu de la partie coupante du soc unilatéral et dans la zone du sol où agissent le soc et le coutre de la sous-soleuse. La localisation de différentes parties des OTMA subissant une forte contrainte lors du travail du sol et la détermination de leur résistance à la traction dont la valeur est fonction de la profondeur de travail vont beaucoup contribuer à la conception des OTMA optimaux ayant une usure et une résistance à la traction moins élevées. Objective: The present study was conducted to highlight the identification of the tensile state of the soil in the process of interaction with various working bodies of ploughing machines (TMAO) at different depths, and the impacts on the tensile strength. Methodology and Results: During the passage of the TMAO, the MIC complex 400D sets the value of the stress in the places where the soil is disposed to strain. The experimental design of the resistance determination allows the recording of the tensile strength of the TMAO when moving. Thus, greater stresses are observed in the vicinity of the coulter tip (17.5 kPa) and the middle of the cutting portion (11.5 kPa) to the coulter and unilateral, in the near zones of the ploughshare (23.5 kPa) and the lower part of the coulter (15.1 kPa) to the subsoiler. Conclusion and application of results: The areas of concentration of the maximum stress in the soil was observed in neighbouring regions of the coulter tip and the middle of the cutting portion of the coulter unilateral and in the area of soil where the ploughshare and the coulter act on the subsoiler. The location of different parts of TMAO under strong stress during tillage and determining their tensile strength whose value is a function of depth work will contribute significantly to the design of optimal TMAO with wear resistance the lower traction

    Connection of power of consumable electricity by trolleybus with the transported amount of passengers and descriptions of routes

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    Встановлено відповідність потужності споживаної тролейбусом електроенергії перевезеній ним кількості пасажирів. У дослідженні також враховано характеристики маршруту для уточнення зв’язку між витратами потужності і пасажиропотоком. The accordance of power to consumable electricity power by a trolleybus to the amount of passengers transported is determined. In the given research there taken into account the descriptions of the route for clarification of connection of power expense and passenger transportations

    Improving of the wear resistance of working parts agricultural machinery by the implementation of the effect of self-sharpening

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    The failure of the cutting elements of farm machinery is due to the blunting of cutting edges (increase of their radius) till the limit values. The most effective method for increasing the wear resistance of farm machinery is the realization of self-sharpening effect of the cutting elements. The testings took place in laboratory and field at the State Technical University of Kirovograd (Ukraine) in 2015. The technical equipment consists of the consolidated farmer plowshares by different methods as well as their samples, devicesfor measuring the wear resistance and thumbprint plowshares. It was determined the resistance to wear, the radius of curvature and the changing coefficient of the blades shape. The self-sharpening process was examined throughout the experiment.The results showed that the consolidated plowshares by the proposed technology (laser welding of the mixture (PS-14-60 + 6% В4С) compared to the traditional technology (volumetric heat treatment) have a blade radius 2.5 times lower, a wear 2.2 to 2.78 times lower and the self-sharpening process of the plowshares has been observed since the beginning of the wear until the time limit operation. The changing shape coefficient was respectively of 0.98 for the consolidated plowshares with alloy PS-14-60 + 6% B4C and 0.82 for those consolidated by volumetric heat treatment