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    ABSTRACT Indonesia as a compound country has a lot of differences of culture especially in the matter of beliefs. This phenomenon may occur some conflicts including interfaith love prohibition. Ajari Aku Islam has been represented a conflict of interfaith love prohibition in the case between Islam and Confucius. In order to compare the differences of Islam and Confucius, the author employs Charles Sanders Peirce communication semiotic theory. The comparison of these two religion will be begun by marking the culture and religion signs that has been shown in the movie Ajari Aku Islam. The form of the data is verbal signs and visual signs. Then, the signs will be divided into three categories consist of icon, symbol, and index. Lastly, the divided signs will be analyzed with Peirce’s semiotic triadic process. The analyses have found some differences between Islam and Confucius especially in term of the place of praying, the tools used in praying, and the way of praying. Besides, the author also found some culture differences consists of the way of dressing and the way of speaking.  Keywords: Islam, Confucius, Semiotic, Signs ABSTRAK Indonesia sebagai negara majemuk memiliki begitu banyak perbedaan budaya khususnya pada masalah kepercayaan. Fenomena ini mampu memunculkan konflik-konflik termasuk larangan cinta beda agama. Film Ajari Aku Islam telah menggambarkan sebuah konflik cinta beda agama yakni antara agama Konghucu dan Islam. Dalam membandingkan perbedaan antara agama Islam dan Konghucu, penulis menggunakan teori semiotika komunikasi Charles Sanders Peirce. Analisis perbandingan antara agama Islam dan Konghucu akan dimulai dengan menandai tanda-tanda keagamaan dan kebudayaan yang diperlihatkan dalam film Ajari Aku Islam. Data yang digunakan merupakan tanda verbal dan tanda visual. Kemudian, tanda-tanda tersebut akan dibagi menjadi tiga kategori yakni ikon, simbol, dan indeks. Terakhir, tanda-tanda tersebut akan dianalisis menggunakan proses semiotika pada segitiga triadik Peirce. Hasil analisis menemukan beberapa perbedaan antara agama Islam dan Konghucu, khususnya pada beberapa elemen diantaranya seperti tempat ibadah, media peribadatan, dan cara beribadah. Selain itu, penulis juga menemukan beberapa kebudayaan yang berbeda seperti cara berpakaian dan cara berbicara.  Kata Kunci: Islam, Konghucu, Semiotika, Tand

    Development of age-related maculopathy: a histochemical and molecular approach

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    Development of age-related maculopathy: a histochemical and molecular approach

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    Accompanying the learning process of students is still a long mandate for parents and educators. Changes in the educational process that occurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic raised the need for students to improve their self-regulation ability in order to design more effective learning strategies, especially in terms of learning objectives. This study aims to obtain an overview of students' self-regulation in understanding learning objectives, carrying out their own learning plans and strategies, and monitoring independently how effective the learning process is. This research was conducted on four students who implemented fitrah based education. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Methods of data collection used observation and interviews. The results of this research showed that the cycle of self-regulation in students in schools that implemented fitrah based education has not been fully implemented. The forethought phase which is the beginning of the self-regulation cycle has not been carried out, so the subsequent phases are not running effectively