72 research outputs found

    Novel PRUNE2 Germline Mutations in Aggressive and Benign Parathyroid Neoplasms

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    Parathyroid tumors are mostly sporadic but can also occur in familial forms, including different kinds of genetic syndromes with varying phenotypes and penetrance. Recently, somatic mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PRUNE2 were found to be frequent in parathyroid cancer (PC). The germline mutation status of PRUNE2 was investigated in a large cohort of patients with parathyroid tumors from the genetically homogenous Finnish population, 15 of which had PC, 16 atypical parathyroid tumors (APT), and 6 benign parathyroid adenomas (PA). Mutations in previously established hyperparathyroidism-related genes were screened with a targeted gene panel analysis. Nine PRUNE2 germline mutations with a minor allele frequency (MAF) o

    Genetic and Epigenetic Characterization of Growth Hormone-Secreting Pituitary Tumors

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    Somatic driver mechanisms of pituitary adenoma pathogenesis have remained incompletely characterized; apart from mutations in the stimulatory G alpha protein (G alpha(s) encoded by GNAS) causing activated cAMP synthesis, pathogenic variants are rarely found in growth hormone-secreting pituitary tumors (somatotropinomas). The purpose of the current work was to clarify how genetic and epigenetic alterations contribute to the development of somatotropinomas by conducting an integrated copy number alteration, whole-genome and bisulfite sequencing, and transcriptome analysis of 21 tumors. Somatic mutation burden was low, but somatotropinomas formed two subtypes associated with distinct aneuploidy rates and unique transcription profiles. Tumors with recurrent chromosome aneuploidy (CA) were GNAS mutation negative (Gsp(-)). The chromosome stable (CS) -group contained Gsp(+) somatotropinomas and two totally aneuploidy-free Gsp(-) tumors. Genes related to the mitotic G(1)-S-checkpoint transition were differentially expressed in CA- and CS-tumors, indicating difference in mitotic progression. Also, pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (PTTG1), a regulator of sister chromatid segregation, showed abundant expression in CA-tumors. Moreover, somatotropinomas displayed distinct Gsp genotypespecific methylation profiles and expression quantitative methylation (eQTM) analysis revealed that inhibitory G alpha (G alpha(i)) signaling is activated in Gsp(+) tumors. These findings suggest that aneuploidy through modulated driver pathways may be a causative mechanism for tumorigenesis in Gsp(-) somatotropinomas, whereas Gsp(+) tumors with constitutively activated cAMP synthesis seem to be characterized by DNA methylation activated G alpha(i) signaling.Peer reviewe

    Somatic mutation analysis of MYH11 in breast and prostate cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: MYH11 (also known as SMMHC) encodes the smooth-muscle myosin heavy chain, which has a key role in smooth muscle contraction. Inversion at the MYH11 locus is one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations found in acute myeloid leukemia. We have previously shown that MYH11 mutations occur in human colorectal cancer, and may also be associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. The mutations ... [More

    miR-34a is upregulated inAIP-mutated somatotropinomas and promotes octreotide resistance

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    Pituitary adenomas (PAs) are intracranial tumors associated with significant morbidity due to hormonal dysregulation, mass effects and have a heavy treatment burden. Growth hormone (GH)-secreting PAs (somatotropinomas) cause acromegaly-gigantism. Genetic forms of somatotropinomas due to germlineAIPmutations (AIPmut+) have an early onset and are aggressive and resistant to treatment with somatostatin analogs (SSAs), including octreotide. The molecular underpinnings of these clinical features remain unclear. We investigated the role of miRNA dysregulation inAIPmut+ vsAIPmut- PA samples by array analysis. miR-34a and miR-145 were highly expressed inAIPmut+ vsAIPmut- somatotropinomas. Ectopic expression ofAIPmut (p.R271W) inAip(-/-)mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) upregulated miR-34a and miR-145, establishing a causal link betweenAIPmut and miRNA expression. In PA cells (GH3), miR-34a overexpression promoted proliferation, clonogenicity, migration and suppressed apoptosis, whereas miR-145 moderately affected proliferation and apoptosis. Moreover, high miR-34a expression increased intracellular cAMP, a critical mitogenic factor in PAs. Crucially, high miR-34a expression significantly blunted octreotide-mediated GH inhibition and antiproliferative effects. miR-34a directly targetsGnai2encoding G alpha i2, a G protein subunit inhibiting cAMP production. Accordingly, G alpha i2 levels were significantly lower inAIPmut+ vsAIPmut- PA. Taken together, somatotropinomas withAIPmutations overexpress miR-34a, which in turn downregulates G alpha i2 expression, increases cAMP concentration and ultimately promotes cell growth. Upregulation of miR-34a also impairs the hormonal and antiproliferative response of PA cells to octreotide. Thus, miR-34a is a novel downstream target of mutantAIPthat promotes a cellular phenotype mirroring the aggressive clinical features ofAIPmut+ acromegaly.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of 2SC, AKR1B10, and FH Antibodies as Potential Biomarkers for FH-deficient Uterine Leiomyomas

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    Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) is a tumor predisposition syndrome caused by germline fumarate hydratase (FH) mutations and characterized by uterine and cutaneous leiomyomas and renal cell cancer. Currently, there is no generally approved method to differentiate FH-deficient uterine leiomyomas from other leiomyomas. Here, we analyzed 3 antibodies (S-(2-succino)-cysteine [2SC], aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B10 [AKR1B10], and FH) as potential biomarkers. The study consisted of 2 sample series. The first series included 155 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded uterine leiomyomas, of which 90 were from HLRCC patients and 65 were sporadic. The second series included 1590 unselected fresh frozen leiomyomas. Twenty-seven tumors were from known HLRCC patients, while the FH status for the remaining 1563 tumors has been determined by copy number analysis and Sanger sequencing revealing 45 tumors with monoallelic (n=33) or biallelic (n=12) FH loss. Altogether 197 samples were included in immunohistochemical analyses: all 155 samples from series 1 and 42 available corresponding formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples from series 2 (15 tumors with monoallelic and 7 with biallelic FH loss, 20 with no FH deletion). Results show that 2SC performed best with 100% sensitivity and specificity. Scoring was straightforward with unambiguously positive or negative results. AKR1B10 identified most tumors accurately with 100% sensitivity and 99% specificity. FH was 100% specific but showed slightly reduced 91% sensitivity. Both FH and AKR1B10 displayed also intermediate staining intensities. We suggest that when patient's medical history and/or histopathologic tumor characteristics indicate potential FH-deficiency, the tumor's FH status is determined by 2SC staining. When aberrant staining is observed, the patient can be directed to genetic counseling and mutation screening.Peer reviewe

    Deficient H2A.Z deposition is associated with genesis of uterine leiomyoma

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    One in four women suffers from uterine leiomyomas (ULs)-benign tumours of the uterine wall, also known as uterine fibroids-at some point in premenopausal life. ULs can cause excessive bleeding, pain and infertility(1), and are a common cause of hysterectomy(2). They emerge through at least three distinct genetic drivers: mutations in MED12 or FH, or genomic rearrangement of HMGA2(3). Here we created genome-wide datasets, using DNA, RNA, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC), chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and HiC chromatin immunoprecipitation (HiChIP) sequencing of primary tissues to profoundly understand the genesis of UL. We identified somatic mutations in genes encoding six members of the SRCAP histone-loading complex(4), and found that germline mutations in the SRCAP members YEATS4 and ZNHIT1 predispose women to UL. Tumours bearing these mutations showed defective deposition of the histone variant H2A.Z. In ULs, H2A.Z occupancy correlated positively with chromatin accessibility and gene expression, and negatively with DNA methylation, but these correlations were weak in tumours bearing SRCAP complex mutations. In these tumours, open chromatin emerged at transcription start sites where H2A.Z was lost, which was associated with upregulation of genes. Furthermore, YEATS4 defects were associated with abnormal upregulation of bivalent embryonic stem cell genes, as previously shown in mice(5). Our work describes a potential mechanism of tumorigenesis-epigenetic instability caused by deficient H2A.Z deposition-and suggests that ULs arise through an aberrant differentiation program driven by deranged chromatin, emanating from a small number of mutually exclusive driver mutations.Peer reviewe