34 research outputs found

    Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Drugs and Inhibition of Adrenal Beta-Arrestin-1-Dependent Aldosterone Production: Implications for Heart Failure Therapy

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    Aldosterone mediates many of the physiological and pathophysiological/cardio-toxic effects of angiotensin II (AngII). Its synthesis and secretion from the zona glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex, elevated in chronic heart failure (HF), is induced by AngII type 1 receptors (AT1Rs). The AT1R is a G protein-coupled receptor, mainly coupling to Gq/11 proteins. However, it can also signal through β-arrestin-1 (βarr1) or -2 (βarr2), both of which mediate G protein-independent signaling. Over the past decade, a second, Gq/11 protein-independent but βarr1-dependent signaling pathway emanating from the adrenocortical AT1R and leading to aldosterone production has become appreciated. Thus, it became apparent that AT1R antagonists that block both pathways equally well are warranted for fully effective aldosterone suppression in HF. This spurred the comparison of all of the currently marketed angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs, AT1R antagonists or sartans) at blocking activation of the two signaling modes (G protein-, and βarr1-dependent) at the AngII-activated AT1R and hence, at suppression of aldosterone in vitro and in vivo. Although all agents are very potent inhibitors of G protein activation at the AT1R, candesartan and valsartan were uncovered to be the most potent ARBs at blocking βarr activation by AngII and at suppressing aldosterone in vitro and in vivo in post-myocardial infarction HF animals. In contrast, irbesartan and losartan are virtually G protein-“biased” blockers at the human AT1R, with very low efficacy for βarr inhibition and aldosterone suppression. Therefore, candesartan and valsartan (and other, structurally similar compounds) may be the most preferred ARB agents for HF pharmacotherapy, as well as for treatment of other conditions characterized by elevated aldosterone

    Glycosylation Modulates Melanoma Cell α2β1 and α3β1 Integrin Interactions with Type IV Collagen

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    Although type IV collagen is heavily glycosylated, the influence of this posttranslational modification on integrin binding has not been investigated. In the present study, galactosylated and non-galactosylated triple-helical peptides have been constructed containing the α1(IV)382-393 and α1(IV)531-543 sequences, which are binding sites for the α2β1 and α3β1 integrins, respectively. All peptides had triple-helical stabilities of 37 °C or greater. The galactosylation of Hyl393 in α1(IV)382-393 and Hyl540 and Hyl543 in α1(IV)531-543 had a dose dependent influence on melanoma cell adhesion which was much more pronounced in the case of α3β1 integrin binding. Molecular modeling indicated that galactosylation occurred on the periphery of α2β1 integrin interaction with α1(IV)382-393 but right in the middle of α3β1 integrin interaction with α1(IV)531-543. The possibility of extracellular deglycosylation of type IV collagen was investigated, but no β-galactosidase-like activity capable of collagen modification was found. Thus, glycosylation of collagen can modulate integrin binding, and levels of glycosylation could be altered by reduction in expression of glycosylation enzymes but most likely not by extracellular deglycosylation activity

    The Place of ARBs in Heart Failure Therapy: Is Aldosterone Suppression the Key?

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    Since the launch of the first orally available angiotensin II (AngII) type 1 receptor (AT1R) blocker (ARB) losartan (Cozaar) in the late 1990s, the class of ARBs (or ‘sartans’, short for Angiotensin-RecepTor-ANtagonistS) quickly expanded to include candesartan, eprosartan, irbesartan, valsartan, telmisartan, and olmesartan. All ARBs have high affinity for the AT1 receptor, expressed in various tissues, including smooth muscle cells, heart, kidney, and brain. Since activation of AT1R, the target of these drugs, leads, among other effects, to vascular smooth muscle cell growth, proliferation and contraction, activation of fibroblasts, cardiac hypertrophy, aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex, thirst-fluid intake (hypervolemia), etc., the ARBs are nowadays one of the most useful cardiovascular drug classes used in clinical practice. However, significant differences in their pharmacological and clinical properties exist that may favor use of particular agents over others within the class, and, in fact, two of these drugs, candesartan and valsartan, continuously appear to distinguish themselves from the rest of the ‘pack’ in recent clinical trials. The reason(s) for the potential superiority of these two agents within the ARB class are currently unclear but under intense investigation. The present short review gives an overview of the clinical properties of the ARBs currently approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, with a particular focus on candesartan and valsartan and the areas where these two drugs seem to have a therapeutic edge. In the second part of our review, we outline recent data from our laboratory (mainly) on the molecular effects of the ARB drugs on aldosterone production and on circulating aldosterone levels, which may underlie (at least in part) the apparent clinical superiority of candesartan (and valsartan) over most other ARBs currently in clinical use

    Antagonistic Roles of GRK2 and GRK5 in Cardiac Aldosterone Signaling Reveal GRK5-Mediated Cardioprotection via Mineralocorticoid Receptor Inhibition

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    Aldosterone (Aldo), when overproduced, is a cardiotoxic hormone underlying heart failure and hypertension. Aldo exerts damaging effects via the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) but also activates the antiapoptotic G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) in the heart. G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-kinase (GRK)-2 and -5 are the most abundant cardiac GRKs and phosphorylate GPCRs as well as non-GPCR substrates. Herein, we investigated whether they phosphorylate and regulate cardiac MR and GPER. To this end, we used the cardiomyocyte cell line H9c2 and adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVMs), in which we manipulated GRK5 protein levels via clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 and GRK2 activity via pharmacological inhibition. We report that GRK5 phosphorylates and inhibits the cardiac MR whereas GRK2 phosphorylates and desensitizes GPER. In H9c2 cardiomyocytes, GRK5 interacts with and phosphorylates the MR upon β2-adrenergic receptor (AR) activation. In contrast, GRK2 opposes agonist-activated GPER signaling. Importantly, GRK5-dependent MR phosphorylation of the MR inhibits transcriptional activity, since aldosterone-induced gene transcription is markedly suppressed in GRK5-overexpressing cardiomyocytes. Conversely, GRK5 gene deletion augments cardiac MR transcriptional activity. β2AR-stimulated GRK5 phosphorylates and inhibits the MR also in ARVMs. Additionally, GRK5 is necessary for the protective effects of the MR antagonist drug eplerenone against Aldo-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress in ARVMs. In conclusion, GRK5 blocks the cardiotoxic MR-dependent effects of Aldo in the heart, whereas GRK2 may hinder beneficial effects of Aldo through GPER. Thus, cardiac GRK5 stimulation (e.g., via β2AR activation) might be of therapeutic value for heart disease treatment via boosting the efficacy of MR antagonists against Aldo-mediated cardiac injury

    Complete Protection and Glycosylation of 5-Hydroxy-DL-Lysine

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    Adiponectin, a protein hormone, has been shown to play a role in preventing the development of atherosclerosis, a common cardiovascular disease. Altering some of the amino acids in adiponectin can provide beneficial effects towards that goal. One such amino acid, Hydroxylysine, can often undergo posttranslational modifications, such as glycosylation. Research done herein focused on carrying out differential protection on three functional groups of hydroxylysine, making it suitable for peptide synthesis and galactosylation of the free hydroxyl group.[p

    Guided Inquiry: Synthetic Investigation of Aromatic Systems

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    The focus of this investigation is to aid the development of a new advanced synthetic organic chemistry course, aiming for the development of possible synthetic routes of aromatic systems. Through a guided inquiry approach, students will be in charge of designing an entire synthetic route to develop a target compound. Proposed projects will be presented in-class, and feedback will be provided using a peer-review system to allow for improvements. Refined routes will then be carried out in the laboratory. Target compounds will then be purified, using common organic purification methods, and then will be subjected to full characterization using methods, such as FT-IR, GC-MS and NMR will be employed.This project will concentrate on the development of a library of starting compounds and potential target molecules. Some potential synthetic targets currently under investigation are shown in the figure below. Proposed synthetic routes will be fully tested in the laboratory and obtained target molecules will be purified as well as characterized.The developed target molecule library will be the starting point for this guided inquiry course

    Complete Synthesis of Carbonyl-Containing Compounds: A Guided Inquiry Approach

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    A new, upper level synthetic organic chemistry course is being developed utilizing a guided inquiry approach. This particular project is focused on developing the potential library of target carbonyl compounds and corresponding simple starting molecules.Figure 1 shows one set of a starting compound and target molecule, for which the route is currently being developed. A set of possible synthetic routes will be explored and fully tested, to provide guidelines for synthetic investigations for prospective students enrolling in the course in the future.Carbonyl chemistry will be employed to develop complete synthetic routes for a set of target compounds. Synthetic strategies will incorporate functional group transformations, use of protecting groups, and the formation of new carbon-carbon bonds. The projects developed by the future students in the course will focus on the investigation of possible synthetic routes. Traditional organic purification methods will be employed. Target compounds will be fully characterized using FT-IR, GC-MS, and NMR techniques