13 research outputs found

    A systematic analysis of the Polish Code of Medical Ethics

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    The purpose of this article is to provide a summary of the history which led to the creation of the current structure of the self-regulatory professional body of physicians and dentists, the nature of the professional activities and practice of physicians, as well as an analysis of the legal basis for the adoption of the Code of Medical Ethics. This allows us to draw a series of conclusions as to the influence of the existence of the professional self-regulatory body of physicians on the functioning of the Polish health service

    Critical analysis of the Code of Medical Ethics

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    The wording of this article raises fundamental doubts. Since the physician should also strive of obtain the consent of a minor, the question arises as to who else they should obtain it from? Or in fact who, in the case of a minor, should agree to the provision of healthcare. The main part of this article is a critical analysis of articles of the Polish Code of Medical Ethics

    Structural analysis of the Polish Code of Medical Ethics

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    In this article is described the structural analysis of the Polish Code of Medical Ethics. It is presented in the context of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland; it is also analysed the scope of the Code of Medical Ethics

    Assessment of proliferative activity of thyroid HĂźrthle cell tumors using PCNA, Ki-67 and AgNOR methods.

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    We have undertaken an attempt to compare the application efficacy of the proliferative activity markers in differential diagnosis of thyroid HĂźrthle cell tumors (HCT) using the PCNA and Ki-67 labeling and AgNOR visualisation techniques. The present work is a retrospective analysis of 78 HĂźrthle cell tumors: 20 HĂźrthle cell carcinomas (HCC), 32 HĂźrthle cell adenomas (HCA) and 26 hyperplastic nodules with Hurthle cell metaplasia (HCM). Five microm sections were stained according to AgNOR technique and labeled with antibodies against PCNA and Ki-67. AgNOR dot count in the nucleus and proliferative index (PI - percentage of cells expressing PCNA and Ki-67) in randomly chosen nuclei (100 in case of AgNOR and over 1000 in case of PI) were evaluated in each slide. The mean values of AgNOR dot count, PI-PCNA and PI-Ki-67 in HCC, HCA and HCM were respectively: 5.1, 61.3 and 54.9; 3.4, 42.4 and 38.6 and 2.5, 39.3 and 34.3. Statistically significant difference was found in all the proliferative activity markers between malignant and benign tumors: HCC:HCA (

    Efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa L. fertilized with sludge froma wastewater treatment plant and with phosphogypsum

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    Sewage sludge and phosphogypsum are by-products of wastewater treatment and phosphorus fertiliser production, respectively. Considering all known methods of their management, it seems rational to use these waste products in agriculture. While assimilating nutrients contained in sewage sludge or phosphogypsum, agricultural crops contribute to the recycling of these otherwise noxious materials. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of fertilization with sewage sludge and with phosphogypsum on selected physiological parameters that determine the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa L. Field tests were conducted on three varieties of Cannabis sativa: Białobrzeskie, Tygra and Beniko. Plots were fertilized with sewage sludge as an equivalent of nitrogen nutrition in a dose of 170 kg N.ha-1 and with phosphogypsum applied in three doses: 100, 500 and 1000 kg.ha-1. The plants were subjected to physiological assays (relative content of chlorophyll and leaf area index) on three dates in 2014: 29 June (early development stage), 26 July (full development) and 20 September (final development stage). The study discusses the effect of fertilization with sewage sludge and phosphogypsum on the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus in Cannabis sativa

    Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity of the medical profession. Opportunity or threat?

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    This article aims to describe the actual scope of requirements for physicians and analyse it as an opportunity for, or threat to, the development of the profession. The article will be subdivided into two parts. In the first, concerning the interdisciplinarity of the medical profession, we shall provide constructive criticism of the specialisation system within the medical profession. This part will be subdivided into two segments: the first will list the opportunities for physicians which result from often far-reaching specialisation, while the second will enumerate the threats. The second part, dealing with the multidisciplinarity of the medical profession will define the scope of actual competences required from physicians so as to judge whether such a large amount of additional knowledge is helpful for physicians in fulfilling their professional requirements, or if it overwhelms them

    COVID-19 – Infection prevention in prisons and jails in Poland

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    Introduction and objective. Due to the specificity of conditions in penitentiary establishments, there is an increased risk of rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections. In addition, there is a high prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases among inmates, which increases the risk of the severe course of COVID-19. The objectives of the study are to present the number and percentage of officers and employees of the Prison Service (PS), and inmates quarantined and infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the period from March to the end of December 2020, as well as to present solutions aimed at limiting the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Materials and method. Information on the number of PS officers, employees and inmates quarantined and infected, as well as information on the solutions introduced by the Prison Service Management Bard,was obtained from the Ministry of Justice pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Access to Public Information. Results. From1 March 2020 – 31 December 2020, the number of cases of infection detected among PS officers and employees was 3,666, and among inmates – 599. 97.7% of all cases among PS officers and employees and 93.8% among inmates were reported in the last 3 months of the year. Conclusions. The rapid introduction of solutions aimed at limiting the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and proper monitoring of the epidemic in penitentiary establishments resulted in a low number of infections in the period from March to the end of December 2020. Infections among PS officers and employees, as well as inmates, seem to be parallel to the epidemiological situation in the population of the entire country. Further analysis of the epidemic will confirm the impact of the measures taken on the incidence of COVID-19 among PS officers, employees and inmates


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    The types of organisms present in water reservoirs depend on water purity and biochemical processes that occur. Therefore, one of the methods of water quality assessment is to determine its condition by determining the biological indicators, including microbiological parameters. The aim of the experiment presented in this paper was to investigate the effects of selected physical and chemical parameters of water samples from the Vistula River on the microbiological status of water. The experiment was conducted in water samples collected in the central part of the Vistula River in Warsaw. The analyses of selected parameters were performed once a month throughout the year. Microbiological tests included: number of nitrogen fixing bacteria, MPN nitrifying bacteria, MPN sulfate-reducing bacteria. Physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, pH and total nitrogen content were determined in water samples. The results showed a correlation between temperature, pH and microbiological parameters. However, there was no significant correlation between the number of tested microorganisms and the concentration of total nitrogen in water samples

    Impact of floods in state of sanitary water from river area Vistula Nowodwory district in Warsaw

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    Wody, które miały kontakt w wyniku powodzi z glebami z terenu zlewni, ze ściekami bytowogospodarczymi czy odpadami komunalnymi, mogą być źródłem mikroorganizmów chorobotwórczych. Celem badań prezentowanych w pracy była ocena stanu sanitarnego wody z Wisły w rejonie dzielnicy Nowodwory w Warszawie po ustąpieniu drugiej fali powodziowej w czerwcu 2010 r. oraz w lipcu i sierpniu. Próby wody pobierano zgodnie z normą PN-ISO 5567 bezpośrednio z nurtu rzeki, w odległości ok. 40 m od deptaka spacerowego, w trzech punktach. Badaniami objęto następujące grupy mikroorganizmów: bakterie grupy coli, paciorkowce kałowe, bakterie psychro- i mezofilne, bakterie proteolityczne, bakterie redukujące siarczany. Ocena stanu sanitarnego wody polegała na wykryciu i oznaczeniu ilościowym organizmów wskaźnikowych wg obowiązujących norm prawnych. Badania wykazały, że stan sanitarny rzeki Wisły po opadnięciu fali powodziowej charakteryzował się dużą zmiennością. Liczebność badanych grup fizjologicznych drobnoustrojów zależała od terminu badań i miejsca poboru prób. Indeks bakterii grupy coli oraz indeks bakterii grupy coli typu kałowego przekroczył w czerwcu wartości normatywne.Waters that have been contact with floods from the catchment area, domestic and commercial wastewater, municipal waste and various types of waste (spoiled food products) can be a source of pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of the study was to assess the hazards of selected pathogens on the health of the residents of the Nowodwory district in Warsaw immediately after the second flood wave ceased in June 2010 and in July and August. The microbiological tests of flood water from the Vistula River were taken in accordance with the PN-ISO 5567 standard were collected at three research points – walking with the river current, at a distance of about 40 m from the pedestrian promenade. The study involved the following groups of microorganisms: the index of coli group bacteria, the index of faecal coliforms, psychro- and mesophilic bacteria, proteolytic sulphate-reducing bacteria. The assessment of the sanitary state of water consisted in the detection and quantification of indicator organisms in accordance with applicable legal norms. Our results showed that the sanitary condition of the Vistula River after the flood wave subsided was characterized by high variability. The number of respondents physiological groups of microorganisms depend on the date of the study and places of sampling. The index of coli group bacteria, the index of faecal coliforms exceeded the normative values in the month of June

    Assessment of proliferative activity of thyroid HĂźrthle cell tumors using PCNA, Ki-67 and AgNOR methods.

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    We have undertaken an attempt to compare the application efficacy of the proliferative activity markers in differential diagnosis of thyroid HĂźrthle cell tumors (HCT) using the PCNA and Ki-67 labeling and AgNOR visualisation techniques. The present work is a retrospective analysis of 78 HĂźrthle cell tumors: 20 HĂźrthle cell carcinomas (HCC), 32 HĂźrthle cell adenomas (HCA) and 26 hyperplastic nodules with Hurthle cell metaplasia (HCM). Five microm sections were stained according to AgNOR technique and labeled with antibodies against PCNA and Ki-67. AgNOR dot count in the nucleus and proliferative index (PI - percentage of cells expressing PCNA and Ki-67) in randomly chosen nuclei (100 in case of AgNOR and over 1000 in case of PI) were evaluated in each slide. The mean values of AgNOR dot count, PI-PCNA and PI-Ki-67 in HCC, HCA and HCM were respectively: 5.1, 61.3 and 54.9; 3.4, 42.4 and 38.6 and 2.5, 39.3 and 34.3. Statistically significant difference was found in all the proliferative activity markers between malignant and benign tumors: HCC:HCA (p<0.01) and HCC:HCM (p<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between HCA and HCM