81 research outputs found

    Equivalência entre revisões da Classificação Internacional de Doenças: causas de morte;;

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the comparability of the underlying cause and multiple causes of death identified according to the ninth and tenth revisions of the International Classification of Diseases. METHODS: Study data was obtained by a random sample of 3,313 death certificates of individuals living in the State of S. Paulo and whose death was registered during the year of 1992. They corresponded to 1.6% of the total deaths of that year. The corresponding file was processed by the Automated Classification of Medical Entities system, and codes were assigned to all mentioned conditions. The underlying cause of death had been evaluated and revised according to the ninth revision. All the conditions mentioned on the medical form of the corresponding death certificates were coded according to the tenth revision and the codes were introduced in the original file in order to assess the causes of death by the Declarações de Óbito de S. Paulo system to obtain the underlying cause of death. Multiple causes of death tabulations for both ninth and tenth revisions codes were produced by the respective versions of the Multiple Causes of Death Tabulator software. The comparisons of causes of death are circumscribed to the chapters of both revisions. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: The most important changes with the underlying causes of death occurred in chapters I, III and VIII of the ninth revision and the corresponding chapters I, IV and X of the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases. They were due to the displacement of deaths related to the human immunodeficiency virus disease and the dismissal of pneumonias as a cause of death. Regarding multiple causes of death, it was observed an increase ofrespiratory diseases and a corresponding reduction of causes included in the chapter of ill-defined affections due to recoding of respiratory failure.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a comparabilidade entre a causa básica e as causas múltiplas de morte codificadas segundo as regras e disposições correlatas da nona e da décima revisões da Classificação Internacional de Doenças. MÉTODOS: Os dados provieram de uma amostra sistemática de 3.313 declarações de óbito de falecidos residentes no Estado de São Paulo, no ano de 1992 (1,6% do total dos óbitos naquele ano). Os dados foram processados pelo sistema "Automated Classification of Medical Entities", incluindo códigos para todas as afecções mencionadas nos atestados médicos e a causa básica que havia sido avaliada e revista segundo as disposições da nona revisão. Todas as afecções foram recodificadas segundo as disposições da décima revisão e os códigos resultantes introduzidos no banco de dados original para seleção da causa básica pelo sistema de declarações de óbito de São Paulo. As tabulações das causas múltiplas de morte codificadas pela nona e pela décima revisões foram obtidas pelas versões respectivas do programa "Tabulador de Causas Múltiplas". A comparação das causas de morte foi realizada a partir dos capítulos de ambas as revisões da Classificação Internacional de Doenças. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: As mudanças mais importantes para as causas básicas, ocorridas nos capítulos I, III e VIII da nona revisão e nos correspondentes capítulos I, IV e X da décima revisão, devem-se ao deslocamento das mortes causadas pela doença devido ao vírus da imunodeficiência humana e pela preterição das pneumonias como causa de morte. Em relação às causas múltiplas de morte, verificou-se o aumento de menções de doenças respiratórias e a correspondente diminuição de menções incluídas no capítulo das afecções mal definidas, devido à recodificação da insuficiência respiratória

    Avaliação comparativa das causas básicas de morte processadas pelos Sistemas "Automated Classification of Medical Entities" e de Seleção de Causa Básica

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    INTRODUCTION: The correct identification of the underlying cause of death and its precise assignment to a code from the International Classification of Diseases are important issues to achieve accurate and universally comparable mortality statistics These factors, among other ones, led to the development of computer software programs in order to automatically identify the underlying cause of death. OBJECTIVE: This work was conceived to compare the underlying causes of death processed respectively by the Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME) and the "Sistema de Seleção de Causa Básica de Morte" (SCB) programs. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The comparative evaluation of the underlying causes of death processed respectively by ACME and SCB systems was performed using the input data file for the ACME system that included deaths which occurred in the State of S. Paulo from June to December 1993, totalling 129,104 records of the corresponding death certificates. The differences between underlying causes selected by ACME and SCB systems verified in the month of June, when considered as SCB errors, were used to correct and improve SCB processing logic and its decision tables. RESULTS: The processing of the underlying causes of death by the ACME and SCB systems resulted in 3,278 differences, that were analysed and ascribed to lack of answer to dialogue boxes during processing, to deaths due to human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease for which there was no specific provision in any of the systems, to coding and/or keying errors and to actual problems. The detailed analysis of these latter disclosed that the majority of the underlying causes of death processed by the SCB system were correct and that different interpretations were given to the mortality coding rules by each system, that some particular problems could not be explained with the available documentation and that a smaller proportion of problems were identified as SCB errors. CONCLUSION: These results, disclosing a very low and insignificant number of actual problems, guarantees the use of the version of the SCB system for the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and assures the continuity of the work which is being undertaken for the Tenth Revision version.INTRODUÇÃO: A identificação correta da causa básica de morte e a atribuição de código preciso da Classificação Internacional de Doença à mesma são importantes para a obtenção de estatísticas de mortalidade confiáveis e passíveis de comparabilidade universal. Estes fatores, dentre outros, levaram ao desenvolvimento de programas de computador para identificar automaticamente a causa básica de morte. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve a finalidade de comparar a causa básica de morte identificada respectivamente pelos programas Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME) e pelo Sistema de Seleção de Causa Básica de Morte (SCB). MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O arquivo para a entrada de dados sobre causas de morte (input file) para o Sistema ACME contendo registros de 129.104 declarações de óbito de mortes ocorridas no estado de São Paulo de junho a dezembro de 1993 foi utilizado para o processamento da causa básica pelo SCB. Os problemas identificados pelo processamento dos registros do mês de junho foram considerados para o aprimoramento do sistema SCB. RESULTADOS: Foram encontras 3.278 causas básicas de morte identificadas de modo diferente pelos programs ACME e SCB. Essas diferenças foram atribuídas à falta de resposta adequada a janelas de diálogo durante o processamento pelo SCB, a óbitos por doenças devida a vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida para os quais não havia tabelas de decisão específicas, a erros de codificação e/ou digitação e a problemas propriamente ditos. A análise pormenorizada deste últimos mostrou que, em sua maioria, as causas básicas processadas pelo sistema SCB estavam corretas, que diferentes interpretações das regras de mortalidade foram dadas pelos sistemas comparados, que alguns problemas particulares não tiveram explicação adequada por falta de documentação sobre os mesmos e que uma menor proporção de problemas consistia de erros do SCB. CONCLUSÕES: O número pequeno e praticamente insignificante de problemas encontrados garante o uso da versão do SCB para a Nona Revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças e assegura a continuidade dos trabalhos relativos à sua versão para a Décima Revisão

    Mortalidade infantil em município da região Centro-Oeste Paulista, Brasil, 1990 a 1992

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A mortalidade infantil em Presidente Prudente, SP (Brasil), foi estudada no período de 1990 a 1992, a partir de aplicação de métodos para obtenção de diagnóstico coletivo que orientassem a identificação e escolha de estratégias de controle de problemas locais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizadas declarações de óbito colhidas no cartório, cujos dados originais foram corrigidos por meio de pesquisa documental nos serviços de saúde e entrevistas domiciliares. Para estudar variáveis como idade materna e peso ao nascer foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A qualidade dos dados originais das declarações de óbitos foi inicialmente analisada pela quantidade de informações, sensibilidade, especificidade e valor de Kappa. RESULTADO: A sensibilidade global para a causa básica de óbito foi 78,84% e Kappa igual a 71,32 para o total de causas. Ocorreram 189 óbitos, sendo 66,15% no período neonatal (41,28% durante o primeiro dia de vida) e 33,85% no infantil tardio. O peso ao nascer de 58,28% dos óbitos foi menor que 2.500g. As causas básicas de óbito foram estudadas segundo a possibilidade de serem prevenidas (método desenvolvido por Erica Taucher) por grupos de causas reduzidas utilizadas no "International Collaborative Effort" (ICE), causas múltiplas e distribuição geográfica. Observou-se que nos óbitos ocorridos até 27 dias, 22,23% poderiam ser evitados por adequada atenção ao parto, 20,64% seriam redutíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, 13,75% por bom controle da gravidez e apenas 7,94% não evitáveis. Das mortes ocorridas no período infantil tardio, 12,17% foram classificadas como outras preveníveis e 4,23% foram consideradas não evitáveis. Segundo os grupos do ICE, 58,74% faleceram por imaturidade ou asfixias; 19,58% por infecções e, 12,17%, por anomalias congênitas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem prioridade para assistência obstétrica no trabalho de parto e atenção pediátrica por baixo peso ao nascer, entre outras. A análise por causas múltiplas mostra que 76,05% dos óbitos têm as causas básicas relacionadas a causas perinatais e confirma a relação entre as deficiências de peso e as complicações respiratórias do recém-nascido. As complicações maternas também relacionaram-se com o baixo peso. Identificaram-se grandes diferenças no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil entre as áreas da zona urbana não somente restritas aos valores, como também ao tipo de doenças responsáveis pela ocorrência do óbito. Conclui-se haver vantagem no uso associado das quatro técnicas que são complementares, tanto para estudo, como para planejamento de ações dirigidas à prevenção da mortalidade infantil.INTRODUCTION: Infant mortality was studied in an urban area of Southeastern Brazil in the period from 1990 to 1992 using data from death certificates collected at the registry office, by the application of methods for obtaining a collective diagnosis which will assist in the identification and choice of strategies for the control of local problems. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The original data were corrected using documental research into health services and household interviews. Data of the Live Birth Information System (SINASC) was used to study variables such as maternal age and birthweight. The quality of original death certificates was initially analyzed using the amount of information, sensitivity, specificity and Kappa value. RESULTS: The global sensitivity for the underlying cause was 78.84% and Kappa 71.32% for the total of causes. One hundred and eighty-nine deaths occurred, 66.15% of them in the neonatal period, (41.28% during the first day of life) and 33.85% in late childhood. The birthweight of 58.28% of deaths was less than 2,500g. The underlying causes of death were studied the by possibility, of their avoidance (a method developed by Erica Taucher), by a "reduced" group of causes (utilized in International Collaborative Effort (ICE)), multiple causes statistics and geographical distribution. It was observed that in the deaths occurring up to 27 days, 22.23% could have been avoided by adequate care during labour, and 20.64% could have been avoided by early diagnosis and early treatment, 13.75% by good pregnancy care and only 7.94% were unavoidable. Of the deaths occurring in late childhood, 12.17% were classified as of avoidable causes and 4.23% were considered as unavoidable. Using ICE groups, 58.74% died of immaturity or asphyxia, 19.58 of infection and 12.17% from congenital abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that priority be given to obstetrical care at delivery and during labour and to the pediatric care of low birth weight, among others. The analysis using multiple causes statistics shows that 76.05% of the deaths have underlying causes related to neonatal disorders and confirms the relationship with the weight deficiencies of the newborn. The maternal complications were also related to weight deficiencies. Great differences were identified in infant mortality rates in urban zones not only restricted to the value of the rates but also to the diseases responsible for the occurrence of deaths. We therefore conclude that there is an advantage to be gained in using the four methods, which are complementary, for studying or planning actions with a view to prevent infant mortality

    Trends in dermatomyositis- and polymyositis-related mortality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, 1985-2007: multiple cause-of-death analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dermatomyositis (DM) and polymyositis (PM) are rare systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases with high fatality rates. There have been few population-based mortality studies of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the world, and none have been conducted in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to employ multiple-cause-of-death methodology in the analysis of trends in mortality related to dermatomyositis and polymyositis in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, between 1985 and 2007.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed mortality data from the São Paulo State Data Analysis System, selecting all death certificates on which DM or PM was listed as a cause of death. The variables sex, age and underlying, associated or total mentions of causes of death were studied using mortality rates, proportions and historical trends. Statistical analysis were performed by chi-square and H Kruskal-Wallis tests, variance analysis and linear regression. A p value less than 0.05 was regarded as significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over a 23-year period, there were 318 DM-related deaths and 316 PM-related deaths. Overall, DM/PM was designated as an underlying cause in 55.2% and as an associated cause in 44.8%; among 634 total deaths females accounted for 71.5%. During the study period, age- and gender-adjusted DM mortality rates did not change significantly, although PM as an underlying cause and total mentions of PM trended lower (p < 0.05). The mean ages at death were 47.76 ± 20.81 years for DM and 54.24 ± 17.94 years for PM (p = 0.0003). For DM/PM, respectively, as underlying causes, the principal associated causes of death were as follows: pneumonia (in 43.8%/33.5%); respiratory failure (in 34.4%/32.3%); interstitial pulmonary diseases and other pulmonary conditions (in 28.9%/17.6%); and septicemia (in 22.8%/15.9%). For DM/PM, respectively, as associated causes, the following were the principal underlying causes of death: respiratory disorders (in 28.3%/26.0%); circulatory disorders (in 17.4%/20.5%); neoplasms (in 16.7%/13.7%); infectious and parasitic diseases (in 11.6%/9.6%); and gastrointestinal disorders (in 8.0%/4.8%). Of the 318 DM-related deaths, 36 involved neoplasms, compared with 20 of the 316 PM-related deaths (p = 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study using multiple cause of deaths found that DM/PM were identified as the underlying cause of death in only 55.2% of the deaths, indicating that both diseases were underestimated in the primary mortality statistics. We observed a predominance of deaths in women and in older individuals, as well as a trend toward stability in the mortality rates. We have confirmed that the risk of death is greater when either disease is accompanied by neoplasm, albeit to lesser degree in individuals with PM. The investigation of the underlying and associated causes of death related to DM/PM broaden the knowledge of the natural history of both diseases and could help integrate mortality data for use in the evaluation of control measures for DM/PM.</p

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    Spatial analysis of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis in Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil (2006-2012)

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis in the municipality of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, and to identify spatial and space-time clusters for the risk of occurrence of these events. METHODS This is a descriptive, ecological study that considered the hospitalizations records of the Hospital Information System of residents of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Southeastern Brazil, from 2006 to 2012. Only the cases with recorded addresses were considered for the spatial analyses, and they were also geocoded. We resorted to Kernel density estimation to identify the densest areas, local empirical Bayes rate as the method for smoothing the incidence rates of hospital admissions, and scan statistic for identifying clusters of risk. Softwares ArcGis 10.2, TerraView 4.2.2, and SaTScanTM were used in the analysis. RESULTS We identified 169 hospitalizations due to tuberculosis. Most were of men (n = 134; 79.2%), averagely aged 48 years (SD = 16.2). The predominant clinical form was the pulmonary one, which was confirmed through a microscopic examination of expectorated sputum (n = 66; 39.0%). We geocoded 159 cases (94.0%). We observed a non-random spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis concentrated in the northern and western regions of the municipality. Through the scan statistic, three spatial clusters for risk of hospitalizations due to tuberculosis were identified, one of them in the northern region of the municipality (relative risk [RR] = 3.4; 95%CI 2.7–4,4); the second in the central region, where there is a prison unit (RR = 28.6; 95%CI 22.4–36.6); and the last one in the southern region, and area of protection for hospitalizations (RR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.2–0.3). We did not identify any space-time clusters. CONCLUSIONS The investigation showed priority areas for the control and surveillance of tuberculosis, as well as the profile of the affected population, which shows important aspects to be considered in terms of management and organization of health care services targeting effectiveness in primary health care

    Global disparities in surgeons’ workloads, academic engagement and rest periods: the on-calL shIft fOr geNEral SurgeonS (LIONESS) study

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    : The workload of general surgeons is multifaceted, encompassing not only surgical procedures but also a myriad of other responsibilities. From April to May 2023, we conducted a CHERRIES-compliant internet-based survey analyzing clinical practice, academic engagement, and post-on-call rest. The questionnaire featured six sections with 35 questions. Statistical analysis used Chi-square tests, ANOVA, and logistic regression (SPSS® v. 28). The survey received a total of 1.046 responses (65.4%). Over 78.0% of responders came from Europe, 65.1% came from a general surgery unit; 92.8% of European and 87.5% of North American respondents were involved in research, compared to 71.7% in Africa. Europe led in publishing research studies (6.6 ± 8.6 yearly). Teaching involvement was high in North America (100%) and Africa (91.7%). Surgeons reported an average of 6.7 ± 4.9 on-call shifts per month, with European and North American surgeons experiencing 6.5 ± 4.9 and 7.8 ± 4.1 on-calls monthly, respectively. African surgeons had the highest on-call frequency (8.7 ± 6.1). Post-on-call, only 35.1% of respondents received a day off. Europeans were most likely (40%) to have a day off, while African surgeons were least likely (6.7%). On the adjusted multivariable analysis HDI (Human Development Index) (aOR 1.993) hospital capacity &gt; 400 beds (aOR 2.423), working in a specialty surgery unit (aOR 2.087), and making the on-call in-house (aOR 5.446), significantly predicted the likelihood of having a day off after an on-call shift. Our study revealed critical insights into the disparities in workload, access to research, and professional opportunities for surgeons across different continents, underscored by the HDI