42 research outputs found

    Connaissance locale des pratiques de la transhumance dans la zone soudano-sahélienne du Mali

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    Les études sur la transhumance ont souvent ciblé les pasteurs – notamment peuls – des zones sahéliennes. Pour en donner une autre perspective, la présente étude a été centrée sur les pratiques de la transhumance dans la zone soudano-sahélienne du Mali en intégrant la perception des agriculteurs et des pasteurs sédentaires concernés par la transhumance dans les zones d’accueil. Les scénarios envisageables pour le futur des systèmes pastoraux ont aussi été analysés. Les données ont été collectées à travers des groupes de discussion et des enquêtes individuelles. Les résultats ont montré que la transhumance n’était plus le seul fait des populations pastorales peules mais concernait diverses ethnies. Plus de 70 % des agriculteurs, des pasteurs sédentaires et des pasteurs transhumants interviewés dans les deux sites de l’étude ont rapporté que les avantages de la transhumance pour les communautés d’accueil en termes de dépôt de fumier dans les champs des cultures décroissaient. Quand bien même la majorité des répondants ont rapporté une augmentation des pratiques de la transhumance au cours des trente dernières années, ils prévoyaient leur diminution dans les années à venir. L’augmentation de la compétition autour des ressources pastorales entre les membres des communautés d’accueil et les pasteurs transhumants dans le sud du Mali crée une situation d’impasse et des frustrations se manifestant par une méfiance mutuelle

    Impact of Boko Haram insurgency on poultry production in Mubi region of Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to assess the impact of Boko Haram insurgency on poultry production in Mubi region of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Four local government areas namely: Mubi South, Mubi North, Madagali and Michika were purposely selected. Thirty (30) poultry farmers were randomly selected from each of the local government making a total of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents. One hundred and twenty (120) structured questionnaires were used to collect data through scheduled interview. The outcome of this study revealed that majority of the poultry farmers in Mubi South (56.67%), Madagali (53.33%) and Michika (60%) were males. Some proportion of the poultry farmers (26.67 to 36.67%) and (13.33 to 26.67%) had attained secondary and tertiary education (Colleges and Polytechnics) education respectively. Sizable proportion of the poultry farmers in Mubi South (63.33%), Mubi North (53.33%), Madagali (60%) and Michika (60%) kept poultry as source of income. Significant economic losses as a result of Boko Haram activities were recorded with greater losses recorded from layer chicken farms in Mubi South where the sum of ₦785,000 was lost and ₦895,000 in Mubi North respectively. Problem of finance (23.37 to 40%) and scare of reoccurrence of insurgence attack (23.33 to 43.33%) were observed to be the main constraints affecting poultry farming in Mubi region of Adamawa State. In conclusion, the activities of Boko Haram in Mubi region has negatively affected poultry farming and had led to significant economic losses. It is therefore recommended that government, non governmental organization and wealthy individuals should assist farmers with funds in order to revive the poultry industry in the area. Government should also enhance the security of Mubi area and restore back people’s confidence so that they can be encouraged to invest on poultry farming. Keywords: Impact, Boko Haram, Poultry production, Mubi regio

    Editorial: Hello, Goodbye

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    10.1007/s11068-009-9042-2Brain Cell Biology365-6155

    Optogenetic probes

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    10.1007/s11068-008-9037-4Brain Cell Biology361-41-

    Defining a critical period for inhibitory circuits within the somatosensory cortex

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    10.1038/s41598-017-07400-8Scientific Reports71727

    Evaluation of feed resources in mixed crop-livestock systems in Sudano-Sahelian zone of Mali in West Africa

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    Livestock are important assets to the rural poor in developing countries but are faced with the major challenge of marked seasonal feed availability. A study was carried out to assess existing and potential feed resources and constraints to livestock production in Southern part of Mali. A feed assessment tool was used to collect necessary data. The assessment included focus group discussions and individual interviews. Results showed that seasonal shortage in feed supply, absence of livestock route and lack of watering points were the major constraints facing livestock production in the study areas. Pastures and green forage were the main feed for animal during the wet season while crop residues, fodder trees and shrubs were the main source of feed in the dry season. Results further showed that almost all types of crop residues were used for livestock feeding compared to other uses. The highest dry matter contents of ruminants’ total diet came from grazing