1,952 research outputs found

    Optogenetic Visualization of Presynaptic Tonic Inhibition of Cerebellar Parallel Fibers

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    Tonic inhibition was imaged in cerebellar granule cells of transgenic mice expressing the optogenetic chloride indicator, Clomeleon. Blockade of GABA A receptors substantially reduced chloride concentration in granule cells due to block of tonic inhibition. This indicates that tonic inhibition is a significant contributor to the resting chloride concentration of these cells. Tonic inhibition was observed not only in granule cell bodies, but also in their axons, the parallel fibers (PFs). This presynaptic tonic inhibition could be observed in slices both at room and physiological temperatures, as well as in vivo, and has many of the same properties as tonic inhibition measured in granule cell bodies. GABA application revealed that PFs possess at least two types of GABA A receptor: one high-affinity receptor that is activated by ambient GABA and causes a chloride influx that mediates tonic inhibition, and a second with a low affinity for GABA that causes a chloride efflux that excites PFs. Presynaptic tonic inhibition regulates glutamate release from PFs because GABA A receptor blockade enhanced both the frequency of spontaneous EPSCs and the amplitude of evoked EPSCs at the PF-Purkinje cell synapse. We conclude that tonic inhibition of PFs could play an important role in regulating information flow though cerebellar synaptic circuits. Such cross talk between phasic and tonic signaling could be a general mechanism for fine tuning of synaptic circuits.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1512826)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant MH106013

    Corneoscleral laceration and ocular burns caused by electronic cigarette explosions

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    PURPOSE: To report cases of acute globe rupture and bilateral corneal burns from electronic cigarette (EC) explosions. METHODS: Case series. RESULTS: We describe a series of patients with corneal injury caused by EC explosions. Both patients suffered bilateral corneal burns and decreased visual acuity, and one patient sustained a unilateral corneoscleral laceration with prolapsed iris tissue and hyphema. A review of the scientific literature revealed no prior reported cases of ocular injury secondary to EC explosions; however, multiple media and government agency articles describe fires and explosions involving ECs, including at least 4 with ocular injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Given these cases and the number of recent media reports, ECs pose a significant public health risk. Users should be warned regarding the possibility of severe injury, including sight-threatening ocular injuries ranging from corneal burns to full-thickness corneoscleral laceration

    Effects of a Self-Selected Pace on VO2max during a Running Test to Volitional Exhaustion

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    Application of multidisciplinary optimization methods to the design of a supersonic transport

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    An optimization design method is discussed. This method is based on integrating existing disciplinary analysis and sensitivity analysis techniques by means of generalized sensitivity equations. A generic design system implementing this method is described. The system is being used to design the configuration and internal structure of a supersonic transport wing for optimum performance. This problem combines the disciplines of linear aerodynamics, structures, and performance. Initial results which include the disciplines of aerodynamics and structures in a conventional minimum weight design under static aeroelastic constraints are presented

    Plasticity of upper thermal limits to acute and chronic temperature variation in Manduca sexta larvae

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    ABSTRACT In many ectotherms, exposure to high temperatures can improve subsequent tolerance to higher temperatures. However, the differential effects of single, repeated or continuous exposure to high temperatures are less clear. We measured the effects of single heat shocks and of diurnally fluctuating or constant rearing temperatures on the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) for final instar larvae of Manduca sexta. Brief (2 h) heat shocks at temperatures of 35°C and above significantly increased CTmax relative to control temperatures (25°C). Increasing mean temperatures (from 25 to 30°C) or greater diurnal fluctuations (from constant to ±10°C) during larval development also significantly increased CTmax. Combining these data showed that repeated or continuous temperature exposure during development improved heat tolerance beyond the effects of a single exposure to the same maximum temperature. These results suggest that both acute and chronic temperature exposure can result in adaptive plasticity of upper thermal limits

    All-optical mapping of barrel cortex circuits based on simultaneous voltage-sensitive dye imaging and channelrhodopsin-mediated photostimulation

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Neurophotonics 2 (2015): 021013, doi:10.1117/1.NPh.2.2.021013.We describe an experimental approach that uses light to both control and detect neuronal activity in mouse barrel cortex slices: blue light patterned by a digital micromirror array system allowed us to photostimulate specific layers and columns, while a red-shifted voltage-sensitive dye was used to map out large-scale circuit activity. We demonstrate that such all-optical mapping can interrogate various circuits in somatosensory cortex by sequentially activating different layers and columns. Further, mapping in slices from whisker-deprived mice demonstrated that chronic sensory deprivation did not significantly alter feedforward inhibition driven by layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Further development of voltage-sensitive optical probes should allow this all-optical mapping approach to become an important and high-throughput tool for mapping circuit interactions in the brain.This work was supported by the World Class Institute (WCI) program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea (MEST) (NRF) Grant No. WCI 2009-003 and by the Competitive Research Programme (CRP) of NRF (Singapore) Grant No. NRF 2008 NRF-CRP 002-082

    Code list of common marine living resources of the Indian Seas (With Revised Version)

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    The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has been estimating marine fish landings along the Indian Coast for the past three decades and the data are being furnished to Central and State Governments, Industry, and national and international agencies. The Institute is also involved with the assessment of our marine fishery resources and management of multispecies harvested by diverse fishing gears. In the years to come, our commercially utilised marine animal and plant resources may cover not only conventional fin-and shell-fishes.but also non-conventional groups, such as mesopelagics, sponges, corals and seaweeds. There are endangered groups, such as marine mammals and turtles, which are protected under Wildlife Act. They occur as incidental catches or are 'occasionally stranded and these need monitoring

    Molecule Microscopy

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    Contains reports on summary of research and one research project.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-75-C-1346)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 S05 RR07047-10)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 PO1 HL14322-05)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 ROI GM22633-01