82 research outputs found

    Mud banks fishery estimates

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    Most of the natural processes are common to all coastlines and their physico-chemical characteristics are quite well known. But, there are some localised and seasonal process, have significant role in socio-economic benefit of coastal habitant and require continuous study to understand for sustainable exploration. Mud banks are such an inquisitive coastal phenomenon which occurs only at a few locations in the nearshore waters of the world ocean. Muddy shores and adjacent shore faces are found along several open coasts of the world including south west coast of India. They are generally associated with the dispersal pathways of rivers that discharge large quantities of fine-grained sediment. The high mud supply also has considerable coastal ecological and economic impacts on several coastal countries

    Status of marine fisheries at Cochin Fisheries Harbour

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    Cochin Fisheries Harbour is the major fishing harbour in Ernakulam district of Kerala State, which contributes 6 to 11% of the annual state landings. It have berthing facilities for 60 deep sea trawlers and 900 smaller fishing vessels besides country crafts. This report presents gearwise and seasonwise marine fish landings during the period 1971 to 2000

    A code list of common marine living resources of the Indian Seas (Revised Edition)

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    The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin is the pioneer national establishment primarily engaged in marine fisheries research in the country. As a programme of dissemination of information the Institute published a code list of common marine living resources of the Indian seas in 1983. However, considerable changes have since occurred in the nomenclature of many of the genera, families and species of fishes. Hence it is felt that there is an urgent need to revise the code list incorporating these changes. The present publication is a result of this exercise

    Brief report on the marine fisheries of Puri, Orissa

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    Puri, one of the southern districts of Orissa has 155 kms of coast line with 35 fishing villages and 12 landing centres. Nuagarh (Astarang), Pentakota, Konark (Chandrabhaga), Kaliakona, Arkhakuda are the major landing centres. Nuagarh is the only fishing harbour in Puri district. The present report highlights the marine fish landings for 20 years from 1987-2006 from Puri district

    Marine fish landings in West Bengal during 2016 - An overview

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    A remarkable increase in marine fish landings in West Bengal was recorded in 2016. The estimated total marine fish landings with a 129% upsurge reached 2.72 lakh t from the 1.19 lakh t recorded in 2015. Almost all the main finfish resources showed an increase but the exceptional dominance was of Hilsa shad. Its estimated landings touched a record high of 89,109 t from the 16,273 t recorded in 2015. The increase was found to sustain throughout the year except during the fishing ban (April-May) period and in November and December

    Marine fish landings in Kerala during 2016 - An overview

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    Kerala has 188 marine fish landing centres along the coastline of 590 km length and 1.2 lakh marine fishermen families. The estimated marine fish landings in Kerala during 2016 was 5,22,550 tonnes (t) contributing about 14% of the marine fish production in the countr

    Marine fish landings in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry during 2016 - An overview

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    Tamil Nadu, with a coastline of 1076 km has 363 landing centres while the 45 km coastline of Puducherry has 26 landing centres in 2 fishing zones (Puducherry and Karaikkal). Fishing is done using different combinations of fishing crafts and gears.The recent trend of fish landings in Tamil Nadu showed a slight decrease in landings in 2016 (7.07 lakh t) compared to 2015 (7.09 lakh t). In spite of this, Tamil Nadu was ranked second among all maritime states contributing 19.5% of the total marine fish landings in the country during 2016. The landings of Puducherry were 0.45 lakh t in 2016 with a reduction of 33,958 t compared to 2015. The major contribution was from Karaikkal region (67%)

    Marine fish landings in Odisha during 2016 - An overview

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    The state of Odisha has a long coast line of 480 km with numerous fisheries harbours and fish landing centres like Paradeep, Bahabalapur, Dhamra, Atharabanki, Nuagarh, Bada Arjipally etc. According to Marine Fisheries Census 2010, there are 1.14 lakh fishermen families with 3.95 lakh fisherfolk engaged in actual fishing activities. In 2016, the marine fish production in Odisha was 1.17 lakh tonnes (t) showing a decrease of 17% over the previous year

    Code list of common marine living resources of the Indian Seas (With Revised Version)

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    The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has been estimating marine fish landings along the Indian Coast for the past three decades and the data are being furnished to Central and State Governments, Industry, and national and international agencies. The Institute is also involved with the assessment of our marine fishery resources and management of multispecies harvested by diverse fishing gears. In the years to come, our commercially utilised marine animal and plant resources may cover not only conventional fin-and shell-fishes.but also non-conventional groups, such as mesopelagics, sponges, corals and seaweeds. There are endangered groups, such as marine mammals and turtles, which are protected under Wildlife Act. They occur as incidental catches or are 'occasionally stranded and these need monitoring

    Marine Fisheries Profile Tamil Nadu (in Tamil)

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    Marine Fisheries Profile Tamil Nad
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