'Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi'
Tamil Nadu, with a coastline of 1076 km has 363
landing centres while the 45 km coastline of
Puducherry has 26 landing centres in 2 fishing zones
(Puducherry and Karaikkal). Fishing is done using
different combinations of fishing crafts and
gears.The recent trend of fish landings in Tamil Nadu
showed a slight decrease in landings in 2016 (7.07
lakh t) compared to 2015 (7.09 lakh t). In spite of
this, Tamil Nadu was ranked second among all
maritime states contributing 19.5% of the total
marine fish landings in the country during 2016. The
landings of Puducherry were 0.45 lakh t in 2016 with
a reduction of 33,958 t compared to 2015. The major
contribution was from Karaikkal region (67%)