18 research outputs found
Žinių visuomenės transdalykinė mokymo sandara
CC BY 4.0The main proposition of this article is the influence of knowledge on the style of thinking and
acting which is dictated by increasingly entrenching global knowledge environment. The article
is a continuation and a supplement to the author's work related to the conceptualization of
postmodern professionalism
Informacinės visuomenės mokslo bruožai
The article discusses whether and to what extent the sciences are postmodern without considering the meaning and implications of the notion of postmodernity. Arguably, the post-industrial science is postmodern by itself just because it is defined by the paradigm of information. Science is the quintecence of postmodernity and provides the basis of informational existence of postmodern society. In other words, science is a source and medium of post-modernity. Informational science grounds its own rules and makes a link between philosophy and knowledge, connects the boundedlessness of methaphilosophical language games (Lyotard) with the transinformational theory. While the transinformational theory suggests traditional philosophical problematique, informational science creates a novel postmodern epistemology.Šiame straipsnyje tiesiogiai neklausiama, kas tai yra postmodernybė ir kaip ji reiškiasi. Mums rūpi, kiek ir kaip postmodernus pats mokslas. Remiamasi paprasta prielaida, kad postindustrinis mokslas savaime postmodernus jau vien todėl, kad dominuojamas informacinės paradigmos. Mokslas, kaip postmodernybės kvintesencija, sietinas su visuomenės informacinės egzistencijos ir paties postmetafizinio mąstymo "gamyba" bei substancionalumu. Kitaip sakant, mokslas - kaip postmodernybės šaltinis ir laikmena. Informacinėmis raiškomis mokslas vis labiau pagrindžia savo paties taisykles ir kartu peržengia prarają tarp filosofijos ir žinojimo, suliedamas metafilosofinių "kalbos žaidimų" (Jeanas F. Lyotardas) neaprėpiamumą su viso mokslo produkuojamu transinformaciniu teoriškumu, kuris savaime informaciniu pamatu ne tik suponuoja tradicinę filosofijos problematiką, bet ir iškristalizuoja vis naujus postmoderniosios epistemologijos darinius. Tačiau šiuo atveju mums svarbiau ne filosofijos informacinio "prisikėlimo" keliai, o bendriausia postmoderniojo mokslo samprata
Evaluation of dynamics of economic development in Polish and Lithuanian regions
Regional policy of the countries – reducing disparities between economic development of the regions – has been, is and will continue to be the focus of policy makers’ attention, therefore it is important to assess regional conditions qualitatively and to spot the differences in the change of these condition. This would be the basis for developing targeted strategies for further regional development. The process of regional economic development may be assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The integrated mean of the statistical indicators reflects the dynamics of development. The paper’s objective is to develop an aggregate indicator of development dynamics and to quantify the dynamics of the economic development of the Polish and Lithuanian regions. The employed methodological approach is based on the authors’ definition of the mean of regional economic development equilibrium. The analysis of the statistical characteristics of the indicators of three regions of Poland and Lithuania has shown that the dynamics of economic development in the regions of both countries is similar. On the other hand, Poland is characterized by a more intensive development, while the development of Lithuanian regions is more levelled
Evaluation of the Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy in Lithuanian Industry
This article provides data-driven analyses of Lithuanian foreign trade activities. We combine Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and Lauraéus-Kaivo-oja Index (LKI) measures to identify key changes and trends in export and import structures of the Lithuanian economy. The findings suggest that the export and import portfolios of the Lithuanian economy have been successfully diversified and the Lithuanian Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) successful implemented in years 2015 through 2020. Presented in the form of HHI and LKI time series, our findings and the corresponding conclusions will be relevant to both the Lithuanian export and import industry and to industrial and economic policymakers in Lithuania and in international export and import agencies.</p
Žinių marketingas: postmodernus požiūris
Knowledge is presented in various discourses and in different methodological contexts, as generally reduced to modern and postmodern patterns. The methodological assumptions of knowledge marketing are analyzed and practical orientations concordant with the realities of a knowledge society are formulated. The main purpose is to reveal the distinctions between the classical modern modes of rationalization and the information or knowledge model of rationalization, which the author asserts is based on the conception of legitimative trans-informationality grand discourse. Two types of knowledge identities characterize the market and reflect knowledge transfer in social and professional generalization of knowledge.Žinios, o tiksliau - žinojimas, yra pagrindinė šių dienų vadybos sąvoka, atspindinti ir pagrindines žinių visuomenės raidos tendencijas, ir madingas vadinamosios žinių vadybos plėtros kryptis, kurios bendrame globalizacijos ir komunikacijos kontekste suprantamos labai įvairiai ir nevienareikšmiai.Tai yra ta skiriamoji riba, žyminti šiandienio marketingo raidos ypatumus, kuriuos būtų galima apibendrinti kaip “žinių marketingo” formavimąsi. Metodologiniu požiūriu žinių marketingas remiasi autoriaus transinformatiškumo koncepcija, legitimuojančia šiuolaikinių diskursų raiškas.Dabar “žinių marketingo” sąvoka vartojama retai ir kontroversiškai, dažniau taikoma “marketingo informacija” ar “marketingo žinios”. Kalbant apie žinių marketingą, keliama idėja, kad marketingo procesai vis labiau asimi1iuojami bendrų informacijos ir komunikacijos veiksnių, kurie marketingą, kaip atributą, sieja su visais informacinės ir žinių visuomenės plėtros, aspektais, tarp jų technologiniais, vertybiniais ir kultūriniais.Marketingas jungia informacijos ir komunikacijos procesus dviem kryptimis: 1) informacinį marketingo aprūpinimas ir 2) vidiniai marketingo informacijos I komunikacijos kompleksai. Metodologine prasme tai veda į koreliuojamą su bendrąją marketingo sąvoka globalaus “paslaugumo” ir “viešumo” supratimą, kuris teoriškai ir praktiškai grindžiamas įvairiais integruotos marketingo komunikacijos tipais. Iš esmės tai yra tapatu tokioms socialinėms metaforoms kaip “McDonaldization” (Ritzer 1996) ar “McWorld” (Barber 1995).Pagal informacijos ir komunikacijos procesų integracijos kryptis galimi du marketingo žinių tapatumo tipai: 1) objektyvios šios informacijos pagrindu ir 2) multiidentiškumo pagrindu.Tai leidžia skirti du marketingo žinių generalizavimo lygius: 1) socialinį žinių generalizavimą ir 2) profesinį žinių generalizavimą.Taikomuoju požiūriu žinių marketingas grindžiamas iš esmės trimis žinių kompleksais: žinių turinio; žinių procesų ir organizavimo; žinių technologijų.Kaip išvada formuluojamos “informacinės taisyklės”; jose nurodomos informacinės ir komunikacinės marketingo, kaip žinių ekonomikos atributinio pjūvio, paradigmatika ir tendencijos
Personality, time and place of postmodern media new paradigms, undisclosed contexts
Postmoderniosiose medijose istorinės asmenybės įgyja naujas funkcijas. Moderniojoje istoriografijose susiformavę jų vertinimai, kultūriniai vaidmenys daugiakultūrėse ir daugiakalbėse medijų aplinkose pasitelkiami ne tik regioninės tapatybės konstravimui, pamatinių bendruomenės vertybių ir lokalinio savitumo įprasminimui, bet ir ekonominiams, rinkodaros tikslams. Pasitelkus dvi Lietuvos kultūros „paribio“ asmenybes – Martyną Liudviką Rėzą ir Kazimierą Simonavičių, – atskleidžiama, kaip medijų erdvėje veikia „sumanios“ ir trimatės kultūros mechanizmai. Straipsnyje pristatomos komunikacijos teorijų ir ekonominės lingvistikos idėjos pastaruosius trejus metus kartu plėtojamos Lietuvių kalbos instituto ir Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universiteto mokslininkų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė asmenybė; Istorinė asmenybė, regioninė plėtra; Kazimieras Simonavičius; Komunikacija; Martynas Liudvikas Rėza; Postmodernios medijos; Regioninė plėtra; Trimatė kultūra; Communication; Historical personality; Historical personality, regional development; Kazimieras Simonavičius; Martynas Liudvikas Rėza; Post-modern media; Postmodern media; Regional development; Three-dimensional cultureIn post-modern media, historical figures gain new functions. In today’s historiography, their evaluations have formed, cultural roles in the multicultural and multilingual media environment are invoked not only in the construction of a regional identity, giving meaning to the fundamental values of the community and a local identity, but also for economic, marketing goals. With the help of two Lithuanian personalities from the “periphery” culture – Martynas Liudvikas Rėza and Kazimieras Simonavičius – it is revealed that “intelligent” and three-dimensional culture mechanisms operate in the media environment. The article presents the communication theories and idea of economic linguistics, which over the past three years have been developing
Informacijos visuomenės savivaldos tendencijos
The article presents the results of a research "Interaction of Citizens and Public Administration: Development of Social Ideas Based on the Information Management". Scope and methods of investigation: representative opinion survey and leading local government officer's survey. The research was intended to explore:(a) the general characteristics of the self-government in Lithuania; (b) the possibilities for the development of modern self-government and community building along the lines of the EU integration processes; (c) the public opinion concerning ongoing social change incited by the spreading of the information society technologies. The information society self-government was taken as such an interaction of citizens and local-government bodies where the principle role is played by the information technologies and relevant social ideas interrelating communities and their activities. The main conclusions of investigation: the citizens approve the European model of administration and further implementation of democratic processes. The citizens also are in principle ready to appropriate cooperation and partnership with local government. The potential for public activities is huge although almost unused. The majority of population has critical and in some cases even hostile views to the style of work of the public administration institutions. However citizens are ready to use or at least ready to learn how to use the new technologies in practice. At the same time the attitudes of professional workers are disparate. The local government officers are also sceptical and show distrust for the effective cooperation with citizens. They demonstrate the "old-fashioned" style of management
Šiuolaikinio žinojimo sandara
The article aims at discussing the information management innovations. The most important question is how one can overcome the difference between the comprehension of the role of knowledge and the indefiniteness of the practical application. Information management becomes more and more “hermetic” area, the application of which is extremely complicated and thus acquires elements of mystification and prmitivization. On the other hand, the modern life demands to drastically change the style of activities according to the logics of development of the information society, which results in a paradoxical situation, where the information management is attempted to be applied according to the traditional criteria. There emerge the “scissors”, where the information management is transposed into the normative level, which has little in common with the real practice. The article suggests the methodological decisions, which would allow for matching the said two different logical bases, approximate and integrate the contradictions of the modern and postmodern activities and the different managerial levels of the said paradigms referring to the peculiarities of modeling of the structure of knowledge. The idea is raised that the situation and dynamism in the context of development of the information society can be managed only by using the specific complex of the managerial information on the structure of the modern knowledge. In his article the author continues his managerial studies in the area of professional knowledge and strives for deepening of the theoretical model of the informational knowledge, based by the transinformative discourse and its functioning principles