22 research outputs found

    Geriatric oncology: comparing health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients

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    Background: Population ageing is increasing the number of people annually diagnosed with cancer worldwide, once most types of tumours are age-dependent. High-quality healthcare in geriatric oncology requires a multimodal approach and should take into account stratified patient outcomes based on factors other than chronological age in order to develop interventions able to optimize oncology care. This study aims to evaluate the Health Related Quality of Life in head and neck cancer patients and compare the scores in geriatric and younger patients. Methods. Two hundred and eighty nine head and neck cancer patients from the Oncology Portuguese Institute participated in the Health Related Quality of Life assessment. Two patient groups were considered: the geriatric ( 65 years old, n = 115) and the younger (45-60 years old, n= 174). The EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires were used. Results: Head and neck cancer patients were mostly males, 77.4% within geriatric group and 91.4% among younger patients group. The most frequent tumour locations were similar in both groups: larynx, oral cavity and oropharynx - base of the tongue. At the time of diagnosis, most of younger male patients were at disease stage III/IV (55.9%) whereas the majority of younger female patients were at disease stage I/II (83.4%). The geriatric patient distribution was found to be similar in any of the four disease stages and no gender differences were observed. We found that age (geriatrics scored generally worse), gender (females scored generally worse), and tumour site (larynx tumours denounce more significant problems between age groups) clearly influences Health Related Quality of Life perceptions. Conclusions: Geriatric oncology assessments signalize age-independent indicators that might guide oncologic geriatric care optimization. Decision-making in geriatric oncology must be based on tumour characteristics and chronological age but also on performance status evaluation, co-morbidity, and patient reported outcomes assessment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Em prol do sacrifício do isolamento: lepra e filantropia na Argentina e no Brasil, 1930-1946

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    The multidimensional evaluation and treatment of anxiety in children and adolescents: rationale, design, methods and preliminary findings

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    Ecological scenario and Trypanosoma cruzi DTU characterization of a fatal acute Chagas disease case transmitted orally (Espírito Santo state, Brazil)

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    Acerca do conceito de loucura e seus reflexos na assistência de saúde mental Acerca del concepto de loucura y sus reflejos en la atención de salud mental About the concept of madness and its reflexes on mental health care

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    Trata-se de reflexão teórica acerca de como se deram historicamente a percepção e a conceituação da loucura e, conseqüentemente, das formas de agir perante ela. Essa reflexão reconstrói a trajetória a partir da concepção da Grécia Antiga até os dias atuais, enfocando principalmente os períodos onde ocorreram mudanças na forma de se perceber e atuar perante essa experiência. Conclui-se que a importância em se conhecer as formas históricas do conceito de loucura reside na possibilidade de se poder desnaturalizar as concepções e refletir acerca da prática que são realizadas hoje na assistência às pessoas em sofrimento mental.<br>Ésta es una reflexión teórica acerca de la percepción histórica y conceptualización de la locura y, por consiguiente, de las maneras de actuar ante ella. Abarcamos desde la concepción de Grecia Antigua hasta los días actuales, enfocando los periodos en donde ocurrieron los cambios en la forma de comprender y actuar ante esa experiencia. Concluimos que la importancia de conocer las formas históricas del concepto de locura reside en la posibilidad de desnaturalizar nuestras concepciones y reflejar sobre nuestra práctica actual en la atención a las personas con sufrimiento mental.<br>This is a theoretical reflection on the historical perception and conceptualization of madness and, consequently, on ways of acting towards it. We start from ancient Greek conceptions and move up to the present days, focusing mainly on those periods when perceptions and actions towards madness changed. We conclude that getting to know the historical forms of the madness concept is important to be able to denaturalize our conceptions and reflect about our current practice in care for patients going through mental suffering