19 research outputs found

    Evaluación de los Sistemas e-Learning: Estudio de las publicaciones realizadas en la Web Of Knowledge

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    El propósito de este estudio es analizar el crecimiento y desarrollo de la literatura sobre la evaluación de los sistemas e-Learning. La bibliografía publicada en 18 de las principales revistas de la base de datos ISI Web of Knowledge fue obtenida, de manera directa, a través de las palabras clave: “model”, “evaluation”, “e-Learning system”, con sus respectivos sinónimos. La información como autor, título, subtítulo, fuente, citas, etc., se registró en MS-Excel (2010) para su análisis e interpretación. El estudio encontró 127 artículos de esta temática, publicados en el período 2008-2012. Además, revela que el 2012 fue el año más prolífico, con 33 artículos. La revista más productiva es Computers & Education, con 15 artículos; se la puede considerar como una revista básica de consulta. Se encontró que Peter Shea y Temi Bidjerano, ambos de Estados Unidos, son los autores que más han publicado y realizado trabajos conjuntos. Podría ser una limitante del estudio que la información que se tomó fue restringida a un período de cinco años, tiempo que de manera general se acepta, en relación a la antigüedad de la producción bibliográfica. El documento proporciona información confiable y auténtica sobre el tema y es el primer estudio de este tipo

    Universities as Corporate Entities: The Role of Social Responsibility in Their Strategic Management

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    Universities, as educational institutions, play a vital role in the development and improvement of the society, contributing to the welfare of citizens. Considering the social responsibility of universities with a large number of stakeholders (students, institutions, government, employees, companies, local community, etc.), this chapter aims to examine how these institutions establish the mission, objectives and strategic actions oriented at meeting these expectations. In this line, university in its daily management is also considered a corporate entity, which set up strategic plans and practices, an essential process to achieve its success in the long term. The chapter explores the necessary steps for adjusting these strategic plans to the new challeng e of introducing a socially responsible orientation in their management

    Rentabilidad y el costo de estudiar educación superior en Chile: Reflexiones para la discusión

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    El sistema de educación superior chileno ha dado respuesta a su creciente matrícula y masificación, especialmente en estudiantes de estratos socioeconómicos bajos, a través del aumento importante de becas y préstamos del Estado. Este último instrumento de financiamiento ha posibilitado un aumento de egresados de las universidades chilenas, posibilitándole obtener su título universitario e insertarse en el mercado laboral. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es aportar a la discusión teórica sobre la problemática de la rentabilidad y el costo de estudiar educación superior en Chile, con el fin de obtener lecciones para nuevas políticas públicas. Para ello, se realiza un enfoque documental. Se evidencia que Chile posee una de las tasas de retorno de la educación superior más alta entre los países de la OECD. Sin embargo, se observa una rentabilidad heterogénea de las carreras, que conlleva realidades distintas en los ingresos de los egresados. Pero más aún se cuestiona, el alto costo de los precios de las carreras y por ende, un elevado endeudamiento de varias generaciones de estudiantes producto de la política de Estado que liberalizó la formas de financiamiento con la presencia de bancos privados y con un importante costo para el aparato estatal que inyectó recursos al sistema para garantizar el riesgo de no pago

    The Effects of Training on the Competitive Economic Advantage of Companies in Spain

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    The search for factors that lead to competitive advantage in a company in relation to its competitors is a widely debated subject; a wide range of issues have been examined to determine which factors are the most influential. The aim of this paper is to study training effect on business results (particularly on firm's financial turnover). For the present research, the classical model of Industrial Economy as a frame of reference has been used. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire sent to 381 large organizations in Catalonia (Spain) during 2009 and 2010. The empirical section of the present article was developed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results relate training to company's financial turnover in a positive way. The General Expenditure and Costs is the variable that most contributes to the explanation of firms' financial turnover. The Organization of Training variable is the second most important construct to account for financial turnover However, training is required to be well organized as well as properly financed

    Revista de educación

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    Monográfico con el título: “La gestión estratégica de la Educación Superior : retos y oportunidades”Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe pretende ofrecer una reflexión rigurosa sobre las consecuencias de los grandes cambios ocurridos y desafíos afrontados en el ámbito de la gestión estratégica en la universidad española en la primera década del siglo XXI. En este sentido, se hace una síntesis de la evolución de las universidades, que en muy poco tiempo han ido atravesando cuatro modelos de naturaleza diferentes que, a su vez, requerían organizaciones y tipos de gestión diferentes. Se puede comprobar cómo, a menudo, la dirección estratégica y la planificación no se han incorporado como un instrumento de mejora al servicio de una misión asumida, o frente a la competencia, sino una exigencia de los cambios y de los tiempos. Así pues, se ofrece una imagen de cómo se ha ido posicionando desde un punto de vista general la dirección estratégica a lo largo del tiempo.ES

    La importancia estratégica de la función de formación en las empresas.

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    Esta comunicación describe la situación de la formación en las grandes empresas de Cataluña desde un punto de vista organizativo. Los resultados se basan en una investigación empírico-descriptiva desarrollada a partir de una muestra de

    Higher education needs for the ICT Spanish market Higher education needs for the ICT Spanish market Higher education needs for the ICT Spanish market

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    <div style="color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 8px;"><p><strong>Purpose:</strong>&nbsp;The main objective of the paper is to clarify the expectations held in the realm of business and by employers, in relation to the main educational parameters that respond to the employment needs of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) market in Spain, considering both technical and managerial knowledge. It also assesses whether the Spanish Technical University is providing its graduates with the knowledge currently demanded by the sector.</p><p><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong>&nbsp;The report is based on a survey completed by 43 companies, which constitutes more than 60% of the sector and is representative of the entire range of subsectors that constitute the vast ICT industry in Spain. According to the sample construction, post-stratification has been used for analyzing global results. Responses have been weighted according to the proportion that represents the employees&rsquo; population of the Spanish ICT sector.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong>: As a first conclusion of the current research it should be noted that in terms of technological knowledge, the gap between what the industry requires and the skills graduates can offer is, in general, much smaller than the gap relating to business management skills, where differences exceeding 25% have been demonstrated. This would suggest that the Spanish ICT sector needs to improve learning in the subjects related to business management.</p><p><strong>Originality/value:</strong>&nbsp;Finally, as an innovate factor since there are no previous bibliographic references on this topic, a surprising conclusion is that a significant segment of the Spanish ICT sector, specifically 51,2 % of the companies surveyed, did not distinguish between professional profiles, expressed indifference, and were equally likely to employ graduates as postgraduates. Although when the market was asked about the preferred profile for managerial positions, the results are quite different: 83.7% of respondents preferred a superior engineer qualification; 16.3%</p></div><br><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The main objective of the paper is to clarify the expectations held in the realm of business and by employers, in relation to the main educational parameters that respond to the employment needs of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) market in Spain, considering both technical and managerial knowledge. It also assesses whether the Spanish Technical University is providing its graduates with the knowledge currently demanded by the sector.</p><p><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The report is based on a survey completed by 43 companies, which constitutes more than 60% of the sector and is representative of the entire range of subsectors that constitute the vast ICT industry in Spain. According to the sample construction, post-stratification has been used for analyzing global results. Responses have been weighted according to the proportion that represents the employees&rsquo; population of the Spanish ICT sector.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong>: As a first conclusion of the current research it should be noted that in terms of technological knowledge, the gap between what the industry requires and the skills graduates can offer is, in general, much smaller than the gap relating to business management skills, where differences exceeding 25% have been demonstrated. This would suggest that the Spanish ICT sector needs to improve learning in the subjects related to business management.</p><p><strong>Originality/value:</strong> Finally, as an innovate factor since there are no previous bibliographic references on this topic, a surprising conclusion is that a significant segment of the Spanish ICT sector, specifically 51,2 % of the companies surveyed, did not distinguish between professional profiles, expressed indifference, and were equally likely to employ graduates as postgraduates. Although when the market was asked about the preferred profile for managerial positions, the results are quite different: 83.7% of respondents preferred a superior engineer qualification; 16.3%</p><br><div style="color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 8px;"><p><strong>Purpose:</strong>&nbsp;The main objective of the paper is to clarify the expectations held in the realm of business and by employers, in relation to the main educational parameters that respond to the employment needs of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) market in Spain, considering both technical and managerial knowledge. It also assesses whether the Spanish Technical University is providing its graduates with the knowledge currently demanded by the sector.</p><p><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong>&nbsp;The report is based on a survey completed by 43 companies, which constitutes more than 60% of the sector and is representative of the entire range of subsectors that constitute the vast ICT industry in Spain. According to the sample construction, post-stratification has been used for analyzing global results. Responses have been weighted according to the proportion that represents the employees&rsquo; population of the Spanish ICT sector.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong>: As a first conclusion of the current research it should be noted that in terms of technological knowledge, the gap between what the industry requires and the skills graduates can offer is, in general, much smaller than the gap relating to business management skills, where differences exceeding 25% have been demonstrated. This would suggest that the Spanish ICT sector needs to improve learning in the subjects related to business management.</p><p><strong>Originality/value:</strong>&nbsp;Finally, as an innovate factor since there are no previous bibliographic references on this topic, a surprising conclusion is that a significant segment of the Spanish ICT sector, specifically 51,2 % of the companies surveyed, did not distinguish between professional profiles, expressed indifference, and were equally likely to employ graduates as postgraduates. Although when the market was asked about the preferred profile for managerial positions, the results are quite different: 83.7% of respondents preferred a superior engineer qualification; 16.3%</p></div

    Revista de educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicación.Los sistemas de Educación Superior de buena parte de los países de la OCDE han experimentado cambios que los han reconducido hacia una mayor orientación al mercado. Esta tendencia, deseable o no, es algo incuestionable y, lejos de desaparecer, se expande como una consecuencia más de la globalización de la Educación Superior. Esta nueva realidad no ha estado exenta de polémicas e influye directamente en cuestiones como la identidad académica, el vínculo entre la figura del académico-gestor y el mercantilismo del conocimiento, la competencia entre instituciones y la calidad de los servicios educativos. Al mismo tiempo, tiene un impacto directo en el proceso de toma de decisiones y en la elaboración e implementación de estrategias en las instituciones de Educación Superior. Los problemas vinculados al gerencialismo han sido ampliamente estudiados en el ámbito anglosajón y en algunos países europeos, aunque en el caso español no hay muchos estudios que analicen la influencia de este fenómeno en las prácticas estratégicas de las universidades. En este contexto, se introduce una reflexión teórica sobre el concepto del gerencialismo, sobre las problemáticas involucradas en la elaboración de estrategias en las universidades y sobre la perspectiva de éstas como práctica. En la segunda parte, se utiliza un análisis de caso en una universidad española para reflexionar acerca de las prácticas existentes en el desarrollo de la estrategia y los factores que pueden influir en el proceso. Finalmente, se discuten las limitaciones del análisis y se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre la vinculación entre hacer estrategias y el concepto de gerencialismo. Se sienta entonces una base para estudios más amplios y comparativos sobre el sistema de Educación Superior español.ES

    Competencias en la formación del administrador: un reto a las instituciones de enseñanza superior en Brasil

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    The development of competitions in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has meant aligning programs to labor demands. Based on the state of the art and government guidelines, the main competitions of Brazilian administration graduates were identified. Twenty-five experts under the Delphi method and 336 national career coordinators were consulted using an evaluation questionnaire. Emphasizing that there are 12 main competitions according to experts, mainly 8 according to the two groups, not existing the same value. There is a gap between those required by the market and the competitions in the training of the institutions.El desarrollo de competencias en las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) ha significado alinear los programas a las demandas laborales. En base al estado del arte y las directrices gubernamentales, se identificaron las principales competencias de los licenciados en administración del Brasil. Se consultó a 25 expertos bajo método Delphi, a 336 coordinadores de carreras nacionales aplicando un cuestionario de valoración. Destacando que existen 12 competencias principales según los expertos, 8 primordiales según los dos grupos, no existiendo la misma valoración. Se evidencia un gap entre las requeridas por el mercado y las competencias en la formación de las instituciones