37 research outputs found

    Compressive Strength and Physical Properties Behavior of Cement Mortars with addition of Cement Klin Dust

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    غبار فرن السمنت هو مخلفات من معامل صناعة السمنت، لذلك في هذا البحث استخدام غبار فرن السمنت كمادة مالئة في السمنت والخرسانة هو الهدف الرئيسي . استخدم فرن غبار السمنت من معمل سمنت كربلاء وتم تحليله لمعرفة التركيب الكيميائي للأكاسيد.في هذا البحث حضرت مونة السمنت مع اضافة نسب وزنية مختلفة من فرن غبار السمنت (0،5،10،20،30،40). الخواص الفيزياوية مثل الكثافة والمسامية تم حسابها عند اعمار تقسية مختلفة (3،7،28) يوم. بالأضافة الى ذلك الخواص الميكانيكية المتضمنة معامل التوصيل الحراري و مقاومة الأنضغاط تم قياسها بأعمار مختلفة (3،7،28) ولكل العينات المحضرة . من نتائج العملي المستحصلة ومناقشتها تبين ان الأضافة 20% من غبار فرن السمنت اظهر نتائج جيدة في مونة السمنت.Cement Klin Dust (CKD) was the waste of almost cement industry factories, so that in this paper utilization of CKD as filler in cement and/or concrete was the main objective. CKD from the Karbala cement factory had been used and analysis to know the chemical composition of the oxides was done. In this paper cement mortars with different weight percentages of CKD (0,5,10,20,30,40) had been prepared. Physical properties such as density and porosity were done in different age curing (3, 7, 28) day. In addition, mechanical properties included the coefficient of thermal conductivity and compressive strength had also observed with different age (3,7, and 28) for all prepared specimens. From the obtained the experimental results and their discussion, it was clear that the addition (20%) of CKD had the good results in cement mortars. &nbsp

    Effects of the Ferrits Addition on the Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate

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    يلعب الحشو دورًا رئيسيًا في تحديد خصائص وسلوك المواد المتراكبة للمنتج. في هذه الدراسة ، تم تحضير وودراسه خصائص   متراكبات PET  المضاف اليه ZnFe2O4. العمل يتضمن اعداد عينات من البولي إيثيلين تيريفثاليت (PET) / الزنك - الفريت (ZnFe2O4) بنسب إضافات مختلفة مثل الزنك - الفريت (1 ، 2 ، 5 ، 10 ، 15 و 20) وزن% عن طريق الحصول عليه من خلط المحلول بطريقه الضغط الساخن والمطبقة تحت الظروف المثلى. تم حساب كثافة جميع النماذج. تمت دراسة الخصائص التركيبية باستخدام نمط حيود الأشعة السينية XRD ، وأظهرت نتائج تحليل حيود XRD أن هيكل PET النقي هو متعـدد التبلور، هناك أربعـــة قمـم عريضة عنـد (2θ=16.46°,17.45°, 22.72°,25.98° ) والمركب الخزفي ذات طور بلوري ذو بنية مكعبة مع ثوابت شبيكه وذات مجموعة فضائية fd-3m (227) ((a=b=c=8.44 A° و (V = 601.45 (A°)³)  أثناء إضافة الزنك-الفريت إلى PET بتركيزات مختلفة للحصول على مادة (PET / ZnFe2O4) انتج مواد تزداد فيها كثافة الشدّة وتغير موقع القمم مع زيادة إضافة الزنك-الفريت ، وتجدر الإشارة أنماط الحيود لـ PET / ZnFe2O4 (20٪) تشير إلى أنه لم يكن هناك اختلاف واضح في أنماط حيود Zn-ferrite النقي الذي أظهر أن التركيب البلوري يبقى ثابتًا في PET / ZnFe2O4. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإن الخصائص الكهربائية للمتراكبات ممثلة بواسطة ثابت العزل الكهربائي ، فقد تم قياس خسارة العزل الكهربائي وموصلية التيار المتناوب كدالة لمجموعة من الترددات (50 هرتز -1 ميجاهرتز) ، وأوضحت النتائج أن هذه الخصائص تزداد مع زيادة تركيز السيراميك المضاف. و تقل هذه الخواص بزيادة التردد بسبب التغير في آليات الاستقطاب ، وقد ثبت أن هذه المواد المتراكبة المحضرة تمتلك خصائص ذات استقرار جيد في نطاق واسع من الترددات ، مما يجعل هذه التراكبات البوليمرية ذات استخدام واسع في العديد من التطبيقات. أما بالنسبة لقياسات صلادة Shore D ، فقد تبين القياسات صلادة هذا المتراكب تزداد مع زيادة تراكيز السيراميك.The products of composites material are very sesetive to many variables, such as manufacturing process, additive materials, …. etc. Filler or additive plays a major role to determine the formation of the properties and behavior of the composites. In this study, polyethylene terephthalate-based compounds were produced and characterized. The work is concerned to prepare samples of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - zinc-ferrite (ZnFe2O4) with different addition ratio as zinc-ferrite (1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20) wt% obtained from mixing the solution with a hot pressing method applied under optimum conditions. The densities of the composites for all samples were calculated. Through the work the diffusion of zinc-ferrite into the grain of Polyethylene terephthalate has been noted.  Structural properties are studied by using X-ray powder pattern, the results of the XRD diffraction analysis showed that the structure for pure PET has four broad peaks at the (2θ=16.46°,17.45°, 22.72°,25.98°). The non-crystalline behavior of the polymer and the ceramic compound indicates the presence of a crystalline phase with a single cubic structure with a space group fd-3m (227)) (a=b=c=8.44 Å, V=601.45 (Å)³). While adding zinc-ferrite to PET in different concentrations to obtain (PET / ZnFe2O4) composites material will increase the intensity of the X-ray peaks, and change the location of the peaks with the addition of zinc-ferrite. It is noted that X-ray diffraction patterns for PET / ZnFe2O4 (20%) indicates that there was no apparent variation of the patterns of pure Zn-ferrite ceramic diffraction which showed that the crystalline structure remains stable in PET / ZnFe2O4. In addition, the electrical properties of the compounds represented by the dielectric constant (real and imaginary), dielectric loss ( tanδ) and the A.C conductivity as a function of a range of frequencies (50Hz-1MHz) have been measured. The results indicated that these properties increase with increasing concentrations of ceramic addition. On the other hand, these properties decrease with increasing frequency due to the change in polarization mechanisms. It has been proven that these prepared superposed materials possess good stability properties in a wide range of frequencies, making these polymeric overlays of wide use in many applications. As for the measurements of Shore D hardness, it has been shown that the hardness of the compounds increases with increasing ceramic concentrations

    Transition from Townsend to glow discharge: subcritical, mixed or supercritical

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    The full parameter space of the transition from Townsend to glow discharge is investigated numerically in one space dimension in the classical model: with electrons and positive ions drifting in the local electric field, impact ionization by electrons (α\alpha process), secondary electron emission from the cathode (γ\gamma process) and space charge effects. We also perform a systematic analytical small current expansion about the Townsend limit up to third order in the total current that fits our numerical data very well. Depending on γ\gamma and system size pd, the transition from Townsend to glow discharge can show the textbook subcritical behavior, but for smaller values of pd, we also find supercritical or some intermediate ``mixed'' behavior. The analysis in particular lays the basis for understanding the complex spatio-temporal patterns in planar barrier discharge systems.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comprehensive Review, Challenges, and Research Directions

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    CCTV cameras installed for continuous surveillance generate enormous amounts of data daily, forging the term “Big Video Data” (BVD). The active practice of BVD includes intelligent surveillance and activity recognition, among other challenging tasks. To efficiently address these tasks, the computer vision research community has provided monitoring systems, activity recognition methods, and many other computationally complex solutions for the purposeful usage of BVD. Unfortunately, the limited capabilities of these methods, higher computational complexity, and stringent installation requirements hinder their practical implementation in real-world scenarios, which still demand human operators sitting in front of cameras to monitor activities or make actionable decisions based on BVD. The usage of human-like logic, known as fuzzy logic, has been employed emerging for various data science applications such as control systems, image processing, decision making, routing, and advanced safety-critical systems. This is due to its ability to handle various sources of real world domain and data uncertainties, generating easily adaptable and explainable data-based models. Fuzzy logic can be effectively used for surveillance as a complementary for huge-sized artificial intelligence models and tiresome training procedures. In this paper, we draw researchers’ attention towards the usage of fuzzy logic for surveillance in the context of BVD. We carry out a comprehensive literature survey of methods for vision sensory data analytics that resort to fuzzy logic concepts. Our overview highlights the advantages, downsides, and challenges in existing video analysis methods based on fuzzy logic for surveillance applications. We enumerate and discuss the datasets used by these methods, and finally provide an outlook towards future research directions derived from our critical assessment of the efforts invested so far in this exciting field


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    Abstract: The lignan (Secoisolaricinesinal diglucoside, SDG), was obtained from flaxseed ( Linum usitatissirnurn

    Survey of Blowfish Algorithm for Cloud

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    . Security is the study of encryption and decryption, data hiding, potential attacks, and performance evaluation. Many algorithms perform this purpose. Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher that uses the Feistel network. Although several works employed the Blowfish algorithm for the security of the cloud, there is still no article that lists previous studies. Cloud computing is the transmission of computer services such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence through the Internet ("the cloud") in order to provide Faster innovation, more flexible resources, and cost savings. The most common issue with cloud computing is information security, privacy, confidentiality, and how the cloud provider ensures these services. This paper includes a survey  of most previous works that were concerned with using the Blowfish algorithm in achieving cloud securit

    Synthesis and Studying SomeMechanical Properties of Nanocomposite

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    This study aims to synthesis a nanocomposite from Al2O3 – Cr2O3 and studying some of its mechanical properties like microhardness and fracture strength. X-Ray diffraction patterns shows a good crystallinity of the composite with very sharp and neat peaks. TEM photographs shows the good distribution of the particles which have an average particle size of (3-6 nm). The microhardness is increased with the increasing of sintering temperatures having the height value at 15% chromia while the fracture strength behaves as a bell shape having again the height value at 15% chromia