31 research outputs found

    Risk factors associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in subjects from primary care units. A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) consists in the accumulation of fat vacuoles in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. Many etiologic factors are associated with NAFL, such as, the metabolic syndrome factors, medications, bariatric surgery, nutritional disorders. However, very little information is available on the clinical relevance of this disorder as a health problem in the general population.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>The aim of the study is establish the risk factors most frequently associated with NAFL in a general adult population assigned to the primary care units and to investigate the relationship between each component of the metabolic syndrome and the risk of having a NAFL.</p> <p>A population based case-control, observational and multicenter study will be carried out in 18 primary care units from the "Area de Gestión del Barcelonés Nord y Maresme" (Barcelona) attending a population of 360,000 inhabitants and will include 326 cases and 370 controls. Cases are defined as all subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria and with evidence of fatty liver in an abdominal ultrasonography performed for any reason. One control will be randomly selected for each case from the population, matched for age, gender and primary care center. Controls with fatty liver or other liver diseases will be excluded.</p> <p>All cases and controls will be asked about previous hepatic diseases, consumption of alcohol, smoking and drugs, and a physical examination, biochemical analyses including liver function tests, the different components of the metabolic syndrome and the HAIR score will also be performed. Paired controls will also undergo an abdominal ultrasonography.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will attempt to determine the factors most frequently associated with the presence of NAFL investigate the relationship between the metabolic syndrome and the risk of fatty liver and study the influence of the different primary care professionals in avoiding the evolution of the disease.</p

    Prevalence and factors associated with the presence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in an apparently healthy adult population in primary care units

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fatty liver disease is characterized by the accumulation of fat vacuoles inside of the hepatocytes. Non alcoholic fatty liver is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipemia, the intake of certain drugs and with the so-called metabolic syndrome. However, there is little information on the clinical relevance of this disorder as a healthcare problem in the general population, since the studies published generally include a limited number of patients and the diagnosis is established on the basis of clear biochemical alterations and liver biopsy.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The aim of the study is the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a general adult population by hepatic ultrasonography.</p> <p>A population-based, descriptive, transversal, multicentre study. Eighteen primary care centres of the north of Barcelona and the Maresme Areas of Healthcare Management attending an urban and semi-urban population of 360.000 inhabitants.</p> <p>A randomized sample of 786 subjects of 15 years or older were selected from the population and assigned to the participating centres according to the Primary Care Information System (SIAP): This population is practically the same as the general population of the area.</p> <p>The following determinations will be carried out in all the participants: hepatic ultrasonography to detect fatty liver, a questionnaire concerning liver diseases, alcohol intake, smoking and drug use, physical examination including abdominal perimeter and body mass index and biochemical analysis including liver function tests and parameters related to the metabolic syndrome and the HAIR score.</p> <p>Ultrasonographic diagnosis of fatty liver will be made according to established criteria (American Gastroenterology Association) and diagnosis of metabolic syndrome according to the criteria of the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will attempt to determine the prevalence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease, as well as, the factors most frequently associated with the presence of this disease to thereby achieve the most appropriate treatment and avoid the evolution of the disease.</p

    Adequacy and quality of abdominal echographies requested by primary care professionals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The value of abdominal echography in primary care is great because it is innocuous, inexpensive, easy to perform and provides a great deal of information making this the first examination to be requested in cases of probable abdominal disease. <b>However, too many abdominal echographies are probably requested overcrowding the Departments of Radiodiagnosis with not always justified petitions or with repetition of tests based on little clinical criteria</b>.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p><b>The aim of the study is </b>to evaluate the adequacy and quality of abdominal echographies requested by primary care physicians in the Maresme County (North of Barcelona), develop guidelines for indicating echographies and reevaluate this adequacy after implementing these guidelines.</p> <p>We will perform a two-phase study: the first descriptive, and retrospective evaluating the adequacy and quality of petitions for abdominal echographies, and in the second phase we will evaluate the impact of recommendations for indicating abdominal echographies for PC physicians on the adequacy and quality of echography petitions thereafter.</p> <p><b>This study will be carried out in 10 primary care centres </b>in the Maresme (Barcelona).</p> <p>1067 abdominal echographies requested by primary care physicians from the above mentioned centres from January 2007 to April 2010 and referred to the Department of Radiology and the same number of applications after the intervention.</p> <p>All the petitions for abdominal echographies requested will be analysed and the clinical histories will be obtained to determine demographic variables, the reason for the visit and for the echography petition and diagnostic orientation, clinical and echographic data, evaluation of the echographies according to the quality and variables characterising the professionals requesting the echographies including: age, sex, laboral situation, length of time in work post, formation, etc.</p> <p>To achieve a consensus of the adequacy of abdominal echography, a work group including gastroenterologists, radiologists and general practitioners will be created following the nominal group. This will allow the design of guidelines for the indication of abdominal echography and posterior evaluation of their impact among physicians by diffusion and posterior reevaluation of the adequacy of the petitions.</p

    Anàlisi de vibracions en bancades per a proves de motors

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    Trobar un mètode senzill i compatible amb les eines de les que disposa l’empresa, per analitzar els efectes de les vibracions causades pels motors alternatius de combustió interna en els bancs de proves. I així poder-ne veure els punts crítics, i en cas que sigui necessari, poder-los millorar durant la fase de disseny preliminar en CAD

    Prevención desde la escuela del uso de tabaco y de arras sustancias adictivas

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    ResumenSe revisa la literatura relativa a programas desarrollados en el medio escolar tendentes a prevenir el uso de tabaco y otras sustancias adictivas entre los adolescentes. Se describen los ejes fundamentales de dichos programas. Los programas que refuerzan las habilidades para resistir la presión social para el consumo de sustancias adictivas son los que obtienen mejores resultados, pues consiguen reducciones significativas en el inicio del tabaquismo y resultados prometedores, aunque no tan inequivocas, en relación con el abuso del alcohol y de otras drogas. La duración de estos programas oscila de ocho a doce horas en un año, en general entre sexto y octavo curso.Otras propuestas de duración similar, basadas en la mejora de la autoestima, el desarrollo de actividades alternativas al consumo de drogas o la simple transmisión de información sobre las mismas, no han mostrado resultados positivos apreciables al ser aplicados en estas edades.SummaryWe review the literature on school programs of prevention of consumption of tobacco and other addictive substances among adolescents. We describe the keys of these programs. The programs emforcing the abilities to ressist the social pressure to the consumption of addictive substances report better results and they achieve significant reduction in the initiation of tobacco consumption. They also report promising results for alcohol and other addictive substances, but they are not so clearly supported. Average duration of the programs is between 8 and 12 ours a year, generally in 6th and 8th course.Other purposes of similar duration based on: self-estim, the development of activities other than drug consumption, or the simple information on drugs, have not shown significant positive results for these ages