140 research outputs found

    Seasonal Adjustment Methods : An Application to the Turkish Monetary Aggregates

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    Seasonality can be defined as a pattern of a time series, which repeats at regular intervals every year. Seasonal fluctuations in data make it difficult to analyse whether changes in data for a given period reflect important increases or decreases in the level of the data, or are due to regularly occurring variation. In search for the economic measures that are independent of seasonal variations, methods had been developed to remove the effect of seasonal changes from the original data to produce seasonally adjusted data. The seasonally adjusted data, providing more readily interpretable measures of changes occurring in a given period, reflects real economic movements without the misleading seasonal changes. The choice of method for seasonal adjustment is crucial for the removal of all seasonal effects in the data. Seasonal adjustment is normally done using the off-the-shelf programs-most commonly worldwide by one of the programs in the X-11 family, X-12 ARIMA, the latest improved version. Another program in common use is the TRAMO/SEATS package developed by the Bank of Spain and promoted by Eurostat. In this study, the performances of two seasonal adjustment methods, X-12 ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS, on the monetary aggregates will be studied. In section five, the two methods are applied to the M2 monetary aggregate series, and the resulting seasonally adjusted series are compared using specific criteria. In sections six and seven, some of the issues that should be concerned in the process of seasonal adjustment, are discussed.Seasonal Adjustment, TRAMO/SEATS, X-12 ARIMA

    Memory and the Operational Witness: Police officer recall of firearms encounters as a function of active response role

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    Investigations following critical events often depend on accurate and detailed recall accounts from operational witnesses (e.g., law enforcement officers, military personnel, emergency responders). However, the challenging, and often stressful, nature of such events, together with the cognitive demands imposed on operational witnesses as a function of their active role, may impair subsequent recall. We compared the recall performance of operational active witnesses with that of non-operational observer witnesses for a challenging simulated scenario involving an armed perpetrator. Seventy-six police officers participated in pairs. In each pair, one officer (active witness) was armed and instructed to respond to the scenario as they would in an operational setting, while the other (observer witness) was instructed to simply observe the scenario. All officers then completed free reports and responded to closed questions. Active witnesses showed a pattern of heart rate activity consistent with an increased stress response during the event, and subsequently reported significantly fewer correct details about the critical phase of the scenario. The level of stress experienced during the scenario mediated the effect of officer role on memory performance. Across the sample, almost one-fifth of officers reported that the perpetrator had pointed a weapon at them although the weapon had remained in the waistband of the perpetrator’s trousers throughout the critical phase of the encounter. These findings highlight the need for investigator awareness of both the impact of operational involvement and stress-related effects on memory for ostensibly salient details, and reflect the importance of careful and ethical information elicitation techniques

    The Volatile Possibilities and Empty Gestures of Care Under Military Occupation

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    The Occupied Clinic could hardly be any timelier. Kashmir has been under siege by the Indian national government for thirty years, and its residents disenfranchised. In 2019, in part to suppress the region’s independence movement, Narendra Modi and his BJP made international headlines when they stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its autonomy. In a land that lives under continuous military occupation and has witnessed countless curfews, Saiba Varma asks, ‘what kind of care leaves people in pieces?’. The Occupied Clinic is the result of arduous fieldwork conducted under occupation in the Kashmir Valley, during the period 2009-2016. In this eloquent ethnography of clinic and its militarization under siege, Varma raises critically, ‘what is possible—clinically, ethically, socially, and politically—under occupation? What forms of care?’

    Selanik ve İttihad Gazeteleri Örneğinde Osmanlı Modernleşmesi ve Yahudiler

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    Especially during XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, the Ottoman Jews which have become one of the largest non-muslim societies of the Empire have experienced a modernization process within the scope of the conditions under which they have lived in that period. It is possible to group such conditions under two titles: general and special ones, which have belonged to the Ottoman Jews. The first one has included the Rescript of Gülhane and the Edict of Reform, which have borne great importance in terms of reflections of modernization in Ottoman on the Ottoman Law and the practical life, and the reorganization of non-muslim societies which has been one of the most important results concerning the non-muslim societies of the Empire. The second one has included the historical, political, economical and social conditions which have belonged to the Ottoman Jews, which have contained chainges in such conditions, "haskala" as a modern movement of thought, modern schools, chief rabbinate regulatitons and zionism. This study tries to undertand the modernization process experienced by the Ottoman Jews under such conditions, by means of two Ottoman newspapers, out of five, linked with the Ottoman Jews, whose archives have been accessed; It has traced the political, administrative, economical, social and cultural signs in practice of the modernization fact. As a result, it is seen that the Ottoman Jews, at least some of them identify and interpret their modernization and experienced changes and transformations with ottomanism.Özellikle XVIII. ve XIX. yüzyıllara gelindiğinde, imparatorluğun en büyük nüfuslu gayrimüslim topluluklarından biri haline gelmiş olan Osmanlı Yahudileri, bu dönemde içinde bulundukları koşullar çerçevesinde bir modernleşme deneyimi yaşadılar. Bu koşulları genel ve Osmanlı Yahudilerinin kendilerine ait olan kısmıyla, özel koşullar olarak iki ana başlık altında toplamak mümkündür. Bunlardan ilki, Osmanlı’da modernleşmenin Osmanlı hukukuna ve oradan pratik yaşamına yansımaları bakımından büyük önem taşıyan Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanları ve bu hukuki düzenlemelerin de imparatorluğun gayrimüslim topluluklarına ilişkin en önemli sonuçlarından biri olarak, gayrimüslim toplulukların yeniden organize edilmeleri gibi konuları içerir. İkincisi ise; Osmanlı Yahudi topluluğunun kendisine ait tarihsel, siyasal, ekonomik ve toplumsal koşulları içerir denilebilir ki, bunlar da bu koşullarda görülen değişimler, bir Yahudi modern düşünce hareketi olarak “haskala”, modern okullar, hahambaşılık nizamnamesi ve siyonizm gibi konuları içerir. Bu çalışmada, işte bu koşullar dahilinde Osmanlı Yahudilerinin yaşadığı modernleşme süreci, Osmanlı Yahudileri ile ilişkilendirilen beş Osmanlıca gazeteden, arşivlerine ulaşılabilen ikisinin de yardımıyla anlaşılmaya çalışılmış; modernleşme olgusunun pratikteki siyasal, idari, ekonomik, toplumal ve kültürel göstergelerinin izleri sürülmüştür. Sonuçta, Osmanlı Yahudilerinin, en azından bir kısmının, kendi modernleşmesini ve yaşadığı değişim ve dönüşümleri Osmanlılık ile özdeşleştirdiği ve Osmanlılık çerçevesinde anlamlandırdığı görülmüştür

    Metal Catalyzed, Microwave-Mediated, Intramolecular Aziridination: Synthesis of Benzoxazepine and Benzoxazinone Derivatives

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    Catalytic, intramolecular aziridination of alkenes continues to be a popular methodology for the preparation of amine-derived heterocycles. Various transition-metal complexes, especially dirhodium complexes, have been reported for their catalytic activities in these reactions. Recent work has shown that metal-catalyzed intramolecular addition of nitrogen to alkenes can be achieved both inter- and intramolecularly with sulfonamides and carbamates. Our research utilizes phenyl and benzyl carbamates as starting compounds for an optimized intramolecular N-insertion onto pendant alkenes. These reactions are designed to access benzoxazepine and benzoxazinone molecular scaffolds. We report our recent observations in the synthesis of these aziridines and resultant nucleophilic attack/ring opening. Reaction optimization, mechanistic insights, and the scope and limitations of our methodology are discussed

    The use of power plant fly ashes for adsorption of phenol from wastewaters.

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    TEZ4773Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2003.Kaynakça (s. 52-56) var.viii, 57 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Bu çalışmada Afşin-Elbistan'dan temin edilen uçucu kül kullanılarak evsel atıksulardaki fenolün adsorbsiyonu, ortam...In this adsorption of phenol from municipal wastewater onto fly...Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: FBE2002YL149

    A study investigating the impact of a brief compassionate mind training on burnout and self-criticism in mental healthcare professionals

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    The first chapter is a systematic review and meta-analysis which aimed to explore the relationship between self-compassion and compassion towards others among healthcare professionals. The review was conducted in line with PRISMA guidelines and a multi-base search identified 11 studies that met the inclusion criteria for the review. Overall, a small positive association was found between self-compassion and compassion towards others. This review offers preliminary support that it may be possible for interventions to target self-compassion to enhance compassionate care among healthcare professionals. Although, due to the cross-sectional nature of the included studies, conclusions regarding a causal relationship is limited. Future research directions are discussed.The second chapter is an empirical paper which aimed to reduce burnout and self-criticism among mental healthcare professionals using Compassionate Mind Training (CMT; Gilbert, 2000) to increase the three flows of compassion (to self, towards others and from others). In total, 205 mental healthcare professionals participated in Part A of the study, exploring baseline associations between the three flows of compassion, burnout and self-criticism. Cross-sectional analyses revealed significant negative associations between self-compassion and compassion from others and burnout, while compassion towards others negatively associated with client-related burnout only. Burnout positively associated with self-criticism, depression, anxiety and stress. Part B of the study consisted of a randomised controlled trial with 68 mental healthcare professionals. Analyses revealed openness to receiving compassion from others significantly increased and personal and work-related burnout significantly decreased post-intervention. These findings have important clinical implications for understanding and reducing burnout and self-criticism among mental healthcare professionals.Keywords: Mental Healthcare Professionals, Burnout, Self-Criticism, Compassionate Mind Training, Flows of Compassion, Self-Compassion, Compassion towards Others, Compassion from Others

    Femicide and the speaking state: Woman killing and woman (Re)making in Turkey

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    © 2020 by the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies High rates of gender-based violence and sexist political rhetoric are central features of contemporary Turkey. This article explores the complex relationship between the two by drawing on the literature that investigates the (re)making of the category of “woman” in the Middle East and the scholarship on femicide/feminicide. The article employs critical discourse analysis of ruling politicians’ gender-normative statements and shows how they reconstruct the category of “proper woman” as one with institutional and social consequences that compromise women’s safety. Using John L. Austin’s theory of performative speech acts, the article develops a theory of the speaking state to explain the effects of political speech. Ultimately it argues that the politics of “woman making” is central to “the politics of woman killing.