3 research outputs found

    Analyse des interactions agressives dans le football Beninois : Aspects spatiaux et temporels

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude procède d'une analyse des interactions agressives dans le football bĂ©ninois dans ses aspects spatiaux et temporels. Elle concerne  12 Ă©quipes Ă©voluant dans le championnat de football de première division nationale lors de 24 rencontres jouĂ©es Ă  domicile et sur terrain adverse.  Sur la base de la classification de Pfister, 2465 interactions agressives ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es dont 59,36% lors des rencontres jouĂ©es Ă  domicile contre  40,64% sur terrain adverse. Aussi bien Ă  domicile qu'Ă  l'extĂ©rieur, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent que c'est la zone mĂ©diane (milieu de terrain) qui enregistre le  plus d'interactions agressives (46,70%) que celle de l'attaque (33,51%) qui est supposĂ©e zone sensible d'interactions agressives. En outre, ces  interactions surviennent pour la majoritĂ© (60,69%) dans la 2ème mi-temps des rencontres, ce qui rejoint les rĂ©sultats des travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s par Pfister,  en ce qui concerne le comportement des footballeurs français de première division en matière d'interactions agressives. Les donnĂ©es enregistrĂ©es  montrent qu'il n'existe pas de diffĂ©rence significative dans les comportements agressifs entre les footballeurs français et bĂ©ninois.   The current study  proceeds from an analysis of aggressive interactions in the Beninese football on its space and temporal aspects. It concerns 12 teams  evolving in the soccer first division championship during 24 games played at home and on the adverse field. On the basis of Pfister's (1985)  classification, 2465 aggressive interaction have been recorded, of which 59.36% during the games played at home versus 40.64% on the adverse  field. The results show that, as well at home as outside, the middle of the field is the area where more aggressive interactions (46.70%) are recorded  than that of the attack (33.55%) which is supposed to be the sensitive area of aggressive interactions. Moreover, the greatest part of those  interactions (60.69%) occurs in the second half-time of matches, which goes back to the results of the researches carried out by Pfister (1986) on  aggressive interactions as far as the behavior of the French football players of the first division is concerned. These relevant data show that it does  not exist any significant difference on the aggressive behaviors between the French and the Beninese football players.&nbsp

    Family and Student Success in Benin: A Comparative Study of Students From Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families in the District of Ketu in Benin

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    This study examines the living conditions of children from single-parent and two-parent families to assess their academic performance and have an idea of the impact of these two family models (single-parent, two-parent) on the academic success of children in the municipality of Ketu. The quantitative and qualitative survey involved 90 people including 60 students from single-parent and two-parent families on the one hand, and 30 parents in a situation of single parent or two-parent families on the other. The results show that the social and economic living conditions of children from single-parent families are precarious and are not conducive to an efficient academic success when we compare such results to those of children from two-parent families. The study further revealed that the absence of one parent in the household, the difficulties related to the payment of school tuition that might lead to temporary or definite exclusion of the child from school ... are some of the obstacles to school success. As a result, the backup and consolidation of marital bonds turn out to be some of the psychosocial and emotional factors that are required to ensure academic success and, in turn, the future and the full development of children in our societies

    Analyse des interactions agressives dans le football Beninois : Aspects spatiaux et temporels

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude procède d'une analyse des interactions agressives dans le football bĂ©ninois dans ses aspects spatiaux et temporels. Elle concerne  12 Ă©quipes Ă©voluant dans le championnat de football de première division nationale lors de 24 rencontres jouĂ©es Ă  domicile et sur terrain adverse.  Sur la base de la classification de Pfister, 2465 interactions agressives ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es dont 59,36% lors des rencontres jouĂ©es Ă  domicile contre  40,64% sur terrain adverse. Aussi bien Ă  domicile qu'Ă  l'extĂ©rieur, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent que c'est la zone mĂ©diane (milieu de terrain) qui enregistre le  plus d'interactions agressives (46,70%) que celle de l'attaque (33,51%) qui est supposĂ©e zone sensible d'interactions agressives. En outre, ces  interactions surviennent pour la majoritĂ© (60,69%) dans la 2ème mi-temps des rencontres, ce qui rejoint les rĂ©sultats des travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s par Pfister,  en ce qui concerne le comportement des footballeurs français de première division en matière d'interactions agressives. Les donnĂ©es enregistrĂ©es  montrent qu'il n'existe pas de diffĂ©rence significative dans les comportements agressifs entre les footballeurs français et bĂ©ninois. The current study proceeds from an analysis of aggressive interactions in the Beninese football on its space and temporal aspects. It concerns 12  teams evolving in the soccer first division championship during 24 games played at home and on the adverse field. On the basis of Pfister's (1985)  classification, 2465 aggressive interaction have been recorded, of which 59.36% during the games played at home versus 40.64% on the adverse  field. The results show that, as well at home as outside, the middle of the field is the area where more aggressive interactions (46.70%) are recorded  than that of the attack (33.55%) which is supposed to be the sensitive area of aggressive interactions. Moreover, the greatest part of those  interactions (60.69%) occurs in the second half-time of matches, which goes back to the results of the researches carried out by Pfister (1986) on  aggressive interactions as far as the behavior of the French football players of the first division is concerned. These relevant data show that it does  not exist any significant difference on the aggressive behaviors between the French and the Beninese football players.&nbsp