106 research outputs found

    Impact of synthetic space-borne NO2 observations from the Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5P missions on tropospheric NO2 analyses

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    We present an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) dedicated to the evaluation of the added value of the Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5P missions for tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Sentinel-4 is a geostationary (GEO) mission covering the European continent, providing observations with high temporal resolution (hourly). Sentinel-5P is a low Earth orbit (LEO) mission providing daily observations with a global coverage. The OSSE experiment has been carefully designed, with separate models for the simulation of observations and for the assimilation experiments and with conservative estimates of the total observation uncertainties. In the experiment we simulate Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 columns and surface ozone concentrations at 7 by 7 km resolution over Europe for two 3-month summer and winter periods. The synthetic observations are based on a nature run (NR) from a chemistry transport model (MOCAGE) and error estimates using instrument characteristics. We assimilate the simulated observations into a chemistry transport model (LOTOS-EUROS) independent of the NR to evaluate their impact on modelled NO2 tropospheric columns and surface concentrations. The results are compared to an operational system where only ground-based ozone observations are ingested. Both instruments have an added value to analysed NO2 columns and surface values, reflected in decreased biases and improved correlations. The Sentinel-4 NO2 observations with hourly temporal resolution benefit modelled NO2 analyses throughout the entire day where the daily Sentinel-5P NO2 observations have a slightly lower impact that lasts up to 3–6 h after overpass. The evaluated benefits may be even higher in reality as the applied error estimates were shown to be higher than actual errors in the now operational Sentinel-5P NO2 products. We show that an accurate representation of the NO2 profile is crucial for the benefit of the column observations on surface values. The results support the need for having a combination of GEO and LEO missions for NO2 analyses in view of the complementary benefits of hourly temporal resolution (GEO, Sentinel-4) and global coverage (LEO, Sentinel-5P)

    A new chemistry-climate tropospheric and stratospheric model MOCAGE-Climat: evaluation of the present-day climatology and sensitivity to surface processes

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    International audienceWe present the chemistry-climate configuration of the MĂ©tĂ©o-France Chemistry and Transport Model, MOCAGE-Climat. MOCAGE-Climat is a state-of-the-art model that simulates the global distribution of ozone and its precursors (82 chemical species) both in the troposphere and the stratosphere, up to the mid-mesosphere (~70 km). Surface processes (emissions, dry deposition), convection, and scavenging are explicitly described in the model that has been driven by the ECMWF operational analyses of the period 2000–2005, on T21 and T42 horizontal grids and 60 hybrid vertical levels, with and without a procedure that reduces calculations in the boundary layer, and with on-line or climatological deposition velocities. Model outputs have been compared to available observations, both from satellites (TOMS, HALOE, SMR, SCIAMACHY, MOPITT) and in-situ instrument measurements (ozone sondes, MOZAIC and aircraft campaigns) at climatological timescales. The distribution of long-lived species is in fair agreement with observations in the stratosphere putting apart shortcomings linked to the large-scale circulation. The variability of the ozone column, both spatially and temporarily, is satisfactory. However, the too fast Brewer-Dobson circulation accumulates too much ozone in the lower to mid-stratosphere at the end of winter. Ozone in the UTLS region does not show any systematic bias. In the troposphere better agreement with ozone sonde measurements is obtained at mid and high latitudes than in the tropics and differences with observations are the lowest in summer. Simulations using a simplified boundary layer lead to ozone differences between the model and the observations up to the mid-troposphere. NOx in the lowest troposphere is in general overestimated, especially in the winter months over the northern hemisphere, which might result from a positive bias in OH. Dry deposition fluxes of O3 and nitrogen species are within the range of values reported by recent inter-comparison model exercises. The use of climatological deposition velocities versus deposition velocities calculated on-line had greatest impact on HNO3 and NO2 in the troposphere

    Conditional Wavelet Technique Applied to Aircraft Data Measured in the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer During Sea-Breeze Events

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    We describe a wavelet-based technique to determine the spectral turbulentcontribution to the vertical flux of sensible heat in a position-wavelength representation. This technique combines awavelet transform (Morlet wavelet) with conditional sampling. We apply this methodto aircraft datacollected during a sea-breeze circulation (BEMA97 experiment) with heterogeneousturbulence conditions horizontally and vertically as well. The turbulent fluxes are analysed with the conditional wavelet techniqueas a function of the wavelength and the horizontal distance.The turbulent processes within the thermal internal boundary layer associatedwith the sea breeze are clearly identified. The results exhibit the wavelength bands through which the upward flux (originating fromthe surface) and the downward flux (originating from the top of theboundary layer) are important

    Turbulent transport at the thermal internal boundary-layer top: wavelet analysis of aircraft measurements

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    Aircraft measurements of turbulent fluxes ofscalars collected during the BEMA campaignat the Mediterranean Spanish coast havebeen analysed using wavelet techniques. The analysis aimsat characterising the boundary-layerstructure present during a period ofthe campaign with particular attention to therole of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL) in regulatingthe exchange processes with the overlyingfree atmosphere. The analysis of the dataobtained by flying through the turbulentlayer reveals the presence of characteristicstructures as the aircraft crossesthe TIBL top. These occur in a specific space and scale range. Comparisons of the result of the analysisobtained for different types of scalarsgive evidence that the region correspondingto the detected scales can be identifiedwith the entrainment zone of the TIBL

    Quantitative assessment of the potential of optimal estimation for aerosol retrieval from geostationary weather satellites in the frame of the iAERUS‐GEO algorithm

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    International audienceAbstract Satellite remote sensing enables the study of atmospheric aerosols at large spatial scales, with geostationary platforms making this possible at sub‐daily frequencies. High‐temporal‐resolution aerosol observations can be made from geostationary data by using robust numerical inversion methods such as the widely‐used optimal estimation (OE) theory. This is the case of the instantaneous Aerosol and surfacE Retrieval Using Satellites in GEOstationary orbit (iAERUS‐GEO) algorithm, which successfully retrieves aerosol optical depth (AOD) maps from the Meteosat Second Generation weather satellite based on a simple implementation of the OE approach combined with the Levenberg–Marquardt method. However, the exact gain in inversion performances that can be obtained from the multiple and more advanced possibilities offered by OE is not well documented in the current literature. Against this background, this article presents the quantitative assessment of OE for the future improvement of the iAERUS‐GEO algorithm. To this end, we use a series of comprehensive experiments based on AOD maps retrieved by iAERUS‐GEO using different OE implementations, and ground‐based observations used as reference data. First, we assess the varying importance in the inversion process of satellite observations and a priori information according to the content of satellite aerosol information. Second, we quantify the gain of AOD estimation in log space versus linear space in terms of accuracy, AOD distribution and number of successful retrievals. Finally, we evaluate the accuracy improvement of simultaneous AOD and surface reflectance retrieval as a function of the regions covered by the Meteosat Earth's disk

    The impact of observing characteristics on the ability to predict ozone under varying polluted photochemical regimes

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    We conduct analyses to assess how characteristics of observations of ozone and its precursors affect air quality forecasting and research. To carry out this investigation, we use a photochemical box model and its adjoint integrated with a Lagrangian 4D-variational data assimilation system. Using this framework in conjunction with pseudo-observations, we perform an ozone precursor source inversion and estimate surface emissions. We then assess the resulting improvement in ozone air quality prediction. We use an analytical model to conduct uncertainty analyses. Using this analytical tool, we address some key questions regarding how the characteristics of observations affect ozone precursor emission inversion and in turn ozone prediction. These questions include what the effect is of choosing which species to observe, of varying amounts of observation noise, of changing the observing frequency and the observation time during the diurnal cycle, and of how these different scenarios interact with different photochemical regimes. In our investigation we use three observed species scenarios: CO and NO2; ozone, CO, and NO2; and HCHO, CO and NO2. The photochemical model was set up to simulate a range of summertime polluted environments spanning NOx-(NO and NO2)-limited to volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited conditions. We find that as the photochemical regime changes, here is a variation in the relative importance of trace gas observations to be able to constrain emission estimates and to improve the subsequent ozone forecasts. For example, adding ozone observations to an NO2 and CO observing system is found to decrease ozone prediction error under NOx- and VOC-limited regimes, and complementing the NO2 and CO system with HCHO observations would improve ozone prediction in the transitional regime and under VOC-limited conditions. We found that scenarios observing ozone and HCHO with a relative observing noise of lower than 33 % were able to achieve ozone prediction errors of lower than 5 ppbv (parts per billion by volume). Further, only observing intervals of 3 h or shorter were able to consistently achieve ozone prediction errors of 5 ppbv or lower across all photochemical regimes. Making observations closer to the prediction period and either in the morning or afternoon rush hour periods made greater improvements for ozone prediction: 0.2–0.3 ppbv for the morning rush hour and from 0.3 to 0.8 ppbv for the afternoon compared to only 0–0.1 ppbv for other times of the day. Finally, we made two complementary analyses that show that our conclusions are insensitive to the assumed diurnal emission cycle and to the choice of which VOC species emission to estimate using our framework. These questions will address how different types of observing platform, e.g. geostationary satellites or ground monitoring networks, could support future air quality research and forecasting

    Turbulence on the lee side of a mountain range: Aircraft observations during PYREX

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    This study presents an analysis of turbulence data from aircraft measurements made during the PYREX experiment. The data were gathered in a central region of the PyrĂ©nĂ©es, a mountain-range with a more or less west-east orientation which constitutes a major barrier for northerly and southerly flows. The data used come principally from a Merlin IV aircraft which performed about 100 straight-and-level 20 km runs perpendicular or parallel to the main mountain-range axis. The basic turbulence moments are presented. The data from mountain flows with similar upstream conditions were gathered together in order to construct composite two-dimensional turbulence fields in the vertical plane perpendicular to the axis of the range. These fields clearly show the location of the turbulence areas on the lee side of the mountain range. The turbulent kinetic energy field shows that turbulence is principally produced by a wake effect. On the lee side the profiles of the various turbulence parameters indicate a maximum at an altitude close to the average height of the mountain in a region having both a strong wind shear and a weak lapse rate. Finally, we show that the turbulence observed in this study obeys the universal law σ-3ωϔλ≈ constant, where s̀w is the standard deviation of the vertical velocity, λ the spectral length-scale and Ï” the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. The average value of 2.3 found for this constant is comparable to the values found by other authors under various conditions of turbulence, in particular homogeneous turbulence
