86 research outputs found

    Linguistische kontrastive Studien Deutsch-Thailändisch: Eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    This article is a survey and synthesis of German-Thai linguistic contrastive studies conducted between 1978 and 2008. Its objective is to give an overview of linguistic contrastive studies on these two languages. The first part is the analysis and synthesis of all these Thai-German linguistic contrastive studies in terms of quantity, characteristics and researched topics as well as the methodology used. In the second part, all relevant factors leading to this resulted overall picture are discussed and suggestions for further development in this field of study are made

    Ausspracheabweichungen im Hochdeutsch thailändischer Immigrantinnen in der Deutschschweiz

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    The situations of Thais not being understood by German native speakers even though they use correct words have always been experienced. However, the pronunciation difficulties of Thai native speakers are mostly just taken for granted as typical errors, but not systematically listed and discussed. As found out in the corpus consisting of utterances in Standard German of 16 female immigrants living in German-speaking Switzerland, their pronunciation variations which differ from the norm of the target language are very systematic and predictable because they are based on Thai sound patterns. This article aims to present a contrastive analysis of German and Thai in terms of segmental elements and syllable structure and to give an overview of systematic nontarget-like pronuncation of German second language learners who are native speakers of Thai. The findings should be made useful in teaching German as second language to this group of learners

    Der Gebrauch des Perfekts – Ein Erklärungsmodell aus thailändischer Perspektive

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    In grammar and textbooks of German as a foreign language the German perfect tense (Perfekt) is mostly presented as an alternative to the preterite tense (Präteritum). However, the German perfect tense itself deserves greater attention due to its wide range of usages. This tense can mark events with reference points located either before, simultaneous with and even after the speech time. For Thai learners of German it has been established that difficulties in learning how to use the German perfect tense are not primarily concerned with problems of choosing between the perfect and the preterite but rather between the perfect tense and the present tense. This paper focuses on the aspect of "completeness", comparable to the perfective aspect, leading to different effects in the usage of the German perfect. Since German is mostly learned as a second foreign language after English, a contrastive analysis of similarities and differences between the perfect tenses in English and German have to be included in the analysis. In the conclusion, a possible description of the German perfect tense for learners of German as a foreign language is suggested

    Der Erwerb der Verbflexion durch thailändische Immigrantinnen in der Schweiz. Eine Bestandaufnahme.

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    This article focuses on the acquisition of German verb inflection by native speakers of Thai, an isolated language which has no concept of inflection at all. The acquisition process of German verb morphology is analyzed based on all the verb inflectional affixes found in the corpus consisting of spontaneous utterances in Standard German produced by16 female immigrants living in German-speaking Switzerland. It aims to find out a systematic acquisition order of verb inflectional morphemes and the explanation to this sequence, especially to answer the following four questions: 1) What is the acquisition order of verb inflectional morphemes found in this group of informants 2) Are there any differences between the acquisition of finite and that of non-finite verbs? 3) Are there any differences in the verb morphology acquisition of different types of verbs? 4) Does the acquisition of verb inflection by these informants share more similiarities with the instructed or with the natural acquisition of German as a second language

    Status of Renewable Energy in Europe, U.S., and Japan

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    As a countermeasure to reduce CO2 emission and secure energy supply, usage of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy is supported by government bodies around the world. Although, renewable energy contributes to CO2 reduction and energy security, there are concerns about the potential negative impacts on power system operation because of the existing electric power system is not ready for a significant deployment of renewable energy sources, particularly wind and photovoltaic power generation which their outputs are varied with the weather condition. In this paper, the author summarizes current status and projection of wind and photovoltaic power generation in Europe, U.S. and Japan. Possible impacts of large penetration of these intermittent energy sources on power system operation are also addressed

    Deutsch (als Fremdsprache) als universitäres Fach in Thailand: Ein Einblick in die Lehre und Forschung

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    Thailand: Deutsch (als Fremdsprache) als universitäres Fach in Thailand: Ein Einblick in die Lehre und Forschung

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    Deutsch wird in Thailand seit einem Jahrhundert als Fremdsprache gelehrt, da der erste Deutschunterricht in Thailand 1920 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Chulalongkorn- Universität stattfand. Über die Entwicklung des Faches bis 2007, sowohl auf der Schul- als auch auf der Hochschulebene, gibt die Studie von Saengaramruang (2007) den umfassendsten Überblick. Dabei lassen sich relevante Aspekte der Forschung und Praxis finden, wie z.B. Lehrmethoden, Curricula, und Studien zur Verbesserung des Deutschlernens in Thailand. Den aktuellsten Stand zur universitären Ebene findet man bei Watanagura (2019). Diese Daten werden durch eine umfassende explorative Studie von Fricke und Wuttikraikrieng (2017), die wichtige Akteure wie Dozierende und Studierende miteinbezogen, ergänzt. Die erwähnten Studien ergeben größtenteils ein ähnliches Bild der DaF-Lehre in Thailand, das im Folgenden darzustellen ist, bevor auf den Aspekt Forschung eingegangen wird
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