91 research outputs found

    Association of selected inflammatory markers and risk factors with pain in patients undergoing cervical or lumbar disc herniation

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    Introduction Studies have suggested that radicular pain following disc herniation may be associated with local or systemic inflammatory responses produced in the vicinity of the herniated disc rather than compression of the nerve. Present study assessed the association of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and related risk factors in patients undergoing discectomy following cervical disc herniation (CDH) or lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Methods Study recruited 77 patients undergoing discectomy for LDH and CDH. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used to obtain sociodemographic, behavioral and occupational data. IL-6 and hs-CRP levels were measured in each individual. IL-6 was analyzed by ELISA method and hs-CRP was determined using auto analyzer. Results were analyzed by using SPSS version 25.0.   Results Significant correlation was not found with serum IL-6 and hs-CRP levels (r=0.02, p˃0.05) for acute and chronic CDH and LDH. Patients with chronic neck or back pain showed significantly (p=0.043) higher IL-6 level compared to patients with acute neck or back pain. Serum hs-CRP level was significantly higher (p=0.048) in patients with acute neck or back pain compared to patients with chronic neck or back pain. Significant association was not observed between; level of physically demanding nature of occupation (p=0.542), duration of occupation (p=0.446), type of exercise (p=0.371), type of sports (p=0.339) and CDH or LDH. Conclusion Though significant correlation was not observed between inflammatory markers IL-6, hs-CRP and CDH or LDH. The mean IL-6 was higher in chronic back pain and neck pain patients with LDH and CDH whereas mean hs-CRP mean was higher in acute back pain and neck pain patients. Significant association was not reported between selected known risk factors (behavioral, occupational) and CDH or LDH

    Integrated approach for coastal hazards and risks in Sri Lanka

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    The devastating impact of the tsunami of 26 December 2004 on the shores of the Indian Ocean recalled the importance of knowledge and the taking into account of coastal hazards. Sri Lanka was one of the countries most affected by this tsunami (e.g. 30 000 dead, 1 million people homeless and 70% of the fishing fleet destroyed). Following this tsunami, as part of the French post-tsunami aid, a project to establish a Geographical Information System (GIS) on coastal hazards and risks was funded. This project aims to define, at a pilot site, a methodology for multiple coastal hazards assessment that might be useful for the post-tsunami reconstruction and for development planning. This methodology could be applied to the whole coastline of Sri Lanka. <br><br> The multi-hazard approach deals with very different coastal processes in terms of dynamics as well as in terms of return period. The first elements of this study are presented here. We used a set of tools integrating a GIS, numerical simulations and risk scenario modelling. While this action occurred in response to the crisis caused by the tsunami, it was decided to integrate other coastal hazards into the study. Although less dramatic than the tsunami these remain responsible for loss of life and damage. Furthermore, the establishment of such a system could not ignore the longer-term effects of climate change on coastal hazards in Sri Lanka. <br><br> This GIS integrates the physical and demographic data available in Sri Lanka that is useful for assessing the coastal hazards and risks. In addition, these data have been used in numerical modelling of the waves generated during periods of monsoon as well as for the December 2004 tsunami. Risk scenarios have also been assessed for test areas and validated by field data acquired during the project. The results obtained from the models can be further integrated into the GIS and contribute to its enrichment and to help in better assessment and mitigation of these risks. <br><br> The coastal-hazards-and-risks GIS coupled with modelling thus appears to be a very useful tool that can constitute the skeleton of a coastal zone management system. Decision makers will be able to make informed choices with regards to hazards during reconstruction and urban planning projects

    Observation of Ground-State Two-Neutron Decay

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    Neutron decay spectroscopy has become a successful tool to explore nuclear properties of nuclei with the largest neutron-to-proton ratios. Resonances in nuclei located beyond the neutron dripline are accessible by kinematic reconstruction of the decay products. The development of two-neutron detection capabilities of the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA) at NSCL has opened up the possibility to search for unbound nuclei which decay by the emission of two neutrons. Specifically this exotic decay mode was observed in 16Be and 26O.Comment: To be published in Acta Physica Polonica

    Exploring the neutron dripline two neutrons at a time: The first observations of the 26O and 16Be ground state resonances

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    The two-neutron unbound ground state resonances of 26^{26}O and 16^{16}Be were populated using one-proton knockout reactions from 27^{27}F and 17^{17}B beams. A coincidence measurement of 3-body system (fragment + n + n) allowed for the decay energy of the unbound nuclei to be reconstructed. A low energy resonance, << 200 keV, was observed for the first time in the 24^{24}O + n + n system and assigned to the ground state of 26^{26}O. The 16^{16}Be ground state resonance was observed at 1.35 MeV. The 3-body correlations of the 14^{14}Be + n + n system were compared to simulations of a phase-space, sequential, and dineutron decay. The strong correlations in the n-n system from the experimental data could only be reproduced by the dineutron decay simulation providing the first evidence for a dineutron-like decay.Comment: Invited Talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    War and Bereavement: Consequences for Mental and Physical Distress

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    Background: Little is known about the long-term impact of the killing of a parent in childhood or adolescence during war on distress and disability in young adulthood. This study assessed current prevalence rates of mental disorders and levels of dysfunction among young adults who had lost their father due to war-related violence in childhood or adolescence. Methods: 179 bereaved young adults and 175 non-bereaved young adults were interviewed a decade after experiencing the war in Kosovo. Prevalence rates of Major Depressive Episode (MDE), anxiety, and substance use disorders, and current suicide risk were assessed using the Mini–International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The syndrome of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) was assessed with the Prolonged Grief Disorder Interview (PG-13). Somatic symptoms were measured with the Patient Health Questionnaire. General health distress was assessed with the General Health Questionnaire. Findings: Bereaved participants were significantly more likely to suffer from either MDE or any anxiety disorder than nonbereaved participants (58.7 % vs. 40%). Among bereaved participants, 39.7 % met criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 34.6 % for PGD, and 22.3 % for MDE. Bereaved participants with PGD were more likely to suffer from MDE, any anxiety disorder, or current suicide risk than bereaved participants without PGD. Furthermore, these participants reported significantly greater physical distress than bereaved participants without PGD. Conclusion: War-related loss during middle childhood and adolescence presents significant risk for adverse mental healt

    Seasonal and geographic differences in treatment-seeking and household cost of febrile illness among children in Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Households in malaria endemic countries experience considerable costs in accessing formal health facilities because of childhood malaria. The Ministry of Health in Malawi has defined certain villages as hard-to-reach on the basis of either their distance from health facilities or inaccessibility. Some of these villages have been assigned a community health worker, responsible for referring febrile children to a health facility. Health facility utilization and household costs of attending a health facility were compared between individuals living near the district hospital and those in hard-to-reach villages. METHODS: Two cross-sectional household surveys were conducted in the Chikhwawa district of Malawi; one during each of the wet and dry seasons. Half the participating villages were located near the hospital, the others were in areas defined as hard-to-reach. Data were collected on attendance to formal health facilities and economic costs incurred due to recent childhood febrile illness. RESULTS: Those living in hard-to-reach villages were less likely to attend a formal health facility compared to those living near the hospital (Dry season: OR 0.35, 95%CI0.18-0.67; Wet season: OR 0.46, 95%CI0.27-0.80). Analyses including community health workers (CHW) as a source of formal health-care decreased the strength of this relationship, and suggested that consulting a CHW may reduce attendance at health facilities, even if indicated. Although those in hard-to-reach villages were still less likely to attend in both the dry (OR 0.53, 95%CI 0.25-1.11) and wet (OR 0.60, 95%CI 0.37-0.98) seasons. Household costs for those who attended a health facility were greater for those in HTR villages (Dry: USD5.24; Wet: USD5.60) than for those living near the district hospital (Dry: USD3.45; Wet: USD4.46). CONCLUSION: Those living in hard-to-reach areas were less likely to attend a health facility for a childhood febrile event and experienced greater associated household costs. Consulting CHWs was infrequent, but appeared to reduce attendance at a health facility, even when indicated. Health service planners must consider geographic and financial barriers to accessing public health facilities in designing appropriate interventions

    Malaria eradication: the economic, financial and institutional challenge

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    Malaria eradication raises many economic, financial and institutional challenges. This paper reviews these challenges, drawing on evidence from previous efforts to eradicate malaria, with a special focus on resource-poor settings; summarizes more recent evidence on the challenges, drawing on the literature on the difficulties of scaling-up malaria control and strengthening health systems more broadly; and explores the implications of these bodies of evidence for the current call for elimination and intensified control

    A genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of the lentil MLO genes

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    Revista electrónica on linePowdery mildew is a widespread fungal plant disease that can cause significant losses in many crops. Some MLO genes (Mildew resistance locus O) have proved to confer a durable resistance to powdery mildew in several species. Resistance granted by the MLO gene family members has prompted an increasing interest in characterizing these genes and implementing their use in plant breeding. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is a widely grown food legume almost exclusively consumed as dry seed with an average world production of 4.5 million tons. Powdery mildew causes severe losses on certain lentil cultivars under particular environmental conditions. Data mining of the lentil CDC Redberry draft genome allowed to identify up to 15 gene sequences with homology to known MLO genes, designated as LcMLOs. Further characterization of these gene sequences and their deduced protein sequences demonstrated conformity with key MLO protein characteristics such as the presence of transmembrane and calmodulin binding domains, as well as that of other conserved motifs. Phylogenetic and other comparative analyses revealed that LcMLO1 and LcMLO3 are the most likely gene orthologs related to powdery mildew response in other species, sharing a high similarity with other known resistance genes of dicot species, such as pea PsMLO1 and Medicago truncatula MtMLO1 and MtMLO3. Sets of primers were designed as tools to PCR amplify the genomic sequences of LcMLO1 and LcMLO3, also to screen lentil germplasm in search of resistance mutants. Primers were used to obtain the complete sequences of these two genes in all of the six wild lentil relatives. Respective to each gene, all Lens sequences shared a high similarity. Likewise, we used these primers to screen a working collection of 58 cultivated and 23 wild lentil accessions in search of length polymorphisms present in these two genes. All these data widen the insights on this gene family and can be useful for breeding programs in lentil and close related species.S
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