26 research outputs found


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    Purpose:The main objective of the present study is to shed light on the different dimensions and international experiences of the multi-airport system including the Egyptian experience in this regard. Methodology:The methodology of the study depends on the researcher's own critical review based on his scientific background on the phenomenon of multi-airport systems through survey in secondary and primary data. Findings:Finally, the study presented a new comprehensive concept of the multi-airport system. The importance and originality of the current research is to ameliorate the concept of multiple-airport system in light of displaying some of international experiences. Implications:The transition from single-airport to multi-airport systems is going to be a basic tool by which air transportation systems will be able to meet future demand. There are many experiences related to the failure and success of managing the multi-airport systems worldwide


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    Purpose of study: Educational tourism is one of the best ways to help students and adults to gain a good perspective around the world. In Egypt, there are some challenges facing international students to study in Egypt as well as the absence of academic or formal studies to assess the role of educational tourism in Egypt so far. This research aims to evaluate educational tourism in Egypt. Methodology: through a critical study of the researcher based on work experience and responsibility for international students, as well as in light of international experiences of educational tourism. Main findings:  Among the important results highlighted by the study are that the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt has a new vision for educational tourism through which it seeks to attract more international students to study in Egypt and the medical sector has acquired a large proportion of international students. Limitations: There is no current specific information gained by higher education experts or responsibility, so the researcher depends on his own review of available limited published information and his own work responsibility. Originality of study and implications: The study provides some recommendations, including increasing the proportion of joint academic programs with international universities, and granting incentives and benefits to tourism companies that provide educational tourism services and facilities

    Gymnasielagen - en förlÀngd tid av ovisshet och osÀkerhet : Socialarbetares upplevelser och arbete kring ensamkommande ungdomars psykiska ohÀlsa

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    This is a qualitative study whose purpose is to investigate social workers experiences and work with unaccompanied adolescents mental health, which is covered by the law SFS 2018:756. The law is based on the fact that unaccompanied adolescents will have the opportunity to study at the high school level. The unaccompanied young people receive a temporary residence permit of 13 months, where certain requirements must be met in order to obtain a permanent residence. Semi-structured interviews was conducted by eight social workers from two municipalities, who works or has worked with the target group.The theories stigma and social constructivism have been used to analyze the study's results. One of the main results shows that the target group is at greater risk of suffering from mental illness according to the interviewees. The respondents believe that this is in the light of the stress, pressure, uncertainty and responsibilities the adolescents take. According to the law, the unaccompanied young people must take responsibility for finding their own housing and managing their finances on their own, unlike other unaccompanied adolescents in Swedish society. The interviewees also believe that the unaccompanied adolescents have different conditions for meeting the requirements of the law. The study also showed that the working methods, conversation and guidance are central to the social workers in this study when working with the target group

    Operational management with circular economy : A qualitative interview study about what, how and why

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    Bakgrund: CirkulÀr ekonomi Àr ett Àmne som fÄtt allt större uppmÀrksamhet bland företagoch organisationer i syfte att öka hÄllbarhet och motverka resursbrist. Den cirkulÀra ekonominhar ingen definition som Àr allmÀnt accepterad trots att det anvÀnds i stor utstrÀckning runtomkring vÀrlden. Det finns dock nÄgot gemensamt mellan de olika definitionerna vilket Àr attden cirkulÀra ekonomin flödar som ett omlopp dÀr produkterna och resurserna inte tapparvÀrde och kasseras lika snabbt. Konceptet kan ses som en förbÀttrad hanteringen av avfalletoch en affÀrsmodell som erbjuder en hÄllbar ekonomi. Tidigare studier visar pÄ mÄnga olikadefinitioner av begreppet. PÄ företagsnivÄ Àr det dÀrmed ocksÄ fortfarande oklart vad somanses vara cirkulÀr ekonomi. Verksamheter som arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi behöveranpassa sin ekonomistyrning enligt tidigare studier. Hur cirkulÀra företag styr sinaverksamheter Àr ett Àmne som fortfarande inte undersökts. Tidigare studier hÀvdar att manjobbar med cirkulÀr ekonomi dÄ det generera ekonomiska fördelar medan andra menar att dethandlar om legitimitet. En del pÄstÄr att det Àr mer kostsamt med cirkulÀr ekonomi i företag.Det Àr alltsÄ fortfarande inte helt klart varför företag arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att fÄ en förstÄelse om vad cirkulÀr ekonomi innebÀr enligtföretag, hur arbetar och styr i cirkulÀra företag och varför de arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts i 14 olika verksamheter som arbetar medcirkulÀr ekonomi. Slutsatser: Synen pÄ cirkulÀr ekonomi Àr alltsÄ varierande i olika företag men man kan ÀndÄse likheter hur företag arbetar med cirkulÀra ekonomi. Verksamhetens fokusomrÄden ivÀrdekedjan kan vara olika beroende pÄ bransch, storlek, produkt och materialerbjudande.CirkulÀra företag arbetar med en kombination av flera olika strategier för att kunna uprÀtta ettcirkulÀrt flöde pÄ sina produkter. Uppsatsen kom Àven fram till att cirkulÀra företag har enformell styrning som kan relateras till Malmi och Browns (2008) styrpaket. Man kan dock seatt cirkulÀra företag styrning baseras pÄ cirkulÀra ekonomi. Det innebÀr alltsÄ att cirkulÀrekonomi inkluderas i den vision, strategi och mÄlsÀttningar man har i företaget. Styrningeninom cirkulÀra verksamheter behöver Àven ta hÀnsyn till tidsperspektivet. Att styra i cirkulÀraföretag krÀver att man har ett lÄngsiktigt tÀnk. I de flesta företagen Àr stora anledningen tillarbete med cirkulÀr ekonomi lönsamheten. Man kan dock se att Àven andra faktorer kan varaviktiga som lagar och miljökrav. Ytterligare anledning för cirkulÀr ekonomi Àr pÄtryckningarfrÄn olika intressenter och företags personliga intresset för miljö.Background: Circular economy is a topic that has received increasing attention amongcompanies and organizations in order to increase sustainability and counteract lack ofresources. The circular economy has no definition that is widely accepted even though it iswidely used around the world. However, there is something in common between the differentdefinitions, which is that the circular economy flows like a cycle where the products andresources do not lose value and are discarded just as quickly. The concept can be seen as animproved waste management and a business model that offers a sustainable economy.Previous studies show many different definitions of the term. At company level, it is thus stillunclear what is considered circular economy. Businesses that work with circular economyneed to adapt their financial management according to previous studies. How circularcompanies manage their operations is a topic that has not yet been investigated. Previousstudies claim that you work with circular economy as it generates economic benefits whileothers believe that it is about legitimacy. Some argue that it is more costly with circulareconomy in companies. It is therefore still not entirely clear why companies work withcircular economy.Porpuse: The purpose of the thesis is to gain an understanding of what circular economymeans according to companies, how circular companies manage and why they work withcircular economy. Method: A qualitative interview study has been conducted in 14 different companies thatwork with circular economy. Conclusion: The view of circular economy is thus different in different companies, but youcan still see similarities in how companies work with circular economy. The business's focusareas in the value chain can be different depending on the industry, size, product, and materialoffering. Circular businesses combine different strategies in order to work with circularity.Circular companies have a financial management that can be related to Malmi and Brown's(2008) manage and control package. However circular businesses management is based oncircular economy. All parts of the package such as vision, strategy, and goals have to beadapted to circular economy. The management within circular companies also needs to consider the time perspective. Managing in circular companies requires that you have a long-term mindset. In most companies, the big reason for working with the circular economy is profitability. However, it can be seen that other factors can also be important, such as lawsand environmental requirements. Another reason for circular economy is pressure fromvarious stakeholders and companies' personal interest in the environment. Keywords: Circular economy, Cradle to Cradle, the 3R principle, financial management,control packages, formal financial management, the stakeholder model, legitimacy,contingency theory

    Operational management with circular economy : A qualitative interview study about what, how and why

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    Bakgrund: CirkulÀr ekonomi Àr ett Àmne som fÄtt allt större uppmÀrksamhet bland företagoch organisationer i syfte att öka hÄllbarhet och motverka resursbrist. Den cirkulÀra ekonominhar ingen definition som Àr allmÀnt accepterad trots att det anvÀnds i stor utstrÀckning runtomkring vÀrlden. Det finns dock nÄgot gemensamt mellan de olika definitionerna vilket Àr attden cirkulÀra ekonomin flödar som ett omlopp dÀr produkterna och resurserna inte tapparvÀrde och kasseras lika snabbt. Konceptet kan ses som en förbÀttrad hanteringen av avfalletoch en affÀrsmodell som erbjuder en hÄllbar ekonomi. Tidigare studier visar pÄ mÄnga olikadefinitioner av begreppet. PÄ företagsnivÄ Àr det dÀrmed ocksÄ fortfarande oklart vad somanses vara cirkulÀr ekonomi. Verksamheter som arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi behöveranpassa sin ekonomistyrning enligt tidigare studier. Hur cirkulÀra företag styr sinaverksamheter Àr ett Àmne som fortfarande inte undersökts. Tidigare studier hÀvdar att manjobbar med cirkulÀr ekonomi dÄ det generera ekonomiska fördelar medan andra menar att dethandlar om legitimitet. En del pÄstÄr att det Àr mer kostsamt med cirkulÀr ekonomi i företag.Det Àr alltsÄ fortfarande inte helt klart varför företag arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att fÄ en förstÄelse om vad cirkulÀr ekonomi innebÀr enligtföretag, hur arbetar och styr i cirkulÀra företag och varför de arbetar med cirkulÀr ekonomi. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie har genomförts i 14 olika verksamheter som arbetar medcirkulÀr ekonomi. Slutsatser: Synen pÄ cirkulÀr ekonomi Àr alltsÄ varierande i olika företag men man kan ÀndÄse likheter hur företag arbetar med cirkulÀra ekonomi. Verksamhetens fokusomrÄden ivÀrdekedjan kan vara olika beroende pÄ bransch, storlek, produkt och materialerbjudande.CirkulÀra företag arbetar med en kombination av flera olika strategier för att kunna uprÀtta ettcirkulÀrt flöde pÄ sina produkter. Uppsatsen kom Àven fram till att cirkulÀra företag har enformell styrning som kan relateras till Malmi och Browns (2008) styrpaket. Man kan dock seatt cirkulÀra företag styrning baseras pÄ cirkulÀra ekonomi. Det innebÀr alltsÄ att cirkulÀrekonomi inkluderas i den vision, strategi och mÄlsÀttningar man har i företaget. Styrningeninom cirkulÀra verksamheter behöver Àven ta hÀnsyn till tidsperspektivet. Att styra i cirkulÀraföretag krÀver att man har ett lÄngsiktigt tÀnk. I de flesta företagen Àr stora anledningen tillarbete med cirkulÀr ekonomi lönsamheten. Man kan dock se att Àven andra faktorer kan varaviktiga som lagar och miljökrav. Ytterligare anledning för cirkulÀr ekonomi Àr pÄtryckningarfrÄn olika intressenter och företags personliga intresset för miljö.Background: Circular economy is a topic that has received increasing attention amongcompanies and organizations in order to increase sustainability and counteract lack ofresources. The circular economy has no definition that is widely accepted even though it iswidely used around the world. However, there is something in common between the differentdefinitions, which is that the circular economy flows like a cycle where the products andresources do not lose value and are discarded just as quickly. The concept can be seen as animproved waste management and a business model that offers a sustainable economy.Previous studies show many different definitions of the term. At company level, it is thus stillunclear what is considered circular economy. Businesses that work with circular economyneed to adapt their financial management according to previous studies. How circularcompanies manage their operations is a topic that has not yet been investigated. Previousstudies claim that you work with circular economy as it generates economic benefits whileothers believe that it is about legitimacy. Some argue that it is more costly with circulareconomy in companies. It is therefore still not entirely clear why companies work withcircular economy.Porpuse: The purpose of the thesis is to gain an understanding of what circular economymeans according to companies, how circular companies manage and why they work withcircular economy. Method: A qualitative interview study has been conducted in 14 different companies thatwork with circular economy. Conclusion: The view of circular economy is thus different in different companies, but youcan still see similarities in how companies work with circular economy. The business's focusareas in the value chain can be different depending on the industry, size, product, and materialoffering. Circular businesses combine different strategies in order to work with circularity.Circular companies have a financial management that can be related to Malmi and Brown's(2008) manage and control package. However circular businesses management is based oncircular economy. All parts of the package such as vision, strategy, and goals have to beadapted to circular economy. The management within circular companies also needs to consider the time perspective. Managing in circular companies requires that you have a long-term mindset. In most companies, the big reason for working with the circular economy is profitability. However, it can be seen that other factors can also be important, such as lawsand environmental requirements. Another reason for circular economy is pressure fromvarious stakeholders and companies' personal interest in the environment. Keywords: Circular economy, Cradle to Cradle, the 3R principle, financial management,control packages, formal financial management, the stakeholder model, legitimacy,contingency theory

    Internal control in unlisted medium-sized manufacturing companies : A qualitative interview study on how medium-sized unlisted manufacturing companies work with internal control.

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    Title: Internal control in unlisted medium-sized manufacturing companies, A qualitative interview study on how medium-sized unlisted manufacturing companies work with internal control.                         Authors: Marc Neemeh Attaalla, Sajjad Ameen and Mojeb Abdul Majed Supervisor/ Tutor: Pia Nylinder, Martin HolgerssonDate: May 2021 Background and Problem discussion: Interna control in companies have become more relevant than ever in the recent decade. In US and Sweden, it is statutory to have an effective internal control in listed companies. The COSO- framework and an effective internal control is also well known among large companies. This created a curiosity to study how the internal control works in medium- sized companies that are not listed.    Purpose:The purpose of the study is to create a deeper understanding of how the unlisted medium-sized manufacturing companies work with internal control. Method:A qualitative interview study is the method that is used to fulfil the purpose of the research. The interviews were held with individuals in leading positions in seven different medium sized companies that were unlisted in the stock market. The interviews were conducted in themes based on COSO-frameworks five components.  Conclusion:All unlisted medium sized companies are working with the internal control. Companies are in large parts using COSO- frameworks five components unknowingly. We have also been able to identify similarities in difficulties regarding the interna control in the medium sized companies that have been studied

    Comparison of release behaviour from microcapsules and microspheres

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    The plasticizing effect of core oil in the polymer shell of core shell particles, so-called microcapsules, was here examined. The study involved release measurements of 4-nitroanisole into aqueous solution from two types of microparticles. In the first study, a microcapsule with PMMA shell and hexadecane core was examined. The second type of particle was a homogeneous PMMA microsphere containing no oil. Experimental data were compared to models that describe release by a diffusion mechanism out from core shell particles as well as homogeneous spherical particles. Results clearly show that the alkane oil has a plasticizing effect on the PMMA shell, thereby generating a faster release of 4-nitroanisole. In both types of microparticles, the diffusion coefficients of 4-nitroanisole could be determined. The findings increase our understanding of important parameters in the microcapsule design with regard to tuning the release behaviour. Using microparticles, the ambition is to prolong the protection of paint and other coatings against fouling

    Molecular release from painted surfaces: Free and encapsulated biocides

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    The current standard way of using biocide in coatings for protection against micro-organic surface growth, so called biofouling, is insufficient as the biocide leaks out from the coating too fast. In this article, we investigate a method for prolongation of the coating protection by slowing down the release rate of biocides in a controlled way. The biocide is placed into micrometer-sized reservoirs, called microspheres, from where it is slowly distributed into the coating. By different microscopic techniques the microspheres were found to be compatible (i.e. no phase separation was observed) both with the coating material and the paint. Biocide release from the coating is recorded by liquid scintillation counting and it was clear that the release is considerably slower from coatings with microspheres compared to an ordinary formulation with freely dispersed biocides. Microspheres might thus be a beneficial tool for the development of coatings with a longer protection against biofouling. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved