270 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of the Ryukyu Endemic Frog Babina holsti as Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA

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    We surveyed the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of an endangered frog, Babina holsti, endemic to Okinawajima and Tokashikijima Islands of the Ryukyus, to elucidate its divergence history and obtain basic data for its conservation. Genetic differentiation between the two island lineages is moderate (3. 1% p-distance in the cyt b gene). This result suggests that the two island lineages have been isolated between the late Pliocene and the middle Pleistocene and have never migrated between the current northern part of Okinawajima and Tokashikijima Islands, which were once connected in the late Pleistocene glacial age. On Okinawajima Island, the southernmost sample was constituted by a unique haplotype, without considerable genetic distance from haplotypes detected from northern samples. This unique haplotype composition in the southernmost sample would have resulted from the restricted gene flow between the southernmost population and the other populations in Okinawajima Island. Furthermore, the absence of genetic diversity within the southernmost sample indicates that this population has recently experienced population size reduction, possibly by predation pressure from an introduced mongoose, which is more abundant in the southern part than in the northern part of the island. Lower genetic diversity in the Tokashikijima sample implies a small effective population size for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in B. holsti on the island. Immediate conservation measures should be taken for the populations from the southernmost range in Okinawajima and Tokashikijima

    Learning from Arendt\u27s Thoughts About Totalitarianism : Towards a Starting Point for Drawing Up a Definition of the T-Group

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    Tグループ研究ではこれまで多様性に至るプロセスは検討されてきたが、そもそもTグループとは何かという明確な定義がなく、研究の積み重ねがされにくい。定義のためにTグループの世界的な展開を概観し、Tグループのエッセンスをつかみ取ることが求められる。もう一つの方法として、Tグループが生まれた時の思想や価値観などの時代背景からTグループの目的や方法を検討することが挙げられる。本研究は後者の手法を採る。Tグループは全体主義が世界的な問題となった第二次世界大戦後、米国の民主化の流れの中から生まれた。本研究は、アーレントの「全体主義の起源 第3巻 全体主義」をテキストとして、Tグループにおける非全体主義的な組織化の検討を目的とする。テキストからは、Tグループにおいても、今ここの自分の体験に基づいて考えること、自分や集団のイデオロギーやそのイデオロギーを実践する形態であるテロルを明らかにすること、多様な他者の存在を受け入れること、自由な活動のために人間と人間の間の空間を確保すること、一人で居るときに自己を現実のものとして他者との関係で自分のアイデンティティを確立すること、以上の5点が非全体主義に向かう要素の一部だと考察された。Until now, T-group studies have examined the process toward diversity. However, since there seems to be no clear definition of what a T-group actually is, it is rather difficult to build and expand upon the findings of previous research. In order to arrive at a workable definition, it is necessary to take a look at how the T-group has evolved in an international environment and thus, grasp its essence. Another approach towards reaching a definition would be to use the thoughts and values that constitute the historical background of the T-group to examinine its purpose and methods. This research will follow the second approach. The T-group came into being after WW II, at a time when the democratic movement in the United States helped to focus on the problems caused world-wide by totalitarianism. Using Arendt\u27s "The Origins of Totalitarianism, Chapter III, Totalitarianism" as a reference text, this study aims at examining the non-totalitarian structure of the T-group. From this text, five aspects were identified among the elements that bring about the non-totalitarian character of the T-group: to use one\u27s "here and now" experience as a starting point for thinking; to expose the ideology— and the terror that results by putting this ideology into practice—held by oneself and one\u27s group; to accept the diversity of other persons; to preserve a space that allows for free action and interaction among human beings; and to establish—through interaction with the other person—one\u27s own identity that becomes one\u27s true self even in solitude

    Insect-induced daidzein, formononetin and their conjugates in soybean leaves.

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    In response to attack by bacterial pathogens, soybean (Gylcine max) leaves accumulate isoflavone aglucones, isoflavone glucosides, and glyceollins. In contrast to pathogens, the dynamics of related insect-inducible metabolites in soybean leaves remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the biochemical responses of soybean leaves to Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) herbivory and also S. litura gut contents, which contain oral secretion elicitors. Following S. litura herbivory, soybean leaves displayed an induced accumulation of the flavone and isoflavone aglycones 4',7-dihyroxyflavone, daidzein, and formononetin, and also the isoflavone glucoside daidzin. Interestingly, foliar application of S. litura oral secretions also elicited the accumulation of isoflavone aglycones (daidzein and formononetin), isoflavone 7-O-glucosides (daidzin, ononin), and isoflavone 7-O-(6'-O-malonyl-β-glucosides) (malonyldaidzin, malonylononin). Consistent with the up-regulation of the isoflavonoid biosynthetic pathway, folair phenylalanine levels also increased following oral secretion treatment. To establish that these metabolitic changes were the result of de novo biosynthesis, we demonstrated that labeled (13C9) phenylalanine was incorporated into the isoflavone aglucones. These results are consistent with the presence of soybean defense elicitors in S. litura oral secretions. We demonstrate that isoflavone aglycones and isoflavone conjugates are induced in soybean leaves, not only by pathogens as previously demonstrated, but also by foliar insect herbivory

    Beneficial Effects of Cocoa in Perivascular Mato Cells of Cerebral Arterioles in SHR-SP (Izm) Rats

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    As previously reported, the cerebral arterioles are surrounded by unique perivascular Mato cells. They contain many inclusion bodies rich in hydrolytic enzymes, and have strong uptake capacity. They are thus considered scavenger cells of vascular and neural tissues in steady-state. In this study, employing hypertensive SHR-SP (Izm) rats, the viability of Mato cells was investigated. In hypertensive rats, the capacity for uptake of horse radish peroxidase (HRP) and the activity of acid phosphatase (ACPase) of Mato cells were markedly reduced, and on electron-microscopic examination Mato cells were found to include heterogeneous contents and appeared electron-dense and degenerated. Vascular cells exhibited some signs of pathology. However, in hypertensive rats fed chow containing 0.25% cocoa, the uptake capacity and ACPase activity of Mato cells for HRP were enhanced, and on electron-microscopic examination Mato cells appeared healthy, with mitochondria with nearly normal profiles. Signs of pathology in vascular cells were also decreased. Superoxides may impair Mato cells and vascular cells


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    セラピストによる情動調律とフォーカシング -言葉の内容のみでは分かり合い難い自閉症児との遊戯療法の文脈で-

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    言葉の内容のやりとりが難しい自閉症児との遊戯療法に関して、セラピスト(以下Th)自身が主体性を発揮し、主体のなさが問題となっているクライエント(以下 Cl)の鏡像となり、Cl の主体性の確立を促す働きかけが有効であるという指摘(河合,2010b)があるものの、非指示的なパーソンセンタードセラピー(以下 PCT)的遊戯療法は有効でない(田中,2009)と言われており、その実践は難しいと思われる。そこで本研究は言葉の内容のやりとりが難しい自閉症児を一人の主体として捉えるアプローチとして、Thによる情動調律とフォーカシングに着目し、体験過程理論やフォーカシング等を含んだPCT 的遊戯療法に精神分析的な情動調律を取り入れた場合どのような側面が新たに明らかになり、どのようにその実践が発展するのかを検討した。その結果 PCT 的遊戯療法を発展させるには、Th が Cl のことを慮り、Cl の在り様を見ながら Cl から伝わってきたものをフォーカシングして掴んだフェルトセンスを言葉になる前の状態で Cl に伝えることと、意味を見出す前の状態でフォーカシングをし続けることが求められると考えられた。特集:パーソン・センタード・セラピーの展


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    本稿は、スクールカウンセラー(以下SC と略す)が授業で行う心理教育の今日的な課題を検討することを目的とする。その為に、このテーマに関して述べられた、日本心理臨床学会大会発表論文集3か年分の論文を要約した。中でも、自殺予防教育は、時間設定の問題があったり、教員とSC 自身も不安を抱えていたり、死生観に関わることで教育して予防できるのかという疑問があったりする等難しい実践である。また教員が担ってきた教えるという行為をSC が担うこともある。その為、教えることを「教育学」の視点から問い直す必要があると考えられた。そこで、教育学に含まれる教育方法学の知見を用いて、「授業」という概念から見直した。先行研究では、教員が行う授業の様式には、児童生徒が知識を理解し技能を習得する「模倣的様式」と、児童生徒の性格や人格等が質的に変容する「変容的様式」とに分類されている。本稿では、SC が行う実践においても、スキルを教える模倣的様式と、変容的様式があるが、変容的様式に分類される教え方には、教育方法学であまり考慮されていない感情を抱え込み、その感情を受容する点があると指摘した。そして、教員が行う様式を理解するとともに、教員があまり行わない、SC 独自の感情を取り扱う様式を自覚した上で、教員と情報を共有し、対処を工夫し、支えあうことを提起した