75 research outputs found

    Electronic Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of Transition Metals and Alloys

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    Electronic specific heats, CE, of transition metals are estimated from observed specific heat data. It is shown that for some transition metals which should be called plus group metals, CE>γ(0)T where γ(0) is the value of CE/T at very low temperatures, whereas for other metals which should be called minus group metals, CE in V-Cr alloys and of Nb^ and Tc^ in Nb-Mo and Nb-Tc alloys are explained by making use of the estimated values of xorb. and α. STONER's condition of ferromagnetism is examined and it is pointed out that STONER's condition is a sufficient condition of ferromagnetism for the electrons in the band, but is not always a necessary one.Article信州大学理学部紀要 2(1): 19-85(1967)departmental bulletin pape

    The Earth, Living Beings and Entropy

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    A unificative entropical view of Nature is proposed. The situation of the Earth is analyzed from the viewpoint of entropy, and it is pointed out that water circulation is very important for the Earth to be a living celestial body. The idea that living beings have two kinds of low-entropy materials, clean liquid water and carbohydrate, is proposed. Photosynthesis is analyzed as a process to regenerate carbohydrate. The conditions necessary for a celestial body to be a living one are discussed and it is concluded that the conditions are generally too severe to be realized; it is suggested that the Earth is a rare (perhaps unique) celestial body on which the conditions are satisfied. Soil for plants and the digestive organs of animals are analyzed and compared. Mention is made of the hierarchical multiple structure of entropy elimination. A critical discussion is made of a certain aspect of the present ideological situation, and the possibilities of producing crops fruitful even in the desert and of the realization of space colonies existing independently of the Earth are called in question. A schematic diagram of the global circulation of materials and entropy elimination attendant on processes of living is given in conclusion.Article信州大学理学部紀要 21(2): 71-88(1987)departmental bulletin pape

    A Calculation on Pressure Dependence of Spin Wave Energy of Invar Alloys

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    Under the assumption that the change in volume of the system affects both the band width and molecular field coefficient but the shape of the density-of-states curve remains unaffected, a formula for the pressure dependence of exchange stiffness D is derived. For a system of two dimensional free electrons with step-type density-of-states curve, calculations on D and its pressure dependence dD/dp are performed with reasonable values of parameters. Calculated results well reproduce the observed composition dependence of the reduced values of D and dD/dp for fee Fe-Ni alloy system, while the calculated absolute values themselves are smaller by about an order of magnitude than the observed ones.Article信州大学理学部紀要 9(1): 43-53(1974)departmental bulletin pape

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of Bi₂CuO₄

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    The ground state spin configuration in Bi₂CuO₄-type crystal having two magnetic ions in the unit cell is studied on the basis of the Heisenberg model with four kinds of superexchange interaction. The magnetic phase diagram is found to be composed of five regions: four of wich are collinear spin arrangement and one is of double helical spin arrangement. The values of exchange integrals of Bi₂CuO₄ estimated by Aïn et al from their own neutron scattering data are in the region where the observed collinear spin arrangement is stabilized.Article信州大学理学部紀要 30(2): 55-67(1996)departmental bulletin pape

    SETDB1, HP1 and SUV39 promote repositioning of 53BP1 to extend resection during homologous recombination in G2 cells

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    Recent studies have shown that homologous recombination (HR) requires chromatin repression as well as relaxation at DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). HP1 and SUV39H1/2 are repressive factors essential for HR. Here, we identify SETDB1 as an additional compacting factor promoting HR. Depletion of HP1, SUV39, SETDB1 or BRCA1 confer identical phenotypes. The repressive factors, like BRCA1, are dispensable for the initiation of resection but promote the extension step causing diminished RPA or RAD51 foci and HR in irradiated G2 cells. Depletion of the compacting factors does not inhibit BRCA1 recruitment but at 8 h post IR, BRCA1 foci are smaller and aberrantly positioned compared to control cells. BRCA1 promotes 53BP1 repositioning to the periphery of enlarged foci and formation of a devoid core with BRCA1 becoming enlarged and localised internally to 53BP1. Depletion of the compacting factors precludes these changes at irradiation-induced foci. Thus, the repressive factors are required for BRCA1 function in promoting the repositioning of 53BP1 during HR. Additionally, depletion of these repressive factors in undamaged cells causes diminished sister chromatid association at centromeric sequences. We propose a model for how these findings may be functionally linked

    Number of Yellow Plaques Detected in a Coronary Artery Is Associated With Future Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome Detection of Vulnerable Patients by Angioscopy

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    ObjectivesWe sought to test whether the risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) can be estimated by angioscopy.BackgroundDisruption of vulnerable plaque and subsequent thrombosis is regarded as a major mechanism of ACS. Although yellow plaques are supposedly vulnerable, the association between angioscopically determined extent of coronary atherosclerosis and risk of ACS events has not been reported.MethodsPatients (n = 552) who received catheterization and angioscopic examination for the diagnosis of coronary artery diseases were prospectively included and followed up for new onset of ACS events. Yellow color intensities of all detected yellow plaques were graded as 1, 2, or 3 according to the standard colors. Number of yellow plaques (NYP) in a coronary artery and maximum color grade of detected yellow plaques (maxYP) were determined. Association between the incidence of ACS events and angioscopic findings were analyzed.ResultsFollow-up interval was 57.3 ± 22.1 months. Acute coronary syndrome events were detected in 39 patients (7.1%). Although maxYP was not statistically different (2.0 ± 0.7 vs. 1.8 ± 0.9; p = 0.18), NYP was higher in the patients with an ACS event than those without the event (3.1 ± 1.8 vs. 2.2 ± 1.5; p = 0.008). Patients with NYP ≥2 and those with NYP ≥5 had 2.2- and 3.8-fold higher event rates, respectively, than those with NYP 0 or 1 (9.0% and 15.6%, respectively, vs. 4.1%; p = 0.02). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed NYP and multivessel disease as the independent risk factors of ACS events.ConclusionsPatients with multiple yellow plaques per vessel have a higher risk of suffering ACS events than those with NYP 0 or 1. Angioscopy would be useful to detect vulnerable patients

    Cortical Regions Encoding Hardness Perception Modulated by Visual Information Identified by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Multivoxel Pattern Analysis

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    Recent studies have revealed that hardness perception is determined by visual information along with the haptic input. This study investigated the cortical regions involved in hardness perception modulated by visual information using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA). Twenty-two healthy participants were enrolled. They were required to place their left and right hands at the front and back, respectively, of a mirror attached to a platform placed above them while lying in a magnetic resonance scanner. In conditions SFT, MED, and HRD, one of three polyurethane foam pads of varying hardness (soft, medium, and hard, respectively) was presented to the left hand in a given trial, while only the medium pad was presented to the right hand in all trials. MED was defined as the control condition, because the visual and haptic information was congruent. During the scan, the participants were required to push the pad with the both hands while observing the reflection of the left hand and estimate the hardness of the pad perceived by the right (hidden) hand based on magnitude estimation. Behavioral results showed that the perceived hardness was significantly biased toward softer or harder in >73% of the trials in conditions SFT and HRD; we designated these trials as visually modulated (SFTvm and HRDvm, respectively). The accuracy map was calculated individually for each of the pair-wise comparisons of (SFTvm vs. MED), (HRDvm vs. MED), and (SFTvm vs. HRDvm) by a searchlight MVPA, and the cortical regions encoding the perceived hardness with visual modulation were identified by conjunction of the three accuracy maps in group analysis. The cluster was observed in the right sensory motor cortex, left anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), bilateral parietal operculum (PO), and occipito-temporal cortex (OTC). Together with previous findings on such cortical regions, we conclude that the visual information of finger movements processed in the OTC may be integrated with haptic input in the left aIPS, and the subjective hardness perceived by the right hand with visual modulation may be processed in the cortical network between the left PO and aIPS

    Development of pericardial fat count images using a combination of three different deep-learning models

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    Rationale and Objectives: Pericardial fat (PF), the thoracic visceral fat surrounding the heart, promotes the development of coronary artery disease by inducing inflammation of the coronary arteries. For evaluating PF, this study aimed to generate pericardial fat count images (PFCIs) from chest radiographs (CXRs) using a dedicated deep-learning model. Materials and Methods: The data of 269 consecutive patients who underwent coronary computed tomography (CT) were reviewed. Patients with metal implants, pleural effusion, history of thoracic surgery, or that of malignancy were excluded. Thus, the data of 191 patients were used. PFCIs were generated from the projection of three-dimensional CT images, where fat accumulation was represented by a high pixel value. Three different deep-learning models, including CycleGAN, were combined in the proposed method to generate PFCIs from CXRs. A single CycleGAN-based model was used to generate PFCIs from CXRs for comparison with the proposed method. To evaluate the image quality of the generated PFCIs, structural similarity index measure (SSIM), mean squared error (MSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) of (i) the PFCI generated using the proposed method and (ii) the PFCI generated using the single model were compared. Results: The mean SSIM, MSE, and MAE were as follows: 0.856, 0.0128, and 0.0357, respectively, for the proposed model; and 0.762, 0.0198, and 0.0504, respectively, for the single CycleGAN-based model. Conclusion: PFCIs generated from CXRs with the proposed model showed better performance than those with the single model. PFCI evaluation without CT may be possible with the proposed method

    Effects of Sultopride and Sulpiride on Serum Prolactin Level in Schizophrenia.

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    Sultopride or sulpiride was administered to 26 schizophrenic patients. In the male patients, there was a significant correlation between serum concentrations of sultopride and sulpiride and prolactin response. In the female patients, there was no significant correlation between them. In sultopride treatment, prolaction response was suggested to be predictive of a good therapeutic response

    Co-operation of BRCA1 and POH1 relieves the barriers posed by 53BP1 and RAP80 to resection

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    In G2 phase cells, DNA double-strand break repair switches from DNA non-homologous end-joining to homologous recombination. This switch demands the promotion of resection. We examine the changes in 53BP1 and RAP80 ionizing radiation induced foci (IRIF) in G2 phase, as these are factors that restrict resection. We observed a 2-fold increase in the volume of 53BP1 foci by 8 h, which is not seen in G1 cells. Additionally, an IRIF core devoid of 53BP1 arises where RPA foci form, with BRCA1 IRIF forming between 53BP1 and replication protein A (RPA). Ubiquitin chains assessed using a-FK2 antibodies are similarly repositioned. Repositioning of all these components requires BRCA1’s BRCT but not the ring finger domain. 53BP1, RAP80 and ubiquitin chains are enlarged following POH1 depletion by small interfering RNA, but a devoid core does not form and RPA foci formation is impaired. Co-depletion of POH1 and RAP80, BRCC36 or ABRAXAS allows establishment of the 53BP1 and ubiquitin chain-devoid core. Thus, the barriers posed by 53BP1 and RAP80 are relieved by BRCA1 and POH1, respectively. Analysis of combined depletions shows that these represent distinct but interfacing barriers to promote loss of ubiquitin chains in the IRIF core, which is required for subsequent resection. We propose a model whereby BRCA1 impacts on 53BP1 to allow access of POH1 to RAP80. POH1-dependent removal of RAP80 within the IRIF core enables degradation of ubiquitin chains, which promotes loss of 53BP1. Thus, POH1 represents a novel component regulating the switch from nonhomologous end-joining to homologous recombination