30 research outputs found
A tale of two parasites:statistical modelling to support disease control programmes in Africa
Vector-borne diseases have long presented major challenges to the health of rural communities in the wet tropical regions of the world, but especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper we describe the contribution that statistical modelling has made to the global elimination programme for one vector-borne disease, onchocerciasis. We explain why information on the spatial distribution of a second vector-borne disease, Loa loa, is needed before communities at high risk of onchocerciasis can be treated safely with mass distribution of ivermectin, an antifiarial medication. We show how a model-based geostatistical analysis of Loa loa prevalence survey data can be used to map the predictive probability that each location in the region of interest meets a WHO policy guideline for safe mass distribution of ivermectin and describe two applications: one is to data from Cameroon that assesses prevalence using traditional blood-smear microscopy; the other is to Africa-wide data that uses a low-cost questionnaire-based method. We describe how a recent technological development in image-based microscopy has resulted in a change of emphasis from prevalence alone to the bivariate spatial distribution of prevalence and the intensity of infection amongst infected individuals. We discuss how statistical modelling of the kind described here can contribute to health policy guidelines and decisionmaking in two ways. One is to ensure that, in a resource-limited setting, prevalence surveys are designed, and the resulting data analysed, as efficiently as possible. The other is to provide an honest quantification of the uncertainty attached to any binary decision by reporting predictive probabilities that a policy-defined condition for action is or is not met. Vector-borne diseases have long presented major challenges to the health of rural communities in the wet tropical regions of the world, but especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper we describe the contribution that statistical modelling has made to the global elimination programme for one vector-borne disease, onchocerciasis. We explain why information on the spatial distribution of a second vector-borne disease, Loa loa, is needed before communities at high risk of onchocerciasis can be treated safely with mass distribuiton of ivermectin, an antiflarial medication. We show how a model-based geostatistical analysis of Loa loa prevalence survey data can be used to map the predictive probability that each location in the region of interest meets a WHO policy guideline for safe mass distribution of ivermectin and describe two applications: one to data from Cameroon that assesses prevalence using traditional blood-smear microscopy; one to Africa-wide data that uses a low-cost questionnaire-based method. We describe how a recent technological development in image-based microscopy has resulted in a change of emphasis from prevalence alone to the bivariate spatial distribution of prevalence and the intensity of infection amongst infected individuals. We discuss how statistical modelling of the kind described here can contribute to health policy guidelines and decision-making in two ways. One is to ensure that, in a resourcelimited setting, prevalece surveys are designed, and the resulting data analysed, as efficiently as possible. The other is to provide an honest quantification of the uncertainy attached to any binary decision by reporting predictive probabilities that a policy-defined condition for action is or is not met
Regeneration dynamics of natural forest species within a stand of the invasive alien Acacia mearnsii along the Buffeljagsrivier, Swellendam, South Africa
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several studies have shown that stands of invasive alien plants in the natural forest
environment can facilitate the rehabilitation and recovery of such forests and challenged the
general and global perception that such invasive species threaten the biodiversity and
functioning of natural vegetation systems. The aim of this study was to develop an
understanding of the dynamics of the spread and establishment of natural forest species in a
large stand of the invasive alien plant species Acacia mearnsii (Black wattle) along the
Buffeljagsrivier, Western Cape, South Africa. Several patches of Moist forest, Dry forest and
Riparian forest occur along the Buffeljagsrivier, above the Buffeljagsrivier dam. The stand of
Black wattle consists of 90 ha for a distance of 3.12 km. The main objective was pursued
through four specific objectives: (i) to map and assess the patterns in the distribution, size and
species composition of the natural forest clusters within the Black wattle stand; (ii) to
determine the relationship between natural forest clusters establishing within the Black wattle
stand and the neighboring natural forest patches as potential seed sources for the developing
forest clusters; (iii) to determine the subsequent spread of natural forest species from the
developing forest clusters into the rest of the Black wattle stand; and (iv) to synthesize the
information on the dynamics of the spread and establishment of natural forest species into the
Black wattle stand as a basis for developing general guidelines for the conversion of invasive
alien plant stands in the forest environment towards regrowing natural forest. In total, 329 clusters of natural forest species were GPS recorded and mapped (Arc-GIS) in
three zones (Proximal, Intermediate and Distant in relation to the forest patches) within the
Black wattle stand: 266 small clusters (one to three reproductively mature trees), 36 medium sized
clusters (four to nine trees) and 27 large clusters (more than 10 trees). Large clusters
were abundant in the zone close to the natural forest patches and the number of small clusters
increased with increasing distance from the forest patches. A total of 28 species of 20
families were recorded. Natural forest species are therefore able to establish within a Black
wattle stand. The relationship between natural forest clusters establishing within the Black wattle stand and
the natural forest patches as potential seed sources was studied by sampling the stand
composition along transects through the stands. A total of 55 rectangular plots (20 m x 10 m,
200 m2) were sampled across forest patches and forest clusters. Hierarchical clustering
analysis, using number of stems of a species per plot, identified three main groups and 10
sub-groups. All the sampled forest clusters were included in four of the five Riparian forest
sub-groups. Most Moist and Dry forest species were absent from the forest clusters. The three
main forest types differed in their general characteristics and site conditions, and this was
supported by the ordination analyses: aspect, slope and canopy closure. The developing forest
clusters within the Black wattle stand related more to the Riparian forest in terms of similar
very gentle south-westerly slope and mean stem diameter. This suggested Riparian forest to
be the primary seed source of the establishing forest clusters within the Black wattle stand.
However, the large-sized stems of common species were not significantly different between
Riparian forest patches and forest clusters, suggesting that large-sized stems in the forest
clusters could be part of remnant forest patches, which could act as local seed sources.
Detailed evaluation of species importance values and stem diameter distributions showed that
some important Moist and Dry forest species are present in the forest clusters. The conclusion
was that every type of forest patch contributes to a greater or lesser degree to the
development of forest clusters within the Black wattle stand. Seven large clusters were selected to sample the regeneration of natural forest species within
18 m from the forest cluster boundary. Two species lists were generated; one of species from
adjacent natural forest patches, and another from 59 forest clusters of all sizes sampled
throughout the wattle stand. The results indicated that (1) Mature trees of well-established
forest clusters were the main seed sources for the cluster expansion in all directions; (2)
Three different patterns were observed in terms of the distance of expansion of regeneration
from the clusters: a decrease in regeneration with increasing distance from the cluster margin;
increasing regeneration with increasing distance from the cluster; and no distinct pattern with
a lack of regeneration of the dominant species of a forest cluster. The 40 species recorded
within the Buffeljagsrivier site include a wide range of fruit and seed characteristics. Four
main groups of woody species were identified, based on their presence/absence in forest
patches and forest clusters. The presence/absence of most species can be explained in terms
of their fruit/seed characteristics and dispersal mechanisms. The majority of recorded woody species were most likely dispersed by birds and mammal, particularly Rameron pigeons and
In conclusion, a conceptual framework was developed to guide the rehabilitation of stands of
light demanding invasive stands in the forest environment. Several topics for further research
were identified.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie studies het gewys dat opstande van uitheemse indringerplante in die
woudomgewing kan die rehabilitasie en herstel van sulke woude fasiliteer, en daag die
algemene en globale persepsie uit dat sulke indringerplantspecies die biodiversiteit en
funksionering van natuurlike plantegroeisisteme bedreig. Die doel van hierdie studie was om
ân beter begrip te ontwikkel van die dinamika vir die verspreiding en vestiging van inheemse
woudspesies binne ân omvangryke opstand van die uitheemse indringerplant, Acacia
mearnsii (swartwattel), langs die Buffeljagsrivier, Wes-Kaap, Suid Afrika. Verskeie kolle
(âpatchesâ) van Vogtige, DroĂ«- en Oewerwoud kom langs die Buffeljagsrivier voor. Die
swartwattel opstand van ongeveer 90 ha groei langs die Buffeljagsrivier oor ân afstand van
3.12 km, tussen die dam en die woudkolle aan die stroom-op kant van die
swartwattelopstand. Die hoofdoel is nagevolg deur vier spesifieke doelwitte: (i) om die
groepies (âclustersâ) vestigende inheemse houtagtige plantsoorte binne die swartwattelbos te
karteer en die patrone in hul verspreiding, grootte en spesies samestelling binne die
swartwattelopstand te evalueer; (ii) om die verwantskap tussen natuurlike woudgroepies wat
binne die swartwattelopstand vestig en die aangrensende woudkolle as potensiële saadbronne
vir die ontwikkelende woudgroepies te bepaal; (iii) om die daaropvolgende verspreiding van
inheemse woudspesies vanaf die ontwikkelende woudgroepies binne die res van die
swartwattelopstand te bepaal; en (iv) om die inligting oor die dinamika van die verspreiding
en vestiging van die woudspesies binne-in die swartwattelopstand saam te vat as ân basis vir die ontwikkeling van algemene riglyne vir die omskepping van uitheemse
indringerplantopstande in die woudomgewing na hergroeiende inheemse woud.
In totaal is 329 groepies van inheemse woudspesies aangeteken (via GPS) en gekarteer (Arc-GIS) in drie sones (nabygeleĂ«, intermediĂȘre en afgeleĂ«) binne die swartwattel opstand: 266
klein groepies (een tot drie voortplantingsvolwasse bome), 36 medium-grootte groepies (vier
tot nege bome) en 27 groot groepies (10 of meer bome). Groot groepies was volop in die sone
naby aan die woudkolle en die aantal klein groepies het toegeneem met toenemende afstand
vanaf die woudkolle. ân Totaal van 28 species van 20 families is aangeteken, en spesies soos
Canthium inerme, Celtis africana, Gymnosporia buxifolia, Rapanea melanophloeos en Vepris lanceolata was algemeen binne die swartwattelopstand. Dit is daarom moontlik vir inheemse
woudspesies om binne die swartwattelopstand te vestig.
Die verhouding tussen inheemse woudgroepies wat binne die swartwattelopstand vestig en
die woudkolle as potensiële saadbronne is bestudeer deur die opstandsamestelling langs
transekte deur die opstande te bemonster. ân Totaal van 55 reghoekige persele (20 x 10 m,
200 m2) is opgemeet: nege in Droeëwoudkolle, 17 in Vogtige woudkolle, 20 in
Oewerwoudkolle, en nege in die woudgroepies binne the swartwattelopstand. Hiërargiese
Groeperingsanalise, gebaseer op aantal stamme van ân spesies per plot, het drie hoofgroepe
en 10 sub-groepe ge-identifiseer: Vogtige woud met drie sub-groepe, Oewerwoud met vyf
sub-groepe, en Droeëwoud met twee sub-groepe. Al die gemete woudgroepies is in vier van
die Oewerwoud sub-groepe ingesluit. Die meeste Vogtige en Droeëwoud spesies was afwesig
van die woudgroepies. Die hoof woudtipes (Droog, Vogtig, Oewer) verskil in hul algemene
eienskappe en groeiplektoestande, en dis ondersteun deur die ordinasie-analises: aspek,
helling en kroonsluiting. Die ontwikkelende woudgroepies binne die swartwattelopstand was
nouer verbonde met Oewerwoud in terme van soortglyke baie geleidelike suid-westelike
helling en gemiddelde stamdeursneĂ«. Dit veronderstel dat Oewerwoud is die primĂȘre
saadbron van die vestigende woudgroepies binne die swartwattelopstand. Baie inheemse
woudspesies kom egter oor die verskillende groepe en sub-groepe voor, met goeie verjonging oor die gemeenskappe. Die stamdeursneë van goter stamme van algemene spesies was niebeduidend
verskillend tussen die Oewerwoudkolle en die woudgroepies, en dit veronderstel
dat die groter stamme in die woudgroepies kan deel wees van oorblywende woudkolle, wat as
plaaslike saadbronne kan dien. Gedetaileerde ontleding van spesies belangrikheidswaardes en
stamdeursneëklasverdelings het getoon dat sommige belangrike Vogtige en Droeëwoud
spesies is wel teenwoordig in die woudgroepies. Die gevolgtrekking was dat elke tipe
woudkol in a mindere of meerdere mate bydra tot die ontwikkeling van die woudgroepies
binne die swartwattelopstand.
Sewe groot woudgroepies is geselekteer om die woudverjonging binne 18 m vanaf die
woudgroepierand te bemonster. Twee spesieslyste is saamgestel; een van spesies van die
aangrensende woudkolle, en een van spesies van 59 woudgroepies van alle groottes wat deur
die hele swartwattelopstand aangeteken is. Die resultate het aangetoon dat (1) volwasse bome
van goed-gevestigde woudgroepies was die hoof saadbronne vir die uitbreiding van die
woudgroepies in all rigtings; (2) drie verskillende patrone is waargeneem in terme van die
afstand van uitbreiding van verjonging weg vanaf die woudgroepies: ân afname in verjonging met toenemende afstand vanaf die groepierand; toenemende verjonging met toenemende
afstand vanaf die woudgroepie; en geen beduidende patroon met ân gebrek aan verjonging
van die dominante spesies van die woudgroepie. Die 40 spesies wat binne die
Buffeljagsrivierstudiegebied aangeteken is het ân wye reeks vrug- en saadeienskappe
ingesluit. Vier hoofgroepe van houtagtige spesies is geĂŻdentifiseer, gebaseer op hul aan- of
afwesigheid in die woudgroepies and woudkolle: spesies algemeen in die woudkolle en
teenwoordig in die woudgroepies; spesies spesifiek to bepaalde woudkolle en teenwoordig in
die woudgroepies; spesies teenwoordig in die woudkolle maar afwesig van die woudgroepies;
en spesies afwesig van die woudkolle maar teenwoordig in die woudgroepies. Die aan- of
afwesigheid van die meeste spesies kan verduidelik word in terme van hul
vrug/saadeienskappe en verspreidingsmeganismes. Die meerderheid van aangetekende
houtagtige spesies was meeswaarskynlik deur voëls en soogdiere versprei, veral
Geelbekbosduiwe en Bobbejane.
Ten slotte, ân konsepsuele raamwerk is ontwikkel om die rehabilitasie van opstande van
ligafhanklike indringerspesies in die woudomgewing te rig. Verskeie onderwerpe vir verdere
navorsing is geïdentifiseer.RESUME: Plusieurs études ont montré que les peuplements de plantes exotiques envahissantes dans le
milieu de forĂȘt naturelle peuvent favoriser la rĂ©habilitation de ces forĂȘts contestant par-lĂ , la
perception générale et globale que ces espÚces envahissantes menacent la biodiversité et le
fonctionnement des systĂšmes de vĂ©gĂ©tation naturelle. Lâobjective de cet Ă©tude Ă©tait de mieux
comprendre le dynamisme dâĂ©tablissement et de propagation dans une forĂȘt naturelle des
espĂšces forestiĂšres au sein dâun large peuplement de l'espĂšce de plantes exotiques
envahissantes Acacia mearnsii (acacia noir) le long de Buffeljagsrivier, Western Cape, en
Afrique du Sud afin dâĂ©laborer des axes directives de rĂ©habilitation relative aux
recouvrements dâespĂšces invasive. La forĂȘt de Buffeljagsrivier sâĂ©tale sur un gradient de
petites parcelles de forĂȘt allant de forĂȘt sĂšche, humide et marĂ©cageux. Au milieu de ces
parcelles de Buffeljagsrivier, on circonscrit un peuplement dâacacia noir estimĂ© Ă 90 ha sur
une distance de 3,12 km. Lâobjective principal sâest poursuit Ă travers quatre sous objectives
Ă savoir: (i) cartographier et Ă©valuer les formes dâ invasions dans la distribution, la taille et la
composition des recouvrements des espĂšces de forĂȘt naturelle Ă lâintĂ©rieur du recouvrement
dâacacia noir servant comme preuve possible de lâexistence et Ă©tablissement des espĂšces de
forĂȘt naturelle sous un recouvrement d'une espĂšces invasive; (ii) de dĂ©terminer la relation
entre les recouvrements de forĂȘt naturelle sâĂ©tablissant ĂĄ lâintĂ©rieur du peuplement dâacacia
noir et ceux de la forĂȘt naturelle avoisinante humide, sĂšche et marĂ©cageuse pouvant ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme sources potentiel de semences conduisant au dĂ©veloppement des premiers
recouvrement citĂ©s; (iii) de dĂ©terminer lâĂ©talement subsĂ©quent des espĂšces de la forĂȘt
naturelle Ă partir des recouvrements dâ acacia noir se dĂ©veloppant Ă lâintĂ©rieur du reste du
peuplement de lâAcacia noir; (iv) SynthĂ©tiser les informations sur la dynamique de la
propagation et l'Ă©tablissement d'espĂšces forestiĂšres naturelles dans lâacacia noir comme une
base pour l'élaboration des lignes directrices générales pour la conversion de peuplements de
plantes exotiques envahissantes se trouvant dans l'environnement de la forĂȘt vers des
repousses des forĂȘts naturelles.
Au total, 329 recouvrements d'espÚces forestiÚres naturelles ont été GPS enregistrées et
cartographiées (Arc -GIS) dans trois zones (Proximale, Intermédiaire et Eloignée par rapport
aux parcelles de forĂȘt avoisinantes) dans le peuplement de l'acacia noir: 266 petits
recouvrements avaient un Ă trois arbres matures, 36 recouvrements de taille moyenne avaient quatre Ă neuf arbres matures et 27 larges recouvrements avaient plus de 10 arbres matures. La
visualisation de la carte a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les larges recouvrements de forĂȘt mature Ă©taient
abondant dans la zone proche des parcelles de forĂȘt naturelle avoisinantes et que de petits
recouvrements de jeunes arbres de forĂȘt naturelles croissaient en nombre Ă mesure que la
distance depuis les parcelles de forĂȘts naturelles adjacentes sâĂ©largissait. Un total de 28
espÚces appartenant à 20 familles a été répertorié. Deux familles, Rubiaceae suivit de
Anacardiaceae ont dominĂ© lâechantillon. Les espĂšces forestiĂšres naturelles sont donc en
mesure de sâĂ©tablir dans un peuplement d'acacia noir. LâĂ©chantillon qui a servi Ă lâĂ©valuation des sources de semences pour le dĂ©veloppement des
recouvrements de forĂȘt naturelle Ă travers lâinvestigation de la relation entre les
recouvrements de forĂȘt naturels qui sâĂ©tablissent Ă lâintĂ©rieur du peuplement dâacacia noir et
les parcelles de forĂȘt avoisinantes humide, sĂšche et marĂ©cageuse Ă©tait constituĂ© de 55
placettes rectangulaires de 200m2 le long de layons Ă travers le site dâĂ©tude. Une analyse
hiĂ©rarchique des recouvrements rĂ©alisĂ©e sur la composition des espĂšces de lâĂ©chantillon a
rĂ©vĂšle que la forĂȘt marĂ©cageuse concentre les espĂšces les plus frĂ©quentes des recouvrements
de forĂȘts, et que la majoritĂ© des espĂšces prĂ©sentes sur les parcelles des forĂȘts sĂšches et
humides Ă©taient absente dans lâensemble des recouvrements des forĂȘts de lâacaci noir. Les
trois principaux types de forĂȘts diffĂ©raient dans leurs caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©nĂ©rales et les
conditions du site, et cela a Ă©tĂ© appuyĂ© par lâanalyse dâordinants Ă partir de trois facteurs
environnementaux, la pente, lâangle dâinclinaison par rapport au soleil, et la fermeture de la
canopée. Les recouvrements de foret en développement au sein de l'acacia noir se sont
trouvĂ©s davantage liĂ©s Ă la forĂȘt marĂ©cageuse en termes de pente plate orientĂ©e sud-ouest et
en diamĂštre moyen des arbres. Ces rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©signĂ© la forĂȘt marĂ©cageuse comme la
premiĂšre source potentielle de semences permettant lâĂ©tablissement des recouvrements de
forĂȘt Ă lâintĂ©rieur des peuplements dâacacia noir. Cependant, les souches dâarbres de grande
taille des espĂšces communes entre les parcelles de forĂȘts marĂ©cageuses et les recouvrements de forĂȘt dans lâacaci noir n'Ă©taient pas significativement diffĂ©rents, suggĂ©rant ainsi que ces
arbres de grande taille trouves dans les recouvrements de foret pourraient faire parties des
parcelles de forĂȘt subsistantes de la derniĂšre turbulence. Elles pourraient constituer des
sources locales de semences. Par ailleurs, une évaluation détaillée des valeurs d'importance
des espĂšces et des distributions des diamĂštres des souches dâarbres a montrĂ© que certaines
espĂšces importantes de forĂȘts humides et sĂšches sont prĂ©sentes dans les recouvrements de foret. Finalement lâon conclue que chaque type de parcelles de forĂȘt contribue plus ou moins
Ă lâĂ©tablissement des recouvrements de forĂȘt dans le peuplement de l'acacia noir.
Sept grands recouvrements de foret ont été sélectionnés pour étudier la régénération des
espĂšces forestiĂšres naturelles sur un rayon de 18 m depuis la limite du recouvrement de foret.
Deux listes d'espĂšces ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es, l'une des espĂšces de parcelles de forĂȘt naturelle
adjacentes, et une autre venant des 59 recouvrements de foret, toutes tailles confondues le
long de l'acacia noir. Les rĂ©sultats ont indiquĂ© que (1) Les recouvrements de forĂȘts, lorsque
bien matures et bien Ă©tablies devenaient les principales sources de semences pour leur
expansion sur toutes les directions; (2) Trois allures différentes ont été observées en fonction
de la distance de l'expansion de la régénération autour des recouvrements: une diminution de
la régénération avec l'augmentation de la distance; une croissance de la régénération avec une
distance croissante depuis les revcouvrements de foret, et pas dâallure particulaire voire une
absence de régénération de certaines especes pourtant dominant dans les recouvrements de
foret. Les 40 espÚces recensées sur le site deBuffeljagsrivier comprennent un large éventail
de caractéristiques de fruits et de graines. Quatre principaux groupes d'espÚces ligneuses ont
Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es, en fonction de leur prĂ©sence / absence dans des parcelles de forĂȘt et les
recouvrements de forĂȘt. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, la prĂ©sence / absence de la plupart des espĂšces a
pu ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e en termes de caractĂ©ristiques de leur fruits/graines et les mĂ©canismes de dispersion. La majoritĂ© des espĂšces ligneuses enregistrĂ©es sont susceptibles dâĂȘtre dispersĂ©es
par les oiseaux et les mammifĂšres, en particulier les pigeons rameron et les babouins vues sur
le terrain.
En conclusion, un cadre conceptuel a été élaboré pour guider la réhabilitation de peuplements
envahissants de lumiĂšre en milieu forestier. Plusieurs sujets pour des recherches plus
poussées ont été identifiés
Facilitating the recovery of natural evergreen forests in South Africa via invader plant stands
Contrary to general belief, planted and naturalized stands of introduced species facilitate the recovery of natural
evergreen forests and their diversity. Forest rehabilitation actions are often performed at great cost: mature forest
species are planted, while species with adaptations to recover effectively and quickly after severe disturbance are
ignored; or stands are cleared of invasive alien species before native tree species are planted. By contrast, cost-effective
commercial plantation forestry systems generally use fast-growing pioneer tree species introduced from other natural
forest regions. Such planted tree stands often facilitate the recovery of shade-tolerant native forest species. This paper
provides a brief overview of disturbance-recovery processes at landscape level, and how pioneer stands of both native
and introduced tree species develop from monocultures to diverse mature forest communities. It uses one example of a
study of how natural forest species from small forest patches of 3 ha in total invaded a 90-ha stand of the invasive Black
wattle, Acacia mearnsii, over a distance of 3.1 ha at Swellendam near Cape Town, South Africa. The study recorded 329
forest species clusters across the wattle stand: more large clusters closer to and more smaller clusters further away from
natural forest patches. The 28 recorded forest species (of potentially 40 species in the surrounding forest patches)
included 79% tree and 21% shrub species. Colonizing forest species had mostly larger fleshy fruit and softer small seeds,
and were dispersed by mostly birds and primate species. Maturing forest trees within developing clusters in the wattle
stand became a source for forest regeneration away from the clusters, showing different expansion patterns. Four sets of
fenced-unfenced plots in the wattle stand showed the impact of browsing by livestock, antelope, rodents and insects on
the successful establishment of regenerating forest species, and the dramatic effect of excluding browsing. The results
support the approach to rather selectively manipulate than clear invader plant stands in the natural forest environment.
This approach invests in the natural succession process rather than planting. It protects developing seedlings against
browsing by stacking invader plant debris around them, rather than protecting them by means of costly fencing. This
forest recovery process through nurse stands of invasive species can be managed, with additional benefits: Indigenous
tree species provide for better streambank stability; and the practice provides for local job creation over a 10-year period
for harvesting poles and firewood from the manipulative conversion process.https://forestecosyst.springeropen.comam2019Plant Production and Soil Scienc
Ecologie et rÎle épidémiologique des populations de stomoxes (Diptera : Muscidae) au Gabon
International audienc
Facilitating the recovery of natural evergreen forests in South Africa via invader plant stands
CITATION: Geldenhuys, C. J., Atsame-Edda, A. & Mugure, M. W. 2017. Facilitating the recovery of natural evergreen forests in South Africa via invader plant stands. Forest Ecosystems, 4:21, doi:10.1186/s40663-017-0108-9.The original publication is available at https://forestecosyst.springeropen.comENGLISH ABSTRACT: Contrary to general belief, planted and naturalized stands of introduced species facilitate the recovery of natural evergreen forests and their diversity. Forest rehabilitation actions are often performed at great cost: mature forest species are planted, while species with adaptations to recover effectively and quickly after severe disturbance are ignored; or stands are cleared of invasive alien species before native tree species are planted. By contrast, cost-effective
commercial plantation forestry systems generally use fast-growing pioneer tree species introduced from other natural forest regions. Such planted tree stands often facilitate the recovery of shade-tolerant native forest species. This paper provides a brief overview of disturbance-recovery processes at landscape level, and how pioneer stands of both native and introduced tree species develop from monocultures to diverse mature forest communities. It uses one example of a
study of how natural forest species from small forest patches of 3 ha in total invaded a 90-ha stand of the invasive Black wattle, Acacia mearnsii, over a distance of 3.1 ha at Swellendam near Cape Town, South Africa. The study recorded 329 forest species clusters across the wattle stand: more large clusters closer to and more smaller clusters further away from
natural forest patches. The 28 recorded forest species (of potentially 40 species in the surrounding forest patches) included 79% tree and 21% shrub species. Colonizing forest species had mostly larger fleshy fruit and softer small seeds, and were dispersed by mostly birds and primate species. Maturing forest trees within developing clusters in the wattle stand became a source for forest regeneration away from the clusters, showing different expansion patterns. Four sets of
fenced-unfenced plots in the wattle stand showed the impact of browsing by livestock, antelope, rodents and insects on the successful establishment of regenerating forest species, and the dramatic effect of excluding browsing. The results support the approach to rather selectively manipulate than clear invader plant stands in the natural forest environment.
This approach invests in the natural succession process rather than planting. It protects developing seedlings against browsing by stacking invader plant debris around them, rather than protecting them by means of costly fencing. This
forest recovery process through nurse stands of invasive species can be managed, with additional benefits: Indigenous
tree species provide for better streambank stability; and the practice provides for local job creation over a 10-year period
for harvesting poles and firewood from the manipulative conversion process.https://forestecosyst.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40663-017-0108-9Publisher's versio
Ăcologie des stomoxes (Diptera: Muscidae) au Gabon. I: Premier inventaire dans diffĂ©rentes zones Ă©cologiques
National audienc
PISCO: Physical Oceanography: moored temperature data: Point Arguello, California, USA (ARG)
This metadata record describes moored seawater temperature data collected at Point Arguello, California, USA, by PISCO. Measurements were collected using StowAway Tidbit Temperature Loggers (Onset Computer Corp. TBIC32+4+27) beginning 2000-08-29. The instrument depth was 014 meters, in an overall water depth of 015 meters (both relative to Mean Sea Level, MSL). The sampling interval was 2.0 minutes
Bilateral pheochromocytoma with ganglioneuroma component associated with multiple neuroendocrine neoplasia type 2A: a case report
Abstract Background Composite pheochromocytoma/paragangliomas are very rare tumors composed of ordinary pheochromocytoma paragangliomas associated with neurogenic tumors. Several hereditary susceptibility disorders are known to be associated with pheochromocytoma/paragangliomas such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (2A or B). To the best of our knowledge, only four cases of composite pheochromocytoma/paragangliomas associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 have been reported. Case presentation A 40-year-old Arabic woman presented with headache, palpitations, paroxysmal hypertension, and weight loss, which she had had for the last 3 years. She had a familial history of diabetes and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. A radiological examination revealed thyroid lesions and bilateral adrenal medulla tumors. Our patient had undergone bilateral adrenalectomy, total thyroidectomy with cervical lymphadenectomy, and parathyroidectomy. A pathological examination confirmed the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A consisting of left medullary pheochromocytoma, right medullary composite pheochromocytoma-ganglioneuroma, medullary carcinoma of the thyroid with lymph node metastasis and parathyroid hyperplasia. A genetic analysis also revealed that our patient had a RET germline mutation. Conclusion Composite pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 is a very rare occurrence, as the current literature provides only a few cases. Further reported cases are needed in order to understand the behavior and the pathogenesis of this uncommon entity