404 research outputs found

    The Design and Making Prototype of pressing equipment for Banana with Capacities 90 kg/hour

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    Banana plants in Indonesia can grow well both high and lowland, from the temperate wet and dry climate. In addition to the consumption of fresh banana in Indonesia a few cultivars are also widely used as industrial raw material chips, “sale pisang” and banana flour. Many craftsmen who developed food banana in the form of sale due to ease in the manufacturing process, in addition to food enthusiasts sale high enough banana. Making banana sale in the domestic industrial scale is still mostly done by hand which is only capable of producing 20 kg / hour in the form of processed banana fruit in banana sale. So many craftsmen maker banana sale household scale industries can not buy banana in large numbers. In the manufacture of sale of banana is done manually are still many shortcomings, which measure the thickness of the sale of banana produced uneven. In general, pressing machine banana sale is a tool that changes the shape of banana from thick to thin size. By utilizing the roll rotation that drives the conveyor belt top and conveyor belt bottom of the moving direction. In this study is designed pressing sale banana toot driven electric motor with power 2 hp 1 phase with a speed of 1400 rpm. With a shaft diameter of 25 mm, the size of the pegs 10x22 mm whit a depth of 5 mm. Gear is used in this reduction type where a large number of gear as much as 115 teeth, gear motor driver as much as 9 teeth and roll gear driver as much as 15 teeth. Bearings used in the manufacture of this pressing banana sale tool is bearing 6305 ZZ C3 P6 type. Resulting of test manufacturing pressing banana sale tool conducted showed that the pressing machine capable flattens banana sale with an average size of 10.16 cm in length banana sale, with  3.3 cm and 0.36 cm thick with a capacity of 90 Kg/hour or in day (7 hour) machine capable of pressing flattens banana sale much as 630 Kg/day.Keywords: Banana plants,  pressing,  machine desig


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    Padukuhan Klepu terletak di Desa Karangasem, Kecamatan Ponjong, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Berdasarkan data KKN sebelumnya, terdapat 19 jiwa yang berprofesi sebagai pedagang atau 5,09% dari total populasi pada tahun 2021. Berdasarkan wawancara salah satu pemilik UMKM, masyarakat cenderung malas mengurus administrasi perpajakan termasuk pemilik UMKM. Pengabdian KKN ini bertujuan untuk membantu para pemilik UMKM memahami perpajakan UMKM dan memberikan informasi mengenai konsekuensi dari sistem inti administrasi perpajakan dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan. Penyampaian materi penyuluhan menggunakan metode diskusi dengan modul ajar yang dihadiri oleh 27 peserta undangan

    Prasasti singkat dari empat buah makam Islam dan sebuah gua di daerah Tuban

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    Antara tanggal 19-28 September 1981 saya mendapat kesempatan mengunjungi beberapa obyek sejarah dan purbakala di daerah Kabupaten Tuban. Obyek itu berupa arca-arca purba agama Hindu, prasasti, gua dan beberapa buah makam Islam. Sebuah benda purbakala yang menarik perhatian yaitu prasasti batu di desa Bandungreja, Kec. Plumpang, Kab. Tuban. Prasasti itu berjumlah dua buah dan terletak kira-kira 40 meter di sebelah utara aliran Bengawan Sala

    Laporan suka-duka penemuan prasasti raja Jayapangus di krobokan dan benda purba lainnya di Sepang (Bali)

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    Berisi informasi mengenai benda purbakala yang masih disimpan oleh masyarakat dan hasil penelitian mengenai benda purbakala tersebut

    Mengapa Phallus arca siwa-bhairawa di pura Kebo Edan menghadap ke arah kiri?

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    Dalam makalah ini membahas seorang raja Bali yang disebut Paduka Bhatara Sri Astasura-ratna-bumi-banten di dalam prasasti tembaga Patapan Langgaran yang bertarikh 1259 Saka

    The Prospect of Diesohol in Facing Fossil Fuel Crissis

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    The crisis of fosil (Petroleum) fuel around Lampung municipal and other districs in Indonesia need some alternative solution with SWOT analysis. The Diesohol can be applied both in gasoline engine and diesel engine respectively. The Diesohol which the mixing 2 percent of bioethanol and 98 percent of biodiesel or diesel oil was able to use in diesel engine properly. Although only 2 percent of bioethanol applied in diesohol but this opportunity will decrease fosil fuel consumption in the future. The Strength of Diesohol is The raw material is renewable which obtain from biomass around us, The Weakness is difficult to mix between bioethanol and biodiesel without agitator or stirrer. The Opportunity is circumstances kindly and under govenment national program. The threats is CO2 gas which by product in bioethanol production and the higher cost production of diesohol.rather than fossil fuel

    Perekam Data Suseptibilitas sebagai Fungsi Suhu Superkonduktor YBa2Cu307-x

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    Telah dibuat perekam data suseptibilitas sebagai fungsi suhu dengan memanfaatkan Fasilitas SR510 yang diprogram dengan Visual Basic 5.0. Perekaman suseptibilitas dan suhu dilakukan dengan menggunakan sambungan serial yang digunakan untuk merekam data tegangan yang ditimbulkan oleh bahan superkonduktor YBa2Cu307_,yang divariasi suhunya. Hasil rekaman menunjukkan bahwa data suseptibilitas dan data suhu dapat direkam dengan balk pad port serial yang berlaju 19.2 kbs yang dapat menyajikan data pengukuran suhu berorde I° C per menit yang cukup untuk menyajikan suhu transisi superkonduktor, fase Meissner, fase vorteks dan fase normal. Kula kunci : Suseptibilitas, superkondukto


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    Security on data by owned becoming a need and necessity that is very important in all aspects of social life. Security of data and information is a key factor that determines whether the data forefront of the information is still useful and can be used. In the banking world a lot of customer data that must be protected and carefully considered the safety factor like e-banking, sms banking, internet banking, etc. One of the ways to improve data security is with cryptography. This cryptographic technique used to perform the encryption and decryption of data, convert or transform data into a code specific code. This study aims to improve data security level with Pseudorandom Modification Sequence. This algorithm was more safety because it couldn’t be read by anyone except by those who are entitled. The advantage of this encryption technique that uses encryption algorithm is very light but safe in the sense that the results of the encryption can hide the original data into a form that is difficult to translate. The results achieved with this algorithm obtained an accuracy of above 95% to returns to the initial form
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